Have You Ever Changed Your Religion?
By winterose
@winterose (39887)
April 13, 2008 3:35pm CST
Duane Bates Writes: A recent survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public life shows that almost 40% of Americans have changed their religion since their childhood, with a growing number dropping any religious affiliation, choosing instead to be classified as agnostic, atheist or “nothing in particular.” A link to the article is posted below.
The landscape of American religion is made of up many different faiths and non-faiths with about 26% following one of the evangelical Protestant beliefs, 24% the Roman Catholic faith, 18% belonging to one of the mainline Protestant churches, 16% “agnostic, atheist or nothing in particular and the remaining 16% being made up of many different faiths from historically black churches to Mormon, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu.
Have you ever changed your religion or changed churches within the same religion
Why did you feel the need to do it?
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43 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
13 Apr 08
Nope. Never changed it. I've studied a lot of other religions, but I haven't ever changed my beliefs.
I guess my opinions on this are different from a lot of people's. I would see me changing my religion as a personal betrayal of my Gods. I don't mean that anyone changing their religion is necessarily a betrayal: I don't know the vows they've made or their reasonings, so I'm not going to judge them. I know a lot of people who have changed from a religion they only started out in because of social or family pressure, which makes perfect sense to me, but since I chose (or was called to) my religion in the first place, I didn't have that reason either.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
13 Apr 08
Yes I have
I grew up with a
mother that was baptist
and a father that
was catholic...
We had to attend both
and study both
until age 12 where we decided..
I stayed catholic for
a few years and then
began to study different religions
I even took college clases in theology.
I finally learned about Bahai
and have been since...about 30 years now!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
I would love to know more about the bahai faith
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I was raised in the Roman Catholic religion. I had problems with it even while growing up. As an adult I checked out a few different forms of Christianity and then other religions before becoming a pagan. I had many problems with the christian belief and so I sought on that fit with my beliefs of the world, afterlife, of the gods. I found that with the pagan life and once I did I felt complete where before I had felt something was missing.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
14 Apr 08
After growing up as a devote Protestant I walked away from it all at age 23. I didn't believe the dogma. I had studied the bible and found it wanting also. After reading and studying many books I found the Path to Spiritualism, and have never been disappointed. Life is a progression of learning. If you are not happy with your beliefs feel free to change them and you will feel better for it.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I have changed churches several times in the same religion From basptist church, to a church of god to pentecostal which I have found that I have enjoye dthe last two alot better then the basptist churches. I haven't really changed faiths slipped a little but not changed. I have a sister in law who is a Jehovah Witness but she never pushes her religion on me and I have a niece(hubby's side) who is a atheist. Imagine our family get togethers..
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Apr 08
My stepdad kinda pushes his beliefs on some especially his kids and family he thinks in his head that his way of believing should be the only way while me and my mom think otherwise and he says we don't respect his way because we question his way. We do, we just don't think it is his way or the highway. We all can read the bible and interpet it totally different(us three) and come out with different meanings for things. I think that is how it should be that bible guides us all differently is my opinion, that is how god wants it to guide and help us. Some churches believe in speaking tongues some don't(I believe,I don't understand it but I believe in it)I have heard some people have actually got up and left because of someone speaking in tongues. I say at get togethers just all try to get along and don't try to push this and that on people.(generally speaking to my stepdad and brother cause they can get riled up some) But I think a mixture of all beliefs would and is healthy.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
25 Apr 08
all my family is roman catholic and there there is my son and I who are anglican, and my boyfriend who is jewish.

@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
2 Jun 08
Yes i was a catholic before, i changed religion and got baptized as a born again christian. when i got into the religion i am in right now, many things have changed in my life and i have realized that life is so much better if you truly know what God can give to you. life is not about sacrifices, it is about blessings too.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
2 Jun 08
Changed from atheism to Christianity cos atheism fail to solve the problem of guilt. To me guilt is real. Can't wish away guilt even if I wanted to.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
2 Jun 08
good for you, I hope you are happy now in your new found religion.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
13 Apr 08
I guess I have kind of changed my religion...I used to follow the Roman Catholic religion and now I follow none....
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@ellie333 (21016)
13 Apr 08
I was brought up in UK and went to a Church of England school, as a teenager I was a bit wild and moved away from any religion at all and then about six years ago I returned to God in my own way not through any church in particular but have faith in a greater being than us. I pray at home and sometimes attend a free church but am accepting of others and their beliefs and views. I just try to live my life 'doing unto others as you would like done unto you' I have my moments though where I find this difficult! Ellie :D
@vampirekitten (191)
• United States
13 Apr 08
nope. and i don't see how one can. unless i suppose you never really believed from the get-go.
