Is recycling important?

November 1, 2006 4:28am CST
Do you recycle, how does your local authority deal with recycling, is it enough? My local authority have a box for tins and jars, but nothing for cardboard, vegetable peelings, we have a brown bin for garden waste but vegetable peel is not allowed to go in it, why if thats not garden waste what is??
1 response
2 Nov 06
Recylce! - The symbol you will find on the back of thousands of products to indicate that they can be recycled and used again.
Hi there. Yiour authority sounds very much like mine. We have green boxes for paper and cardboard (but not cartons) and a blue bin for tins and plastics but they exclude ANYTHING that ISN'T tin cans and plastic bottles - so no detergent bottles or shampoo bottles or yoghurt pots or margarine or icecream tubs etc. And we then get a brown bin that we need to pay for for garden waste but NO branches or twigs or as you mention vegetable peelings! It is absolutely ridiculous. All it is is that the government has set each authority a target and the authority are then doing the MINIMUM they have to do to be able to cover themselves. Thats all its about! Its stupid. I have been receylcing (what I can) for years now and I just find that there is absolutely no help to improve recycling at all.
2 Nov 06
thank you for your response, I agree that the councils are doing the minumum they can get away with, I do love to recycle but never really get the time to go to the bottle banks ect.. again no plastics or cardboard can be put in the bins how ridiculous!
@rebelann (113340)
• El Paso, Texas
8 Jan 20
Governments need to enforce mandatory recycling of as much as possible. All garden waste including vegetable peels are biodegradable and can be used in a mulch. More research is required to solve the plastic issues but I can't understand why all plastic can't be recycled.