How Would You Brighten A Close Friend's Life..
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
April 30, 2008 10:28am CST
Ok, so he's been through a lot in the past seven years, but this is one of the worst periods of time, I've seen a close friend of mine go through. He tends to get secretive about things, and likes to try to deal with them himself. A proud man, indeed.
Normally so bright and optimistic, he's withdrawn, weary of life, and very difficult to talk to at the moment. I don't like to encroach on his space, so I've left him for almost a month, to find himself again, in the hope that his mood would pick up, and his steps along his path, grow more steady and positive.
This morning, having not heard from him for nearly two weeks, nor seen him online, I texted him. I asked how he was doing, asked him if he was growing a little less weary, and wished him a Joyous Beltane. Shortly afterwards, I received a response... "Hi. Things much the same - need some good weather to lighten the mood. Joyous Beltane to you too. x"
My heart sank... here I've been, trotting around the countryside, trying to find my way, whilst he is moping around, weary still, of life. I'm going to send a Beltane greeting card to him, which might hopefully help a little, but I'm stuck as to how to word it... what would you say? I know he has the sunshine trapped inside his soul, but he needs to let it shine on through and around him. Hopefully, that won't sap his inner strength too much.
He's closeby... would you continue to give him space, or go knock his door and ask him to walk and talk with you, in the hope of being able to lift his spirits? I'm so afraid I might make him worse, and I'm battling with my conscience right now.
During my Beltane ritual, I am going to call on the Elements and spirits to help me, which hopefully will guide me the right way, but it's weekend almost and celebrations will surely take place over the Bank Holiday, when he'll want to spend time with his family and I won't encroach on his family life.
Hellllllllp... I need some advice here, guys. I'm not at all my calm, confident Self. Any suggestions, please?
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16 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
1 May 08
Hi Darkwing! I have been depressed too a few months back and I am still trying to find the strength to fight it off. I think with friends here in mylot, especially you, I found the love and concern and that made me somehow feel special. It makes one feel happy when knowing that there are people who cares. I can find strength and the will to move on and look on the positive things of life when someone just send me an email or a text message asking me, how I am. I think you just keep on texting him and keeping in touch with him, showing that you care will somehow brighten his day. It is a great deal when you know someone cares, it somehow gives your heart a reason to smile. Just letting him know that you will always be there for him will do wonders. I know because that is how you made me feel back then. Thanks friend. Just my thoughts dear friend. Take care and have a nice day!

@Darkwing (21583)
1 May 08
Faith, it makes me happy to know that I can always be here for you, and that my support is accepted by you. I'll walk hand in hand with you, my dear friend, for as long as it takes.
As for texting him... I did that, early this morning, just saying... "Hi - Good Morning! I hope the sun shines warm on you today. Have a great day." It tore at my heartstrings to get the following message back... "Morning - won't see much sun today - inside at work all day and forecast is for rain."
So, I tried to phone my sister, to see if she'd take me to his town to get a basket and some flowers.. too wet to pick wild ones.. so that I could put them on his back doorstep, to hopefully, brighten his day. It seems my sister is working day shift this week, because I can't get a reply. I so wanted to do that too. Back to square one!!!
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend, and thank you for our heartwarming contribution. xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
2 May 08
Thank you, my dear, sweet friend. I am texting him every morning. He hasn't answered the last couple, but I'm hoping they will be brightening his days. The weather has been a little better too, so all in all... things are looking a little more promising. I'm feeling a little selfish and guilty that I didn't notice what was going on.. something happened there, and suddenly, because he was bright as a button beforehand. Oh well... time will tell, my friend. Have a great day. xxx
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
2 May 08
Hi Darkwing! I really do appreciate your friendship. I am lucky to have met you here and your friend is equally blessed to have you near. Don't tire on texting him even if you will find your heart broken somehow from his response. He needs a friend and I am so happy that he has you too. I will be praying for him and hoping that he will somehow find a reason to smile once again at life. Just my thoughts dear. Take care and have a nice day! 

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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
1 May 08
If you are not that close, for me, it's better to drop by in his place and bring something to eat. In that case, he will have an outlet of if he is that secretive, at least he will have company to talk with! but,if you are far from him, ask him to get online and tell him that you miss chatting with him at least even for an hour or two, he will have some company that will change the atmosphere for a while!
