What is your favorite fruit and how do you eat it?

United States
May 13, 2008 8:37pm CST
I love fruit of all kinds. I live in California and we have a large ethnic diversity in our area so we have access to a lot of different types of fruit. I canned some cherry plums last summer and I will be having them for dessert toninght I was sitting here wondering what was your favorite fruit and how do you like to eat it. Do you like it cooked, raw, with other fruit in a salad or all by its self? My all time favorite fruit is watermelon. I know that is not exotic but it is sooooooo good. I also love lots of other melons. It is almost summer and we are going to be in the water melon season I cannot wait. I love it by its self with salt. My friend has a recipe for a water melon salad You take the water melon, chunks, add feta cheese, red onions, mint and italian dressing. It does not sound good but boy is it good on a hot day.
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41 responses
• United States
14 May 08
I would have to say that my most favorite fruit would have to be strawberry's. I love dipping them in some sugar.
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• United States
14 May 08
I have never dipped strawberries in sugar.I have dipped them in chocolate, whiped cream and other things but not just plain sugar it does sound good.
• United States
14 May 08
Ya I too have dipped strawberry's in other things but I normally just dip them in sugar. its very good.
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• United States
15 May 08
I like to cut up strawberries and put sugar over them and let the juice run out. It makes a good juice fruity dish.
@sun2day (1062)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
14 May 08
Of all the fruits we have I would select the mango as my favorite, now there are other fruits that I love, but the mango top them all. Once mangoes are in season I eat them anytime. I only eat them when they are ripe. Some people eat them green with salt, others use them to make mango chutney, which is delicious with meat. I take the skin off the ripe mangoes and put them in a pot to boil they produce their own liquid then add a fair amonut of sugar, depends on how sweet you want them, put them on a low heat, but do not allow to stick to the container. It is called stewed mangoes. So the mangoes are actually done just like stewd cherries or any other fruits. People make mango cakes from them also and am thinking of doing that my self. Mango season is in presently, the trees are blooming.
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• United States
14 May 08
Are the mangos ready when the trees are in bloom? I have not seen a fruit tree what has fruit and blooms at the same time. Mango stew sounds good. Can you make mago pies out of the fruit?
• United States
18 May 08
Your welcome.
@sun2day (1062)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
17 May 08
You can make whatever you want, perserve just like you preseve pineapple or gooseberries. Then use the preserve to make pies etc. The mango trees first bear blosom and them put out their fruits. From the blosoms then next comes the fruits.Thanks deary for responding.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
14 May 08
My all time favorite are strawberries... but i rarely get to eat them... since they are quite expensive where i live... but when i used to go to Baguio... where strawberries are abundant and quite cheap... i always go to the market to buy a bag full and walk around the park just eating strawberries... and we even went to the strawberry farm to pick our own basketfull...
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
14 May 08
I also love mangoes... they are quite cheap especially during the summer...
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• United States
14 May 08
We are not wet enough here in California for magos. I have not found a really fresh one. I do like mago and passion fruit juice.
• United States
14 May 08
Strawberries are great. We have lots of strawberry farms around here. I am sorry you cannot get them like you wish. What other fruit do you love that you can get?
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• Kottayam, India
14 May 08
Yum-yum-yum I like to have Pappaya/Kiwi/Mango
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• Kottayam, India
15 May 08
Pappaya and Kiwi are best fruits in the world
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• United States
14 May 08
I am not keen on pappaya or kiwi. I do not like the texture of papayas.
27 Jun 08
well, i love to eat mango,but usually i have a juice of mango a day. In the morning I usually drink a mango juice and on dinner , eat mango.But i look very horrible while eating mango:), it seems like an illitrate person is having this food and honestly speaking i don't know how to eat mango properly:).My mom alwayz scolds me for this reason because usually while eating mango i make my dinning table dirty and mumma scolds me alot.
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• United States
29 Jun 08
I was told once if you did not slop your food then you did not enjoy it. Now continue to enjoy your mago.
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
27 Jun 08
now,in summer ,my favorite fruit is peach.
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• United States
29 Jun 08
I canned a lug or peaches which ended up to be 5 quarts. It is a lot of work but well worth it.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
15 May 08
I love Cherries and I can eat them all Day lol I prefer to just eat them as they are and while I am on here or reading I adore Cherries and they never last long when I buy them lol
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• United States
16 May 08
The only problem with cherries is their pits. I love fresh cherries if they did not have seeds. LOL Give Gissi kisses for me please.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
14 May 08
I think that reciped DOES sound good. I will try it this summer for sure. My favorite fruit is also a watermelon. Cold and juicy on a hot summers day..... there is nothing like it. I am not necessarily a lover of all melons. Only cantelope and watermellons. My next favorite fruit is an apple. I love the energy I receive after eating one.
