School Uniform Prices! Do You Think They Are Over Priced Too?

@ellie333 (21016)
May 13, 2008 5:56am CST
My son starts actual school in Septemeber even though he is still only four and I have just received a letter with the school uniform order form and pricelist. Yes I agree with school uniform but do they really all have to have the logos printed on them so that you have to pay four times more for it than you would if buying a plain item of the same quality. As an example they want £11.00 ($22.00 dollars) for just one polo shirt for a four year old. I can purchase a pack of two plain for under £5 in most places his size. Ridiculous. He will need more than one, minimum three really, one on, one clean, one in wash so that will be £33 just for those, then there are the sweatshirts, PE T-shirts, shorts, coat, PE bag and book bag. The only thing I can buy from a standard shop is his trousers. Are we being ripped off here. Do you feel it is essential for them to have school logo on these items or would you prefer plain but school colours. Please share. Ellie :D
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29 responses
@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
13 May 08
I think that is huge price because In India it won't be that much of money for school dress so pounds so cost than United state dolor so in India around 800 Indian rupees means around 20$ so than it is cheap here.
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@ellie333 (21016)
13 May 08
Hi Thanks Dasari, I am pleased to hear that school uniform is cheap in India for you all. Thank you for explaining and also the exchange amount of the ruppee, appreciated. Ellie:D
@ellie333 (21016)
13 May 08
ooops rupee
@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
13 May 08
when i explain in rupees you can come to know how are the rates in in my place so many Indian export cloth company their and you can get the information from them so you will get those clothes with in cheap rates than in your place so if you good income in UK you can find here excellent life.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 May 08
Tell me about it! My son's school would even change the uniform every other year so that we couldn't get it from outside...and they charge so much for the school uniform. This year I got plain shirts and shorts from a cheaper place and I had the logos from last year (they aren't printed on and are sewed on to the shirt pockets).....and sew them on to the shirt pocket. I saved quite a bit on that. I still have to buy the PT uniform from school because it has the logo printed on it. And since I got the uniforms cheaper this time...I could buy more sets and still save money. For 4 sets of uniforms, I paid less than what I paid for the 3 sets I get from school every year.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 May 08
It's crazy! Imagine the amount of money they make because each child HAS to get it...and I'm sure it doesn't cost that much to get the logo printed on it. I like the concept of uniforms but not shelling out so much for something that the kids would outgrow that same year. And when I get the uniforms from school, I always get a size bigger (and work around it a bit) and yet, at the end of the's too short for my son.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
It really is ridiculous the prices they charge just because they have a logo on them. I really don't mind paying for a sweatshirt but feel he should be able to were plain poloshirts as long as they were white as the schools ones are. He is only four bless and will be growing quicker than they are being worn out. I am going to see if I can pick some up secondhand and just buy a few bits new. I agree with uniform I just get annoyed that we are charged so much for it! Taking the logos from the prvious ones though is an excellent idea. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
I know they must make a fortune but it is not the school that benefits it is the local council we have to pay the cheques too! Ellie :D
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
15 May 08
over here the prices are worse the are really unaffordable, and bought as a specialty item, most kids for wealthier families go to private schools and need uniforms but there are the odd public schools that require them and people on low income and welfare just cannot afford them.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 May 08
that is good if the schools accept them.