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 May 08
It's a bit difficult to try and surprise him with something to eat, because his daughter often pops in and either brings or cooks him a meal. I don't really want to encroach upon his family... not my style.
As for getting online, he's been staying off of late, saying he's spending to much time here, so that one's a bit difficult to, and I really have to be careful to give him the upper hand, and the choices, because he's a decision maker.
I do appreciate your suggestions but I can't see a way around them. I've already sent a card by e-mail, but in case he doesn't log on, I thought I might take a traditional Beltane/May Day basket of flowers to leave at his door for when he arrives home from work. I have to get the timing just right, and know that I'm going to be accepted before I rush in headlong.
Brightest Blessings, and thank you very much for your contribution, my friend. x
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 08
He has to go to work, Sweetheart, and I'm sure he has things arranged for Beltane, with his group of friends.
Still, I don't see that a basket of flowers and such on his doorstep or doorhandle will hurt at all. In fact they might well go a way to brighten his spirit, but that's only if nobody around there pinches them!
Brightest Blessings my friend and thank you for your contribution. xxx

@Bizziebod (3497)
30 Apr 08
Hi Darkwing, i'm sorry to hear of your friends hard time. I would suggest asking for some strength for yourself whilst calling on the spirits in order for you to get through this also. I am sure he would be happy to see you regardless, maybe take round a Beltane greeting such as flowers or maybe a home made remedy? If you offer the hand of friendship, and he decides not to take it, then you have done your best. I'm sure it will not come to that though.. Brightest Blessing and good luck xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 08
Hello, my friend. Yes, I need some strength just now. It's difficult to know the root cause of things, but I feel it's possibly close to his mother's birth date. He lost his mother last October, and I had a strange experience at the time. I won't go into details here, but I really think I need to tell him what happened, especially now. Six months has ticked by and I'm still waiting to be able to talk to him. Wanted to do it face to face, but so much has happened to prevent that.
Now, I think I might write it down, seal it in an envelope and place it in a basket with some flowers. Then, as is tradition, I'll possibly go hang the basket on his door or place it on his doorstep, in the hope it doesn't get taken, whilst he's not there!
I sent an e-card this evening, for Beltane, which was more a spiritual card than the actual Sabbat... I just wrote on it...
"May the Sun shine upon you and the rain disappear
As your teardrops subside, and your heart fills with light.
You have the Sun in your soul, so let it shine through, and surround you with strength and happiness.
I'm thinking of you, moreso now perhaps, than at any other Sabbat.
Love is the law... and love is the bond... sobeit."
I did head it up "Joyous Beltane Special Person", and I'm praying now that it will help him. There was a verse on the card front anyway, which said...
"May your spirit be forged hale and strong by the hammer of the God upon the Anvil of Life under the watchful gaze of the Goddess"
It made me a bit tearful, but I'm praying that the weather will get better for him and his heart will be lifted, very soon. I hate seeing him like this. xx
@Bizziebod (3497)
2 May 08
I'm glad you've heard from your friend. It's put my mind at ease as you did seem to be stressed about it and felt quite helpless for you! you must feel relieved a little - all you can do is let him know that you are there for him if needed. Blessed Be!
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@littleowl (7157)
2 May 08
Hello My Dear Frend=sometimes it is best to leave someone alone going through things that are hard to face but other times it is good to show that you care and are there for the person-in your case i think the latter is the best for you in this situation-listen to your inner voice and follow what you know is right-of which you will be doing the right thing-showing you care through this awkward time for your friend will make him realise that he is not alone in how and what he is feeling at the moment and eventually your love and kindness for your friend will be rewarded and he will be able to return and confide again in you again-I hope this may of helped-blessed be your friend littleowl
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@Darkwing (21583)
2 May 08
Thank you, my dear friend... yes, a great help. You especially, know how I've been agonising about all this, and I value your suggestions. What you said to me about the Goddess knowing, made perfect sense, and I know my spirits will guide me.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my friend. xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
3 May 08
He's back and talking and much brighter my dear friend. I spoke to him on IM last night and we discussed what you'd asked me a while ago? He's inquisitive, to say the least and coming to collect my gifts for our friends who lost the baby, when we will discuss that at more length. I'll let you know the outcome. xxx
@littleowl (7157)
3 May 08
Am glad things are back to normal as you know The Goddess heard your pleas for help and has rewarded you-he never went away he probably did thik of you amongst other things
Thanks for mentioning what we talked about will wait to hear from ou on that blessed be my friend littleowl

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@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
3 May 08
Hi there Darkwing, I am so sorry for not answering before now and this most sensitive subject. I remembering reading it and thinking that I would like some time to answer this properly and not just 'bash' out a response. Things like this need a lot of thought. Unfortunately all the new emails sent this so far down my inbox that I haven't seen it until now.
