How Does This Make You Feel?

@Malyck (3425)
April 24, 2008 3:45am CST
The following is an excerpt from a MySpace "bulletin" I came across a few days ago, and it hasn't stopped bugging me. Sometimes I can't believe the ignorance that still exists in this world! This was written by a 16 year old Australian female, who should be educated and tolerant, advanced in thinking and not stuck in a world of archaic ignorance and prejudice. DISCLAIMER: Contains racist slurs/views and coarse language: "Last night i was in the car with my mum, a big truck was next to us and it was a green&gold truck with a picture of kangaroo, the southern cross and the aussie flag on the side. It also said 100% Australian made, owned and produced. As we sped up tp over-take it I glanced at the people in the truck, and they were f***ing araabs, muslims, indians or something they were both wearing turbans and blasting there f***ing papadum music or wateva... like wtf ay?!?!?!?!?!?! AUSSIES SHOULD F***ING TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And I also think that people that cant speak fluent English should GET THE F*** OUT. And why should they be aloud to put signs out the front of there smelly little food shops in there own languages...*Non English speaking "Australians" can get there licenses here, But how the f*** to they read the street signs??? Wat is Happening to our Beautiful Country?" Personally, I'm saddened and disgusted by the views presented in her words. I have very little, if any, tolerance for ignorance and racism, and this false, idiotic belief that "White Australians" are superior, that English is the only worthwhile language and that only people "like us" should be in "our" country. Surely it is common knowledge that, like most countries, white Europeans are not the Indigenous peoples of Australia, and that we are a multicultural nation that has embraced, since WWII, and thrived upon the inclusion of the other beautiful people of the world. Surely everyone should know and accept that to be "Australian" or "American", etc, one must only be a citizen - that we don't all have to look and sound alike, have the same interests. Not to mention, these people in the truck, could themselves be 3rd Generation Australians, which is more than I can say, my grandparents having migrated from Greece and Austria in the early 50's. Judging based on race, colour, religion etc is just so disgusting. I know that my grandmother, who was born in Greece, spoke and wrote English better than half the people I know, as well as having a beautiful accent that accentuated her heritage. And that is the case for so many migrants, they learn English better than we use it, as well as speaking their native languages. They make our countries beautiful and diverse and work and pay taxes like the rest of us. When will people wake up and see that it's what's on the inside that counts?! Ugh. It just frustrates me so much!What are your thoughts?xoxo Have a great day/night! Mal.
4 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
26 Apr 08
Errors I saw - The girl automatically assumes the people can't speak English. This is based on what? How they look or the music they are blasting? Remind me not to have J-pop or K-pop going, or else someone will think I am incapable of speaking English. - Sentences are not supposed to start with "and" (I do this too, but look at the next one) - Two consecutive sentences begin with "And" (I do not do this...) - For someone complaining about others not being able to speak fluent English the guy used "there"(licenses) wrong (it should have been 'their'), Wat (should have been 'what'), Aloud (should have been 'allowed'), Wateva (not even a word...), he used 'to' when it should have been 'do'. See this is why we need a 'strike' command with our posting... I could have just copied the statement and put the lines through it. Plus it makes "fixing" peoples responses quite easier (and more humorous). - Ignorance at driving laws. If a person is incapable of reading and understanding the signs they are not allowed to drive (or well thats what its supposed to be... I've seen some questionable cases/drivers though) Other things (random, maybe silly too) - Their truck was 100% Australian made, owned and produced. I think that's worth something. What was "her" car made of... - The person's post "fixed" "Dear Myspace. My name is IgnorantAssumptionQueen1256778. And I fail. And I can't write English that well but complane abut it frum uther peoplez. Hookt awn foniks werkt fer me. And I really fail. And I really, really fail."
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
26 Apr 08
*snort* How I've missed you, Pro. I thought about re-typing her little rant, instead of copying and pasting it, but I realised that her illiteracy was an ironic and necessary factor in the amusing, and sad display. Another funny thing, about the entire post, which isn't shown here, is that it was supposed to be a "political" attack against our newly elected Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, who at the time of the post, wasn't even in office. According to this intelligent little bundle of acceptance, "F.CK KEVIN RUDD AND HIS F.CKED UP IDEAS!! He is f.cking up Australia Go ahead kevin f.cking make Australia a Republic, that means there will be more of a chance that war will start even perhaps a WWIII, Do you not realise that the f.cking Japs still want OUR TURF, but oh wait they hav pretty much already taken it over.. GO DIE KEVIN RUDD COZ UR SENDING AUSTRALIA DOWN THE DRAIN" And this just made me giggle on my initial reading. An Australian Republic, rather than being a Commonwealth Nation will be the cause of WWIII, because the "Japs" (every single one of them), want to take over our country and fight us? And the only reason that isn't happening now, is because the QUEEN is our Head of State? Does she have some sort of military training or scare tactics that I don't know about that keep us safe from such a violent attack? I love to picture Queen Elizabeth in Army Cams, or in a fighterjet. Amusing stuff. Questionable "facts". Oh, and about the truck, she meant that whatever product they freighted was 100% Australian, although that is still a good point. How many of her clothes, appliances etc are made in these "evil" nations, or in Australia, by "Non-Australians". Give me a break, these people, even the intelligent ones, are so blind and ignorant. Have a fantastic night, Pro!
