What are you talking about?

@AmbiePam (88788)
United States
April 30, 2008 10:14pm CST
This has been something I've noticed since the day I joined mylot and started adding friends. I all the time get notifications, and the poster is talking about a show. But in the notification, it doesn't tell you what category the discussion is in. And most times posters just talk about a character, or a situation, and I'm like what? What show, what movie, what are you talking about? Sometimes I can decipher what show it is if there is enough detail of character's names. I find it kind of funny. If I came upon the discussion on mylot I'd obviously know what it was about because it would be listed under a certain category, like Grey's Anatomy or General Hospital, or whatever. Anyone ever get confused on those?
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12 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 May 08
Yes I do agree, that it is confusing, they poster should post the name of the show in the first sentence of their discussion so people will know what they are talking about.
3 people like this
• United States
1 May 08
no. But I posted one like that earlier tonight! I didn't think about the fact that emails don't show the category...lol. I just didn't want to post a spoiler for anyone who hadn't watched it yet...lol Sorry!!
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@GardenGerty (159724)
• United States
3 May 08
Yes, I do get confused, too. I just skip on passed them, because I don't watch TV much at all.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
1 May 08
yeah I try to put the shows title in my discussion if I can remember too.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 May 08
Thank you, thank you thank you....I thought I was the only one confused here. I'm not a big TV watcher to begin with, so in general I haven't a clue with what people are talking about when it comes to characters in shows, or movies , but some people do post discussions and start off.."Well what did you think of Alice, I didn't know she had a long lost sister that was in prison? And how do you think Steve will feel?" Am I like, who is Alice? Steve? what sister? what show? Duh? Huh?
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@AmbiePam (88788)
• United States
1 May 08
ROFL I know, sometimes the way they phrase it, I at first think they are talking about a real person.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 May 08
I don't watch alot of television so I don't really go through that alot....but on occasion I have and you are right....they start with a charater that I am not familiar and have to try to guess what show they are talking about. But if it's on the weather channel...or hgtv I probably would figure it out! LOL
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@GardenGerty (159724)
• United States
3 May 08
I would know the weather channel I am sure. We should see a post sometime like "Did you know where Jim Cantori went this week?"
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
1 May 08
I get confused because as some have said here they don't watch a lot of TV. I once responded to a discussion that I thought was about a character on The show CSI. come to find out they were talking about a character on another show with the same name. Made me feel pretty foolish. I don't watch any of the soaps so haven't a clue as to what they are about. I do wish they would put the name of the program or the movies in the title. We aren't mind readers nor do we all watch the same thing.
• United States
1 May 08
Some months back I also posted a discussion regarding this topic. I asked posters to please make some reference as to which show, soap, movie, etc in the text so that I know what in the hell they are talking about.
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• Philippines
1 May 08
Yes I do get sometimes confused on those kind of discussions but then I asked the poster to provide more info so I can respond to it.
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
1 May 08
I've had the same problem! I read the discussion and just shake my head. It's like people think everyone knows the names of characters of different shows and I seldom do! Very confusing to me anyway.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
1 May 08
Hummmm, another reason to be able to go directly to the discussion instead of just being able to post..You think mylot would fix this problem, I have had to many times go and repost what I said because I wasn't able to either 1. see what the category the discussion was in or 2. I couldn't see the uploaded picture they provided.. I hope the next upgrade would include this along with our referrals becoming the up lines friend when they sign up..
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
1 May 08
Yes I have and just a few more words would have cleared it upas I did not know if the poster was talking about a character in a book or in real life or the movies or what and just a few more clues would have made it clear.not all of us have the same interests or have read the same books or seen the same movies but a few words could make all the difference in the world.