Why do people think witchcraft is evil?
By Magikrose
@magikrose (5429)
United States
November 1, 2006 10:20pm CST
I am a Wiccan. Most would call me a witch. I am ok with that. The thing I dont understand is why do people associate witches with satan? Wccans and Pagans are nature loving people who only want to live in peace. Why is that so wrong? We still believe in God but we also believe in a Goddess. I dont understand. Please help.
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89 responses
@lectricky (680)
• United States
2 Nov 06
"Why do people think witchcraft is evil?"
One word answer: IGNORANCE.
What you're doing isn't wrong. Wrong is a subjective term. I'm an atheist, and some people consider that wrong, but that's just their thinking. I wouldn't care about it so much if I were you. Frankly, it's a waste of energy. People are afraid of what they don't understand, and tend to demonize things they don't agree with. Notice how often President Bush uses the word "evil".
And for all the Christians out there, pagan religions have been around a hell of a lot longer than Christianity. Hence it has absolutely nothing to do with Satanism (which has its own church anyway).
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
2 Nov 06
You are right Ignorance plays a very big part in why people thing witchcraft is evil. Dont worry I am not wasting any energy one it at all. I am actually looking for other peoples point of view so that maybe someday we can correct this and be able to educate others that Wiccans and Pagan have absoutley NOTHING to do with the satanists. I know they have there own church and they dont want anything to do with Wiccans and Pagans any more than they want to deal with Christians and Catholics.
Thank you for your response. You get a + and best response.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Believe denote evil to everything they don't understand. People don't understand witch craft and what it is about so they say it is evil. Its the same with Islam or other religions people don't understand it so automatically it's evil and wrong.
I'm Christian and I don't say it's evil in fact I want to LEARN more about it and understand it.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Believe denote evil to everything they don't understand. People don't understand witch craft and what it is about so they say it is evil. Its the same with Islam or other religions people don't understand it so automatically it's evil and wrong.
I'm Christian and I don't say it's evil in fact I want to LEARN more about it and understand it.

@magikrose (5429)
• United States
2 Nov 06
You are right, to this day the "Christian Bible" states to tollerate other religins but yet they say that Witchcraft is not a religin but yet according to the law it is, anf they consider it evil. I am a Wiccan, and I love it. I have never felt so much love before, not even when my mother forced me to go to church every sunday.
Thank you for responding.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
29 Nov 06
The Christian Bible never says to tolerate other religions.

@dakota04 (33)
• New Zealand
3 Nov 06
Hey there Magikrose,
I am of the Pagan faith myself. The reason peolpe don't understand us is purely because of ignorance. You should read the Da Vinci Code. It talks allot about the Goddess and how Christianity took its ideas from the Pagan faith, and then demonised us. If you havn't read it already you probably should, you would find it very interesting. At the end of the day so long as you are happy in what you are doing there is no problem. if people choose to be uneducated about these things it is there own problem. Just focus on being a good person.

@magikrose (5429)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I actually want to read that book. I have heard that about it and I am very intreted in it. I just cant afford it right now. Bills have to be taken care of first.
Thank you for responding.