I am so with you with this. If it is someone in mylot then perhaps I know who you are talking about. I have missed a dear friend here too for the last couple of weeks and wonder where he is. I have answered many of his discussions and I think he is a very worthwhile, sensitive person...
You have given him space and personally I think it is time that you knock on his door, give him a call and just let him know that you are there. Sometimes people need space but at other times they need to be dragged out of themselves - their silence is a cry of help too.
Can you spend some time with him over this weekend go over and say 'hello' to the whole family. Yes of course he will want to spend some time with the family and vice versa but sometimes just having your own friend there, just the two of you is also a necessary part of life. Go to him and give him some support. Hurry my friend, show him that we care for him and that if he is in need of hope, it is here in the form of his friends. I am sending some positive thoughts which I hope you will both feel. Be well.
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 May 08
Things are sorted now, my dear friend. We've had a heart-to-heart or two, on IM, and I think he's feeling a little better, although unsure of the future so far as his job is concerned. He hates not being able to work... he has cancer, and works in the tech lab at the hospital. He's not short of money, but he feels secure in the job, should anything happen that he needs urgent care himself, if you see what I mean.
He lives alone. His wife left him to go live with a mutual friend, whilst he was in hospital, some seven years ago, having a cancer op, which was somewhat "touch and go", and his girls, both now grown up, live with their partners. One is married, with two boys and the other living with her partner. So, you can see why I worry about him, when I don't hear from him. Besides that, his girls, particularly the younger one, are quite mother orientated, and the younger particularly, doesn't like me being on the scene. She's probably afraid that I might be after his house, or money? That's the way it seems to me anyway. I would never do that! She's been here and we've had a good chat to clear the air, when I told her that he means the World to me and I would always be there by his side. Just the same, I would never encroach on his family life, however much it hurts me to stay away. I have very strong feelings about that. There's a lot of history there!
He is going to come over and see me very soon, so that we can chat about some things that came up, which I need to check with him, and to collect the gifts I have for our mutual friends who lost their baby recently. He will be going down to see them soon. I might even ask if I can go with him, and perhaps find a hotel to stay in closeby. That would be nice for me... I'd like to give them a hug too.
Thank you for your very solid and sensible advice. For sure, I'm going to suggest a few "quiet" days out, so that we can forget the future and live for today... nothing is ever for sure in the future, but today could be the last day we'll have together! Sombre thoughts, but true, I'm afraid.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend, and have a great day! xxxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
6 May 08
Awwwwwww, thank you for the positive thoughts my friend. They seem to have worked well because he was online on Friday, Saturday and tonight. He is back to his normal, jovial self and has opened up to me, totally.
I couldn't have wished for a better solution really. xxx
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@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
5 May 08
What a history - poor chap! How hard it must be trying to get over cancer but then to have your so called 'life partner' disappear on you like that is bad enough but with a mutual friend, dear me what a downer!!
I am sure he appreciates your kindness and friendship and I'm glad you got things sorted out with one of the daughters. It is silly to have that hanging over both your heads when it is unnecessary. Life is too hard already without worrying about those sorts of things.
I am glad that you are going to have some time together, I feel that he needs the friendship and warmth from you.
With this post I am sending some positive thoughts. You are a good friend indeed. :)
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@weemam (13372)
30 Apr 08
I would e-mail him again ( he might not be feeling like chatting ) I would tell him you are missing him and that you would appreciate his company on a walk if he were feeling up to it , If he declines the offer then I would pop the card through his door , I am sure he appreciates your friendship pal xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 08
I'm not sure whether he's been online lately, but anyhow, I will send him an e-card. I think he's come to know that I send him one every sabbat now, and will probably look for it this evening... in which case, I have to get my finger out!
