I am going to rip my hair out.
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
May 8, 2008 6:45pm CST
I really just need to vent right now I'm so upset. It has just been one of those days. My kids had a half day from school so they've basically been getting into trouble all day. My oldest tried to sneak food out of the house in the pockets of his jacket, so I grounded him for the day. Later while I was making dinner he decided to go watch TV although he's not allowed.
Apparently my cats had caught and killed a mouse and left it in the twins' bedroom. So my 5 year old son decides to put it on his brother's (my oldest) pillow instead of telling me about the mouse. Later the oldest comes down asking to wash his pillows, and the 5 year old started laughing that he put the mouse there.
Now if that's not bad enough. I just walked down to the store with my kids. On the way home I heard my daughter rattling, as if she had a package of nerds in her pocket. I asked her over and over again what she had and she pulled her hands out empty and claimed nothing. Finally I reached in her pocket and pulled out some tic tacs she'd stolen from the store!
Is it just me or is that a bit much to handle in 1 day? Super Nanny please come rescue me!
Oh, and to make matters worse, hubby won't be home for another 2 hours. Aren't I lucky?
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10 responses
@selby70 (283)
9 May 08
Yes been there to when my oldest was about 4 I was on the phone he went into the kitchen took all the food from the cupboard including flour used to bake in them days, opened the fridge and emptied it onto the floor when I went in everything sausages flour eggs milk and him and the dog playing in it, he always emptied my plant pots all over the floor to, so I stopped buying plants. He is 32 now married and has 2 girls and he often tells me how naughty they are and I tell him they will never be as bad as you. When I red your post I had to laugh sorry. All will get better in time.
The best is they look like little angels when they are sleeping.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
I am looking forward to those days when my kids have their own kids. Then it's payback time, LOL.
@kezabelle (2974)
9 May 08
Oh yes thats a bad day allright and a lot to handle I think we all have days like that but you have to remember tomorrow is another day, and maybe when they are sleeping go in and look at them sleeping peacefully and looking so innocent I always find it helps to end the day feeling happy rather than frustrated and watching them sleeping is a sure fix to any frustration for me x
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
I think the fix to my frustration lies in my gramma years. That will be their payback time :D
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
9 May 08
i don't have a kid yet... but i can really relate to what you are saying... having young kids especially when the age is near to each other is not easy at all... it is really tiring and i think you need a time off... when your hubby comes home, you might want to have a break and ask your hubby to take turn to look after your children...
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
Yeah time off is what I need. Unfortunatly my husband works crazy hours and I'm not able to take that time off very often.
Even when I do take time off, the moment I'm back it starts all over again.
@pkristie7 (606)
• United States
9 May 08
I so know how you feel! My kids drive me insane. My 2 year old pooped on the couch, put peanut butter all over his 9 month old sister while she was sleeping, broke a whole carton of eggs on the carpet, and dumped out the sweeper all over the floor. Sometimes I want to die.

@pkristie7 (606)
• United States
9 May 08
I know, the peanut butter thing is sooo funny now, but that day I almost cried. I thought the kids were actually sleeping at the same time. I peeked in to check and I find the baby trying to open her eye that was stuck shut with peanut butter. My son snuck out and grabbed it and ran back in their room.
I can't wait to tell him this story when he is older. I know when they're teenagers I'm really going to miss these silly things.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
Hmm, let's see...
Pooped on the couch: yep, been there, twins used to do that ALL over the place, ugh!
Peanut Butter on the sister: No, but my 2 year old drew on his newborn brother's face with pen
Eggs: twins did that too, daily!
Dumped the sweeper: no, I've never owned one of those types of sweepers, but I'm sure my kids have done something similar!
