How could he??
@phillygirl606 (1112)
United States
April 12, 2008 8:22pm CST
I am fuming right now. My boyfriend just called me, and while we were on the phone he accidently slipped and told me that he had been on my aol email account and that also he read all my inbox messages on my myspace page. I feel like he doesn't trust me. That he went on these pages to read my emails to see if I was talking to over guys. Because he has kind of always been insecure about my guy friend. I am really confused. I am kind of feeling that he is never gone to trust me. Am I over reacting? what would you do in you were in a similar situation? All opinions would be helpful
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32 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 Apr 08
Speaking of trust - where is your's? Is there any love between you and your Boyfriend? Is there any Trust? Love is all there really Is in this world. Love makes the worls go round. Absolute Love demands Absolutely Nothing. Think about this next time you are untrusting. Why do you get upset and feel he doesn't trust you? If you trusted him, you would willing share your email inbox. Why do you hide anything from him? Do you expect him to share completely with you when you do not share with him? Is this Love? Real absolute Love? Would he be "silly" to trust you when you don't trust him?
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@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I understand my point, but why would he need to be sneaky about getting my passwords. If he wanted to go over my stuff I would have been glad to sit there with him and let him look at what ever he wanted to look at. It's the way he went about it that upsets me. And he always compares me to his ex wife. Since his ex wife had cheated on him he has it in his head that I am gone to do the same thing. He gets upset when ever I talk to any of my guy friends. And these are people that I have known for 10 and more years. I have nothing to hide. There was no reason for him to go home and log on to my accounts. We usually spend all out free time together, if he wanted to see what I had all he had to do was ask. He went over my head with it.

@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
13 Apr 08
Oh gosh you have every right to be angry because I would be fuming too. It's a feeling of invasion of trust. One time my husband went through my stuff and I was angrier than anything. You have every right to be angry with him, I am sorry he did that to you.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I am feeling very hurt and angry at the same time. I have never went through anything of his. I have also never gave him a reason to not trust me. THe worse part is he sees it as no big deal because its only email. He's isn't seeing my side, I have told him time and time again that I am not doing anything wrong, and he just couldn't take my word on it. He had to go behind my back and look at my stuff anyway.
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@Darkwing (21583)
13 Apr 08
It's understandable that he's broken your trust. How did he know your password anyway? Did he intend to go read your e-mail... if so, that's despicable. I would have a few words with him, my friend, and tell him how upset you are that he can't trust you.
Brightest Blessings, and good luck.
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@Darkwing (21583)
13 Apr 08
It seems that there's a tad of jelousy in him, which really needs nipping in the bud. I think I would have a word, and tell him that you don't mind showing him your e-mail, if he asks, even allowing him to check it for you at times, but you're a bit put out at him sneaking behind your back, because it's trust broken on both sides. Without trust, a relationship is always without depth. You can't be happy when you're having to watch each other's every move, and it needs to be worked out before it goes too far, I feel, my friend.
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@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I haven signed on a few times around him. I guess he watched my hands. He read every piece of email I had that he thought would have been from a guy. And the worse part about it is I have never done anything for him to not trust me.
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@rarrimalion (674)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I'd be upset too! He has NO right to do that, you guys aren't even married. YOu need to really talk to him about it, he will probably be defensive because he knows what he did was wrong. Trust is so so so important in a relationship, without it, your relationship will just be drama filled and you'll slowly become more and more miserable. Tell him you trust him, why can't he have enough respect for you to do the same?
Oh and change your passwords!!
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@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
he knows i trust him. I have had his passwords for awhile now. But I have never even dreamed of going on to his accounts. I had all the trust for him. And I would never invade anyones privacy like that. I just got done changing all my passwords.
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@lishiwei (1550)
• China
13 Apr 08
He really shouldn't do that!The trust between the two is the most important and we also should give the other the free space.I think you should tell him that.May be he is too love you that he was afraid of lose you.
I think you also shouldn't be too angry.May be he have diffrent kind of thoughts.You should talk with him and make him undersdant you.I think then it will turn better.I can confirm that he love you very much.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
see I am paying for the things his ex wife did to him. This has been constant since almost the beginning of our relationship. I feel as though he has not trust for me what so ever.
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@captainmorgan (773)
• Canada
13 Apr 08
Well if I were you, I would be upset to. It would make me feel like my boyfriend did not trust me, and was expecting to find something bad. I don't think it is any reason for you two to break up, unless he takes it too far and ends up following you around and such. But you just need to talk to him and tell him how it is an invasion of privacy. I understand how you feel because my boyfriend always wants to read my journal, and even though I have nothing to hide I just don't want him looking through it, because it is private. I feel as if he wants to invade my privacy. Ask him how he would feel if you went through his stuff. He may say that he wouldn't care because he has nothing to hide, but I'm sure if you accidentley told him that you did, it would upset him too.
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@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
Wow that is almost the exact way they I put it too him. I just get mad because she what happened was his ex wife cheated on him. And I feel as though I am the one who is paying for his wife cheating on him. He doesn't trust me because of the things that she did.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Apr 08
Do I think you are over-reacting?? HELL NO!! What would I do if my husband or ANYONE did somethign like that to me I would pop them square in the mouth!!
I dont tolerate that sort of behaviour and the thing that would REALLY make me mad is the fact that your bf "let it slip" which TO ME says, if he HADNT "let it slip" he'd NEVER have told you what he did and THAT sort of thing in my eyes is straight up deceipt which I DESPISE....