@zippyzapper (63)
3 Nov 06
i have to understand this topic before i can comment, however i would like to know what do u mean by wiccan. This is the first time i'm coming across such a thing or community. Plz throw some light on this post.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Wicca is a form of witchcraft. It is an earth based religin that pre-dates Christianity. Over time when the Christian religin was formed they made witches out to be evil and to worship satan. The thing that is misunderstood is that we worship nature along with the same God everyone else does but we also worship a Goddess or some call her Mother Earth. There is NO satan or devil in the craft at all. Satin'ists have there own church and want NOTHING to do with Wiccan's, Pagan's, Christians or anyone who serve and worship God at all.
The best post to read is #6 in this thrread. She said so much and said it so perfect in my opnion. Read her post and you might get a better understanding.
@sapphirestarrs (92)
• United States
7 Nov 06
They fear what they don't know, and they don't want to know it because they think that they are right. They are rightfully closed-minded. There are many religions out there and we are all free to choose what we want, but Christians like to believe that by converting everyone to one religion they are doing God's work, when really they are forcing everyone to become the same person. The only thing evil about witchcraft is how the person decides to use it. If it is not to protect or help, then it is to harm, which is an evil of it's own. And Wicca was around before Christianity ever was. And since it is, there is no way to associate Witchcraft with Satan.They only fear what they don't know. If you've read The Da Vinci Code or have seen the movie or any of the featured shows on the History channel and such, you would see why Christians would think of Wicca as evil, because of the Goddess worshipping. Christians believed that it's Eve's (women's) fault why we fell into darkness in the first place and refuse to believe that a woman can be powerful.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I agree with you totally.
Thank you for responding.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Nov 06
The word "witchcraft" implies a craft.. which we've come to think of as crafting things to bring about what one wants (or another).. Where this came from, I don't know.. Every society had their "wise ones" or medicine man or woman. I suppose it depended a lot on the individual what kind of advice or help they gave.
...I know a lot of people feel that the worshipping of other 'gods' (the old 'gods') was involved, and these 'gods' sometimes demanded very harsh sacrifices.
I do know there are those groups who do revere satan,, and then other groups which simply revere satan as a principle of nonconformist.. or even rebellion. But there are those groups who do call upon satan and they record possessions, which is (and was) the highest tier of 'enlightenment' to be possessed or indwelled by the 'god' or guides..
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Those who worship Satan or practice Black Magik do sacrifices and I really dont want to deal with them. I want to live in harmoney and peace with everyone and everything. I dont do any sacrifice of any animals or people it is discusting. The only craft I do is to help, also known as White Magik.
Thank you for responding again.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Nov 06
Satanism is actually a very interesting religion...and it, much like Witchcraft, has gotten a seriously bad rap...I think if ppl took the time to learn the basics about various religions there wouldnt be so much hatred and violence and negative crap in the world....Fearing what we dont know is a natural human thing and we tend to want to destroy what we fear like a child afraid of the dark, turn on a night light and destroy the dark in the eyes of that child...but the dark never really went away its just in a different part of the room...gradually you teach that child that the dark isnt something to fear, you educate them basically....i dont see why ppl as they grow up cant do the same when it comes to alternative lives be it religion, sexuality etc....sad really
@khushboo1984 (1257)
• India
27 Nov 06
People are generally not aware about witchcraft. They think that it is a bad thing. Then are not thinking at all. The real problem lies with our upbringing. We see anyone who acts a little wierd also we associate it with witchcraft. We never analyse the situation and see that the other person could have been mentally ill also
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
29 Nov 06
If you read the bible of God, His word, you will find your answers dear.
You cannot mix oil and water, nor evil and good.
Satan can seem like he is good, but he is not. Worship only God, so you can be saved before it is too late.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
29 Nov 06
I clearly stated that I believe in God. I worship God but I also worship a Goddess too. I dont go to church to worship like you might, I do it diffrently than you. I do pray every night. I never said I follow satan or believe in satan. I dont believe satan exists.
@MrsAdvice (623)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I used to mess with some white witchcraft and it drew all sorts of evil entities to me and my home. Also, I know other people who say they are wiccan and I know that they have crossed over the line and used magic to effect other's lives in a negative or vengeful way. I am not saying you do this, but this is why my belief is that people who call themselves wiccans are unknowingly falling into satan's trap. Once they get into the magic, it seems they cross to the other side in small steps, it starts with a little spell to stop your neighbor from gossiping about you . . .how could that be wrong? She is wronging you - so you do the "freeze the tongue" spell, but that little step puts you closer to the dark side - the spells to stop a business from being successful so yours won't go under - things like that, effecting others in a negative way. I hope you are not one who does that, but the ones I know are. I hope I have helped to further your understanding of why people feel as they do.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I totally understand where you are coming from. Ihave absoutley NO intention of having anything to do with Black magic. I do not want it to come back and bite me in the but. Since I am a beginner Ihave only done 1 spell and it was for prosparity. To try to bring in some additional money or to eliminate some un-necessary spending. Since then I found mylot and I seem to be doing very well with it. Also we recently got rid of a car that was taking more money than it was worth. Also my husband now having to hitch a ride to work is finding the benefits of getting a ride he has no choice but to work over time because he is at the mercy of another person so instead of standing arround and doing nothing he gets more work done, so he is bringing in some extra money just in overtime.
I am telling you this so that you can see that not all witches are bad. It is unfortunate that you have not had the best of luck with the local witches in your area. I hope the goddess shines upon you and blessis you with love and aeverything you need to get by in this world.
Blessid Be
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I totally understand where you are coming from. Ihave absoutley NO intention of having anything to do with Black magic. I do not want it to come back and bite me in the but. Since I am a beginner Ihave only done 1 spell and it was for prosparity. To try to bring in some additional money or to eliminate some un-necessary spending. Since then I found mylot and I seem to be doing very well with it. Also we recently got rid of a car that was taking more money than it was worth. Also my husband now having to hitch a ride to work is finding the benefits of getting a ride he has no choice but to work over time because he is at the mercy of another person so instead of standing arround and doing nothing he gets more work done, so he is bringing in some extra money just in overtime.
I am telling you this so that you can see that not all witches are bad. It is unfortunate that you have not had the best of luck with the local witches in your area. I hope the goddess shines upon you and blessis you with love and aeverything you need to get by in this world.
Blessid Be
@Kelian (768)
• Trinidad And Tobago
27 Nov 06
Interesting. I didn’t realise people still practice magical arts openly. Well it may not be that people think it’s evil. It’s just that in too many cases witchcraft, magic and inexplicable powers are used for bad purposes. It’s frightening when someone has power like that and can use it against you. It’s worse when you can’t do anything about it.
Personally I prefer to stay away from the whole area of magical arts. Maybe if I met someone like a “Wiccan” who doesn’t use magic for bad I’d be less wary or suspicious of it. But where I am there’s voodoo, and people use that for bad, spiteful stuff.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
27 Nov 06
Well let me say Hello and that you have just met A Wiccan who uses magik for the purpose of doing good and helping others. Let me give you an example. A coven sister and I participated in a prosparity rituel to help us either earn more money or get rid of the money guzzlers we have so we save some money. For her it worked because she has an ebay store and out of the blue she had a huge whole sale order that was being sent out to Singapore. For me my husband recently junked his car that needed a new engine of all things, then I found mylot which as you know you canearn money on. It worked in our favor for both of us so far.
Good magik is the only magik I will do. I do not want to wish harm on any one no matter what.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Though it may be true that people fear what they don't know, there is also such a thing as truth and absolute truth. A Wiccan, Jew, Christian, Pagan, Atheist, Muslim and whatever other religion cannot all be right. So if a person believes that their religion is right and share that belief with others and do so in a way that is respectful and loving I don't see a problem with that. I don't believe that anyone from any of the above mentioned groups should attack others with the intent to harm them. I find it very interesting that you are calling people to be tolerant and loving of you and yet you've spent a great deal of time attacking Christians. Which goes against your original statement that Wiccans "only want to live in peace."
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Thank you HouseKat. I am not directing this thread twards any one religin it is a general discussions for anyone who has an opnion. I agree with you it is ignorance because people choose to have an opnion about things thay have NO knowledge about at all. If people wouldtake the time to get some info on the topic and then they can have an educated opnion and have the knowledge to back it up.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
29 Nov 06
If you read the comments that you have made you will see that in almost every one you point to Christians as being the group who calls you evil. It seems to me that you are attacking them and making blanket statements against them. I'm just saying that if you don't want groups to make statements about you being evil that you shouldn't make similar statements about them.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
29 Nov 06
HouseKat, my last comment was supposed to be directed at Magikrose not you.

