tea or coffee

April 18, 2008 8:32am CST
are u most like coffee or tea
2 people like this
18 responses
• United States
6 Jun 10
I am definitely, coffee! Strong, bold and energetic. There are some days I could be made weak but then the next making I come back kicking...
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
5 Jun 10
I drink hot tea when i feel tired or headache. I rarely take cold tea.
• Egypt
14 Jun 08
I like both coffee and tea.
@sissi320 (328)
• China
21 Jun 08
I like both. I once drink coffee more often than tea before, but people told me coffee is not so good for lady, so I quit coffee to tea.
• Philippines
22 May 08
i like coffee better especially fraps!
@leo2727 (138)
• India
21 Jun 08
I like cofee more than tea .
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Apr 08
If you would like to get more responses from people and make more money you need to make longer posts. Most people will not answer a post that is only a few words long. I prefer tea over coffee, coffee makes me nervous.
• India
13 May 08
i like coffee very much but i live in hostel and i am able to get only tea but no coffee. if i have to drink coffee. i have to drink it ouside.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
22 May 08
I like drinking coffee and tea. Coffee at breakfast time , and tea in the day time. In fact, I also drink green tea and herbal tea in the afternoons some times. I am informed they have medicinal values !
• China
21 Apr 08
They are different. Most of the time, I prefer tea, cause they are healthier, and I like coffee too.
@podqueen (340)
19 Apr 08
I like both tea and coffee, but if I had to choose which I would prefer then I would have to pick coffee. If I don't have my coffee in the morning I will get a bad headache. I try to drink just one cup of coffee as caffeine is not too good for you, and the rest of the day I will drink different herbal teas.
@carinawu (42)
• China
20 Apr 08
coffee more,but some news say that coffee is not good for our healthy,and tea sometimes play a active role on my body.so i always have tea in my office.
@kitty_7 (278)
• Netherlands
14 May 08
I would like to drink more tea, sepecaily green tea! but without a morning coffee I can not really wake up! that is reason I have to keep drink coffee every morning! : )
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
12 May 08
Tea all the way, because i don't drink coffee at all.
• United States
18 Apr 08
I don't discriminate ^_^.I like both of them. I especially like Green Tea. But I really like both of them.
@Breath (1297)
• United States
18 Apr 08
I love tea....So many different teas to pick from.I hardly ever drink coffee...
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
I like both...especially.....a tea that is sold cold ....because here in our country..there is a bottled tea..I also like coffee....because of its aroma...and mix taste with milk
@debu1456 (519)
• India
18 Apr 08
I like tea....i used to take coffee occassionaly