How Clean Is Your House...Great Show...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
May 3, 2008 8:25am CST
I saw a TV show over at my Mom’s the other day and had forgotten all about it. It’s called “How clean is your house” and is about two women Kim Woodburn and Aggie MacKenzie. They go around to ppl’s homes and help them get them clean and organized. They are so fun to watch. Some of the houses are really atrocious and I wouldn’t set foot in them but they go right in. They also generally take samples from around the house and send them off to see what kind of germs and bacteria’s you have growing and how dangerous they are.
They don’t pull any punches either. They’ve called some of the ppl “dirty little buggers” LOL I think they are out of England but I’m not sure. I’d like to get them on DVD…they are a lot of fun to watch.
Have you ever seen the show? Would you let someone come in and clean and organize your home? Is your house bad enough that you would need it?
8 people like this
30 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
4 May 08
Oh my house would fail, especially in the unorganized area..I do know someone who could organize my home, but my husband would hate it..

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
4 May 08
I was curious because I have not heard of this show, so I looked it up..I bookmarked their site, because not only do they have video, but all kinds of tips I could use, thanks for telling us about this..Here is the link in case someone else would like to see it:
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
4 May 08
Thanks for the link, carmelanirel. I bookmarked it as well to go back to later when I have plenty of time to watch the videos and such.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I like the show too. I tend to be a pack rat but nothing like that. I think if I was like that no one would work for me and I also think I would get sick because of bacteria and other such things in my house. But I guess some people really are like that because not everyone can make it up just be on TV or would even want to. This show also altered my opinion of the English because I always thought they were so much more clean and proper than us Americans. I guess that's one more stereotype out the window.
@KKKBsmom (1092)
• United States
5 May 08
oh wow... can they come to my house! LOL I keep getting rid of some day half this garbage will be gone... sooner than later Ihope!
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I have seen that show too. I would not let someone come in a clean it on television. I probably could use a good house cleaner though. House cleaning has never been a strong suit of mine. I sweep and mop the floor quite often but it still looks dirty. I have old linoleum so that probably is why. I also have 4 dogs indoors.
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
26 May 08
Quick, send them my way! Having 4 little ones and another on the way, the house has really suffered. I loathe housework as it is, but running after the little ones all the time takes all my energy and time. Please, send them here, so they can at least sort out my cross stitch corner!
@HollywoodBarbi (618)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I bet this show is fun to watch. I've never heard of it before but im intrested in watching it! What channel is it on? I don't think I would let anyone come into my house and test to see what bacteria I have in here. haha. But I wouldn't mind a maid every once and a while. My house is general clean but not spotless. And I try to organize it as much as possable. But for somereason it's never good enough for my grandma. She can come home and find at least 10 things that need to be cleaned or recleaned. Once while working in my mothers childrens store, I made a delivery to a unnames couples house. . . it was disgusting! I don't mean to be rude or cruel but I was shocked to see this house. It was literally DIRTY. the dust had to be at least 3 inches high and garabage everywhere! I just don't know how people can live in such filth. Though I do feel bad for people how hoard things and don't have the mental compassity to through things away, now those people need the tv show help!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
4 May 08
woww..., i never heard of this show before... i think we don't have it here in the country i live in... it will be great if i can get somebody to come into my house to clean my house... but i don't think that i will need it... i can't stand a messy and dirty house... so i always make sure that i clean it every now and then... so i don't think i will need them to come into my house yet... but may be i will need them later on in the future when i already have a baby... :-)
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
4 May 08
Hey now! I happen to like my house the way it is. Picked up but with an 1" layer of dust over everything.
I've seen that show once but never seemed to be able to find it on tv again after that. I enjoyed it! As for having them clean my house, I'll be happy to have them come in and clean/organize long as they clean my walls really good since they do need cleaning and I don't wanna do it. lol
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
4 May 08
I would love it if someone would come in and clean my house for me. I wouldn't say that it is filthy but it is cluttered and there is always something that needs to be cleaned. I hate to dust so that tends to be the last thing that I do.
I haven't seen this show but I have heard about it and I would like to see it. I don't understand how people can live with filthy houses and bugs!
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
4 May 08
I've watched a few episodes of that show. I am always amazed that there are people who live like that. Obviously there are a LOT of them, because they never run out of homes to clean up, do they? lol. I think people living like that is much more common than we think.
Growing up, I knew one family that could've been on that show. Their house was disgusting. I was good friends with the daughter, and for so many years, she was ridiculed for the state of the apartment. It wasn't until as an adult I was able to look back and see how cruel we were all as kids. The state of her living environment wasn't her fault, but her mother's. But for whatever reason, we couldn't see that as kids. Sigh!
