I like writing..but I have absolutely no talent
By underdogtoo
@underdogtoo (9579)
April 21, 2008 5:25am CST
I like writing and, when I was young I fancied myself a writer, and that was what I wanted to be. My mother though, kept discouraging me from pursuing it saying that writers make no money. I'm glad I did not pursue that dream because I have absolutely no talent. Well, all that might change because here I am at Mylot, writing to my heart's content and I can see that there is some money being made by these efforts. I think it is safe to say to my mother she was wrong. This of course, would have to wait for my first payout, if or when it comes. Does anyone have a similar predicament as me?
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24 responses
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I did not get the discouragement that you got from your mother, at least not in the way that you got it.
When I was a child, I had visual perception and motor coordination issues.
When I looked at the word "cat", I saw "tac." I had a dreadful time in school until I got help to see properly and I still remember in second grade proudly being able to see "cat" like all of the other students in my class.
My writing skills, as in penmanship, spelling, etc. were bad then and I was told that I could not write. My mother was the worst of all at rubbing that in. I almost did not want to try. Yet once I could read, I read almost constantly. I read while brushing my teeth, read while eating,etc. And the desire to write germinated, just as your desire to write has germinated, like a precious and wonderful seed, throughout all of these years.
I started writing poetry, prose and song lyrics when I was in my teens. I have books of the writings from that time tucked away in Rubbermaid Containers.
I then went to college and got degrees in journalism, writing for the print media. I thought I wanted to do that and that alone. I did it for two years and then found I wanted to be a family therapist. Now, I am doing that and am writing here and elsewhere. (I am seeking places to get paid for my writing. If anyone has any ideas let me know by private messge.)
Helium is a good place to develop writing skills and to hone them. It is a nice community to belong to.
I, for one, am glad that you are here and that you are now ignoring the disapproving voice of your mother as YOU deserve the happiness and the sense of satisfaction that only writing can give to the Writer.
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@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Thanks for your kindness... although I am not sure now that I am dyslexic... I just took a little longer in some areas and then sprang ahead and was at the 98 percentile ranking in reading when tested.
It seemed like more of a developmental glitch unlike many people that I have have met who did not get the help that they needed in order to see and read clearly, I got the help and had the will so here I am.
You, my dear, are a writer already, paid or unpaid. You are far from lacking in talent. You have a passion for writing and will succeed at it. Your use of references to the Pietta and the other things that you wrote in your last response prove it.
I used to know a man whose name was Little Crow. He had a lot of things to say as he was a teacher and minister. He told me that he said, "later" when he was dealing with the urge to drink. He did that for more than 25 years. He then would said "do it now" for the things that he needed to do... For you, writing is a "do it now" and the lammenting regarding talent or the lack of it is a "later."
In actuallity, talent is over-rated. We go only so far on that. You will have the energy, the will and the self effort needed to acheive your dreams and more... It is certain. The great whiteheron knows all... grins... I may not know everything... but I do know that you when you have the determination to do something it will come to pass.
Wishing you much happiness on your writing journey.
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@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
I also love writing, like you I'm not so good when it comes to formal writing but I'm trying to know the pros and cons when it comes to writing, the proper way to start and end it, things like that..
Being a well writer is not a problem actually, you can learn from a lot of resources in the Internet or enroll yourself in a writing class if you're really that serious.
I started having my journal when I was in high school, I wrote super non sense stuff back then but then again I continue doing it up to now and I think I'm learning. So just keep on doing it and find some resources somewhere that may guide you on how to be a good writer.

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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Like you, I also love writing. Not the kind that gets read by people. Like you, I kept journals but the reason for this is more like, in order to maintain my sanity in an insane environment. I felt that there was no one to talk to and my thoughts and words did not matter so I started to write to myself in order to bring to a more permanent medium my thoughts and feelings of the moment. The idea was to read them at a later date to see how I was some days or weeks or months before. You're right about the internet.There is a whole lot out there. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
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@compumom (738)
• United States
21 Apr 08
If you like writing, keep writing. I've seen plenty of people without writing talent write and sell books. If you're an avid reader, I'm sure you've come across a book or two where you wondered how did the book ever get published.
