This is the second time she has bothered me!
By jenni7202
@jenni7202 (1598)
United States
April 9, 2008 7:04pm CST
I responded to a discussion of one of my friends here on mylot. He wanted my advice, and so I gave it to him, now I have his girlfriend bothering me. She has commented on the response that I made in his discussion, and now she has responded to one of my own discussions, and it wasn't even on topic! I don't care whether she is upset or not, I'm just a mylotter, I have no real true effect over her life, and I wish she would just leave me alone. I am thinking about reporting her if she doesn't stop bugging me. I mean, seriously, is she that childish that she takes to heart what other members of a online community say?
What would you do in this situation?
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19 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Oooh! I know, I know!
*raises hand*
Pick me teacher!!!
Okay here we go...
You are likely dealing with an insecure attention queen. Now first if the member was responding to your response to tell their side, that'd have been fine. But now if this person is following your discussions to post more nonsense... definite attention queen.
Well if it was me and they didn't stop, I'd try reporting. But even before that a good textual smackdown is in order. Works for me (well mostly), the only drawback is star rating vandalism.
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@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Yes, I don't mind giving her a piece of my mind, I just don't want my star rating to fall. I've already had a falling star here on mylot, and now I want it to raise back up to it's rightful 10!! I always rate people positively, but you could guess I rated her negative today, lol.
@grasshopper5257 (438)
• Canada
10 Apr 08
I am wondering why you are even asking this question. You are asking why she takes to heart what other members of an online community say, but it is obviously bothering you what she is saying about you. So, my question to you is, why is it bothering you what she is saying? I honestly think that matters such as these go back to respecting others. I don't know what you said to her boyfriend but she obviously took offense to it and was hurt. Maybe if you would simply tell her that you are sorry that you offended her by your reply the whole situation would be over. This would be the most reasonable way to handle it, I am not saying to answer questions with out honesty, just to apologize that you have offended someone by your honesty.
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@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I wasn't really bothered by what she had said to me, it just annoyed me that she interupted my discussion with her problem towards me. She could have just commented on the discussion that I responded to, but no, she had to bombard my own discussions. I think it was very childish of her, especially when I was only giving another mylot member advice as to what he should do. He didn't have to take action of it, that was his own choice. I only heard his side of the story, not hers, but if she had posted her side of the story, than maybe I would have had a different opinion, but she didn't. She just simply told me that I shouldn't be giving advice about something without knowing both sides of the story. Well, give me the other half of the story! I'm not a mind reader, I can't figure it out for myself. If we got the second side of every story here on MyLot, we would be here forever figuring things out, and solving mysteries. I worked with what I had, and if that offended her, I'm sorry, but it was simply my own opinion, and what I would have done if put in the same situation.
Thank you for your response, I understand where you are coming from, but I still think she is childish for what she did.
@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Well, she did it after they had already broken up, and that wasn't my doing. She just told me that I shouldn't be giving people advice without knowing both sides of the story. She is fairly new to mylot, which I see you are too, and we obviously can't get both sides all the time and have to work with what we have. She is old enough to know that, and if she didn't, she definitly should now.
@verisexisara (24)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I think she may not be on your friends list and bombarding your disscussions was the only way to talk to you.
You realize you can not send someone a private message unless you are on there list.
That was probably the only way to talk to you.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I'd most likely laugh my butt off! If someone is goign to get THAT tripped over friendly online advice to their S.O then they need to do a little re-evaluating on not jsut themselves but their relationship....seriously..this isnt grade school and I have NO TIME for sandbox nonsense like that..LOL hell I didnt tolerate it when I WAS in school, I'm sure not going to now at my age 

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@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Haha, I love your response. Thank you! I really shouldn't let it bother me, I just don't want her spamming up my discussions and rating me negatively and all that mumbo jumbo. I am working hard to raise my rating here on MyLot, back up to a 10, and I don't want someone to rate me negatively just because I gave their boyfriend or ex-boyfriend some advice that he was asking for.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I hear ya..I was reading some of her responses in a thread and she's a pc of work to say the least..I'd just blow it off..She's in need of a heavy dose of Thorazine and some serious help 

@verisexisara (24)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I am sure that if someone on here was filling your loved ones head with things you would not appreciate it. I think that she should just hear the girls take on things and make a true opinion. Isn't that the type of person you would want to be. Hear everything then make a opinion.
