how do you get ranked on mylot?

May 1, 2008 4:48am CST
did any one of us have observed the rankings given to us? can you guess how do you get this rank? on which basis are we getting ranked? if any one of us has come to know please tell me.
5 responses
@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
5 May 08
i think the rankings is calculated on how many you have posted on the interest home.,.the more you post on the same interest home the higher your ranking will be.
• Finland
18 May 08
Hi all! I don't think that the rankings are calculated just based on how many post we've posted, since I have observed quite a lot of rankings of members here, but sometimes I can see even a member who has posted less has a higher ranking than another who has posted more. So I was just wondering how this ranking works. Cheers!
• Philippines
8 Jun 08
Well i believe they rank you based on the quantity and at the same time the quality of your posts. It has something to do also with the number of times wherein you were able to provide the best response for a certain topic or discussion.
@lifeplayer (1007)
• Malaysia
1 May 08
I'm also new member here even i join MyLot for long time since never by the way, i see some other Mylot mamber telling that we do need to have 100 posts to get ranking
• United States
5 May 08
I think it has to do with the number of posts in a particular area that you make or possible the word count of your posts. I'm not quite sure.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
5 May 08
ranking is came from our fellow mylotters depending on houw the quality of our post. they rate as according to our post. the good quality post the better so that your rank number will lower, the lower number of ranks the better. the higher number of levels the better.