Would You Let Me Laugh At You?
By minnie_98214
@minnie_98214 (10557)
United States
May 6, 2008 5:41pm CST
Okay I started a discussion about a painting mishap and asked for embarassing monents painting and well it was so much fun I want more. So whos gonna share their embarrassing moments with me? Mine well im gonna have to think of this one as I dont embarrass easily.
So what is your most embarrassing moment?
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18 responses
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
7 May 08
Minnie, recently my most embarrassing moments, have been in mylot. LMAO Some of my friends think I totally lost my mind, and maybe I did temporarily. Good grief. I had a big brain fart, with my brain actually on vacation. other than that I am always doing some stupid thing to cause my self embarrassment.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
I have brain farts all the time so I just say yeah sure ive lost my mind can you help me find it?
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
7 May 08
Hi minnie,
I have a couple of them actually. The first one goes back to when I was in my twenties. I was standing talking with a group of friends, and somebody told a joke. I laughed so hard, I farted, and I was absolutely humiliated. I could feel my face turning red. Anyway, there was also a smell, and I know everybody noticed it, but I don't think they could tell who had done the deed. I tried my best to look innocent though.
My other one happened here on myLot just recently. If you'd like to check it out, take a look at my 'chick flick' topic. It starts with the first response, and then is also in response number four.

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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
Oh and that innocent look with a red face is usually adead give away lol. Ill try and find that one for sure.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
My dad told me about that one that was too funny. I would never have known either.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
7 May 08
hey I already shared one, but once I left the public bathroom in the office and came back into the office with my skirt sticking in my panty house and everything was showing and I didn't know, that was so embarrassing these guys were looking at me funny, and one of the supervisors took me aside and told me what happened.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
7 May 08
oh my that is really an embarrassing one too, I don't know which one is worse anymore lol.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
Yes you did. Most people only shared painting accidents there and well I wanted to here more.
You just reminded me of one of my embarrassing monents ill share........we were at my exs grandparents church so alot of elderly church goers and im hoping their vision was poor. Well we were standing while singing when my son wanted to fan himself cause he got hot well he used my shirt and showed everyone my underwear.....and well a bit more I had on thongs.
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@vaivhav (355)
• India
7 May 08
This is something that happened to me some many years ago. I must have been some 14 years old then. I was wearing shorts and the funny part is that i didn't realize that it was torn from the butt side. So, as i was walking past the school campus, this teacher of mine called me, and told me about mt shorts. It was an embarrassing moment, looking back, it all looks so funny.
@mummymo (23706)
7 May 08
Hmmm I would gladly let you laugh at me sweety but right now I cannot think of anything that I have done that is embarrassing - I know that there are many incidents of me doing really embarrassing things but right now I can't think of any! Gosh I hate this blank brain! lol I do remember my kids used to take great delight in lifting my top up in public and flashing my boobs at everyone, or the time my daughter was getting presented with an award and sat on stage in front of the whole school and parents with her legs wide apart and her knockers on show - thank goodness they were clean and pretty! lol xxx
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
Kids can be so funny my son had his pants down his pants once in church and when I told him to stop he yelled as loud as he could but im itching my butt mom.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
They do have alot in common its funny. What does that PMPL or whatever it was mean. I may be young but I dont know all these codes.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
7 May 08
Laugh away, laugh away...got a good one to share here.
This was years ago...at one of my local libraries they have a beautiful garden...at the time it's upkeep was done by a woman named Olga. I often loved going there and photographing the flowers...so one day, while Olga was there, she asked as a favor if I would take extra photos just for her..said sure...(I used slide film)...So when the roll was developed I went to visit her with my portfolio of flower photos I had taken...While there I noticed on the coffee table was the small spiritual magazine Daily Word---my family was into Daily Word ourselves..this magazine however was the Spanish version...it seemed her roommate was Spanish speaking and preferred the Spanish version of the magazine...So here I was thinking I was showing off my Spanish speaking skills (honestly I'm better with French..hehee)--So I said "I see you have Palabra Diaria" I wondered then why she gave me such an odd look, and she out of kindness I guess didn't say anything to me..It wasn't until I was leaving and waiting for the elevator that I burst out in the loudest laugh going as I realized my mistake. Instead of pronouncing the word Diaria as Dee-Ar-ia, I had said something completely different...diarrhea!!

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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
Too funny I bet she got a good laugh after you left. I know im laughing now too thanks for sharing.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
7 May 08
hmmm... I may have to think over that one.. can't think of anything, except one thing which was waay tooo embarassing! I was young and stupid.. and drinking.. and that's all I'm gonna say..

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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
Awww thats not fair lol. Ive done many young and stupid things while drinking to and I dont think id want to share them all either lol.
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
7 May 08
i not quit sure if i can share to you my embarrasing moment minnie, but because of you i will,one day me & hubby make a joke and ended with laughter till i lauught i cannot even stop to laught till i cry of my laughting then suddenly i make peeee to myself. because of the joke that i cannot stop to laught, i also till to my hubby then he start laught at me, i feel pain to my stomach in that time im also pregnant i told him to stop maybe my baby will comeout to keep on laughting, if i remember made me laught by my self.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
Oh thats so easy to do while pregnant if someone makes you laught that hard. I did that to my ex once but on purpose he kept tickling me and i said if you dont stop im gonna pee on you and well i kept my word he never tickled me like that again lol.

