How Would You Handle This Problem?

@carolbee (16230)
United States
May 12, 2008 10:48am CST
We have a wonderful new son-in-law. He can do so many home repairs and has offered to help us with either a washer problem or drain problem. When I wash clothes, the water drains into the bedroom behind it and down the hallway in front of the washer. It's a big mess and stays wet all the time. We've waited since December to get this cleaned up and repaired because he insists he wants to do all the work such as paint, remove wallpaper and replace the carpeting in the bedroom. This morning I washed two loads of clothes and have water all over everywhere. Am going to call a repairman to see what can be done to repair this problem and soon. Would you be patient for all these months and wait? I don't want to hurt his feelings but I have no choice at this point. How would you handle this with your new son-in-law? Would you pressure him to get the job complete? Thanks for letting me vent, carolbee
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14 responses
• India
13 May 08
I would call him up pronto, sound as panicky as possible, cook up a story about how I slipped on the mess, whine about how such an accident was just waiting to happen and then sweetly say I know how busy he is and go on like this between being alternatively panicky and sweet and then just insist that he has to come and fix the washer then and there. After all (some emotional blackmailing here) here are his in-laws so much dependent on him so cant he just come over? If he can then your problem is solved, if not, you can of course say that you cant go on risking your hips again and again so would he mind if you just made that call to the repairman?
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
14 May 08
Your response is so funny. Yes this would work because he's a very caring guy. We need to replace so much as a result of this problem along with other water damage in that part of the house. Thanks for your response. I love it!
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• India
15 May 08
Glad that in the midst of so much mess, I could bring a smile to your face. Thnx for the BR and BTW, has the mess been cleared up?
@Gollywog (1092)
12 May 08
Well I would check the filter first to make sure there is nothing stuck in it. That always causes the water to flow out! Im sure your son in law is very useful,but I would get him to check the obvious first. If you leave the water to long your house will become very damp and smell nasty! I would tell him he has enough to do and you want to give him a break, so he could step back and take a break. Then I would get the pros in get it done quickly, It might cost you but you will be happier when its over with.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
12 May 08
It seems the hose from the washer to the drain is too short. If removing the hanger that was holding the hose in place doesn't work, the repairman said to call a plumber. Our son-in-law will understand since he's such a good guy. I didn't want to bother him on his day off today. It's difficult to wait this long for repairs when someone really wants to do the job and it's a family member. We don't mind paying to have the job done which does now involve all new flooring that was brand new before this all happened. Thanks for responding.
@Gollywog (1092)
13 May 08
I agree with you cookie mould is leathal! It can damage your lungs and you dont realize untill you are extreamly ill? Get the plummer in be safe.Good luck.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
13 May 08
hi carolbee..., i will definitely call a handyman to fix the problem if i have to wait for so long for my son-in-law to help me to fix it... no matter how nice or good he is at home repairs, but if he is proscratinating and not doing anything to help you fix the problems, then it is useless... and it is not a small problem... you can damage your carpet and floor like what you say if you don't get it fixed as soon as possible... if your son-in-law feel hurt because of you calling the handyman, tell him honestly that you had waited long enough... good luck and take care...
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
15 May 08
Because the repairman did nothing to fix the problem the other day I decided to order a new washer. If the transmission is going out and the washer is old and possibly leaking, I may as well replace it. Next I will get someone to look at the drain. I did have a talk with my son-in-law today and he didn't give me a timeframe but I am not waiting much longer. Thanks for responding.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
15 May 08
No, I would not wait. My husband wants me to wait sometimes, too. So I ask him point blank when he is going to fix it. If that day comes and goes. I call the needed repairman. But something where water can back up and cause more repairs, call the very day of the problem. I think waiting that long could ruin the floor from the bathroom to the bedroom and make the cost of repairs way more than the original. I would tell the new son-in-law, look bud, the water is going all over the place and we are running the risk of hundreds of dollars in repairs. If you can't do it immediately, we have to call a repairman. I redesigned my bathroom when I moved in. I used input from my brothers. There is a drain in the floor, anything overflows, it goes down a pipe to a sub-pump in the basement and pumps outdoors, so if the washer or sinks leak, that's fine. We only have to worry about the toilet and burning out pumps. Take care and I hope everything dries out and call the repairman asap.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
15 May 08
Repairman was here. Didn't learn anything because he basically knew nothing. He thinks it's the washer, the drain from the washer or the hose. It was a wasted call but I tried. Talked to our son-in-law today and things will be worked out and soon or I will simply have to get a plumber out and see what he suggests. Everything in the downstairs area is ruined so we will have to make an insurance claim and see where it goes from there. Great idea to put a drain in your bathroom. Thanks for responding.
