Never heard of this mix?

United States
April 17, 2008 8:32am CST
Im thinking about getting a one year old dog name duke. He is a Shar Pei (I think thats how you spell it) mixed with a Black Lab. He doesnt have any wrinkles like the shar pei, but a really funny face. I think it looks like a nice dog.
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4 responses
17 Apr 08
What is the breeding world coming to? I thought the reason for breeding was to improve the breed. Sounds like someone is in this for the money. This would be an awfully strange looking dog. Mixing breeds like this is irresponsible. You don't know what kind of health problems you will have to deal with. Who knows what the personality will be like. Labs are very energetic dogs but I'm not sure about the Shar Pei. This could be a disaster waiting to happen. Know what you are getting. I would run a mile from this mix. What are the health problems of both breeds? If it was me, I wouldn't get this dog. More and more people seem to be wanting designer dogs. Each breed in and of itself should be good enough to satisfy people. Don't mess with Mother Nature. It just isn't natural.
• United States
17 Apr 08
actually, money was not mentioned - and as this dog is a year old - the current owner could offer a lot of information as to the health and personality. i have a mix, and i would not trade him for 10 purebred anything. i think this dog could make a very nice pet.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
19 Apr 08
Sounds like a very interesting mix. I take it one of the parents got loose and mated with the other. Before you make the final decision, however, I would have the dog temperment tested to see how it reacts to a vast array of 'surprises'. Like taking his food away while he's eating. A growling/snapping/biting dog isn't what you want if, for some reason, you have to take his food away or anything else he might pick up that is not good for him. Have his hips tested for hip dysplaysia(sp) as well. At a year, if he has it, would prolly be showing up by the way he walks by now. Good to know that you have access to his parent's med. history as well. That way any possible surprises won't pop up unannounced later on. Other than getting him neutered ASAP good luck with him and hope you can enjoy each other for years to come. Sounds like a real cute dog.
@kareng (66484)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I think it is disgusting myself the way people are taking it upon themselves to mix purebred dogs. What do you get? A mutt! If this continues, there will be no more pure breeds in the world. This particular mix sounds odd. You have a small dog and a large dog...that sounds kind of cruel to me personally. I breed parrots and the same thing is happening in the bird world. Breeders are trying to create "pretty" birds and this is just depleting the species, many of which are already endangered or well on the way. I hope if you get this dog, you have it neutered.
@javaleira (372)
• Portugal
19 Apr 08
i think its important to adopte pets and if yiu are going to do that i wish you good luck!i hope your pet never desapoint you!!!!! good luck and anyway i think the mix u refer to looks nice!!back labs are very cute!!!and mixes of labs with other normaly look good! good luck my friend!!!!!! cya ::::