I would love for someone to come in and clean my home. They can start with the oven and then do the bathrooms. lol. I feel that my house is cluttered with "stuff", and could use an unbiased opinion on what to keep and what to get rid of. But it's really not that bad at all. It certainly wouldn't be tv worthy, that's for sure.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
4 May 08
That one and one called Clean House - I am sorry, I just can't watch those. THose people are nothing but lazy, slobby, gross people. I guess there are poeple like that out there, but 1, I think alot of that is planned as I saw ones that say the bills have been sitting there for months and they just can't get to them and things like that. I just don't believe stuff like that. They say the "use" this room every day and work in this room every day and it still looks like an over flowing trash bin... just not something that you could do anyting "daily" in.
and 2 - here are these sloppy slobs, and they get on TV and their homes redocorated and here I am working hard to keep things clean, tidy and organized and I get nothing the bill from the cable company! They get rewarded for being lazy slobs. Urks me to no end! I will watch the end tho to see the things they do or create to make organization features tho.
@littleowl (7157)
5 May 08
hi Twoey-yes it is an english proamme and I think its Fantastic, they have a book out and it gives you all the things they use-I haven't got it at the moment but am going ro get it-the other thing is the way they clean things are all mainly in our own kitchen cupbosrd blessed be littleowl
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 May 08
Yes we watch this show, and some of the houses they go to are disgusting, and I do not know how the people who own them dare come on the tele and let everyone see how dirty they are!! Yes this show is from UK, and no we are not all like this, I am certainly not anyway thats for sure!! I would not have them in my house and have the world seeing them come in and tell me how dirty I am.
Funnily enough I used to have a friend that I would babysit for, and she was dirty, her house was a disgrace and I used to hate going in it. I used to have to cook her kids tea and the kitchen was that dirty if the health people came in they would have shut it down for good. I used to spend 2 hours scrubbing it before I would even entertain cooking in it. By the time I looked after her kids again it would be back to the same stinking mess. Gross.
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
5 May 08
Before we moved into our new place, I would watch How clean is your house religiously every night! I picked up a lot of tips on how to stay away from harsh chemicals. They use biohazard ingredients. I learned how to clean my microwave from them as well. They said to take a dishtowel and soak it in warm water then just rinse it out so it's not dripping water but saturated enough, put it in the microwave and set timer to five minutes. Be careful when you go to take it out because it's hot, so when it's tolerant enough to touch, wipe your microwave out and wow I tried this and it worked! I had to do it a couple times but I had it spotless clean.
I clean my house every week (wash my floors and clean the bathrooms). I do my dishes everyday and vacuum every second or third day because I have two cats and I find that keeping up with the cleaning helps me with not letting my house become a disaster area.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
4 May 08
..I could use them upstairs where my daughter and grand daughter's rooms are.. Happily I don't have to go up there very often!
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
3 May 08
I would not have these people clean my house and I certainly would not want anyone to put it on tv or dvd or whatever for the world to see. I seen them on the Oprah show, I just don't know how people could be so willing to air their business on air like that.
@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
3 May 08
My house is alot cleaner now that their is just me and my husband. But my daughter lost part of the vacuum so I havn't been able to do that for a few days. I hope she gets it back. She left it in the truck she was using for moving. It was only partically broken off, now it is totally broken off and I sure can't afford a new vacuum cleaner.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
3 May 08
i really like that show and we have another show similar to that here in canada called 'kim's rude awakening' which is pretty much the same thing...i cant believe some of the houses that these people go into and how these people can live with such a mess! ick!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
3 May 08
I keep a very clean house, but I would love for someone to come in and help me organize it. Especially in the basement. I am continually trying to organize the things down there that I just have to keep~ like old wedding invitations, wedding napkins ect. Also I have a ton of old photo albums that I just have boxed up and really don[t know what to do with them.
I have never seen the show, but it sounds like a fun one to watch and get some tips!
@katbalu102 (377)
• Philippines
3 May 08
i love 'how clean is your house' its fun to watch. not only is it fun to watch you get good cleaning tips for your house. hehehe... its always shown on cable at the 'lifestyle channel' but i dont always get to see it everyday. kim woodburn and aggie mackenzie are so funny. and very brave since they have to go into a house that is so messy and just ghastly. in the episodes that i have watched they are filming in the u.s. and i just have to ask because the mess in the house seems unreal. are there houses that actually are like what is being shown in their series or did they just make it even more messy? lol... i find kim and aggie very entertaining, kim she acts so funny and a little crazy and aggie is a bit of that but also on a serious side. which balances them both dont you think so? i think i would let someone clean and orgnize my home. not that my home is s0o0o0 messy and disorganized but it could use a little push on the 'organizing' part.