Hurrah for Rev. Wright??
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
April 28, 2008 7:42am CST
I am so pleased to see and hear that Rev. Wright is continuing to spew his hated for America. He is giving the Clinton and McCain run for presidency a great boost. BTW he is now being referred to as Obama's FORMER pastor when did this happen?
McCain says "I saw yesterday some additional comments that have been revealed by Pastor Wright, one of them comparing the United States Marine Corps with Roman Legionnaires who were responsible for the death of our Savior, I mean being involved in that. It's beyond belief."
For those who would like to see and hear the NAACP speech he gave here is the link it is in 4 ten minute segments. In #3 he mocks J.F. Kennedy, gives American English speaking lessons, singing lessons!! I noticed in the comments a few Obama supporters have now changed their minds and are not supporting him anymore after this speech.
After jokingly mocking the Boston accents of former Presidents John F. and Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., Wright said, "nobody says to a Kennedy, 'You speak bad English,' only to a black child was that said."
After jokingly mocking the Boston accents of former Presidents John F. and Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., Wright said, "nobody says to a Kennedy, 'You speak bad English,' only to a black child was that said."
Wright said that he believes "a change is going to come, 'cause many of us are committed to change how we see others who are different."
My questions to you are when did Rev Wright(Wrong) officially become Obama's "former" pastor and do you think this reawakening of Wright's very obvious hated of whites will have any effect on Obama's campaign?
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9 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Apr 08
I looked up the text of Rev. Wright's sermons and most of the sensational comments were taken out of context. Yes, they're inflammatory and I do believe he thinks the country aren't giving everyone a fair shake but if you read the entire sermon of whatever soundbite or quote that's presented to you, it takes on a totally different tone.
They are using Rev. Wright's sermon snippets in an attempt to sway the voters away from Senator Obama. This is a common political dirty trick and it seems to be working. I haven't made up my mind which of the three I will vote for--I don't want any of them, actually--but now that I've educated myself I won't be letting Rev. Wright's comments taken out of context sway my opinion one way or the other.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
28 Apr 08
That is why I gave the link to the video of the complete speech so that NO-ONE can take anything out of context. If you have the time to listen and watch all 40 minutes of (as I did) see if you can come back and make the same response! IMO nothing I have seen or read on the news has been taken out of context. Thanks for your response.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Apr 08
My computer doesn't do well with videos, I need more memory!
Sorry I can't see the video. It's only one sermon, right? I agree that his comments are inflammatory even sometimes when read in context. But we do have the right to speak in this country.
I understand why the opposing parties use these kinds of things but I'm really tired of it. If they would focus on the issues and try to pin down the candidates on what exactly they plan to do instead of sticking to generalities, we might be able to make better decisions and a pastor's comments wouldn't get so much press, no matter how bad they are. I'm tired of being distracted.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Apr 08
People love to bring up the fact that we have the right to speak in this country. It's true. You know what? We also have the right to judge people based on what they say when speaking. If someone calls a black man a racial slur, do you think anyone will come out and say "He has the right to speak"? Somehow the rules are so much different when it's a racist like Wright and people rush to defend him and his protege.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
29 Apr 08
All Obama has said is "Rev. Wright does not speak for me" this was again on the news a few minutes ago but so far Obama has NOT said he (Wright) is no longer his pastor. BTW last Sunday Obama attended a predominately white church service...
hmmm changing colors?

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Personally as a Christian first with Rev. Wright and all of his comments, and then will Oprah and her comments, and both of them Obama favoring, and getting backing from scares me. Personally what will it take before all see who Obama really is, and wonder how could they have ever supported him?
Personally I am not for Obama, and never have been. Who is the Best candidate out there is still yet to be seen, but let's just hope whoever wins is ready to help make a change instead of just focusing on what they can do for themselves.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
29 Apr 08
I am also a Christian and every night I pray that God's will be done in selecting the next president because I am afraid to trust what kind of choice mankind will make.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
28 Apr 08
Whiteheather I do not understand something, you can show proof as you have today, and at the Obamites will not except it. Obamites are like a wall, they will not be moved. It does not matter that you show them videos, they will just say it was taken out of context, or is up to interpretation. Excuse me but where is the misinterpretation, do you know Whiteheather? How was it taken out of context, do you know Whitheather? I cannot understand why so many people still support Obama. I know the Obamites will say that it was Rev. Wright(Wrong as you have put it) not Obama. Okay I will except that, but why do they attack McCain for getting support from Rev. Hagee. If you attack one and defend the other, what does that make you? I will not say what they are, because in the past that has never gotten me anywhere. So you ask the question, and I will give you my answer, No. Obamites believe in Obama like some believe in God. It is a faith based support, just like a religion. They will drink the Kool-Aid if Obama told them to do so.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
29 Apr 08
I too am shocked and scared how people can be so blind. Our country is in trouble right now which Obama I believe we would be in deeper trouble.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
29 Apr 08
If this Rev. White hates the USA so much, why is he lving there? Can't he migrate? Surely Mexico would accept him.
Seriously, in Australia, when immigrants on Australians whinge about Australia, they are told promptly to go back where they came from. If born in Australia, it wouldn't be a problem immigrating to certain other Commonwealth countries.
It is quite disgusting the way Rev. Wright preaches his anti America, anti-white ideas. He is doing his cause no good at all by alienating over half the population.
I can't answer your question as to when Rev, Wright became Obamas "former" paster, but I do know that if his advisors had any sense t all, they would have urged Obama to shift himself away from this Rev as far as possible.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Apr 08
I don't think the Reverend wright crap will hurt Obama any more than it already has. The people who were offended by this racist, have already moved on to vote for other candidates. The fanatics, will never have their minds changed. They are obsessed and blind. No matter what is said or done by Obama or his pastor, people will claim it was taken out of context. Even if Wright shoots a man in the head, they'll say "He's done so much for the black community. You can't judge him on that murder alone". These people are a waste of time. It's like talking to a brick wall.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Apr 08
Very good video. I too want to know when he became the "former" pastor, because even as recent as the last debate, Obama was defending him and stating that Rev. Wright loved America. If he loved America so much, he wouldn't mock JFK or make blantantly untrue,outrageous remarks about our military. He would support them...whether or not he believes in the war. I am so sick of all the retoric or this campaign and it's just the beginning. This is a great discussion.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Hard to say. Earlier in the week, one of the national morning shows played his entire "chicks come to roost" speech and his remarks really were taken out of context that time. Newt Gingrich was on TV this morning plugging a new book and he made some interesting comments. He said that the guy is a preacher and he probably just saw a chance to preach to the world and figured he'd never get such an opportunity again. Gingrich also said that he thought he might be deliberatly sabotaging Barack Obama. Who knows? I thought it had blown over but this guy is like a runaway train.