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
16 May 08
It seems often that firemen are on-the-side repairmen. I have a good friend who does that also. and not only that but many other side things like snow shovelor, snowplow machines and automobiles. :o) And delay is familiar but that's because they are so busy! Oh definitely tell him how thankful and happy you are to have him help, but that righ tnow the most drasticly needed repair is the drain/flood that you MUST have fixed right away, as it is ruining your things. Best of luck!
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
16 May 08
Oh I know how busy the firefighter's are on their day off. Many have a second job as you mentioned. I am starting from scratch and have a new washer and dryer being delivered the first of next week. If more water appears, we will know it's the drain and next comes the plumber. We'll get to the bottom of this but it's the long waiting time that was getting on my nerves and ruining carpeting, flooring, etc. Thanks for responding.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
13 May 08
You've waited long enough IMO. The longer this problem goes on the more damage is being done to your home and possibly to your health. Mold grows in warm, damp places like walls and under carpets.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
15 May 08
You are exactly right and I was sick a good part of the winter with bronchitis. The cough lingered forever as well. Thanks for responding.
• India
13 May 08
Well, You should talk to him in proper way . Talking on a matter is best way to solve the problem with our family or friends, I always believe in it ... Thanks !!!
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
14 May 08
Will talk to him later today and find out if and when he will be here. If he can't get started within the next week, I'll hire someone to replace the items in the bedroom behind the washer and snake out the drain. Thanks for responding.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
13 May 08
I sure wouldn't wait for more than a week for a problem like this, Carol. Your son-in-law knew about the problem but seems like he just doesn't want to fix it is all even thou he claims he does. If he really wanted to do it, would of been done long time ago. Get the repair man over to have it done now and quit waiting for him to do it cause it may never get done.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
14 May 08
Initially he told me it would be all taken care of in Feb. It's now May and nothing has been replaced or fixed. The washer doesn't drain every load into the bedroom behind the washer. It only happens once in awhile but shouldn't happen at all. The appliance repairman said he didn't think it was the washer. My patience is growing thin after this period of time. I like your advice and your good response, thank you.
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
12 May 08
Sometimes that's what it takes for some men. Not that they are all this way, but in my experience it seems like they would rather someone nag them. I don't understand it my self.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
12 May 08
That's a tough one....I probably would get the plumbing part fixed and tell them it was an emergency. That way he will see it was imparitive that it was done. I wouldn't pressure him. Just go ahead and put it behind me. If he is offended he shouldn't be as he is the one that caused the delays. I know how it is. My son offers to do things for me then is so busy with there own stuff he forgets about mine! LOL...You really need to get it done for both your sake and his! LOL
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
12 May 08
I called one of my husband's clients and they are sending a repairman out between noon and 5 today. We should know soon if it's a washer or drain problem. If a drain problem, will call a plumber. I haven't pressured my son-in-law at all to fix the problem but it's been 5 months and our other kids say the house smells musty. It is a tough call because I don't want to hurt my son-in-law's feelings. This is a project he really wanted to complete. Thanks for responding.
• United States
12 May 08
That is a tough one but just tell him that it was an emergency and that you appreciate him for offering. But if you don't get someone to fix that soon then a bigger problem will occur. He's sweet to offer but you should get someone else to fix it since he is so busy.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
12 May 08
I was able to get a repairman out here this morning and he wasn't sure what the exact problem was or why it was happening. This guy changed his mind 3 times while I was standing there with him. I will have to explain to our son-in-law it was an emergency and needed attention right now. Thanks for responding.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
13 May 08
I would say that you have waited long enough. It is nice that he wants to help you out but obviously doesn't have the time. I would not have waited this long. Just call the repairman and tell your son in law that you appreciate his willingness but you could not wait.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
14 May 08
I do think 5 months is a long time to wait to have a problem of this nature fixed. Each time I mentioned calling someone to do the repairs, he said he would be there and get it done. He is very busy and I do understand his schedule. Thanks for responding.
@dantakum (404)
• Nigeria
13 May 08
hmm as am consine,if i were you i would give him all the time he wants since he want's to do it and you are sure he can do it then let him do it when ever he's free dont rush and no time is too late on this esure.and if you are to take it round then let him know before hand.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
15 May 08
I appreciate his offer to do the work but it's been way too long and am sure mold is all over everywhere. Thanks for responding.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
13 May 08
Seems like your son-inlaw is very willing to help you but no time. He wants to do it himself because he wants to please you. I'm sure he will understand your situation now and it won't hurt him if you will find somebody to fix it because it is urgent. If he would know what happened when you used the washer? maybe he would apologize for the delay and would suggest you to find somebody coz he can't make it at the moment.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
15 May 08
He knows the problem I've had with the washer but nobody seems to know for sure if the washer is the problem or the drain. Will get a plumber out here real soon if the new washer doesn't fix the problem. Bought one today and it will be delivered next week. Thanks for responding.