humans devlop from apes? ???? wtf
@questionsnoanswers (622)
13 responses
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
21 Apr 08
If we did evolve from apes, where did the apes come from? how did they get there? something had to create the apes. and if we did evolve from aps, how come the human race isn't evolving any longer? how come apes don't evolve any longer?
even before I became a christian, I always had a hard time believing my long lost uncle was an ape. it just doesn't make sense.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Evolution goes against what the bible says so no, I do not believe in it and God did not create evolution. He created us, this Earth and everything else for that matter.
Oh I do believe that we evolve as humans, but not in the sense you are refering to. I do believe that we are getting smarter and that our bodies are changing for the better. But that is also do to the fact that we are taking care of our bodies, our technology is getting better, allowing us to live longer and better. But what does that have to do with how we came from apes? And just how would it be possible that someone just "weed" out a certain trait, especially so long ago when the technology wasn't available to them like we have today? And apes don't have tails, so if we did come from apes, like you say, we didn't get them from the apes.... and I think that is pretty insulting to say that just because someone has alot of body hair, then that is proof that we came from apes. I am sure most Italians would be offended by your comment.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
22 Apr 08
if you dont see us evolving every freaking day then you are blind, there are still people born with tails, there are still people born with a real hairy body all over. We get smarter and smarter, there is proff that things in our body are changeing over the years, it takes time to evolve so we arnt going to see us all freaking grow wings and fly or something overnight. It takes time. NOW not to say your wrong to be a christian, evolution was created by god. there now you can still be a christian and believe in evoulution.

@twindenise71190 (24)
• United States
21 Apr 08
i believe in the bible an that we were created. because if we evolved why haven't we seen anything evolve? before our eyes? plus why is our DNA different from apes or monkeys? the evolution process don't make any sense to me at all.
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Open your eyes and look at all of the different kinds of dogs that we have bred (evolution on going) Not only dogs but many other animals as well as plants. Do you not call this evolution?
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
23 Apr 08
Well you will never know the exact truth , it is just like is there a egg first or is there a Chicken first ? .
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
22 Apr 08
evelution is everywhere right now happening before our eyes, yet most still deny it, even if its not true its still a science that should be taught and then the kids decide what path they want to follow. Thats part of free will. What i dont get about christians is they try to stop free will when good is all about free will. off the point though. there are people with tails and people with hairy bodys, so hairy you cant see there faces. There are giants still today, drawfs. Apes are comunicating with us through computers. evelution is all around us. NOw im not a christian but if you want to stay a christian and believe in evoulution too then just remember. God created evolution, thats how he created man, and thats how he created everything else. Now it has been written.
@viet129 (70)
22 Apr 08
Of course we evolved. Evolution has and still is happening. You may say you cannot see it happening now but it is. If you could go forward 10,000 years and look back to this time, you will see how much we have changed in that time. Evolution doesn't happen overnight.
There are things I believe in the bible but also I have to say, a lot of things written there are just stories and people's imagination. You cannot seriously believe that 2 adult people were suddenly placed here at the beginning of time and that a snake actually spoke to Eve...oh please.
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
23 Apr 08
Dear MyLot Friend,Your question whether us humans develope from Apes?
This question can be easly answered by knowing and reading
the first and second chapter of the Book of Genesis from the Bible. It is very self explanatory on how God created us. And it is truly a sad thing to see children in the school system being taught for history purpose, that we came from Apes.
So it is the responsability for us parents, to teach our children the creation before they even enter the public school system, so when the child is being taught something differently, he/she will know the truth, because true education starts first in the home.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
21 Apr 08
We evolved. It is quite a silly thought that we were just placed here and came from just 2 people. There would be no way that the human race would have lasted so long.
@keep_onwatch (2680)
• India
22 Apr 08
Of course we r not evolved from apes, if thats the situation, we still do fing every other species that r said to be out evolving ancestors. Just doesnt make sense. If we need something new, there is an inventor behind it, and 4 anything as sophisticated as us, we do need an inventor too...
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Why is it so hard to see that evolution and creation are intertwined. When God was creating man in his own image the was (through evolution) forming us in his own image. He took clay and formed or molded us through the different forms (from the single celled plants and animals to the higher animals including apes) into what we are now. and we are still evolving, it is not something that we can see because it takes many generations to have any effect.
@shoelessjoe (81)
21 Apr 08
There is so much evidance around the evolution story ,i have to go for it .Because the creationists can never answer who was here before god.And the standard answer is god was allways here.Well if god can allways be here so can the planets and the earth.And a basic form of life
@Tomoholic (43)
21 Apr 08
It depends on what you belive & what road you go down. I belive that we did evolve from apes, as it's the most logical explenation out there & it seems makes sense to me.