This site is starting to freak me out!

United States
May 10, 2008 12:27pm CST
Okay, its early in the morning. I'm only on my second cup of coffee, but I'm not completely incoherent. I've got people who aren't on my friends list pmming me to ask why I changed my avatar to my picture instead of that of a "yorkshire terrier". In fact, they preferred my avatar from several changes previous to the "yorkshire terrier". This person only has 26 posts, how do they know what my old avatars looked like? Just how many of you out there are stalking me? And why? This isn't the first time I've had people on my friends list that I didn't add or people that were able to message me without being on my friends list. We've got people with over 6,000 friends and only 4 posts that are being automatically being added to new members friend's list without a friends request. What is going on here? I've got to go to work, but I've already deleted 5 pages of friends and plan to delete more when I have time. I almost feel like deleting the majority of them and starting over. Its beginning to make me real weary of the internet and I've always been a great fan. I guess I don't really have a question, just a rant on a beautiful Saturday morning. LOL.
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33 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 May 08
The only thing that I can think of is that it is someone that was a previous member but then left and has joined as someone else. I do not know how people are getting on your friends list without being added though, I have heard a few people say that this has happened. Delete what you have to delete if you are feeling uncomfortable, just keep the ones that are in your close circle so to speak, the ones that you have known the longest, maybe that will sort it out. Have a good day, our day is nearly over here!!
3 people like this
• United States
10 May 08
Thats what I was thinking also. I really think there should be a better way of tracking people that do that. I will keep a few friends, but my list is going to diminish greatly.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
10 May 08
I understand, I recently have not been accepting everyone that requests friendship now, I have only been having the ones that are really active. I do hope that I am one of the friends that you will keep!!
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
10 May 08
Some people, it appears, have nothing better to least they are focused on got someones attention ;) don't fret, you'll find ways to block what you need to..
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@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
10 May 08
check your mylot settings, you can ask for email or set whether or not approval is automatic or not, I have to approve EVERYONE before they become my friends...
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• United States
10 May 08
I'm not sure I want to be the focus of anyone. I'd rather keep a low profile.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
14 May 08
woww..., that is really scary... i wonder how does the person know your old avatar if he/she is a new member??? and how can the person pm you if he/she is not in your friends' list??? that is a bit weird... i should be more careful here as well from now onwards then... online world is always scary and not safe at all... thanks for sharing this story and warning me...
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• United States
14 May 08
It is really strange isn't it? Maybe a fluke in the system as far as them being able to pm me, but knowing my old avatars is too wierd.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 May 08
I think we're both talking about the same person...but his number has risen as far as friends and now has 7053 friends and remains having only four points and has only been here a month--I mean this guy is cropping allover the place and not just here--he's on several other networking sites as well--as for the person with only has 26 posts and seems to know your other avatars..sounds like a "reincarnated" that may have been banned and came back under another identity --creepy
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 May 08
Well all I can say he must spend most of his time hunting through for people just to ask for friends requests--there used to be one person here that spent most of her time just tacking on her referral link on people's comment section of their profile page--so maybe this person is hoping to get a lot of referrals for somewhere else??
• United States
12 May 08
How can you have that many friends, that quickly without someone questioning it? If I got a friends request, I'd definitely have to think twice about it. Why wouldn't others?
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@siZidni (1860)
• Indonesia
12 May 08
are you sure? why don't you ask admin for this case. as far as i know someone cann't be just friend of us without approving them first
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• United States
12 May 08
I thought so too, but apparently thats not always the case.
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@siZidni (1860)
• Indonesia
13 May 08
well. i hope you don't just delete your real friend though.. goodluck in deleting some of them :)
@p1kef1sh (45681)
10 May 08
I don't understand how these "friends" got on your list. I now have 10 pages and frankly, although I must have accepted each one - I have requested fewer than 10 - I do wonder whether I really know them. Perhaps I should delete everyone and then ask those that I actually do regard as "friends", i.e. those that comment on my discussions and me on theirs to let me be their friend. I confess that I do stalk you - only on here though. But you know that!!
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• United States
10 May 08
Who did the message come from? I just tried to send a message to someone who is not on my friends list here, & it would not let me send it. I also tried to send a message to someone who had not accepted a friends request from me, & it would not go through. I am thinking this is one of two things. First thought is that he found some way to circumvent the MyLot software & got a message to you. The other thought is - & I have heard that it has happened before - he tried to send his or her friend a message, & somehow, the wrong person (you) got it instead of his friend (Or you both got it). I also understand that you were attacked by a troll or several trolls. Who was it & what discussion(s) did it happen in?
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• United States
10 May 08
I was actually talking about KB being attacked. From others I have spoken to, we already know that Yorkiebear was attacked by an anonymous troll.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
12 May 08
i think there are many people here who are not here for the very intended purpose. they are here to follow you so they just play heed to these things like what your avatar was. but till now nobody is doing this to me. they have done lot more damage with my ratings and all.
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• United States
12 May 08
I'm glad you aren't having any problems with someone following you around causing you trouble. Its too bad about your star though.
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
10 May 08
Hello kbourgerie, This sounds really freaky. I hope you have already contacted mylot about the problem. It's just not right to get PM from people who aren't on your friends list. There have been problems with PMs during last year too, where one person's PM would land in someone's inbox who was not the intended recipient of the PM and not even on friends list of the sender. The lesson learned was that it's not that safe to use personal information on messages here. I have also heard about someone being automatically added to friends' lists of new users. It possible that he is referrer of those new users in which an automatic friends request is already waiting when a user joins. But, if those users are did not come through his referral link, then it's strange indeed and I don't know how could that user do it. It is the same user who had no posts initially but over 1500 friends. I hope mylot staff looks into the matter and resolve it.
