Knowledgeable Or Wise... Which Are You?
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
April 16, 2008 10:54pm CST
Knowledge can be accumulated in a relatively short time, but wisdom can take many years to acquire, as wisdom is the application of knowledge and using it to its best effect. Knowledge is not a bad thing to have, but without wisdom it can lead to failure, rather than success. The knowledgeable think they know it all, but the wise realise how much they don’t know, and apply themselves to acquire wisdom along with their knowledge. Wisdom is gained by observing life and learning from the failures and successes of yourself, as well as others.
So did you know the difference between knowledge and wisdom, and how do you consider yourself? Are you knowledgeable or do you consider you are wise? If the latter... at what point in life do you think you obtained wisdom, and if the former, how long to you think it will be before you can call yourself wise?
This discussion was brought about by a few people telling me my words were wise, so I like to think they're right, but I feel I'm still learning.
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39 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Yes I agree that there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom and I have to say that I am forunate to have a fair amount of both..BUT it didnt just "come to me" overnight..I've had to work at it, earn it and so on...
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@Darkwing (21583)
17 Apr 08
You're quite right, my friend. We all have to work at gaining knowledge and wisdom. We have to not only learn, but teach, be alert and be able to use the knowledge we gain, to convert it into wisdom. It takes years of learning and completely understand what's shown to you.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@Darkwing (21583)
17 Apr 08
The very words that you've written to explain what knowledge and wisdom are, denotes that you have knowledge my friend. We all do to a certain extent. It doesn't have to be academic knowledge but rather a knowledge of one's self, and that which is drawn from one's life lessons. So, all you have to do is to realise what that knowledge is, and convert it into wisdom. Hence, you have both... we are not all at the same level, but we all gather knowledge my friend, so never say you're lacking.
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution.
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@Darkwing (21583)
22 Apr 08
I feel that common sense is also a part of wisdom, and that wisdom is gained through our experiences of life. I'm sure you've gathered some wisdom along life's path, my friend.
Gathering wisdom is like walking life's path, and picking up little gemstones on the way, and once you have collected enough of these little gemstones, you can change them for one precious pearl of wisdom. Therefore, the more gems of knowledge we collect, the more pearls of wisdom we can exchange for... therefore, we become wiser as we gain and convert our knowledge.
Brightest Blessings, my friend and thank you for your contribution.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
19 Apr 08
For me, I see knowledge and wisdom is akin to the chicken and egg issue. There is no way I can be wise without knowledge and even if I am full of knowledge, I am not be wise. In my opinion, wisdom is gained through personal experience. The more one has been through life, the wiser one is.
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Apr 08
An interesting concept, my friend, but a good one. You've hit the nail on the head. Personal experience gives you knowledge of life, and mixed with your academic or reading knowledge, you are able to use the combined product to its best effect, and thereby gain wisdom.
I'll post here, as I have in many of the previous responses, a simple observation I made up, to explain how we gain wisdom... see what you think.
[b]"We set out on life's path, and on our way, we collect little gems... gems of knowledge... and when we've collected enough of these gems, we exchange them for one, precious pearl... a pearl of wisdom. This goes on, all the way along life's path, until we have several pearls, and therefore become increasingly wise.
We don't always realise that we hold these pearls of wisdom, but from time to time, somebody will tell you, you're words are wise. It is then you know that your collection of pearls is indeed, growing." [/b]
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution my dear friend. xx
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Well, being older I guess I can consider myself knowledgeable enough in some specific area's, but wise enough to know there is always room for learning and education. One can never know everything about any specific subject, and I actually learn something new everyday, regardless of what it is. Does that make sense?, haha. I find myself learning from you on every subject we've talked about, and the learning lesson is more of an awakening, as we both have a meeting of the minds and understand each other. It's very hard to find someone like that who won't make you feel like a total fool in what you believe. I believe some people are what I consider to be "Old Souls", and are much brighter at an early age and are very wise, as I feel they've been around before. I feel you are extremely wise Darkwing, and it's fun and enjoyable speaking with you, and sometimes I can't wait to hear what you will have to say to me, haha. I'm very glad we've met.
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@Darkwing (21583)
17 Apr 08
Awwwwww... thank you for your beautiful sentiments, my dear friend. The feeling is mutual... we seemed to be destined to come together and teach each other some of the lessons of life which we either hadn't learned or hadn't developed. When we speak about certain things, (obviously I won't mention them here), but we seem to be able to relate in some way to the topic in hand. It's difficult to explain, but it's like there's some sort of bond... maybe similar to soul sisters?