More than talent it takes belief in yourself. Keep writing, learn your craft and you'll do just fine.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I'm sure you've come across a book or two where you wondered how did the book ever get published.
LOL aint that the truth!! I've come across SEVERAL over the yrs actually....Books so bad I just go
"what the hell?!"

@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
I was reminded of myself when I read a joke about a man who was furiously copying the bible into a blank pad of paper. When asked what he was doing, he answered, I have this great urge to write but I absolutely have no talent. hehe. I still write, anything that comes to my mind even if I don't write it well enough.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Apr 08
First off never say you have no talent...Eveyrone has talent its just that some ppl are more fine tuned than others..but you knwo what they say.."practice makes perfect"
I also have to say that I personally think its a shame that your mother did that..I think that kids should be encouraged to follow their dreams even if not for a career choice but only for the experience ya know....
If I were you, I would write, write and write some more! The more you write (and read IMO) the better you'll get at it and who knows where that may lead 

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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. I never did write any novels or articles of note. I did write something and submitted it to one of the local magazines. I got a polite rejection letter which told me to keep on sending them other articles that I had written.
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@simplyjemz (188)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
well...dont focus yourself on the money! if you wanna write..then write as long as you wanted to. having no talent? hmnn..maybe you havent discovered it yet. as what others say..."practice makes perfect" believe that line. and as long as you are happy with writing then, there's no problem with that. being a writer needs some kinda dedication..and characteristics..and the appreciation of what he is doing.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Well said. If I want to write I should focus on the writing and not on the money. It reminds me of the archer who was tasked to hit the eye of the fish in order to win the fair lady. When asked by his master, "what do you see?" he answered, "the eye of the fish" and he let go his arrow and hit the fish on the eyeball. He wasn't thinking at all about the fair lady.
@SydneyHazelton (4586)
• Singapore
21 Apr 08
I never thought I might become a writer until I discovered ways to publish my writing, mainly articles, online through Triond. People were reading my articles and I could see the number of pageviews for each article increasing every single day. It was very encouraging. Triond also paid me, so not true that writers make no money. If you like writing, the only way to develop your writing talent would be to write more and polish it. I'm trying to do so every time I write an article.
I love writing. But it never used to be that way. I was quite conservative about my thoughts and was afraid what others thought of my writing. But as I write more, I began to open up and express myself more. I now believe that writing could be my most underdeveloped talent that I have.
Maybe you should tell your mum that one of the ways to earn passive income would be to write a book. You write the book once and you earn throughout your life, so I don't understanf why she said that. I'm trying to write a book too. It's going to be my biggest project I'm embarking on this year.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Hey, what an inspiring story yours is. I really admire what you have done, written articles and having them published and getting paid, to boot. Now, you're considering writing a book. Wow! I could not in my wildest dreams ever imagine myself writing a book. I am too disorganized in my thoughts. My thoughts of success are with you. I hope you write a bestseller and knock their socks off. I ask about getting paid a lot not because I intend to make this my livelihood but because it is very easy to write and get published on the internet. All you have to do is get a free blog and write away. When you get paid for writing something it means that someone has read your article and liked it enough so you get paid for it. Validation is important to me too.
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@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Your mom should have never discouraged you and writers do make money and lots of it. I bet you have talent that you never even knew you had. Have you tried writing anything before? You can write about life experiences, fantasies, pretty much anything. Good luck!
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Thanks for your encouragement. I am grown up now and she cannot stop me if I write, hehe. I have not made any money from writing and that might not be a big deal.Many people have given me encouragement and hints about where to submit articles.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I used to have a similar predicament to you, but then I decided that I had to live my life for me rather than my mother dictating what I did. I have to wake up every morning and work in the career that I choose, she's not going to do the work for me or go to the doctor when I get an ulcer from being miserable. It's just not worth it. If a writer is truly what you want to be, and what makes you so happy, go for it! Your mother, or any adequate parent, will support you in doing what makes you happy. I am not sure you have no talent, anyone who really loves a field has some aptitude for it, large or small. You might need to work a little more on your skill than someone with more ability would, but if you're truly passionate, you will triumph!