For example: President Clinton. He insisted that he had no s e xual relations with Monica Lewinski. But on her side of the story they did. Monica said she was extremly hurt by him saying "I had no s e xual relations with THAT WOMAN". But now that we all know both sides we all can make a better opinion. I realize its an extreme example. But I am trying to make a point.
These two people may have lost the love of there lives.
I say hear out both sides. If the girl is right then write the guy recanting your opinion or suggestion. Tell him he just messed up. Or if you hear both sides and the girl is wrong tell that you stick with your original decission.
@speedy1279 (2665)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Well I did a little investigating to see what the original discussion was about. I would definitly report her if she continues to harasse you. All you were doing was responding to his discussion and she had no right to call you out for responding to his discussion. I personally have never had something like this happen to me, but if I did, I would ignore them and if it continued I would report them.
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@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Well thank you for responding, and even doing a little investigating! I plan to report her, although I don't know exactly what that will do, because she could always just create a new account, and harrass me some more. Oh blah, I will have to ignore her.
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Most people will go away if they realize that you won't play along.
Personally, unless she was extremely threatening, I'd just ignore her. If she persists, then obviously report her (although she could still probably create another account).
I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. Why do some people have to be so childish?
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@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I really have no idea why people are so childish. It makes me want to grab them by the shoulders and shake them. I have to deal with this high school nonsense at work, why should I have to deal with it here on MyLot, where I look for a good time and nice people? Oh well, I guess I can't really do much but ignore her. Thank you.
@verisexisara (24)
• United States
10 Apr 08
The more I thought about it posting this is harrassment. Posting a disscussion about it then having at least 10 or more people gang up on the girl. Well thats not very nice.
I believe that you should delete who ever your friend is on here. It may come back to bite you in the bud.
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@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I don't have her on my friends list, and her ex-boyfriend now has decided to leave mylot. It isn't harrassment, because I never mentioned the girls name at all. If other people hunt down the discussion and read it, that's not my fault, I didn't even state which discussion it was. So no, this isn't harrasment, this was merely a discussion asking what I should do, or what other people would do in the same situation.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
10 Apr 08
You haven't done anything wrong as you were doing what we are too do here. If she doesn't like the fact that he asked for advice and got it from you,then she needs to just not read this. I would just ignore her and see if she goes away. It seems as if there are some childish people like that every where you turn these days.
@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Well I've guess you've got a little stalker. I suggest you not get worked up over it and just ignore her. Don't give her the pleasure of her knowing that she's getting to you. It doesn't make sense because everyone is on here to give their opinions about something. Some people take it too seriously. Take care and I hope that she stops bothering you.
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@DESMASTER2007 (1130)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Wow why in the world is she bothering you. I think that is just reidiculous. She is a grown woman. But I think that is childish to be harrasing someone here on my lot. See here on my lot we try to make the community fun, eductational, and interesting. Who wants to be annoyed here on my lot. I know that I do not want to be bothered like that on this site.
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@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
10 Apr 08
You've got to kidding me? Did you flirt with him? (I doubt it) and I thought I was to jealous! (I only get upset when they out and out flirt with my bf) She needs to realize that if he is on Mylot alot of females are going to respond to his topics. Thats the whole point of Mylot. Well reporting her or not depends on what she said. I think she needs to grow up. Not everyone wants her man.
