The Anti-Christ
By beijair
@beijair (206)
United States
April 24, 2008 7:30pm CST
I received an email from a strong republican that focuses on all the bad things they thought about Barack Obama. It was the typical one sided propaganda email we get about any person running in politics.
I noticed near the end it then referenced the bible stating something about the Anti-Christ being a man of ..blah..bla...blah and they made the comparisons directly to Barack Obama.
I thought, wow, they still use this scare tactic in an effort to get some to fall for it and actually, many ignorant people do fall for it and sometimes it takes repeated references to such silly things to get some to believe.
Then, i started to think, what would it matter if he was the anti-christ? How often do we hear religious people say they cannot wait for the rapture. So, if they can't wait, then they should vote for him and encourage others to vote for him. Then they get their little rapture and get to see their little god.
Clearly, they don't want to see this God..haha. Just as they will pray like hell if they get sick with anything life threatening and ask god..please, please save me, don't let me die. Clearly, they are not in a hurry to go to this place of peace, love and eternal life with the man they love so much..haha.
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3 responses
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
26 Apr 08
i was just talking about such email to my husband and i cant believe that obama is labeled in such a way.
i feel the scare tactic is just so childish, they have so many issues to talk about that really matters not only to our country but as well as the whole world.
BUT that is not the thing, they are fighting like crazy just to prove they are the rightful one. i honestly love obama and i feel he is most sincere when he talks and he is the one who dont tumbles when he talks, at least from what i have watched (so i hope others wont dare to tell me otherwise LOL)
regarding the rapture thing, i have never thought of such rationality of the subject.
you did give a good point and i cannot argue with that coz i feel you have a great point.
i feel that the reason why we, I, want to stay is that - because we dont want to leave our love ones yet.
i am not a religious person but i feel there is a fear there (IMHO) that maybe their belief is not true and there may not be God or maybe if there is they will go to hell and they feel they are not going to heaven.
in my own humble view, my reason for not wanting to die and for doing my best to survive is because i want to enjoy my life with my family.
yes, you can call me a hypocrite coz your statement is true that if i am so into God then i will be asking him to kill me now and not let me suffer. BUT i am a selfish person, id rather be with my family than with him, i think he will understand and will forgive me if he (truly ?) hears me.
anyway, appreciate you giving me a good thought. i enjoy hearing something that is not my own belief specially if it shows a lot of reality check on it.
takecare and good night!
@beijair (206)
• United States
26 Apr 08
funny isn't it? they will try anything to attempt to keep Obama out of the white house and many of them are just racist. i can't wait until a minority leads this country. Anything but another white, old fart that claims he talks to god. The currently , religious president that is a born again christian and supported by christians went to war, based on lies, supported torture of other humans and has racked this country over the coals and brought us to our knees.
we need a leader with a much different approach. one that isn't going to lie, cheat, deceive and sell our country to defense contractors and the oil companies. All in the name of God and god supported our president...apparently.
these nuts have got to be stopped and our country put back on top. Bush failed, completely.
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
27 Apr 08
yes, i find it odd and silly that they are doing that for the sake of politics.
i honestly feel that there are more worst than him (if proven that he is bad) in the white house and they should be out for them as well.
i just watched a show that they showed in front of the church this phrase "Obama - Osama Humm, are they brothers" something like that and i feel that a church shouldnt do that, it sounds judging to me and that is against what they are preaching.
i hope this country will pick a leader who really loves and care about life and will help the economy to go back to what it is used to be.
we can only wish though!
maybe we need a president who is more open and not too religious, maybe that will help us more, who knows.
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
25 Apr 08
Snob obama may not be the anti-christ, but he sure isn't the messiah every dem thinks he is. Go ahead and bust on the rapture, you have that right, but your knee jerk reaction to what a republican thinks is irrelevant. B.O. without his teleprompter is lost, everybody is afraid to challenge him because he's black and they might be labeled a racists. He like hilhag have no business near the white house, he's too green, not too black, and she's only qualified to flush the toilet. Barack Osama doesn't like people of faith, he proved that when he opened his mouth about PA. Maybe that's why you got that e-mail, but your rant about Christians and the rapture is way off base. Do a little more reading and ask a Christian what the rapture means to them, Christians care more about other people coming to Christ then running from him.
@beijair (206)
• United States
26 Apr 08
Funny you should say he is lost without his telepromter. reminds me of Bush and how he still can't speak to in complete sentences. hehe.
Christian are full of lies and spread their own personal desires as their religion but then again, they can't prove one bit of it. they make many claims but have not one shred of evidence to support it.
they claim they have the one god, but can't prove it, they claim god is real, but can't prove it, they claim they are saved now, but can't prove it, they claim there is a hell, but can't prove it, they claim they can be healed by this little and yet can't prove it, but for some strange reason, god NEVER heals an amputee.
we could go on for days about the silly things christians believe. but i understand they need to believe in this invisible buddy...the one that was once a burning bush that talked and lived near a time when snakes talked..haha.
oh yeah, they can't prove any of that either. go figure
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
26 Apr 08
Okay, retract your claws. First, you busted on the person who sent this so called e-mail to you about B.O. and how he was the anti-Christ. So I thought I would read some stuff on your website about how you want to "educate" Christians, I did, I think you are confused about free will. Typing your trap to get people to respond to it is free will, breathing in and out is free will. What is wrong with people recognizing a higher power? Obviously somebody did something to you and now you want to take revenge on people of faith. You must be part of the science crowd that wants proof for everything. I guess being an engineer allows you to build things, you may never destroy them but if you design and build you have that power. God builds us to have a relationship with him, if we don't that's our free will. He doesn't make me do anything I don't want to but he lets me know what I shouldn't do, those are called commandments. The fact that you want to educate the children frightens me because they are the most innocent of all, let them decide, I'm sorry let them have free will, your post will only be read by those who can elighten you. You've made up your mind that it can't be proven, its not proof, but faith, you can't prove I don't have it, but I can prove you don't.
@beijair (206)
• United States
26 Apr 08
Let me help you out a little. I personally know we have free will and there is no god that can control any of us. God is a myth and no one can provide a shred of evidence to show me wrong. Now that is a fact.
Regarding free will, according to the bible, NO one has free will. The fact that i write this is of God, according to the bible. Or don't you understand the scriptures when they state "EVERYTHING is of him" "yet all is of God" "god operates all in all", " all was before ordained before the beginning of time" and if you read my blog, you noticed i am apple to post many more. FACT is, according to the bible, you are doing exactly what God planned and approved.
I would suggest you take a look at the word free will in the dictionary and then see if it would include the words "everything is of him"....except for what you desire to not be of him..haha.
just where is this god? they tell us year after year, the time is near, the anti christ is they say he heals but for some funny reason, he NEVER heals an amputee. we are talking about some facts, not fantasy. dream whatever you want and makeup any claim for which you cannot backup...i couldn't care.
if you dont' like what the bible states, take it up with God...if you can find him.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
26 Apr 08
Just like people said W was the Anti-Christ. The same was done for Clinton too. Very silly remarks. I mean agree or not, if one has to resort to using religion and comparisons to the worst characters in religion... the argument doesn't have anything of substance to it. I respond with a non-caring "so" -_-
@beijair (206)
• United States
26 Apr 08
I agree with you on that one. I think it is often those that find it easy to believe in something that requires NO PROOF.
I just don't get it, they can make extraordinary claims and provide not one shred of evidence to back it up. Then, when others claim evolution is real, they require proof, demand it and even with volumes of scientific proof that shows it is real, they still do not believe.
These are the kinds of people that claim others are the Anti-Christ.