What a difference a Century makes!

1908 Ford - 1908 Ford cost $825, and changed the world. This was the first car that the average worker could afford.The car could be ordered in any color as long as it was Black.
@barehugs (8973)
April 13, 2008 3:04pm CST
The year is 1908~ Life expectancy is 47~ 8% of homes had a telephone~ There were 8000 cars and 144 miles of paved road in the US~ Average yearly wage was $300~ average hourly wage .22 cents~ 98% of babies were born at Home~ 90% of all doctors had no college education~ Eggs were .14 a doz~ Coffee .15 a lb.~ Women washed their hair once a month, and used egg yolk shampoo~ Five leading causes of Death were, Pneumonia & influenza, TB., Diarrhea, Heart disease, and Stroke.~ Marijuana, Heroin, and Morphine were all available over the counter, and were touted as the "perfect Health Guardian for all manner of ills~ The population of Las Vegas Nevada was 30 people!~ What changes will this century bring?
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7 responses
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
14 Apr 08
Hello barehugs. It is true indeed that time makes a great difference. It is not only in one special place, but also in many other places as well. While we are enjoying many of the great benefits from the development of science and technology, we are also suffering much from pollution of different kinds that endanger our quality life. It would be great if we enjoy all of this great benefit from science and technology without getting our environemnt polluted. Thank you so much for the discussion with those figures to show the great difference a century makes. Have a good day.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
14 Apr 08
Where once we had clean air, we now have pollution! Yes technology seems to work both ways. But I do think we have it much better now than in 1908. One important thing is our longer life span. W are living about twice as long today,as we did a century ago. There is no doubt our standard of living is much higher also!
@jeanniemay (1798)
• Philippines
13 Apr 08
Wow! And sounds safer to live in those times. What will this century brings? More risks. LOL. Just kidding. Apart from it because of technological progressions and more endangering innovations, our lives has actually become so technologically capable, ready and easy and nearer to every love one we have. We have the cyber super highway, like everyone else can interact, relate, communicate, and make work, not spending so much on transportation but making all the telecommunication gadgets around. Communication and technology has worked well to serve today's century. Of the social, economic, and biological aspect? I am not sure if we can be proud of it. We have more risks but if we can tag along well more with the value of humanity, we can prevent it's bad effects.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
14 Apr 08
Life is certainly moving at a faster pace in 2008. I think we would find life in 1908 quite slow, but I doubt we would find it boring. For one thing all the water we used in washing would have to be carried from the river, through deep snow in the winter. Once we had it at the house, we would have to heat it in a boiler, on the top of the wood stove. This would save us from Boredom.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
14 Apr 08
Things sure have changed since back then...I am happy that i live now in this age whee people live longer and doctors have degrees and every thing is so much better....I have no idea what the future holds, but i have it pictured in my mind that it might be something like the "Jetsons" on Tv...
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
14 Apr 08
To be honest, I wish we still had those times. I know, I know, no pc's...I doubt there were fridges or stoves like we have today and no washers or dryers. But there was something back then that we don't have now...community. These days ppl tend to keep to themselves b/c you don't know what kind of weirdo lives around the corner...you don't dare let your kids go off alone and the cycle of make more, spend more is vicious. I love watching things like Little House on the Prairie...I would have loved to live back in those days. It is fun though to see how much things have changed. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Apr 08
how i wish i get the new statistics and the economic profile of nevada. LOL. i newly finished my economic profile of our town. i love to do survey and know everythings inside a certain place. it is related to my course now, before we put up a business we must knnow first the previous and latest updates of a place. thanks for the post.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Apr 08
It will be very interesting to watch as this century evolves. I am so glad that I am living today.this century has so much going for it.we live longer and healthier, we have better wages. We do not die so frequently from pneumonia and other diseases. We all have phones of some sort. we also have the latest technology in cars. on the bad side food costs a fortune now days but we do have a great choice. OUr doctors now days are well educated,oh we have so much going for us in this century.
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
14 Apr 08
It getting worst and risky..so better not to be born.