I Love Nice Things...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
April 16, 2008 9:41am CST
When we had foster kids I had a lot of nice things that got broke. Dishes, what-nots, my cooking pans got the Teflon scratched off them, my towels got used for dying hair…just to name a few. Then we moved several times and so I’ve never replaced any of it. Now that we are settled and it’s just Hubby and I we can start having nice things again.
I’ve sat down and made a list of both things I want to replace like the cooking pans, my nice dishes, towels and my electric can-opener. Other things that I want to buy for the first time I put on there too like a carpet cleaner and a china cabinet. It feels so nice to be planning to buy things and not have to worry about ppl breaking them, stealing them, or just ruining them.
Have you had ppl live with you that tore up your things and so you put off buying new ones until they left? Was it fun to get to shop for new ones knowing that they were just for you and yours? What was the worst thing that got broke or ruined?
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20 responses
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
26 Apr 08
I like buying nice things. I get nice towels etc and don't worry about them getting ruined as I know I then have an excuse to go out and get some more! lol.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
19 Apr 08
I am so poor now that I have forgotten about having nice things. I don't have anything nice anymore and probably won't afford them anyway. Anything broken or stolen has never been replaced. Gosh I just want a microwave, as cheap as they are and I can't afford one, I have been without a microwave now for going on three years. I just don't have the money.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
18 Apr 08
I have always said that after 20 yrs of marriage I think we should give our friends and family another bridal shower. This is so we can replace all the stuff that our kids have broken.
I think that just having kids things get ruined. I have to admit, I do the hair dye on the towels:)
I can't think of anything that really got ruined of mine, just everything gets worn out quickly.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
17 Apr 08
The worse thing that got broke was a bowl form this china set my mother had bought me. I don't remember if it was me or someone else, but I was upset about it..

@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I know the feeling. Some day I will have nice things again. I like having nice things. I do have some nice things, I don't want to sound like I don't. I have a houseful of people and animals. I have lots of traffic, in and out. The grandkids come over, things do get messed up and broke. I guess I would rather have the people then the things. Two years ago the hubby and I bought a house, it was just going to be us. I was planning on getting nice things, and did get some things. He messed up our plans and passed away. My son, DIL, grandson moved in with me. Then we had a houseguest for a month on the couch. My poor new couch took a beating. My poor new carpet took a beating. My 3 yr. old grandson likes to do art work on my walls. I have to sometimes just go with the flow. Life happens, it is a good thing I do have a carpet cleaner, hehe.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
17 Apr 08
The answer to that is: YES!
Between having a kid in the house and now my brother we wait on buying anything really good. Most of our furniture comes from thrift stores or freecycle. Anything that is really good is in a china cabinet that we got from a thrift store. We just can't take the chance. Now that the kid is becoming a teenager it helps but until the brother is gone we aren't going to get any new furniture, not with how it's been so far with him. It's a shame we have to wait on things but I'd rather wait then have good things ruined.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I love nice things too. I take care of everything that I get. I have never had people live with me who did not care for my nice things but when they would leave, I would replace some of them just because I like to have things that do not have alot of wear and tear on them. I know that I have had some visitors in the past that did not care for my nice things and it made me so mad because I take care of my stuff and they could care less and they would trash things up just because they could care less.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Oh yes, my own children..Lol...I had five children and we got a lot of breakage and stuff torn up,worn out,abused and used but now they are all grown up,so now i am redoing all the things i want..Its just normal when raising children that things happen,it can't be helped ,just part of life...My daughter is going through the same thing she is waiting for her children to get grown up,its very hard to have really nice things when you are raising children...I mean i did not want to go around constantly harrassing my children about stuff...I do still have my good china because it was stored away in a cabinet and never used....Children plop down on your furniture and they have lots of accidents..I would suggest to anyone planning a family to just get the normal comfortable things and live live in happiness with what you have until the children is out of the house...I saved a lot of my things to give my children while they were trying to raise theirs...
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
i dont really care about 'nice' things...i am happy with everything i have and i also love shopping at thrift stores, so of course, everything is used. i also love antiques (which of course is used as well)...so give me well used and loved things and i am happy.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I had a friend and her boyfriend move in for a few months because they lost their apartment and didn't have the extra money to come up with for the securtiy deposit + 1st and last months rent on a new one. They ruined my baking pans and one of my frying pans then had the nerve to ask when I was going to buy new ones. The day they left, I went to kmart and put a whole new set on layaway. Not a cheap set but a really expensive set that was on sale. That was 4yrs. ago and they are still like new because I take care of my stuff.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I've had 4 kids...their friends and 2 grandchildren. I have learned over time not to care about things . things don't matter. I also had a husband who destroyed anything and everything that he knew meant something to me sentimentally. I learned not to put much value in material things. They don't matter.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Apr 08
The worst thing that got broke for me was the microwave oven my best friend gave to us when she got a new one for Christmas. seems it had some sort of flaw in it that none of us knew about but my son turned it on one night to heat his coffee and the thing arced then burst into flame. we dont really know what caused that as there are only the two of us using anything. but a friend of his sent him a brand new samsung microwave oven a top of the mark one and its so lovely. You can do just aboutanything with it. I just love it.
@KKKBsmom (1092)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I also love nice things... to bad I feel like I will never have them...
The saying in our house... "If it's not broke....it's not ours"
kinda sad! :-(
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Well I have two boys so yes my stuff gets ruined lol. Plus i ran a daycare out of my house for 3 years so that was rough on my stuff. Now I got a baby on the way so no plans to get new stuff lol.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
16 Apr 08
In a way I am glad that my kids and grandkids are not here a lot. Don't get me wrong I love them all but I like my home "in one piece". When my kids were young they never seemed to value things the way I did.I was an only child and always took care of my things and did not like things getting scratched, broken or dirty. I dont think my kids had the same feeling. The worst thing that happened to me was when we moved I had a ceramic horse which had been my late mother's. It was very special to me. I took it in the car when we moved and told the kids that I would take it out of the car and for them not to touch. So what did my son do? He picked it up and dropped it. It shattered into pieces. Boy was I mad cause I could not replace it. I was able to glue it back together but it is not quite the same.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
16 Apr 08
I kind of know what you mean. My sister likes to borrow things from me, but she does not take care of it and more often than not, does not even keep up with it. I have stop lending her things altogether. For me, I don't mind spending good money on the items that I like because I take very good care of my things. But, buying it the second time really ticks me off.
That being the case, I have really had to learn to say no. People tend to get offended, but when I think about having to shell out money for the same thing twice, I have very little problem saying no and if need be, I will tell then why. There have been a few times however, when I have worn out a cassette of C.D. or something.
I get carried away with playing it too much. Just when I am getting a little tired of it, it reaches its last leg. So I will then replace it, but not play it so much.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Oh honey, my daughter is thirteen and I am just now able to have some nice things! I don't buy new towels or anything like that because I have the same problem. Even if I set old towels in the laundry room for that use, my good towels always end up getting used to clean up spills or so on. It drives me mad! However, she knows not to touch my hutch or my side table in the dining room. Those are my things! Howevr, my cat doesn't seem to know that and has knocked over my willow tree angels and broke off the head of one of them in which I have had to superglue it back on. Oh I was so dang mad! I feel your pain!