What are some good borders for a flower bed?

@dragon54u (31634)
United States
April 30, 2008 9:20am CST
I'd like to put some flowers in front of the garage that's behind my house. I can see it out my window right now and thought it'd be so nice to have some flowers there! I need a border to protect it from the lawnmower and to deter the dogs--well, it won't deter them but it'll make them take an alternate route unless there's some kind of critter taking a shortcut through the flowers! In Arizona, I had literally tons of rocks--everywhere you went, there were rocks of all sizes. Here in Ohio, I have nothing like that. Lowe's has attractive plastic borders in 1' pieces that work out to $1 a foot but that's pretty pricey for me. I'm thinking maybe bricks or something but what do you think? Please give me your ideas and it'd be nice if you had some pictures to post. I'd love to see your flowerbeds, especially if you've been creative with the borders/barriers!
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2 responses
• United States
30 Apr 08
We use decorative shapped brick boarders...the kind you can get at Lowes or Home Depot. We have them stacked about two high and they work great. Of course, my flower beds are really overgrown right now. Our weather here in Southern Oregon hasn't been conducive to getting out and playing in the dirt this spring...in fact last night it was below freezing again, and there was snow in the mountains.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I hope they're cheap! I'm on a tight budget but I'd rather cut back elsewhere than not be able to enjoy a beautiful yard. We were supposed to have a hard frost last night here in Ohio but the cloud cover stuck around long enough to prevent it! That's great because my tulips are blooming and my daffodils are slowly growing. Don't you love weather that changes all the time? You never know what to expect so you never get bored with it!
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
1 May 08
I've included a photo of my flower bed. I used rocks from a creek as the border. This year I am going to not plant a flower bed, remove the perennials and make a parking slough. I have out grown my space and need that area to park my trailer. I have a landscaping company and sometimes when I get home at night there isn't a place to park my truck with the trailer attached. You might be able to get bricks for free if you can haul them. Look in the local bulletin board weekly sale papers. There are people wanting other people to take their unwanted landscaping items all of the time. You could always be creative and use sticks or small trees. It doesn't take very long to cut down a tree that is about the size of a softball is around. What about old tires? You are in Ohio that is close enough to West Virginia to use tires for a border. LOL Blocks are expensive. Before you buy shop around. There are local distributors of blocks that might give you a better price than Lowe's or Home Depot. The one here is called "Central Supply". They have a website centralsupplywv.com and might have a store in your area.