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
14 Apr 08
that IS sneaky and thats what would ahve me over the edge...I have my husbands account info and for the things I DONT' already know I knwo where he keeps all that info should he suddenly pass away because I'd need it but i have no desire to snoop..if he wants me to knwo something he'll tell me.....He has SOME of my access stuff but not all of it BECAUSE he's snooped before (twice) and created a MAJOR issue when all he had to do was ask me anything he wanted to know..Thats why I get so bent out of shape, if you want to knwo something, ASK ME...I've nothing to hide and thats well known by anyone who knows me..BUT to sneak around and trying to be a weasel...forget it..I refuse to be treated that way. Not only is it shady but its also disrespectful as far as i'm concerned
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I actually said something similar to that when we were talking last night. This was after I calmed down some and stopped yelling. He accidently slipped and had told me. I don;t think he had any intentions on telling me at all of what he did, which in my eyes says that hes sneaky, I think what makes me madder is that I know his passwords but never went on any of his accounts because I feel it's an invasion of privacy. So I trusted him but yet he could not trust me.

@marriedman111399 (1207)
• United States
13 Apr 08
Well my wife sometimes gets into my email and reads them but I do not have anything to hide. You have to be truthful with him and your past friends that you have that he might not like. He should not have gone through your email though.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Apr 08
That would bother me. If I did nothing wrong, and was not emailing other guys, I would let him know how I feel. It is not right to read other's email. You can tell him that you are not that type of girl and those emails proved it. Then tell him that you are suppose to trust each other, because if you do not, what is the point of you and he being together?
@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I've always believed that a guy that is insecure about his woman talking to other men, and always accusing them of cheating, does that for only one reason, because he is doing it himself. I would calmly ask him is he was doing anything. If he blows up about it, even though you are being calm, you have your answer.
If he isn't cheating however, I really can't tell you what to do. I have a saying that I have told people over and over. If you are going to be with someone, you have to trust them. If you can't trust them, then there's no sense of being with them, its that simple.

@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
13 Apr 08
Well said!
I think too many people put up with a bad relationship to feel good about themselves. Nobody cares about you as well as yourself. It's only when you find a person that treats you like you treat yourself that you should be in a relationship.
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@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I have told him that before that if he doesn't trust me than he needs to just walk away. He says he really cares about me. But the insecurities are really getting to me. I really do not know if I can take anymore.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
13 Apr 08
I would be mad too, that is the one thing that I just do not like is someone who is supposed to be in love with you saying that they do not trust you. Then using it as an excuse to go through your private things, and then they have the cheek to try and make excuses for it and make it sound like its perfectly acceptable. If there is no trust, how can it possibly work. I have always said that if someone is going to cheat then they will no matter what you do, and that to keep tabs on someone is the sure way to drive you into someone elses arms.
I think that you need to be firm with him and tell him that it is not acceptable for him to do that, tell him that he needs to trust you and that if he does not then there will end up being no future in your relationship. You are definately not over reacting, my hubby would never dream of doing that to me, he knows that I would never do anything behind his back he totally trusts me, I have never given him any reason not to.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
It's not really what he did thats making me mad now. It's why he did it. I feel that he doesn't trust me at all and that he has never really trusted me. Since the beginning of our relationship I have had to reassure him over and over that I am not doing anything wrong. That I am not like his ex wife. That I am not gone to cheat on him.
And yes I can say that and actually mean it. I have been cheated on and I know how it feels. I have never cheated on any of my past boyfriends and have no intentions on starting now, but for some reason he just cannot get it through his head.
He hates that I have so many guy friends. But these friends have been around for 10 years and longer. It's not like I am going out and meeting new friends. These are the people that have always been there.
@gemini_rose (16264)
13 Apr 08
I can understand that, when trust has been broken, it is very hard to get it back, to believe that someone is not going to do it too you again, and sometimes even though you are told, it just does not sink in, and it takes a long time to believe that it is not going to happen again, I too have been cheated on and know what it is like. But you cannot give up your friends, it would be the worst thing you ever did, I gave up so many of my friends when I first met my hubby and I wish that I had not. All I know is that if he does not learn to trust you, eventually the relationship will be doomed because it just does not work without trust, and it makes everything so hard, and eventually it makes everything miserable too.
@WANDALIE44 (888)
• United States
13 Apr 08
i'd be uspet too. the first thing you need to do is change your password and make it a hard one he wont figure out and vow that you would never tell anyone your password, and you need to check him if you never gave him a reason to distrust you then you need to remind him and if he can't keep himself in check then he needs to be by hisself!!
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@ayessa (1583)
• Philippines
14 Apr 08
Philly, its just a matter of trust. He might done such action because he might not trust you that much or he just dont trust the people around you.
If that happen to me I'd still feel the same. Angry, frustrated, disappointed. But if I have calm down I'd talk to him why he has to do it? There's a reason behind that action Im sure.
I might be very close to a guy friend and that bugs him and it might be the reason why he open my email. Or he did it because he noticed that Im getting to close to someone. Or probably I changed my treatment towards him and he wants to find out why.
You see there's a possible reason behind this action. He may do trust you but he might feel something different a few days from you and it led him to act that way.
I suggest that if you wanted to be trusted 100% you have to prove to him that you are worthy of that trust. That you will never cheat him. Or other things that will prove him that he should trust you.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
14 Apr 08
After 8 months of us being together and me never doing anything wrong I do not feel that I should have to prove to him that I am trust worthy. I am never gave him any reason not to trust me so for him to be acting this way is go way out of line.
Just because his ex-wife lied and cheated doesn't mean that he should be relating that all to me. I did not do any of these things but yet I am the one he's taking it out on.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
15 Apr 08
We talked things over today. Everything seems to be ok now. We're staying together, there is not reason why we need to break up because of this. I did tell him today though that if he doesn't trust me than he shouldn't be with me.
@ayessa (1583)
• Philippines
15 Apr 08
Oh, probably he had trauma in his previous relationship. He might be afraid that what happend to his marriage before will happen again. Try to talk to him and assure him that you won't do it to him. Also try to understand him more. Hope you'll be able to fix everything. Goodluck!