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@kaysue4 (951)
• United States
11 May 08
I look over the profiles before I check to have them as a friend. I am like you and get a little shaky on people and the internet. I have learned to like Mylot and will use it. I also keep an eye on what they are posting, what type of questions and answers that they have. If I don't like some of the post, more adult subjects, I delete them. I am not on here to get the most friends, not a contest right? Just to make a few good friends and talk with adults and some younger ones have some good points also on some discussions. I am glad that you feel that you can rant and people understand. I don't keep an eye for changing pictures or advatars. I hope things work out for you and you are feeling better today.
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• United States
12 May 08
I have learned to do that too. I used to get a friend's request and automatically approve them. Now I look at their profile in detail.
• Canada
13 May 08
How can they PM you if they are not on your friends list? I don't understand that. I would report that to mylot myself, if I was you. Especially after what happened before. Please keep me on your friends list. I can have Sparks, and P1ke and Nova to give me a good reference.
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• United States
14 May 08
Don't worry, you will remain on my friends list. Any friend of Sparks, P1ke and Nova is a friend of mine and won't go anywhere.
@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
10 May 08
Oh KB this is serious. Talk to admin about this. They may be able to help. I have answered another question like htis and I am happy to say that this hasn't happened to me yet and a few other people have said the same. As your friend I am happy if you delete me and start all over again (as long as you remember to reinstate me as your friend, of course!). But happy to go along with whatever makes you feel OK and not being 'stalked'. This must be someone who has either been around for a while and has only done a couple of responses and that is why their number is so low or as you say is someone who has or had another identity here and is using a new name. I am sure admin would be able to help you here as stalking is an offence to us and to the site. Good luck honey and if you need to delete us all and start again, then please do it now! I hope you have a good day at work.
• United States
12 May 08
Some people don't have lives...
1 person likes this
• United States
12 May 08
Yes, I suppose that is very true.
@leebob (34)
• China
12 May 08
yes mylot is great .i am work hard to get my mylot earnings growing up.i also learn real english from this mylot.i hope that i could make more friends.i am glad here.mylot is really great.LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
12 May 08
I'm glad you are having a good time here.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 May 08
I have to say that is very strange Unless you accept them they should not be on your Friends list I found a couple on mine a few weeks back which I knew I had not accepted but nothing since
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@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
11 May 08
hello kbourgeri, as long your happy in your new avatar who care, be happy my dearfriend, just those people dont even have anyhting to see just to judge others. Happy posting
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
10 May 08
I can't say I blame you. I had a man ask me where I was from. I didn't answer. I wasn't about to tell a stranger where I was from. He was begging me to add him because he wasnted to know more about where I was from and how I lived. I saw him already on my friends list so I deleted him. That really scared me. I didn't know him and I wasnot going to tell him where I lived. I don't want someone showing up at my house that I don't know. I don't blame you a bit for being upset.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 May 08
That is really weird. I have seen those people with multiple thousands of friends who have only been here for 4 hours, have one post, whether it is a discussion they responded to or one they started and, they have multiple thousands of profile hits. I can't figure that out. I have been here for around, or over 3 months, and I only have 386 profile hits and 85 friends. Even if a person managed to come here and bring every single one of their friends, how could they possible be here for 4 hours and have accumulated multiple thousands of friends and profile hits in that short of time? Something weird is going on here. I thought that was weird and sort of just blew it off but, now that I know that others have noticed this trend, I am having a hard time just blowing it off. I haven't gotten any PMs from people that aren't on my friends list but, I think that is because I am not yet being stalked like you are. I don't know what the deal is in your neck of the myLot woods and, I wish I could help you! I do follow your posts...I swear I am not stalking you! And, I have seen that you have had some serious drama knock on your myLot door. BTW...after rereading your post, I think that you and I might be talking about the same person. This person has been here for one month and now has over 7,000 friends and 4 posts which went down from 5 recently. They requested me as a friend but, that was literally 4 hours after they had just become a member. I have kept their request without denying or accepting because I couldn't figure this person out. I didn't know why they sent me a request and, I was baffled about how they managed to have some very many friends and profile hits in the few hours that they had been here with, at that time, only one response. We don't share interests and this person has never responded to anything I have started. How does this happen. I wondered if this person was a celebrity that I was unaware of. And, this person is young. Might we be talking about the same person?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 May 08
kbourfgerie I have lately had people wanting to be friends with hardly any posts and a zillion friends and contrary to my feeling I have been turning them down. I am usually only to happy to add friends but after having had my star rating torn down I am more cautious too. I havent had any added automatically with being asked thank goodness for that. It was so odd when I deleted that one person I got back one star so it does make me wonder.I did not know you could pm somebody if they weren't on your friends list ,thats odd,maybe a glitch in mylot?
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@tjades (3590)
• Jamaica
10 May 08
Theres this one person I deleted from my list not so long ago because of the disparity between his activity here and his friend list. It just did not add up. I saw one of his discussions since then and it was about some sizable online earning he was able to make. Now if this is the same person causing a stir on here i do understand. Just about everyone whose friendship request I have to approve or ask for have this person on their list. Thats not the only thing that has been bugging me either. With only five post he is always sitting right there on the first page of so many persons friends list. I think that is strange because as far as I know the list is arranged in the order of that the friends were added. I do think mylot should be informed and that this persons activities be monitered. It would seem that he is able to some how manipylate mylots system and that is just not good.
• United States
10 May 08
Well, the guy in question is still pending in my friends list, meaning I haven't accepted or declined. I would not be surprised if he sends out a bunch of referral URL's to people through private messages. Unless we can get people to come forward & mention it, it seems that he has not really violated any guidelines. Too bad MyLot doesn't have some kind of guideline rule on that. I would not be banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to report him with a violation.