Anway... I digress. I think your initial response to my question, is an excellent one.
"I guess I can consider myself knowledgeable enough in some specific area's, but wise enough to know there is always room for learning and education."
You've hit the nail right on the head with that comment, to my mind. We are learning every day, from life's lessons and the people who are sent to teach us, or who become our mentors. I just came from a discussion a short while ago, where I learned something about the different Asian national dresses. Awesome! So, from the way I see it, we accumulate knowledge right the way through our lives, and as we learn, we use that knowledge to gain wisdom. Therefore, both our knowledge and our wisdom, continually increases. Does that make sense to you? I'm not the greatest in the world for putting things down on paper.
"It's very hard to find someone like that who won't make you feel like a total fool in what you believe."
My answer to that is that the real Fool is the one who makes you feel that way about your beliefs. They are people who don't or won't accept or understand that you have been "chosen" to believe what you do, but I can relate to most things, because I've been there myself, and my knowledge tells me that your beliefs are not unusual, and not wrong. Nor are those of the Fool, but with the Fool, it's a one-way street. Others can accept them, as not being wrong in their beliefs, but they can't accept others... the Fool is the man who thinks he is always right... he is not wise, because he refuses to learn, and use his knowledge to its greatest effect!
Cripes... I've run away with myself again! It seems that when we start to converse and share our experiences and views that the words just flow, because we have great interest in what the other does and says. Thus, I end up writing a book!!! So, with that, I'll close, in thanking you for your contribution and extending you the Brightest of Blessings for a great day, my dear friend. xxxx

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@Elixiress (3878)
22 May 08
I would say that I am knowledgeable as I am only 17, so I have not lived THAT many years to be truly wise and I am still doing through my education which focuses on knowledge rather than wisdom.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 May 08
Nevertheless, you will have acquired a certain amount of wisdom, even at such a tender age. Wisdom is acquired not only through academic knowledge but the knowledge of life itself, and I'm sure your life experience has installed within you a little wisdom, which will grow as life goes on.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@Elixiress (3878)
28 May 08
Yeah, but at this point I think my knowledge outweighs my wisdom, whereas when you get older I think your wisdom outweighs your knowledge.
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@Jemina (5770)
20 May 08
As much as I want to be wise I always find myself making mistakes instead. It's not enough to be knowledgeable. One must also know how to utilize those knowledge in order to be considered wise.
Unfortunately, I fall on the knowledgeable category. I have so much knowledge about things but fail to act wise on most occassions. When fear, insecurity, or immaturity sets in those theories I have learned can get useless if I can't put them into practice.
@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 08
Ah, but let me put this to you, my friend. From your mistakes, and from life's lessons, you become more knowledgeable about life itself. If you know you've made a mistake and can put it right, that's a part of your learning process, and eventually, your knowledge turns to wisdom. For instance, you know how to cope with life's ups and downs to the best effect.
Try not to be afraid to try new methods, and certainly don't feel insecure or immature... I find you have quite a deal of wisdom, and have shown maturity in several of my discussions. We all have to learn about life my friend. There's always something will crop up which you're not familiar with, but once you have encountered and conquered each thing, then you're wise enough to know what to do next time. Keep faith in yourself, your abilities, and in the world around you.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my friend. x
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@Jemina (5770)
22 May 08
You're brilliant indeed. Right, I failed to look further. You may have observed I'm kinda shor-sighted most of the time. If you may, please check this blog of mine:
Anyway, what you said is absolutely brilliant and I'm buying it. It's true we learn so much from our mistakes and from them we become wiser.
But then again, these valuable lessons from our mistakes can only be learned if we have a teachable attitude.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 May 08
I like to think I'm wise enough to realize I still don't know everything yet..LOL. Yes, I do have a lot of knowledge tucked under my belt, but I know there is so much more to know. In fact one of my favorite sayings is that the more I learn the more I realize I need to learn. I think the greatest lessons we learn in life to advance ourselves is more through our mistakes and failures for then it does give you the wisdom not to repeat them again
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Apr 08
Let's put it this way. I know a lot about a lot of things because when something catches my interest I research it and educated myself. But I'm 'wise' enough to know that my knowledge about all these things is merely a drop in the bucket against all there is still to learn about these and many other things.
I consider my time wasted if I don't learn something, no matter how small, each and every day of my life.
I pay attention to details and I see life lessons in everything that happens to me and I try very hard not only to not forget those lessons, but to turn them into positive things that can improve my life.