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
I don't think I know any schools public or private here in UK that don't have a school uniform of some sort so I really feel they should make them affordble to all. I am going to see if I can get a sweatshirt new but I think I will send him in plain poloshirts. I went up there today and spotted quite a few wearing these so he won't feel like the odd one out. Ellie :D
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@littleowl (7157)
18 Jul 08
Hi Ellie...yes they are well overly grandson starts primary school in september his mum is a single parent and on benefits..all the government will do to help her is give her a loan of which will make her short paying it back as it is she struggles and I try to help out as best I can at the moment I am having to help her get uniform for my grandson and so is her brother..probably her father will also is digusting the prices schools etc are asking for uniforms plus days out and more....huggles littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jul 08
Hi Littleowl, he starts the same time as Jacob then, how exciting but how costly too. I am going to send him in plain polo shirts and just buy the logo sweatshirt and that will have to do, they grow so quickly at that age don't they. Huggles. Ellie :D
@littleowl (7157)
19 Jul 08
Hi Ellie that is exciting but as you said its so costly we are going to look around for the best bargains in trousers shirts and Tescos they were seeling jumpers for £2!! That will be one place we will be going plus I get points too huggles littleowl
@liquorice (3887)
14 May 08
Yes I think this has always been a problem. I remember my mum complaining about these prices when we were young. I understand that they want the uniform to be specific to the school so that schools' children can be identified by what they're wearing but it's just not fair on the parents to charge so much. I wonder if they make much profit on them. If they do then maybe they shouldn't, as it's not fair to tell you that you must buy these clothes but you've got to pay an inflated price for them, they're holding you hostage. I don't think it would really work to just wear school colours though, as many schools have very similar colours. I think in our school some people got away with sewing a school emblem patch onto a plain navy jumper - I'm not sure if they were actually allowed to do this! But maybe to make things easier for the parents they should let you do something like this so that you'd just need to pay for standard clothes in the right colour, and then customise them according to what the school want. (Except they'd probably charge a bomb for the sew-on patches!)
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
Hi Liquorice, Yes I think it has always been a problem and I agree with the uniform factor and that maybe a blazer and sweatshirt should have an emblem or logo but the other bits I think is excessive especially as they do charge over priced prices. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
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@liquorice (3887)
8 Jun 08
Thanks for best response. Yes, I agree that all these extra items are unnecessary. The school near us has school bags and such like, which we didn't have when we were young. So it's definitely getting worse.
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@Gollywog (1092)
13 May 08
The price is terrible, do you know any one who can embroider the logoo for you, it would be a lot cheaper.The trouble is they grow so fast or lose or rip their clothes, The little Darlings? Just start saving lol as when I hade to buy Blazers for my sons to go to upper school they where £44 quid each, that was over 6yrs ago.Im sure they will be gone up to £100 by the time your sweet one gets to twelve!!!!
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@ellie333 (21016)
13 May 08
Hi Gollywog, I think I'll worry about the blazers when he is twelve then LOL right now I beginning to wonder where I am going to get the money from for this little lot. I don't know anyone that can embroider no, but I will probably buy a sweatshirt with the logo to start with and send him in plain polo shirts. I can't understand why they are so expensive when you can buy six plain for the price on one logo one. I will also ask some of the mums if they have any that their kids have outgrown I could maybe buy off them. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
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@Gollywog (1092)
13 May 08
I agee dont start worring now you will go grey lol .Im sure you could by nearly new items off of other mums. Good luck keep saving lol
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• India
14 May 08
I think you are being ripped off and the school’s making a nice little profit on this. Here in India, all schools have uniforms and all uniforms have logos stitched on them. The logos are there on the blazers and cardigans too but that’s all. We don’t have logos on bags and other accessory items. The schools do mention certain shops from where one can purchase the merchandize, but again all items in such shops are overpriced. However for us middle-class poor souls, there are some shops who make the same quality clothes with logos with a lower price tag. I buy all uniforms for my son from these shops. My thought on this is that there are enough parents who can afford to buy such over-priced clothes and then there are some to whom the name of the shop matters more than the price and quality, so they will (even if they cant afford to) buy uniforms from these over-priced shops too. Why should I then unnecessarily add to the crowd?