@hirofujira (16)
• United States
13 Apr 08
how did he know your email password anyways? Did you tell him your password in the past? If so, I think that was your mistake.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
13 Apr 08
you need to get to the bottom of his insecurity. Often someone who is so insecure usualy have guilty secrets and expect you to behave like them. Be careful
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
nah he's not guilty of anything like that. he has insecurities with me because of the things that his ex wife did. And it's seems that I'm the one paying for his ex wife's actions against him.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
13 Apr 08
I understand it is really upsetting but as you said he is an insecure man. have you ever tried to explain or talk to him to overcome his insecurity because that might be the problem. If he overcome it he will no longer do such things and you will have a wonderful relationship. Just explain and try to help him first about the attitude and try to understand him though it's very upsetting, anyways relationship has it's up and downs so if the problem can be fix then try to fix it.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
we talked about it all the time. But how many times do i need to reassure him. It is getting to the point to where I just do not know if it is all worth it anymore.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I have always signed into my accounts with him around. I have never been secretive about my stuff. All he had to do was come to me and voice his concerns, I would have been more than happy to sit with him and let him go over my stuff. well not more than happy, but I would have let him. He was sneaky about it and because of the way he went about it I now feel betrayed.
@cderrs (69)
13 Apr 08
My boyfriend's exactly the same. Except that he wouldn't tell me. But it's his insecurities, and not my downfall. I've learnt to ignore him when he gets jealous and let him take it out on himself. But this just makes me feel better and it's not a fix. So i may not be the best person to advise... but i'd tell you to give him an option. Trust you or leave you.
Thinking about that.. i am such a hypocrite.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
14 Apr 08
Oh no he wasn't gone to tell me. He accidently slipped and started to tell me. And after he knew he was caught than he knew he had to tell me the whole story. It's constant, and sometimes there is just no ignoring it.
@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
13 Apr 08
I think I would be upset as well but if I had nothing to hide it wouldn't bother me as much. However, it's not right for him to be sneaky like that. If there is no trust in a relationship, it's kind of hard to maintain the relationship.
I, personally, would not terminate the relationship over this. However, I would definitely have a very good talk with him and let him know that he needs to trust me and that spying on me is not an option.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
13 Apr 08
As I been thinking about what happened its not really what he did that makes me upset, it's how he went about doing it. If he was so concerned about it he should have just came and said so, right than and there I would have been more than happy to let him look at what ever he wanted. But to leave my house, go home and that be the first thing he done, it all just seems so wrong to me. I wasn't mad that he read my stuff, because I do not have nothing to hide, it's just how he went about it.
it's been like this since we started dating and I guess this was just the thing that pushed me over the edge. I am tired of having to reassure him that I am not his ex wife and that I am not gone to do what she did. And after months of telling him this we are still are square one. I am wondering if he is ever gone to stop comparing me to what she did and ever fully trust me. I have all his passwords but would never even dream of going on his accounts. So just that right there I think says that I do trust him.
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@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
14 Apr 08
I can definitely see why you're upset. They key to any relationship is communication. I think perhaps you should sit down with him and let him know that you're not his ex wife and that unless he starts trusting you more, you are going to walk because a relationship can't work out if one doesn'r trust the other.
I wish you guys the best!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Apr 08
your boyfriiend had no right to invade your email account. if he does not trust you any more than that then he should be given a talking to. He is beginning to sound like a wife abuser to me right at tghe beginning alread jealous and tryingto catch you with someone else.I sure would rethink this relationship right now before you really become involved with it.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
14 Apr 08
Thats the thing. This has got me thinking. I do not think that he has ever trusted me. He's always questioning me. And to do something as sneaky as he did. I have never given him any reason to be like this.