I understand myself thoroughly and that helps me understand others. And to my mind, that's where true wisdom comes in. Knowing and accepting yourself - all the good, the bad and the ugly, and recognizing that you are really no different from any other human being and therefore honing your ability to see beyond the surface and relate to the person within. Knowledge is a powerful thing if used wisely. Otherwise it is simply a means to an end and there is no wisdom in that.
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@Darkwing (21583)
17 Apr 08
Indeed, my friend, those are words of wisdom. By understanding yourself thoroughly and using that knowledge to understand others, as well as seeing everything that happens as a life lesson, you indeed have accumulated a great amount of wisdom.
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution, my friend. x
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Apr 08
You're welcome. I think you're pretty wise and special yourself DarkWing.
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@FaerieAne2003 (679)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I consider myself very knowledgeable about some things, completely ignorant of others, and willing to learn anything anyone will teach me. I think that I have obtained a minor amount of wisdom, but I still have a long way to go. I feel that my wisdom comes in the form that I recognize my ignorance, but I am more than willing to learn. I am very opinionated on many subjects, and I like to learn all I can about them before I open my mouth and show my ignorance. I am only 23, still more a child than adult, so I don't always think things through to the best of my abilities. Marrying and having a child at 19 forced me to grow up faster than I was mentally ready. Because of this, I feel I have also gained wisdom in the traditional sense, learning from my mistakes, showing my son that when one makes a mistake, one tries to correct it as far as it can be corrected, and learning how not to make the same mistake again. I may never call myself truly wise, but I hope to be considered such by my grandchildren, as I consider my grandmother. I feel that one who proclaims his or her wisdom to others (i.e. "I'm so wise, you should come to me with all of your problems!") isn't wise. It is people like you, who like to think that others are right but that you yourself are still learning, that truly are wise.
This is one of the better discussions I have seen in a while, and one I am honored to be a part of.
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@Darkwing (21583)
17 Apr 08
I think you've converted more knowledge than you think into wisdom, Sweetheart, and I'll tell you why.
You already know your own Self... you know who you are, your capabilities, where you are, and where you want to be. You know you have quite a journey yet, and not a day will go by without your learning or failing to learn something. Don't ever feel that your knowledge is spoken in ignorance, my friend. Be confident that whatever your level of knowledge, you have something of value to teach to somebody else.
You're aware of you mistakes... that's good, you can go back and do the same exercise over, with success, thus gaining even more wisdom. You also have learned where you want your son to be and that you can teach him, whilst he is teaching you... yes, even our children are our teachers. To my mind, every single person, or thing we encounter in life, teaches us something.
One of the things that stands out constantly in my mind, is when you asked me about your son's path, and where you would like him to be. I'll never forget that, or your recent tussle with your heart, over another obstacle in your path. This tells me that you are quite intense in your relationships with others, especially those who are close to you.
Through this intenseness, and desire to do right by others, disregarding your own pain, shows me that you are willing to go back and take the same test over and over until you get it right and have understood the feelings of others. This alone, denotes your desire to succeed, by promoting harmony and happiness into your own life and the life of others. A great lesson of life, and a great source of wisdom my friend. Also, if you're not sure about how to pass these tests, you are not afraid to ask others of their wisdom. I'd be more than proud if you were my daughter or granddaughter... believe me.
I agree with what your grandmother taught you. Those who are wise, don't necessarily know how wise they are until somebody imparts with special words such as you have in your response. Thank you so much for that... you touched my heart, yet again! Only the Fool thinks he knows it all, and refuses to listen to the teachings of others. He will never be wise, my friend. They're full of hot air and ignorance.
I know that I can still learn much from others, and I can also teach them in return. That's why I don't boast anything but middle of the road wisdom. I have a lot of tree to climb yet, that's for sure.
Brightest Blessings, my dearest friend, and thank you for your contribution, and your kind words. xx
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@FaerieAne2003 (679)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Thank you. You have touched my heart with your words and your praise. I would be proud to be your daughter or granddaughter, and you may never know the help and great inspiration you have been and continue to be to me, someone that you have never met. Thank you so much.
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@madlees (1377)
• India
18 Apr 08
Hi Darkwing, I think i belong to the Wise type who had learnt through the experience and also the reading I have done through years. I had been encouraged to read in those days by my father and later continued by myself when I was encouraging my kids to read.
But experience teaches you many things those you don't get while reading. I got my experience in my life through looking after kids, their health, their education etc. I was with them through out their growing years.