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
Hi I think I am too, it is ridiculous to charge these prices. I agree with uniform and also don't mind buying a swetashirt or blazer with the logo on but these other items are excessive especailly as my son is so young and will grow out of them in next to no time. I may buy some secondhand if available and just get a sweatshirt new for now. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
14 May 08
I understand where you are coming from. Kids grow quickly and you will be constantly buying new uniforms as the child grows. However, as far as the logo goes, I really think that there is a safety issue here. School staff need to know that the students in their school belong in their school and not a stranger who walked in off the street looking to get even with someone. There have been a lot of school shootings of late (though mostly in higher education) and I think uniforms with the school logo are one step towards protecting the students. Schools with no uniforms do not have that kind of protection. Keep an eye out though. I registered with our uniform store so I get newsletters via email advising me of sales. It can be helpful to purchase things when they are on sale. The best time is before the end of a school year rather than closer to the beginning of a new school year.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
Oh I definately agree with a uniform and a logo but maybe just on the sweatshirts or blazers and I don't think they should be so over priced. I will lok into getting some secondhand. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
• United States
15 May 08
I do think that's crazy. What about the parent's that don't have much money. How do they afford to dress their kids? I know we have some shops here that sell the school uniforms. If you have shops that would sell you the uniform for cheaper could you have the logo put on there yourself or do they have to be the ones to do it? If you could then possibly you could save some money that way.
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Hi Sweetgirl_k1. I AM one of these parents that don't have much money. I budget really well, I received this letter yesterday and I have til 9th June to order and pay. I am going to see if I can get some of it secondhand. The prices are ridiculous and very over priced. I will get a sweatshirt for him with the logo but I will probably send him in plain polo shirts and if they don't like it, tough, they will have to provide for me. He will be starting as a rising 5 and he will grow out of them in no time also. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. Ellie:D
@tabyorky (281)
21 May 08
My son is also 4 too and will be starting school in September as well. He goes to nursery now and wears a uniform but luckily you do not have to buy the sweater with a log if you don;t want to, so we didn;t. We got one from BHS for £4 in the right colour, rather than the one with the logo for £8. Also got him polo shirts from Asda as they are so cheap there, only £2 for a pack of two. Only thing I bought with the logo was the book bag.
@ellie333 (21016)
21 May 08
Well I am definately on my way to Asda for the polo shirts then. Thanks for sharing. I will purchase the sweatshirt and book bag but everything else I will just get plain. I have actually seen a few in plain polo shirts so I am sure this won't be a problem. It get ridiculous otherwise doesn't it. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
14 May 08
This one of many reasons why I don't agree with school uniforms in public schools. When I went to private school, parents use to sell the second hand uniforms their child had outgrown. Perhaps you can inquire to see if that's an option?
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
I really don't mind them having a uniform as it makes it easier to know what to send them in each day but to over price these items so much I feel is ridiculous and unescessary. I will try and buy seconhand where I can. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
14 May 08
This is the first year I've ever had to buy school uniforms. My children have never attended a school where they were required, until now. In some ways, its cheaper, because I don't have to worry about so many outfits for school. Its just one, khaki pants and navy blue polo shirt. The pants cost about $20 and the shirts about $14. Its really not so bad in the bigger picture when you consider the purchase of other clothing would or could cost a whole lot more.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
Hi KB, Yes I appreciate uniform as this does make clothing them for school so much easier but the uniform I have to buy includes logo which they must have and I am being ripped off with the price as without the logo I can purchase these items for a lot lot less, especially as he is only four he will grow out of it all so quickly and will also need more than one of each item. I am pleased to hear yours works out more economical for you. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
14 May 08
The prices are about the same as here, however we do not have to get quite as much stuff. It is ridiculous that is all cost so much. Imagine what it must be like if you have more than one (though at least you can hand them down if they are kept well) Here we get given one free shirt every year, which helps a little but.... You can't help but wonder if the school is making a huge profit on these uniform sales
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
Hi LouRhi, Thanks for sharing. I agree with uniform but at these prices it is ridiculous. They must be making a fortune on uniform sales. I am going to try and find some of it secondhand. I have two older children who have now left school, but they went to a girls only school so it is a bit hard to pass their clothes on to him LOL. Ellie :D
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
14 May 08
It is certainly not essential. Looks like they are just trying to suck more money out of all of the parents. I don't think that is right. Unfortunately though there is not much anyone can do about stuff like that. I have never spent that much on a clothing item for my little guy, $22.00 each or a 4 year old is rediculas.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
I think this is ridiculously overpriced but they say we have to have it. I agree with uniform but at this price I think it is excessive also. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
14 May 08
honestly, depend on my point of view all of the cost which you spending in here for buying uniform is really over priced which i am not sure that i can fulfill it however, its also the compensation to pay when we entering our children into good name school. its just been general secret in my country that good and wellknown school always charge higher cost for uniforms, logo and lots more for their revenue. if later on i have children, i won't send them to expensive school cause i believe there are lots more to consider buying beside uniform
@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
Hi Plumwish07, This is just a normal state school in the UK nothing special just the local school. I agree with a uniform policy but I really do not agree with these items being so over priced just because they have a logo. I will look out for some secondhand as cannot afford to buy all new and especially as he is so young he will have grown out of it in next to no time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this one. Ellie :D
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
14 May 08
oh yes... i had heard that the price of school uniform is really ridiculous... but you can't do anything about it as you have to abide to the school's policy... i think having the logo on the uniform is essential as it shows the school's identity and the students wearing the uniform should take pride in it as well... i just wish that schools can make their uniform's prices a bit more reasonable...