@alex512 (128)
• United States
29 Nov 06
i'm sorry, but please be careful about how you use the term "ignorance". for those of us who do identify ourselves as Christians, witchraft is a dangerous thing. the Bible warns about it and how Satan uses it to trick people. i wouldn't go as far as to say that you are evil for practicing, but i believe demons and Satan are very real, and witchraft and sorcery are a way that they are very active in our world today. i have a close friend who is a Wiccan. i love her dearly. please don't generalize.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Having a Wiccan friend then you know that we dont believe in demons and satan. Those who are saying tht it is ignorance are just stating that MOST who say it is evil, say so based on lack of knowledge and the media. TV tends to portray a witch as evil and people buy into it. The only way a witch, Wiccan, or Pagan can be considered evil is if they use there magik to do harme, then it is ok to say they are evil but most of us prefer to do magik for the purpose of helping anot harming. The wiccan law states "An ye harm NONE, do what ye will." Basically it says as long as NO ONE gets hurt you can do what you want. That is the right way of doing magik.
@alex512 (128)
• United States
30 Nov 06
ok your original question was why people are against wiccan right? whether you believe in satan and demons or not, other people do, and that's why people are leery of it. just because i have a friend doesn't mean i know a ton about it. i'm not here to be a thorn in your side, i was just answering your question.
@driscollini (174)
• United States
30 Nov 06
i'm curious as to who this god and godess of yours might be. What traits do they posess; what are thier attributes; what role do they play in your life; how do they influence your decision making; by what standards do they adhear to; how did you come to a belief in them?
please respond