But even now I cannot say that I have learnt and know everything. Life is still teaching me many lessons I have coming to know them even now.. You can learn anywhere. That has been my experience in life
@Darkwing (21583)
18 Apr 08
From what you have said in your response, my friend, I would agree that you have reached a certain level of wisdom. Why, do I say that? Because you know yourself, you know your kids and you understand that every little thing you do in life is a lesson, and therefore the gathering of knowledge, which you have the ability to turn into wisdom. I'm going to repeat myself again, and show you a little story I made up about the gathering of wisdom.
We set out on life's path, and on our way, we collect little gems... gems of knowledge... and when we've collected enough of these gems, we exchange them for one, precious pearl... a pearl of wisdom. This goes on, all the way along life's path, until we have several pearls, and therefore become increasingly wise.
We don't always realise that we hold these pearls of wisdom, but from time to time, somebody will tell you, you're words are wise. It is then you know that your collection of pearls is indeed, growing.
I agree... we are always learning, right up until the day we leave this world for the next, and who knows... maybe even beyond then. None of us can ever profess to hold all the wisdom pearls because they will never learn every single thing there is to learn about life, but we can all do our best, and become quite wise.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my friend.
@madlees (1377)
• India
18 Apr 08
Hi Thanks for your response.
Yes as you say we seem to get and collect small gems and they are made into a garland. That you seem to be wearing all the time.
Yes I have been getting responses from other mylotters here that I have wisdom , but I can never say that I have enough.
We cannot ever stop learning in life and may be after leaving the world too we could be learning something new.. Who knows?
In our place we have a proverb which says " what you have learnt is only a handful, you have got to learn as much which is as big as the universe."
There are lots more to learn and we'll continue our learning together .. Right???
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@vinubaby123 (417)
• India
18 Apr 08
well, to be frank, i am more of a knowledgeable person than a wise person. in certain situations, my brain will not work. especially in those situations where quick decisions need to be taken. it is a common perception that a man will not have both knowledge and wisdom. whatever, i am not making any comments on that. i have directly experienced this with lot of my friends also...
@Darkwing (21583)
18 Apr 08
I look at it this way... we travel life's path, collecting little gems of knowledge, and when we have collected enough gems, we exchange them for one pearl of wisdom. This goes on, all the way through life, until you've collected several pearls of wisdom, and therefore can be called wise. You may be more wise than you know. We don't all recognise that we have wisdom until somebody tells us so... so keep up the good work, collecting knowledge my friend, and see where it leads.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@vinubaby123 (417)
• India
18 Apr 08
good point of view. seems you love literature. carry on...
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@nikhil_sun (576)
• India
19 May 08
Knowledge and Wisdom according to me are two different things though both are equally important.Knowledge is something you acquire from various sources - books,people and so on.Wisdom on the other hand deals with how we use the knowledge we have acquired in a mature manner.
Its very important to have both to survive in today's world.Knowledge because if we don't have it we would be beaten by competition or suffer due to lack of it in all walks of life - education,career,even family.WIsdom though is the key to how we successfuly face and manage the problems and sort them out.
@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 08
I thought that's what I said in the discussion my friend, but never mind. Yes, there are various types of knowledge, but to become wise, you need to have knowledge of life itself, not just academic knowledge.
From our life lessons, we acquire the wisdom to cope with life successfully and to help others along the way... do you agree? Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my friend.
@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
19 Apr 08
Mostly, I think these comments are correct, but I also think there is an innate wisdom that some people have, and that people may be sensing about you. It is a type of wisdom some people will never attain. I am not sure where it comes from, but as a Christian, I think it can come through God in my life. I know that you and I walk different paths,but I think that both of us are wise enough to accept each other and be friends. That is why I feel I can say that in your discussion without causing offense. Wisdom can be of the spirit, and I think that is what I am trying to say, whereas Knowledge is more of the mind. I think wisdom is a spiritual gift that goes beyond knowledge. I have a goal of being "as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves" which is an admonition in the New Testament about how a Christian should conduct themselves.
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Apr 08
Yes I agree about the innate wisdom, my friend... I've posted this little story I made up in several of my responses, but it helps to explain more, what I was trying to get at, about knowledge being the initial stages of wisdom, which we use to its greatest effect, to convert into wisdom...
[b]"We set out on life's path, and on our way, we collect little gems... gems of knowledge... and when we've collected enough of these gems, we exchange them for one, precious pearl... a pearl of wisdom. This goes on, all the way along life's path, until we have several pearls, and therefore become increasingly wise.