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Thanks for the encouraging words. I like your word "passionate". It has been a long time since I have seen that word applied to myself. I should maybe re-learn it. Who knows, it might make a difference and make me write better?
@MandyB1978 (36)
• South Africa
22 Apr 08
I would say don't believe that thing about having no talent and don't believe that there is no money in writing. I am sure that both of these are wrong. Firstly, I am a full time freelance writer making much more money than I could ever making working for a boss and my earnings on MyLot are actually more for fun than my actual income as at the moment I only have $0.26 from them. Secondly, when I first went into full time writing everyone had actually told me that I had talent in writing and even when I was young my parents and teachers encouraged me and said they would see my name in print but by High School I had already come to think this was just a pipe dream and that I could never really make it as a writer. Well, today I am so glad I took the chance and just did it because it is one of the best things I have ever done. Take a chance, just do it and you may be very surprised.
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Thanks for your thoughts. I especially like the last line. I like surprises, more so the kind that brings money with it. Life too, is full of surprises and I know for a fact that surprises are better than the expected.
@joodzki6 (596)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
i do love writing too, but i do not see myself earning money from it. i think not all popular writers made this as their main source of living...most of them are just making it as a hobby and extra income sometimes.
Anyone can write, it's one good way of expressing once thoughts, feelings and emotions..thru this you can be who you are.i think you don't need to have a talent to write..as long as you want to express your thoughts...you are going the right way...write??? have a great day to you.
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
What you said made me remember something I have on my website. It says "If you hear a voice within you say, 'you cannot paint', then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced" it was written by Vincent van Gogh.
You might want to check out my website: http://chingsway.com/
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
21 Apr 08
Perseverance seems to be a more important attribute for a writer than talent! If you have the interest in writing,keep working at it..It could all suddenly come together for You...I like that there are numerous websites devoted to amateur writers with the idea of reaching a wider Audience..Some writers put samples of their material online in ebook format to gain acceptance and recognition,with a view to getting a publishing Deal...I hope things work out for You!

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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
You have said something which is very true, to my mind. Taking talent and measuring it against perseverance and tipping the scales in favor of perseverance. What a concept. I hear and see words and unexpectedly, the meaning becomes crystal clear. Perseverance side by side with talent, suddenly talent fades in importance when compared to sustained effort in the face of defeat and lack of progress. I always fancied talent to be paramount, like beauty in a woman. You are born with it and there is nothing anyone can do about it but put you in a pedestal. Your words have just upended all of that and democratized the whole concept. "Anyone can succeed if he perseveres". Thanks.
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
Of all people to discourage you of your interest...
Talent is only an innate skill, some are lucky enough to be well adept with such skills while others sharpen them through constant practice.
I have fancied writing since I was able to write stories. That goes with my interest with drawing as well. Though I know that I still have along way, I just keep on going.
Don't ever think that you don't have talent for something you are interested with.

@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
In fairness to my mother, I think she was just trying to look out for me. You're right, skills are developed and sharpened through practice and I remember reading about John Steinbeck when he worked in Hollywood. The story goes that every morning when he went to his office to work, he would first sharpen a box of pencils, prepare a ream of paper and begin to write. He would periodically crumple the paper he was writing on and throw it in the trash. When asked what he was doing he would reply that he was practicing, writing phrases, words in combination with this word and that. I found it to be a wonderful story.
Your comment about interest is also right. For talent to flourish, interest has to be cultivated too.
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@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I am sorry to hear that you were discouraged. I think that we should all do something that we love. Who cares if you cant be the best, do what you love. I love writing. Dont get me wrong I do have a "typical" 9-5 job as well, but writing is what I love to do. I write articles for many web sites and have a lot of things that are published. Its what I love, and i hope one day to pursue writing as a full time career. You should continue to write if it is what you love to do.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
That's wonderful to hear, I am getting not just encouragement but practical advice as well. Everyone on mylot has been very supportive and I do appreciate each and every response made to this discussion. Thanks.
