Some what of an update on my mom
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
May 1, 2008 11:39pm CST
She went from bad to worse and the doctors think it's her medicine that's doing it. Here's a copy of an email that I sent to a friend so you'll get the gist of what has been going down. I had to modify some of it so you'd understand.
I'm so scared right now because mom isn't acting like herself. One moment she's fine and then the next she's delusional. She kept fighting an invisible string most of the two hours we were there. Her mind seemed to be in tact 'most' of the time. She swore there was a string tangled in her fingers even when we kept telling her there's nothing there but she'd talk about other things like she's in her right mind and few times not in her right mind. We left soon after Dad got there for we had things to do, Dad called me and said she fought him the whole time he was there. Dad calls back later and said the nurse called him to let him know that they tried to give her something to sleep but she wouldn't take it but they did get her to sleep finally. Mom had gotten a phone call earlier from a friend who told her not to take that sleeping aid (what ever one it was and for what ever reason, gotta find that one out.) Hubby and I think it's not the sleep aid but the other medicine she's on because she was delusional when we got there and she had taken a crushed pill from a nurse and soon after we had left and Dad said he had a hard time with her. So hubby and I think it's what ever that crushed pill was and not the sleep aid she was getting.
Another thing, mom and dad just moved. So they haven't had time to get a Primary Care Doctor yet, Mom's favorite doctor is 4 hours away and she's talking to him and had him call the doctor that's caring for her to see what's going on. They've ran all kinds of tests and she didn't have a stroke and they all come out fine so they don't know what the hell is wrong with her so they think it'll ride itself out so they're going to send her to a rehabilitation center, more or less a nursing home. Hubby and I say, "what the hell good with that do when we don't know what's wrong?!?! It's just going to come right back or happen again!" I want to, so badly, yank her out of that hospital and take her to the one that her favorite doctor is because he saved her life once and I just know he's the best for her. She loves him dearly and trusts him a great deal but dad is like, "Let's see how tomorrow brings and bla bla bla" but I don't want to because I'm afraid that if we wait too long it could be too late.
Not to redirect the concern, so to speak, I'm the only family they've got here, my brothers and aunt are 3.5 hours north, My uncle is in Delaware, I'm severely hard of hearing and don't have any hearing aids, do you have any idea how hard it is for me to keep up? It's a true nightmare and I can't wake up.
Now today, she was really combative towards dad and then at the nurses, yelling and demanding, when they all wouldn't let her get out of bed or when we tried to correct her on some things (other than that we'd agree with what she says). She has no strength and would fall to the floor and being delusional... you get the drift. She's so far out of her mind that it's not funny in the least. I've had to leave the hospital a couple of times just to get out to cry. It's so hard to see her in this state. She's such a strong woman and very independent and to see her in this condition really takes a toll on me. Anyway, the doctors, the one she loves is working with the doctor here by phone, have removed all her medications which I found out are, Ambien - a sleep aid and Valium to keep her calm which did the complete opposite and has been known to do that, and said that she should be back to her old self tomorrow morning. I so pray so!! We found out that Ambien is very dangerous and has been known to cause heart attacks. Lovely. Just lovely! WTH???
However, they believe she has an inner ear problem and is why she's dizzy which is called "Vertigo" and that it will be 2 weeks to months before it goes away. She has to go to a rehabilitation center for up to 21 days then she'll be coming home because that's all Medicare will pay for. Dear God in Heaven if she isn't well by then!! What are we going to do?!?! So in the meantime, I've got to help my dad figure out his bills so that he can get them paid. Both are retired and so they get retirement checks at the beginning of each month so all their bills are paid then just as ours are. I've still got ours to do but tomorrow I'm hoping to be at dads after visiting with mom a little while and try to get things straightened out with their bills. Oh God what a mess!!
So please forgive me here, I won't be able to respond to any discussions for quite some time other than to maybe to give updates every now and then when I find the time. It's going to be overwhelming few weeks or even months for me and I'm not sure how I'll keep up but I have to some how. And I pray that my dad holds up too because he has a very weak heart. The doctors have told him he won't live through another heart attack.
Hubby is going to see his mom for a few days tomorrow so it'll be just me and my dad so we really hope mom is back to normal but we know she'll still be dizzy because of the Vertigo. Again, hubby's mom is dying. She has a week maybe two.
Want to hear something strange? Hubby and I lost our grandmothers one month apart. Strange that both our moms are in such dire straights. Very eerie and scary as all get out!! I'm sure my mom will pull through but gosh.... I think you get what I'm trying to say.