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@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Actually, her boyfriend asked for our advice here on MyLot. He told how she apparently cheated on him, or something like that, and she was clarifying that I shouldn't be giving advice until I know the whole story, instead of just his side. I personally think she needs to remember that this is MyLot, and when someone posts a discussion, people are going to respond whether there is another side of the story or not.
I didn't flirt with him, and thanks for saying that you doubted it!
They ended up breaking up, so I don't understand why she cares so much, unless of course he broke up with her and she's not taking it too lightly!

@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Sheesh! I have no idea what I would do. I guess that if she kept bugging me, I would report her as well.
I guess I have learned not to give relationship advice on here based on your experience. I certainly don't need or want what sounds like a potential myLot stalker!
Sorry for your trouble! I hope it gets cleared up for you!
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I would be extremely irked (and I use this word to replace the more... risque word that I did wish to use) at this person and would definitely report her for site abuse. Her behavior seems to be of a childish nature. This community was created as a means to communicate with people while making a little extra money for your own desires and those who abuse their priviliges should not be allowed to be a member of this forum!
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@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
10 Apr 08
Whoa! That is not good. First of all, if she is upset with you, she should have sent you a message so that you can work things out. Atleast she can hear you out. Second of all, you are right, you are just a mylotter and a friend requested for your insight in one of his discussion so there is nothing wrong with that.
In my opinion, since she is not in her right mind to do the right thing then I will be the one to talk to her or send her a private message to simply settle things.
Since her boyfriend is a friend of mine then I will just talk to him and express my feeling about his GF bothering me...
If she really bugs me then maybe I will report her or just ignore her but as other would say, how can you ignore someone who keeps on bugging you right in the face!
Goodluck with that!
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Oooh you have a little stalker LOL
I am good at ignoring people who play silly games so that is what I would do. If she starts to get nasty in her replies then I would not comment but rate her negatively. If it gets too much and out of line then I would report her.
Don't let it upset you or bother you either. She will soon quit following you when you don't answer her back. If she doesn't then report her.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I just did a little research before answering this discussion. I read her ridiculous comment on your discussion about your dog and the ones that were from the deleted discussion her ex started as well.
I don't have a dog, so I didn't post on the discussion.
I would report her to mylot if she continues to harass you. This is a forum that people tend to come to and ask advice. We have no idea if someone is making stuff up or stretching the truth. We only have what the poster gives us to go on.
It is just like talk to someone offline. You are going to listen and give advice from the information given. You aren't going to call the guy's girlfriend and verify what he is saying is true!
Her issue is with him and not with you. Hopefully she realizes that soon.
@Crystalxdr (443)
• China
10 Apr 08
It is ridiculous for her to act like that!
Mylot is a community for people to exchange their views but not a tool to harass each other even by words.It has something to do with her sanity,I think!
Get far away from this kind of person.They play no positive role but could definitely let us have a bad mood.
If the situation continues,it is out of question you go and report her immediately.It is likely she will creat another account,but we keep reporting her in case of her wrong doings continues.
Please do believe evil would be impossible to exist too long time.
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@lishiwei (1550)
• China
10 Apr 08
Yes,you are right!There is no wrong of you.You just give your friends the advice and want to help him.So there is no need to are of the girls and she also shouldn't do that.YOu can sent a message to her and tell her to stop it.May be she was just angry for sometime.You should give her the chance.
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@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
10 Apr 08
Well women are like that. They misunderstand anything thats been told to them or wont take criticism bravely. They go around complaining about how someone told them something.
Well all you can do is, retort back and ask her to shut up. thats the first thing you can do. tell you friend about her before hand so that he doesn't get it as shock and feels bad about it. or else ask him to talk to her about it.
Other than that, you can report her to myLot, and see that she is banned cos of this.
Or just feel happy that she aint ur girl and live on. ignoring the lesser gifted mortals to their folly
@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Not all women are like that, and whoever told you that they are is completely wrong. It goes the same way for men too. Every person is different, it's not just gender specific. I happen to be a women, and yes, I may go around complaining, but my man does too, lol.