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@wormzydaizy (202)
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
I do! when I was a kid I always thought of writing as not one of my turf. I did not even thought that I will be pursuing a course that involves a lot of reading and writing. I used to tell myself that too much writing and reading will certainly makes me crazy. But then I finished a the course and now my present work involves a lot of writing, researching and yes reading too. Who said that there is no money in writing?? you just have to more patient in looking for gigs that can pay well for your talent and interest in writing. I for myself have a regular 8 hour regular high paying job for a work that involves writing and drafting reports then I also have a part time job writing papers. I guess if you love writing, it becomes a hobby and it will no longer be a job. Go ahead explore and use your talent. =)
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
You must have made some pretty good decisions which have allowed you to gain success. I admire how you have made a living from writing which is something that I hope to get into. I like writing too but it seems to me that i never took the time to consider it seriously enough to make changes in the way I write and the way I think about writing.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Talent often comes from practice; and practice sometimes takes a while. But you do have talent as I can see from your post. Don't give up on your dream. I did for nearly 25 years to raise my family and am just now finding my voice again. I write a lot, but if you only write 2 pages a day or 2 hours, that is wonderful. Mylot is a great place to help build your confidence and get you started writing again. You don't say what you like to write: poetry, short stories, articles, or novels? I belong to a site that has helped boost my freelance writing career to new heights. It's called Associated Content. They pay upfront for exclusive articles and they also pay on how many times the article/story/poem is read by others. I'd be happy to help you build your page views if you are interested in joining. Here is the link http://www.associatedcontent.com/join.html?refer=15512
I hope to see you there, because I really believe that if writing is something that is in your soul, you should pursue it. But, I can also see that your confidence needs to be built back up. If you fear so much, you will never achieve your dream. Hugs

@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
23 Apr 08
Good for you. Again Associated Content is a great place to start, even though you have signed up with Helium (I am too), AC can really help motivate you if you are in the right groups. Thank you very much for best response...it is appreciated. I look forward to hearing about your writing career as it progresses. What is your name on Helium? I will subscribe to you so I can help rate your articles.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
That is very kind of you to suggest these things. I think that I have improved somewhat on my attitude towards writing though I still need to work on how to organize my thoughts and how to use words more effectively to communicate those thoughts. There is so much to do and think about now that I am considering becoming a real writer. Lol!
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
I agree, Mylot is great. I like it here and not just for the money. I like to communicate my thoughts but there is no order to my writing and I just write what comes to mind. Thanks.
@paid2write (5201)
22 Apr 08
When your mother said that writers make no money, she was probably thinking of fiction writers. It is true that only a handful of authors make enough to live on just by writing fiction. Most authors also write for other media and appear on radio and television. That is how they get to sell more books and they are also paid for their appearances.
Nonfiction writers do make money. All newspapers and magazines pay for the articles they publish. Now there are even more opportunities with the internet because there will always be a need for written content.
I too did as my mother told me when I was at school. I trained to be a typist and got an office job rather than go to college. I now have my degree and I am getting paid for writing.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
You are absolutely right and there were fewer avenues for making money from writing then. Nowadays, there is a hunger for content and the Internet is one hungry content monster. And you don't have to be the best in your class to do it. Anyone can make money on mylot, if you know what I mean.
@midautumn (219)
• China
22 Apr 08
don't ever think you have no telenet for something you are interested with.the more you practice,the better you will get at it.
believe yourself and seize every opportunity to write something.you will be successful,one day.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
I agree and I am grateful for this chance to practice getting the words to describe my thoughts on different matters. I do resist being correct in everything. I relish being flawed.
@zhongmingyunky (379)
• China
22 Apr 08
This is a very good hobby,may continue,has the interest only then to have the power,I support you!
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Thanks for the support. You made a very good point namely, hobby. I could go for that, fun and maybe a little profit on the side.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
21 Apr 08
If you like to write than ignore what anyone else tells you and develop your interest!
Do not be disuaded by what others think follow your dreams and desire. Do so on forums such as this. Hone your talent on forums such as Helium.com where you can find others who write for the love of writing and get paid.
Take free courses at the local library when they offered. Do whatever you can to improve your skills and follow your desire to write. There are plenty of opportunities today to write and be read in forums, blogs, and as a published author.
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Thank you for the words of encouragement, much more than words I am sure they are nuggets of wisdom and I thank you for them. Who knows one day I might write something a little more involved and elaborate than lamenting my lack of talent.
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