Thank you to all of you for your thoughts and your prayers!! They're so very appreciated!! Please!! Keep them coming!!!! ((((Hugs))))
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7 responses
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 May 08
Cats, you know you and yours are in my prayers.
For you and hubby ((((((((((((((Cats/Hubby)))))))))))))))))))
Thanks for the update and keep me in the loop in email. We will miss you here, and I will miss you there! Be strong luv.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
2 May 08
Thank you spark. I knew I could count on you! I'll miss the heck out of you and all the others that I've become friends with. I'm trying to be strong but darn it's so hard. Mom and I've had some tough times between us in the past few years (why? I don't think I'll ever know) but she's been treating me like gold for the past year and it's taken some getting used to but nonetheless, I love her no matter what.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
2 May 08
Hey, I'm in such a hurry, read the response/update I gave to Tammyr below yours. Love ya!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 May 08
Oh sweets - as you say she's still your mom no matter what. And the letting go when the time comes is going to be hard no matter what your history. My thoughts are with you - I'm there beside you holding your heart and clutching your hand.
Come back soon. We all love you and will miss you.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
2 May 08
Oh dear! I had wondered where you had been. I hadn't heard from you in a while!
I am so sorry your mom is in bad shape. I sure hope they find out what is causing this.
I pray it is the pill they gave her and not anything else. That way, if they stop giving her the pills she should get better.
Thinking and praying for you and your family.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
2 May 08
I found out this morning that she's still very combative and last night she pulled her IV's out and the cathater out and was found sitting on the floor. They've had to sedate her to get her to calm down. I've got to go visit her and then go to dad's in hopes to figure out their bills so they'll get paid. I'm in a rush rush mode and is why I'm talking like I am.... but hey, Hi! How are ya doing? Thanks so much for the prayers!! Bless you!!
Oh and please pass the word around because I just don't have the time to. Thanks!!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 May 08
Hey Cats - here I am on Tammy's response! LOL
Don't you just love her dog? ROFL
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@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
3 May 08
Yes, for some people medications can be fine for awhile and then suddenly it starts to do the opposite of what it was intended to do. It is really not that uncommon to happen. The vertigo can be treated with a very mild medication called antivert or meclizine. I am glad the doctors got it figured out. Inner ear problems can be hard to clear up. I hope she gets better soon.
@mummymo (23706)
2 May 08
Oh Cats sweetheart I am so sorry that things are so bad for you at the moment and I can more than understand why you are feeling so stressed. No wonder you aren't able to respond to anything here and quite frankly that is the last thing you should have to worry about! I do hope that your mum improves today and that her health improves dramatically. I know if anyone can help your mum and dad it is you! Please know that my prayers are with you, take care as it will do no one any good if you run yourself ragged and make yourself ill! Hugs to you my lovely friend! xxx
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@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
2 May 08
Hi catsanddogs, I am sorry to hear of your mom's condition. It reminds me of my late father's condition. It is almost similar but the only different was that my father had stroke. He was delusional and quite aggressive during his treatment. The doctor said that my father's brain, both grey and white matter, were shrinking and that he had low blood count. But the doctor couldn't explain why he was delusional and aggressive at time. He was in the hospital for about 30 days before he pass away. All the time, he was in and out of consciousness. I suggest you seek other doctors' opinion. Don't rely on one. Whats your mom and dad' name? I like to put them in my prayer, if you don't mind.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
2 May 08
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. It must've taken a toll on your mom and you. I've sent you a friends request so I can give you their names on a pm. Thank you soooo much for your thoughts and prayers!! You're a real sweetheart!! Bless you!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
3 May 08
Another update on my mom.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
3 May 08
You really have nothing to apologize for. Your mother is having serious problems and your family needs you, of course it takes precedence.
Your mother... looks like there's a lot of work needed, but it could turn around (I only know what's been stated on text so far, but still there is some hope of suitable recovery). Have the doctors tried vestibular rehabilitation or considered it? Seems like using ambien to correct this doesn't seem right (probably just my doubts though). Your father, he should take care of himself too. I know these are trying times, but from what you've said, he has to watch his health and deal with any stress appropriately. I don't know what to say about your husband's mother... but its good he's spending time with her during the final moments.
You and your family have my thoughts, hopes and prayers on this one.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 May 08
It's hard to believe that with everything that is going on you are managing to keep yourself together and stay sane. I can't imagine what you are going through but please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. All the best dear friend. ((((Hugs))))