@lalapuff (290)
• Philippines
14 Apr 08
As of today, at 22 yrs. old (turning 23 this month), I'm not really sure if i formally belong to a religion. I was baptized in the Methodist church (part of Protestant), grew up in a Methodist family and community, studied in Christian schools, and i think my faith was built on the Methodist foundation but then I am not actually an official member of any religion. I haven't attended those confirmation classes wherein you study the doctrines of your church then be baptized in that religion. I am also not an official member of any church. But there's one thing I'm very proud of and that is my faith in God.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
good for you and stand strong in your religious beliefs,
Happy birthday to you too.
@Lambchoper (538)
• United States
26 Apr 08
Three times, I went from a Methodist to an Agnostic to a full blown Atheists. I have arrived at my religious destination. Peace!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
2 May 08
I am happy you have come to your own set of beliefs and are happy with them.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
14 Apr 08
I have had to change churches many times for one reason or another. Moving away from the area is the main reason. Once, my church actually moved away from me. I will never change religions though. Like they say, "If it ain't broke."
What I mean to say is that the religion that my mother taught me works perfectly for me. I mean there are some thing that are in the process of being manifested, but there is definitely no other religion for me. I am Pentacostal, but at the same time, I rather be referred to as a child of God, because of my relationship with him.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
yes we are all children of God, and what works best for you is what counts.
@gabrielle47 (1219)
• Philippines
14 Apr 08
Hi Winterose. I have never changed my religion since birth and so does have my ancestors. We have grown in a country where religion is our life and have been imbeded in our culture and lifestyle. So, it has a firm ground since childhood. Also, since most of us are like that, many of us tend to lean on our religion for comfort and friends with same interest and religion. So we have little chance of changing our religion. Our parents and relatives are also a great influence hence we stick to our religion. I guess most Americans, with your culture of having no firm ground on religion (well at least to most) are easily swayed to change religion.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
our culture has always had religion, the usa (I don't live there) was a place where the religious came to the new land to escape religious persecution. In Canada especially Quebec for the first part of our history religion even dominated out laws and government and schools.
what we have in our country are people of all religions and some will change when they marry extra because the law of that particular religion calls for it or the couple feel it is better that the children grow up in one religion and form a solid connection with it.
It is very unfair to say that americans have not firm ground on religion.
@paid2write (5201)
14 Apr 08
I think it's good news that so many people are changing their religious beliefs or choosing a different doctrine to follow.
I have every respect for people who are religious, provided they do not follow their own religion without considering the alternatives.
I think it is important to understand the differences and similarities of all the great world religions, and some of the lesser known belief systems. Then you can decide if your own faith is the one you should be following or not.
If you want to defend your own religious beliefs you should should be able to argue why you consider it to be the best one for you.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
I agree with you, you should be able to defend why you believe in what you believe.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
14 Apr 08
I love questions like this, that cause me to dig down within myself. Thanks for posting.
I don't think I've ever changed my basic belief system, but I have changed churches very many times. I was raised by a mother who didn't believe in "religion" as we know it. She believed in God, and accepted Jesus as her savior, but we weren't members of any congregation. We attended many different Christian churches, from Methodist to Baptist, to Mormon. As an adult, I have adopted my mothers belief, that it is in the heart of your faith and beliefs that truly matter to God, and not what building you meet with others to worship Him. There are many things about my current church that I do not fully agree with, but then again that has been the case in every single church I've ever attended. Religion is run by men, my faith is run by my god.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
very true, religion is for the most part run by men and faith is of god.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
25 Apr 08
No, I haven't changed. I've been a Christian since childhood. We always went to church. But at the age of 7, I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. I read the entire Bible 3 times by the time I was a teenager - the King James version! I truly believe that God's Holy Spirit helped me understand the words. Now, as an adult the KJV is sometimes difficult to understand, so I know I had to have help to understand as a kid!
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I was raised Roman Catholic, although I never understood why my family would be such. I don't believe in the Patriarchy of the Church, I don't agree with the role of women in the church, and I don't understand the contradictions....
I don't believe in worshiping people, I believe humanity is a team and we all need to work together to better ourselves, so I don't understand why God will deny you if you don't believe in him the way the Church tells you too..
My beliefs have always directed me towards Paganism, I believe in The Earth, the seasons, cycles, I pay attention to the stars and the sun and the moon, all these things we are directly affected by. I believe in Science.
I'm a practicing Wiccan....I believe in Energy....Energy creates....
I guess I never really changed it, more or less, I found that what I believed was also followed by others
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 May 08
yes it is followed by others but you were roman catholic and changed to wicca, so that was a change of religions.