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
26 Apr 08
ahahaha! that encapsulates it perfectly. =D
• Australia
24 Apr 08
There's racism and ignorance in all races and, yes, it's disgraceful. When will people realise that we are all human? It's called the 'human race', not the 'english race', the 'arabic race', the 'aboriginal race', etc, etc. As you said, we are a multi-cultural country. Instead of being against it as this girl obviously is, people should take advantage of it by way of learning from other races. We can all learn from each other about our different cultures. I have a myspace account and there is no way I will ever allow someone like this onto my friends list! I look for friends who are like me - don't judge others, accept others the way they are. This girl is a disgrace to our country. I just hope that anyone from other cultures who read this understand that good, non-racist people far outweigh ignorant little so-and-so's like this girl!
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
24 Apr 08
"This girl is a disgrace to our country" I totally agree - it's the people who think like this who make our country ugly. The ones who don't embrace, or at least accept differences. If I'd known her "true colours" so to speak, I wouldn't have added her, we used to go to school together. And I know she loves pizza, and I know she could never be a doctor, and wouldn't stay in a war-torn country or one with nothing to offer her as an individual. But it's easier to judge, I suppose. To see that someone is physically different and make them "bad", so you don't have to go outside your comfort zone. Sad, pathetic, lonely lives some people live. I love the cultural diversity, I love that I can learn new and exciting ways of thinking, cooking, sounding. The idealist in me wants the world to change. For racist/sexist/ignorant/judgemental people of all cultures/races/religions to evolve. =) I love our country.
• Australia
24 Apr 08
The sad thing is this girl will never be truly happy because she is too narrow-minded to be happy. She will always judge others, noone will live up to her expectations. I feel sorry for people like her. I hope she never tries to add me on myspace - she won't last long!
@retsky (14)
• Australia
25 Apr 08
WTF???? As i study cultural diversity every day, I honestly had to laugh at this Malyck! Like you said, 16 years old. The world is all about them at that age, (mostly) and they live in an ignorance is bliss one at that. Hopefully, ultimate irony will have it that by the time she matures intellectually, she will have fallen in love with a man from another culture and then have to defend his right to be married to her, or live in her town that may have the same racist attitude as her. Then have children that have to go to the same school she went to, and have kids hassle her kids cos their parents had the same attitude as her, but worse. After all, she had to learn that attitude from somewhere. I can imagine the abuse she received after posting such a 'bulletin' (lol) (send the link to me so I can respond) Bulletin: Just in:....... another teen just gave a helping hand in creating racism and more s+*t which goes to creating future racism and wars over it and religions. Stop ..... The girl must never have children...stop
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
26 Apr 08
The funny thing is, your ultimate irony prediction probably isn't too far off. I can very much see that sort of future for her, if she makes it past twenty to begin with. "the girl must never have children". Indeed, Doctor, I call for some tied tubes thank you very much. =D
• Bahamas
24 Apr 08
I'm afraid this is nothing new. Racial tensions are felt all over the world.The world has become so compact that there should be no room for ignorance,but yet it's there.This earth does not belong to any one group everyone has something to contribute no matter where they happen to come from, that makes diversity something beautiful in my opinion.Many a nation was built on the backs of migrants who bring with them a strong sense of pride and are very couragous to leave their homelands and invest so much of their lives in another.Instead of judging a person on the way he/she speaks, or what they wear, the color of their skin, and their form of religion, they should be judged instead, under the basic fundemental human principal....the content of their character.Maybe had she been taught this she would not be as ignorant as she appears to be.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
25 Apr 08
Oh, I couldn't agree with you more! You've captured my exact feelings (and, I believe - and hope - the feelings of many), and written them perfectly. A much-deserved best response. Thank you for your input! Have a fantastic day! Mal.