We don't always realise that we hold these pearls of wisdom, but from time to time, somebody will tell you, you're words are wise. It is then you know that your collection of pearls is indeed, growing."[/b]
Yes, I agree that possibly our guidance comes through our deities... in your case, God and in mine, several, one of the main ones being Gaia, Mother of the Earth and Nature. I also agree that, as do we, everybody who walks this Earth should respect the other man's religion or beliefs, for to my mind none of us is wrong to hold the beliefs we do.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend, and thank you for your contribution. I hope that you obtain the wisdom of serpents as well as the innocence of a dove.
@humbleme (1004)
• India
19 May 08
Hello Darkwing,Thanks for your intresting discussion.My answer is short and simple.Any knowledge can be used positively for betterment and also negatively.Application
of Knowledge positively is "Wise"/Wisdom but application
of Knowledge negatively to cause harm is not wise or wisdom
but demonic.I might be wrong but this is my understanding and I will rectify myself if anybody proves me wrong.Thanks again
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 08
That's a very good way of putting things, my friend. I wouldn't exactly say that knowledge used wrongly is demonic, but it certainly isn't wisdom... I agree thus far.
As I've said before in this dicussion, I see the path of life with little gems of knowledge scattered along it, which we pick up as we travel our paths. When we've accumulated enough of these gems of knowledge, we may exchange them for one pearl of wisdom, but you have to know how to exchange them, my friend.
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution.
@Bizziebod (3497)
9 May 08
I do think wisdom comes with age, knowledge and experience. There are a lot of knowledgeable people out there but with very little wisdom! I would say I'm quite knowledgeable and getting wiser day by day! Blessed Be! x
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@Darkwing (21583)
9 May 08
I agree that wisdom comes with time, but not necessarily age. Some younger people are quite wise too, depending on their upbringing and their knowledge of life, itself. You're right also, in saying there are people out there with a lot of knowledge and very little wisdom. These are usually the academically knowledgeable people, who have their heads stuck in books all the time. Wisdom comes from life's path, and I'm sure you're wiser than you think, but yes, we will all become wiser each day, because there is still so much to learn, whatever age we're at.
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution my dear friend. xx
@littlewhite (256)
• China
18 Apr 08
quite feel i am an empty bottle currently,,! i believe i have to eat lots of knowledge since i am not young anylonger, i suppose since a person realise she/he know a bit then the guy is wisdom, there have an old saying that live old,,learn old, i quite believe so,, in our life time,,we are always learning,,
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@Darkwing (21583)
18 Apr 08
Oh yes, my friend, we will still be learning on the day we leave this world for the next. Every experience holds a new life lesson. I know I've said this many times throughout this discussion, but I'd like to say it here too, if that's ok with you... this is the way I look at the accumulation of wisdom.
We set out on life's path, and on our way, we collect little gems... gems of knowledge... and when we've collected enough of these gems, we exchange them for one, precious pearl... a pearl of wisdom. This goes on, all the way along life's path, until we have several pearls, and therefore become increasingly wise.
We don't always realise that we hold these pearls of wisdom, but from time to time, somebody will tell you, you're words are wise. It is then you know that your collection of pearls is indeed, growing.
Brightest Blessings, my friend and thank you for your contribution.
@brucekaushik (891)
• India
21 Apr 08
as you said wisdom takes some time to achieve ...
as far as i am concerned i am more a knowledgeable person than wise ... but i still can that i am sufficiently wise enough.
@Darkwing (21583)
21 Apr 08
I suspect that whilst you're gaining knowledge academically, you're also learning about life, and gathering wisdom, perhaps without being aware of the fact.
A little story I made up for this discussion...
We walk life's path, picking up little gems of knowledge along the way, and when we have enough little gems of knowledge, we exchange them for one pearl of wisdom. Then we start over, gathering more little gems of knowledge and changing them for one more pearl of wisdom. We store all these pearls in a box, or bag, and each one we collect, we become a little wiser. So it goes on, throughout life, and for all we know, even after life. We never stop learning my friend.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@Emma_Wang (210)
• China
19 Apr 08
it is true that knowledge can be accumulated in a relative short time,and wisdom can take many years to acquire,for me , i will choose the knowledge,because it is more real and it is more up to down
@Darkwing (21583)
19 Apr 08
Wisdom is the knowledge of life, my friend. You can accumulate all the academic knowledge in the world and ignore the teachings of life. Thus, you will never gain wisdom. I disagree... there's nothing more real than life itself and in life there is wisdom.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.