I could put the sentiments in the card, I guess. He doesn't like the element of surprise, so you're right, it's better to contact him impersonally, rather than show up at his house. Maybe in the meantime, though, I will leave a Beltane Basket on his door, as is tradition, and hope that will help some towards cheering him.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xxx

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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
30 Apr 08
If you know that person well enough of what he would appreciate when he receives a gift then why not post him one.
You never know, but I'm sure the thought would affect a response of gratitude on his mind knowing a true friend is trying to lift his spirits up.
Have some great thoughts from Deeeky.

@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 08
I know him well enough, and I'm still holding his birthday gift from January, because so much has happened to both of us, that we either weren't able to travel, or we weren't in the right frame of mind to meet up. There comes a time in everybody's life where we stop and wonder whether it's all worthwhile, and in which direction we wish to head next. He's very sensitive as am I, but he doesn't like to be seen to be weak. He will often pretend that things are ok, because he is proud in that way. The gift is too large to post, and he will end up having to go collect it from the main post office, which is partly the reason I haven't posted it.
That's why I'm thinking of keeping the tradition of laying a Beltane Basket at his door. These baskets are often filled with flowers, and herbs, etc, can be left anonimously, and I'm sure, will brighten his day... at least one day, anyway. If that encourages him to get up and get out with the rest, to enjoy the Beltane celebrations, then it will have done its intended work. With the help of my spirit guides, I feel that might just be the way. So, if I can get over there, that could be the way to go.
I'm just not sure at the moment... normally, I can get a smile and lift him out of his depressions, but as I said, things have weighed heavy since last June, and this time is difficult. Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. x
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 May 08
I would tell him it was time to let go of whatever was holding him. I would tell him I needed him to come out of his cave and join me in a life. I would insist with gentleness but I would not give him a choice of being alone. Either he comes out to play or he lets you in. They are good choices for him under the circumstances.
You ARE your calm confident self, you are only practicing being worried with little confidence. I'm sorry I'm late with this but it still applies.
@Darkwing (21583)
4 May 08
Yes, you're right my friend. It does him no good at all sitting at home, moping about the future. We all need today in order to prepare for what the future brings us, and we should live each day to the fullest.
He's better now... we've chatted at length, a couple of times on IM, but I really need to see him face to face. There's only so much I can do to reassure him on the internet... it needs something a bit more personal, as you say. I need to walk with him, to hear him laugh and think about only the present. We all are so unsure of what the future will bring, whatever plans we lay down. But, we can be sure that today is here, and it could be the very last time we have together. Thus, we need to grab it and enjoy life.
He's going to come over and see me soon, so I'm preparing now, from these responses, the way I'll tackle things, so late or not, your suggestions are very valuable to me. I love the PMA you display in those words, my friend.
Brightest Blessings and thank you very much for your solid and positive suggestions. Have a great day! xxx
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
3 May 08
I too have such a friend who believes in being secretive and does not like people poking into his life. He seldom shares details of his life and the problems he faces. I could not accept it initially but I learnt that giving him space has been the best option so far since he will put himself in a defensive mood when one charges at him. I give him the space he needed for I feel that when the time is right, he will share willingly and openly. I can only pray for him.
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@mummymo (23706)
30 Apr 08
Oh Sweetheart I wish I could be of more help! I know when I am tired and weary (even before my mobility ptoblems ) and feeling depressed there are times when I HAVE to be alone but there comes a time to stop wallowing and needing a good and strong friend to force you out of hibernation and to face the world and all the brightness in it again. As I don't know your friend I am not sure what you should do but I have every confidence in your ability to do the right thing for your friend! I wish you every luck in your quest to help him and I hope you have a fantastic Beltane! xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 08
Yes, precisely why I've given him space for the past month. We've both been through a lot but I'm not one to sit around and do nothing about it... hence my recent journies.
It's knowing the juncture at which to offer your help but I'm hoping that Beltane will bring some better weather and cheer him. I sent him a card tonight, worded as in Bizzibod's response, in the hope that it will give him a little lift, and that I will soon be able to talk to him and guide him into the light once again. Whatever I do, I mustn't get my timing wrong!
Thank you for your wishes and your contribution my friend. Beltane will not be quite the same, but I have every intention of seeing it through in the best way possible, for if I'm cheerful, I may be able to radiate that to others.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. xxx
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I would go see him, treat him to lunch or dinner, maybe time out with a friend is just what he needs.