@magikrose (5429)
• United States
30 Nov 06
What kitkat is trying to say is that there is evil in the world but it is because of the bad choices people make. I just recently heard about the mother who put her baby inthe microwave and I got sick to my stomach when I heard about it. The evils in the world are cause by people making bad choices because they think there is no other way arround it or they feel that they cant controll it.
We are well aware there are horrible things going on all over the world. All caused by people making bad choices.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
30 Nov 06
To those who adhere to another faith such as Christianity believe, "The concept of "salvation" is essentially irrelevant"? And how does that work?

@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
27 Nov 06
Blame religion for that. If something goes against what the church tells people to believe, then it is a sin.
@starr4all (2863)
29 Nov 06
I think other than ignorance, religion may be the reason people fear it. Nice comment!
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
27 Nov 06
Can you please explain why you think it is evil? Iam intrested in your thoughts.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
30 Nov 06
No it dosnt. We follow 1 major rule and it is "An ye harm NONE, do what ye will" Which means as long as NO ONE gets hurt do what you want. I would NEVER wish anyone any harm. I am a loving person. Even people who dont like me and want to do harm to me I wish them the best and hope that they can see the truth through the smoke someday.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Nov 06
blessed be sister, it is stupidity and ignorence , nothing more. People are scared by things they do not understand and often the only way they can deal with this is to attack it
keep the faith it is good to meet you
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
27 Nov 06
Let me put it this way, it is not the kind of magik you see on Harry Potter or in any of the movies. I cast spells, by chanting, lighting candles, and calling to the corners north, south, east, and west and ask for there help in obtaining the necessities in life and to help those in need. Similar to how a congregation in an church prays all together.
@fsustriker (826)
• United States
29 Nov 06
They think it is evil because people do it normally with evil intents, and its just how people portray it in movies. There is some areas of my state "minnesota" where there are wickans that are going around killing pets, killing little children, and also they are practice different rituals.. it depends on where you live. different people in different areas practice different things, and thats how they get there bad name.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
30 Nov 06
You are right it does depend alot as to where you live, and where you were taught. I find it very disturbing to hear that Wiccans in your area are murdering animals and children for rituel purposes. I have 4 children and 4 pets and the thought of murdering any one of them makes me sick to my stomach.
I prefer to use candles, incense, and herbs to perform my spells and rituels. That is all you really need, nothing more.