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• United States
15 May 08
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
15 May 08
I really love fresh fruit as well, I buy fruit all the time, and I love making fruit smoothies, they are so tasty and are really nutrious. I also love manderine orangies in a chicken salad, the combination is just so refreshing.
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• United States
15 May 08
I do love chicken salad. When I first heard of chicken in salad I thought yuck. Now I have seen the light and love chicken in salad. LOL I love manderine orages in fruit salad also.
@pkc3000 (1266)
• India
19 May 08
dear merced I am from India and I like mango very much .My favourite is mango juice. My mon cut it into pieces and put these pcs into the grinder/mixer and make juice. In summer I also like watermelon . I aso like orange First I separate its peel and I cut it into small pieces and it is very decious. My favourite fruit is mango. pkc3000
• United States
20 May 08
We do not grow magos here because we do not have enough rain. We do grow a lot of other fruits. I have an orange tree in my back yard that is loaded with little oranges. They will be ready to pick after christmas
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I'm discovering new fruits all the time and liking most of them. I'd say my all time favorite has to be the honey mango. So yummy! I like it cold and plain or in a fruit salad or chicken salad or over pork chops. I also like it with sorbet and in smoothies. I'm thinking of making a mango pie, I bet that would be good. You can your own fruit? That's so cool! How do you do it?
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• United States
24 Jun 08
Canning fruit or veggies is a lot of work but worth it in the end. To can your own fruit of veggies it is putting them up in jars and cooking the jars a certain amount of time until they seal. If you do fruit you start with the fresh fruit. the jars, quart or pint, I usually use quart. Then you wash the fruit, peel it if you like and have your jars washed and put in a warm hot water bath. Once the jars are hot then you pack the fruit in the jars and put some type of fluid over the fruit. Most people use a sugar water. Then you put the caps and rings on the jars and put in boiling water. Once the pan of jars are boiling again you boil them for as long as the recipe calls. Then you take some tongs and pull them out of the water, being careful not to drop the jars of knock them together. I put them on my counter and once the start to cool you will hear a popping noise and that is when the jars are sealing. Here is a couple of web pages for you to look at. Once you get started it is pretty easy.It is just learning how at first. http://www.homecanning.com/ http://www.canning-food-recipes.com/index.html
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
15 May 08
My favorite fruit would have to be the banana I like it plain just peel and eat I also like to pour chocolate over it and freeze them like a popsicle, I like them in apple salad and I like them cut up in cereal.
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• United States
15 May 08
I love bananas with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce. YUM
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
14 May 08
My favorite fruit is watermelon. I love to eat it adding a little salt in it. I also love it as watermelon shake. Cheers!
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• United States
15 May 08
Can you give me the recipe for a watermelon shake? It sounds good.
@cncoke (439)
• China
22 Jun 08
My favourite frout islichee.It is very delicious.If you want to eat it just peel out its pericarp.
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• United States
23 Jun 08
I do not know what a islichee is or a pericarp is can you please explain?
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
14 May 08
I eat my watermelon the same way that you do. Depends on the heat of the day on how much salt that I like. My favorite fruit would have to be the strawberry. I love slicing them, adding a bit of sugar, and then letting them sit for an hour or two. It makes the most awesome syrupy treat.
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• United States
15 May 08
When you put sugar on fruit it makes the juice run out. I love to mix the strawberries with whip cream and then put them over cake.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
14 May 08
I love mango and grapes! I can't wait to get more this payday! LOL!
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• United States
15 May 08
I love seedless grapes better then the ones with the seeds.
• Canada
14 May 08
My favourite fruit is a tie between Watermelon and Starfruit. I make a really great fruit salad which as Watermelon, Starfruit, and Papaya. It's a nice twist on the typical orange, apple, banana.
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• United States
15 May 08
I have never had start fruit what does it taste like?
@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
14 May 08
My favorite fruit is watermelon. When I was small my mama would slice me a huge piece and we'd eat it outside with juice just running everywhere and spitting the seeds outside. It was so much fun and so good. Well, now, I scoop the watermelon out of the rind and put it in a huge bowl and put it in the fridge and take out some when I get ready to eat it. Oh, how I love watermelon!
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• United States
15 May 08
I love watermelon also. When I was little my dad would do that also. My mom would not eat the watermelen like that. Dad would spit the seeds out at us. hahahaha
@duranv (516)
• Honduras
14 May 08
My favorite fruit is definitely watermelon.
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• United States
15 May 08
It is almost watermelon season soon. Yayayaya
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
14 May 08
I like strawberries. I like to eat it whole. I use lite salt on it.
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• United States
15 May 08
I have never put salt on strawberries. It does sound good.