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 08
Yes, that's the way I often think. I'd be delighted if somebody did the same for me, but he's not a lover of the surprise element and to get him to agree is another matter. I guess a Beltane basket on his doorstep with flowers and fragrances of Spring, might just do the trick! Worth a try, and it's a tradition which he'll appreciate.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my friend.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I agree that you should go see him. Definitely take him for a walk. ANd you would not make him worse by acting as a friend. Just let him talk when he wants to talk.
He is lucky to have a friend like you who is so concerned about his happiness. We all should. I think too many people float through life thinking only of themselves and miss out on the real opportunities of true friendship. So just be there for him.
What does he like? To read? Write? Movies? Get a little something he is interested in and as for the card the only thing I can think of is a quote by Maya Angelou who is one of the strongest people (and woman) I have had the opportunity of reading and hearing speak in person. This woman changed my life when I was only 16 years old. I too am a bit of a recluse, but after reading her words a part of your soul lifts from somewhere deep within and you find the strength to move on.
"Life loved the person who dared to live it." --Maya Angelou
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 08
Thank you, my friend, for your kind words. The trouble is, there are also issues with his health which may be worrying him at the moment and maybe he's worried about that at the moment. There are lots of things that have happened which affect the both of us, since last June, and I guess they've gotten to him, more than me. Either that, or I made the decision to get up and get out, and remember where I was headed. That, in itself made me feel a little selfish and guilty that I didn't see how low he was, and I was out finding my own strength to carry on.
I've already sent him an e-card, the words in which you can read in Bizziebod's response, and I've almost made a decision to leave a basket of flowers on his door or doorstep, as is our tradition, on Beltane/May Day.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution and suggestions. Have a great day! x
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Apr 08
Well I don't know it depends on the Friend
Like I know you when you go through a bad time you just want to be left to sort it in your mind and then talk about it after well most of the time anyway
That is why I do not push you
Where me yes I would like my Friend to come round and talk to me but not to lecture or push me to talk
So really because I do not know him as such, but if it is who I think it is then you might leave him a little while longer or you will go through it again with him of going totally quiet on you
Love you and big Hugs xxxxx
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 08
Yes, I think you know who it is, Gabs. The difference this time is, I know the heartaches he's been through this past year, as I've been through some of the same. I feel I need to do something, and he's changed quite a bit, so I think I'll be safe as long as I get my timing right, and as long as I don't say the wrong thing.
That's why I decided to send him an e-card (see Bizziebod's response) and perhaps to leave a traditional basket of flowers and things on his door, or doorstep. I feel the less I say, the better it is right now as I don't want to make him feel weak or incapable of sorting out his own problems.
Brightest Blessings, my friend, and thank you for your contribution. Love and hugs. xxxx
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 Apr 08
First: A Joyous Beltane to you my dear friend.
Second - your friend. It's hard to advise you on this not knowing the man. But in your shoes I would simply knock on his door, take him by the arm and make him walk and talk with you. Sometimes, for those we despair of, we need to get a little pushy to bring back into the light. It is so easy in a depressed state to lose the desire to leave our comfort zone and venture out and beyond. It takes the will and caring of a friend or loved one to do that for us. Pick a sunny day if you can and just show up with a handful of wildflowers and a strong will and go from there. Best wishes and good luck.
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 08
Thank you my friend, and a Joyous Beltane to you, too. That seems like sound advice exept for the fact that he might reject the offer, and I don't know whether I could take that myself, just now.
I did think the idea of a traditional basket of flowers and such, might brighten his day, and I could leave them on the door as is customary, without saying anything which might upset him more. It's a kind of offer of comfort and help, so hopefully, he might then open up to me. Then I could try out the walk?
I already sent him a card (sentiments can be seen in Bizziebod's response), and I'm hoping that he may have made arrangements to spend time with friends tonight or tomorrow, in Beltane celebration. It might just perk him up to know that I'm thinking of him and to have a little fun with his friends. I sure hope so.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend, and thank you for your contribution. xx
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
1 May 08
I hope so too Darkwing. Do let us know how it turns out. It is sad to think he may be alone on Beltane. Hugs - for both of you.
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