Sometimes we feel like they can't grow up fast enough, but when they get older we'll wish we had cherished these years..... Maybe :D
@sisterjinx (1135)
• United States
9 May 08
Oh ladies. I'm so sorry for your troubles. But as a mom who has been there, done that, and survived to tell about it. I can't help but laugh. Sorry. Someday I must share my 3 day bathroom cleanup story with you. :)

@cream97 (29085)
• United States
9 May 08
I know how you feel! I have been on this trip more than I can count. Aren't you glad when it is bed time for them? That is the most peaceful time, isn't it? My son had a half day on Wednesday. My kids can be very bad when they want to be. Hang in there, just be careful not to get too stressed out.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
I sent them to bed the second we walked in the door from the store. Didn't even bother to bathe them first because I knew I was too stressed. Sometimes I just don't know what to do with them.
@Bijou1 (160)
• Australia
9 May 08
oh my. I definately feel for you right now. It sounds like you have a house fi=ull of little Dennis the menaces today, lol.
Then i suppose when hubby gets home, you still wont be able to relax because you have to cook dinner & clean up from today? I thin afternoons are my least loved part of the day, because then when hubby is home, he can take a bit of pressure of by helping me with the kids, but then i have to clean up after him too. So it kind of evens itself out and i dont get to relax any earlier. Ah, the joys of being a housewife.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
Actually, it's 8pm here. I've already done dinner, although I haven't cleaned it up. I leave a plate for hubby that he heats up for himself. I don't bother cleaning up his mess until the morning because after the kids are all asleep it's nothing but me time.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
They are funny when you're not the one dealing with it. I have a very good friend who's kids are now my age, and when I tell her what my kids are doing to stress me out she laughs. I get annoyed when she laughs because I'm stressing like crazy, but in later years I do think some of these things are funny.
And yes, most people do tell me my kids are a riot, seems everyone else sees something in them I myself don't see :D
I hear all the time what good manners they have and how well behaved they are and I ask "Are you sure you're talkng about my kid???"
@jumblesale (40)
• Philippines
9 May 08
wow! That's just rough!
I hope you get through more days than that.. I have babies, but they're just toddlers and even now, sometimes I think they're a handful. I can't imagine it if I get up to your end.. *sigh*
Good luck! *hugs*
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
I used to think toddler years were more difficult, because they're into everything and don't understand they're not supposed to be.
Now that some of the kids are older I realize I was wrong. Because now they're into everything and they DO know they're not supposed to be.
@sisterjinx (1135)
• United States
9 May 08
Oh honey, I'm sorry your day has been so difficult. But I want you to copy this little rant and stick it in a file on your computer. I promise in the years to come you will look back at this little story and laugh.
Good news is you have almost caught up with me. (well good news for you lol) and you got a referral on zenzuu. So the day isn't a total wash. :)
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
I got a referral on ZenZuu? How do you know this and not me? LOL
Where were you all day?
@Twogen1987 (87)
• United States
9 May 08
That sounds like some day you have had . I hear ya though. I had the same kind of day at work. (I make donuts in a bakery) My boss would not help me make donut filling (which i was never trained on... ) Well finally .. after begging her for like a freaking hour,shes like FINE! so she makes it. (we have to put it inside pumps and you stick the donuts up to the pump to fill them) SO... after that I go to fill them.. turns out she didnt tell me the pump parts were interchangeable... SO .. the machine wasn't put together correctly. I had an order due in fifteen minutes for the school, and i was NOT done because my own boss couldn't take five minutes out of her day to help. on top of that.. i still had 2190291012910 other things to get done before I could leave. I was supposed to leave at three and didnt get 0ut till almost seven. The only good thing was.. at least I got the order done. and the lady was happy. You know what we both need? A vacation and a large bowl of ice cream. WOMAN'S WEEKEND OFF! lol. Hope your day is MUCH better tomorrow. Don't worry.. kids are like that some days :-p . but they grow up fast!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 May 08
Isn't it nice to be able to come on here and vent. I'm calmer now that I've put the older 3 to bed just the babies left to deal with. But hubby is gonna get an earful when he gets home for not calling like he said he would.