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
I believe in uniforms and perhaps a logo on the outer garments like sweatshirts and jackets/blazers but not on the polo shirts and especially not at these prices. I really feel I am being ripped off especially as he is a rising 5 and will have outgrown in no time. I am going to see if I can get some of it secondhand because I really cannot afford to buy all new. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
14 May 08
The Catholic school uniforms here are like almost $300 for one set. (Skirt or pants, blouse, vest, socks, shoes) The vest is mandatory aswell for 5 months of the school year (till it gets warmer) You need their socks, their skirt/pants, the shoes you get to pick yourself though from wherever as long as they're black and dressy. My school is a public school and the only uniform wwe wear is a polo shirt (or sweater) or blouse. The polo's are $30.00, the sweaters are between $40.00 and $50.00. And the blouse's are $30.00 aswell. It's so much wasted money and I hate spending it on uniforms, but I only needed to wear it for four years(highschool) 'cause our elementary schools (K-8) don't require uniforms. However, I think that's a LOT of money to be spending on a uniform for a 4 year old. But most of that money is because of the stitching for the logo. Huge waste, but there isn't too much you can do.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
Wow all those prices are ridiculous too eh! I agree with uniform but it annoys me that we are given no choice and have to purchase in this way through the school. At four years old I think he should just have a logo sweatshirt and the rest just be colour coded. I will need to purchase more than one of each due to them getting so grubby at this age. I am going to look into seeing if their are any secondhand uniforms available and just buy a few essentials new. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
14 May 08
I guess some school really over priced the uniforms. I've been working in a university before and that is always my complain. They make it as a business too instead of being affordable for the students and parents! Having logo is neat as long as they have to mak eit affordable!
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
Yes I agree with the unifrom policy and maybe a logo just on the outer garments like jackets and sweatshirts but I like you think the prices they charge are crazy and really over priced too. I am going to see if I can pick some of it up secondhand as he will only be in it five minutes. They grow so quick at this age. I have til mid June to save up and put my order in for it. Ellie :D
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
13 May 08
My grandkids wear uniforms in middle school in arizona. They are allowed to wear tan or navy pants or shorts and red white or blue polos! They do not have a logo on them. So I was able to pick up tons of them on a summer clearance for just a couple bucks apiece! You are being ripped off! That's alot of money for a four year old who probably has accidents eating etc! Rediculous!
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@ellie333 (21016)
13 May 08
I quite agree Jill, at most I feel I should purchase a school logo sweatshirts but really don't see the need for anything else especially when I could buy enough polo shirts to last him the week for the amount they want for one. I agree with uniform but just not these overpriced logo ones. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
14 May 08
I think that the school logo on the shirts should be optional. The price you are going to have to pay is crazy. When my son went to a school that required uniforms they could wear any polo shirt that was navy blue and any pants that were Khaki. His school was not picky about it. His school uniforms cost about the same as regular clothes would have cost.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 May 08
Hi I agree with having a uniform colour and maybe even the outer garments like the sweatshirt having a logo but to have to buy the polo shirts at these prices is just ridiculous especially as a rising 5 he will be grown out of it in no time. Ellie :D