@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
8 May 08
Actully, I was embarassed the same way twice. By two different family members. It's okay for you to laugh. The first one was when I was about seven years old. My auntie had given my mother some McDonald's gift certificates for us for Christmas. My mom never went to McDonalds, so we had never been before.
Finally, my mom took us one day to use the coupons. Guess what my mom asked the cashier? Do you take Food Stamps? It was one of the most embarrassing days of my life. Then I ended up having to use food stamps too. My sister, her children and I were in Carl's Jr.
I ordered my food and ate with everyone else. One the way out, one of my nieces asked me real loud, Auntie Rosie, they don't take Food stamps do they? I was so angry and embarrassed, I am sure I turned 10 different shades of red. Those are the two times that just popped into my head. But believe me, there have been millions more.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
8 May 08
I have had to use food stamps before but now adays you get a card so its not as embarrassing.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
7 May 08
Hi minnie_98214! When I was a freshman in college, I was in class and so feeling sleepy so I decide to go to the restroom/washroom just to wash my face with cold water to at least wake me up or else my college professor will give me the look! As I am finding my way to my classroom, I end up entering another room. I walked just right in and straight to my chair supposedly and froze right in the middle of the room, womdering where am I? All the students were looking at me and by the way, I am belong to the Engineering department and that means most of the students are boys, so well, I froze right in the middle of the room, and were staring at me. I was so dumbfounded, I lost my tongue! And then, everyone is saying Hi to me and introducing themselves..Gosh, I could feel blood rushing to my face and I am sure I look so red...then, I smiled at them and said, "I just drop by to say hi and I have to go back now to my class. Bye!" haha..I never knew how I was able to get back to my room after that. Just my thoughts dear friend. Take care and have a nice day!

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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
That would have been a bit on the embarrassing side for me alos. But I bet that class had a good old laugh about it.
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@popocan (222)
• Hong Kong
7 May 08
One time I saw an old friend of mine on the street, I was about to say hello with my smiling face as I saw her smiling back at me, but then she walked passed me and talked to someone who she knows behind me... I waited there for seconds and she still didn't recognise me! This is so sad and embarrassed!
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
That sucks that she didnt recognize you. I have waved at someone only to realize when they got close i didnt know them at all.
@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
7 May 08
Well, the only one I can think of is when I was working in a night club we had a 70s night & all had to dress up, I ran the top floor & was walking down the stairs to get something from the bottom bar when I tripped & fell down the last 4 steps - very embarrassing in a night club full of people! LOL!
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
Yeah stairs can be tricky for sure lol. Me and a friend were going to an 80s night at a club and were gonna dress the part one night but decided against it.....oh were we glad when we got there 80s night had been canceled awhile back just not updated on internet we would have looked stupid.
@athinapie (1150)
• Philippines
7 May 08
i remember when I was a kid I was riding a bus with my dad then this lady with a curly hair was sitting in front of me. For a while I was staring at her hair because I was amazed with the curls and it was something I have never seen before. Then all of a sudden I grabbed the hair and pulled it and laughed! My dad was so embarassed with what I did and I just kept on laughing. Oh wait, this is not about my embarassment but my dad's. Hehehe...
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
Thats funny. I bet your dad wanted to strangle you so bad after that one.....but I bet he laughs about it now.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
7 May 08
My lovely mishap happened last year. Although it was very painful, I even had to laugh about it. I have one of those big yard waste dumpsters, the kind that's the same as the garbage cans you put at the curb for the truck to come by and dump. Anyway, I was out raking leaves in the front yard. I had finished inside the fence so I had gone out the gate and realized that I needed to go back and get the dumpster. I had left the lid open, so I decided to go ahead and push it with the lid still open. Now mind you there is actually a sticker on it that says "do not push with lid open". Well.....I proved why that sticker is there. The dumpster has a pretty wide opening, which obviously means that it has a big wide lid too. So I started pushing it and the lid was hanging down almost to the ground, and I ended up stepping on the edge of it. I ended up basically sliding the lid along the grass with my foot and went down on my knee, and THAT brought the rest of the dumpster down with it. The edge of the dumpster clobbered me right above my temple and gave me a lovely black eye and concussion. Not to mention that it totally discombooberated my prescription sunglasses (twisted them, but didn't break them thank God). So what did I do? Jumped up really fast to make sure that no one saw what I did, and then wobbled my way into the house straight to the ice maker. And of all things for my hubby to say was "Did you hurt the dumpster?" He was kidding of course but I think if he had been in front of me I would have turned him into a girl! But in spite of the pain, I couldn't stop laughing at myself. I felt soooooo stupid! LOL
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
That sounds like it hurt but I know what you mean about just wanting to get up and hide pretend you werent just that stupid.
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
6 May 08
my cousin and i are going to another cousin's house and she text me that she will be driving her dads van so i need to wait up front. she said the van was green. so i waited inside the house and told my children to call me if a green van stop at front. after a minute or so there it was. i said goodbye and went straight over to open the door of the car. i was surprise to see a man who is sitting at the driver seat and i dont know who he was. i just said i am sorry and close the door. the guy was shocked, he was talking on his cellphone. i think he just pulled over to talk on his phone. i was so embarassed i felt like someone poured cold water on me.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
Too funny. Talk about a coincedense that it was a green van eh? I have waved at people I thought was someone else and they gave me a funny look but nothing quite like this.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
That is when you do something that makes you want to hide away and never come out because people are laughing at you.
@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
7 May 08
Well, this isn't one of mine, but I did get a laugh out of it so I will relate it anyway. My niece married a very nice country boy with a prosthetic leg as he had lost one in a job related incident. He is very good natured and it is hard to think of him a handicapped. Once there were vacuum cleaner salesmen at their house and though I don't remember the conversation, the salesman told him to break a leg and about the same time patted him on the leg to make a point (you guessed it, the prosthetic leg to the salesman's shock) and turned the brightest shades of red. Though we got a good laugh, the salesman needless to say did not.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
7 May 08
I bet that freaked that salesman out. That is too funny thanks for sharing.