Would You...?

@tessah (6617)
United States
May 16, 2008 7:35pm CST
hurt someone elses feelings at the request of another.. if they promised you gifts? would it depend upon the gift? would you cause someone bodilly harm.. because someone told you to, because there was something they had that you wanted, and were told theyd give it to you if you did? would you kill someone.. for wealth and power? would you harm a child if your own personal safety were at stake? or would you, for the sake of the helpless.. take the hit and protect the meak? would logic and reasoning enter your mind.. would you rely on common sense.. and refuse these bribes? or succomb to your greed, wants, or fears. and do all that this person asked of you on the promise of attaining all you ever desired? i can feel alot of you shaking yer head.. even possibly verbalizng a resounding OH NO I WOULD NOT!! not for a million dollars would i do such things.. not for all the money in the world... and yet when asked why such attrocities of hate and cruelty are performed daily by those of you here who thump your bible as yer reasoning.. who speak so casually about the suffering of others being justified.. you speak of the rewards this god you follow is going to bestow upon you for such actions. that you will inherite the kingdom of heaven.. eternal life.. paradise shall be yours for following his command.. does your fear of punishment override your common sense and better judgement that these would not be the commands of a loving god? what makes you any different than a hired assassin who spills the blood of another for a few thousand dollars?
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11 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 May 08
tessah I hope this is not a loaded discussion meant to bring out the troll and minuse hitting people.I am a christian of sorts but I ould not hurt anyone for any reason or gift or bribe.I believe in the golden rule do unto others as you would have them do unto you and the ten commandments. moneydoes not enter into it for me as I do not do anything that will harm or kill another person not ever for any reason. I really do not quite like this discussion as it will bring out some mean answers.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
18 May 08
you dont have to like the discussion.. and thus far, there havent been any mean, rude, or condescending insultive responses.. with the exception of this one. if nothing else.. maybe this will bring about a bit of awareness into the evils that men do in the name of god and their ever zealousness to attain glory, riches, and power inheriting the kingdom of heaven.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 May 08
holy snap no...and any one who would should be locked away and the key not only thrown away but incinerated and the person should never be let out again. its never right to hurt anyone for that kind of reasoning...especially a child...ever.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
17 May 08
Nice point. I often wonder if some "good deeds" are only done to secure a place in heaven. There is a bible story, isn't there, about Abraham, I think, where god asks him to murder his son to prove his love to him. Why would God ask anyone to commit murder - to disobey his own commandments - to prove love? And of course all many desire is to reap their rewards in heaven.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
17 May 08
i had a similar conversation with people not long ago. about the motives behind a seemingly good deed making this same deed not so good because of the attitudes in which it was done. the action itself was no different in any way.. but the spirit in which it was done changed the act from "good" to "bad". seeking glory and accolades for attention for doing something nice.. sours the deed. things should just be done because they are the right thing to do.. not because of what can be gained by it.
• Abernathy, Texas
18 May 08
Thank you for that. I do tend to analyze things way too much. While still attending Massage Therapy school, I was hanging out with a fellow student and a teacher at a friend's house. We were discussing learning styles - you know - visual, auditory, kinesthetic. I think most of us combine all three but one is generally predominant. Anyway, we asked Gilbert, our teacher - and the school's director, what he thought our learning styles were. For me - he pointed to his temple. He went on to say that for me to really process information I have to think about it. And, he'd added, sometimes I think Too much! Well, it kept me in good grades through all the anatomy and physiology classes! It was also why, at first, when we did trades in class, he said my technique was great - didn't think about it, then, at my first teacher (we had to give teacher massages to get to the next level and also to graduate - to four different teacher's - oh and to get our table) massage to get the table he said he could tell that I was THINKING about it while giving the massage. So the first test was better then the second! Hopefully, I improved, my last teacher "exams" my written reports were good.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
17 May 08
simply having a thought cross yer mind of future possibles isnt the same as plotting.. planning.. and falsely representing yerself and yer motives in order to reap some reward for doing it. you genuinely enjoyed yer uncles company.. his stories.. cared about him as a person. and you deprived yerself and him, the pleasure of the experiences you couldve shared in this together. that is truly sad.. this other lady.. who enjoys yer company.. and you enjoy hers.. to deprive her of this and yerself because you wondered for a moment if you got close would you wind up with her estate..and you feel this is greedy.. (crikey, you analyze yerself more than i do!! and thats a feat like you cannot begin to fathom!!) spend yer time with this woman that you care about. just simply because you care about her and her you, nd youll be adding to theenjoyment of her life which is so obviously lonely. if she does wind up leaving you her estate for your kindnesses and you feel wrong in accepting it.. there is no law that prevents you from doing GOOD with this money.. donating to charities that were her favorites.. things she supported.. etc. seeing to it that her kindnes and generosity live on and is remembered. its alot better than having this left to her uncaring daughter that would get it by default.. and never give any thought whatsoever to the woman who left it thatd be forgotten as if she never existed. yes, i read to the end of yer post and id LOVE to hear some of the stories of a supernatural sort.. none of which im sure would surprise me at all
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 May 08
A very good question indeed and the basis of all religious wars ever fought. ANYTHING goes in the name of ...insert deity of choice, as Cyn would say. What a crock! I can be holier than you and still be a right twit because it's all in the name of my god! Meanwhile, whatever god is being 'served' is crying buckets or laughing themselves silly or kicking themself in the ankle for granting us 'humans' reason and free will, which we have, for the most part used only for our own gain and to hell with the glory of god, unless that god needs to be trotted out as an excuse for our bad behaviour! "Get thee behind me Satan!" - that's where the Christians are and you'll have a better chance with them than me!!!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 May 08
LOL - yep that's me. Twisted perceptions, but a good heart.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
17 May 08
to put a spin on that "get thee behind me satan" prayer.. it sounds more like they are asking for his support in their actions (im behind you all the way!!) interesting little twist of perception there..
1 person likes this
• United States
17 May 08
No, I wouldn't hurt someone's feelings because somebody asked me too. And I never have. It's not worth it to go against who I am. A gift would not change or effect my decision. Hurting someone physically makes me ill just thinking about it. Wealth and power only get you so far in this world. The wealthy and powerful ones sit back and laugh on their comfy pedestals, most of whom walk without souls. I'd rather give a crap about something meaningful. I would block a child from harm even if it endangered my life. I would rely only on my basic instinct. People who's only source is the bible scare me. How can anyone devote themselves completely to something we aren't 100% sure of? That's not even the bad part. Some people take every little line in the bible and put it to use by causing grief for other people. I see where you are going with this. Nice post.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
17 May 08
thank you.. ya know.. those who served under hitler`s orders.. are held accountable for their actions, because their common sense shouldve told them the actions were evil. people in the military face courtmartial willingly for disobeying direct orders, because that order was wrong, and others admire their convictions for standing their ground and doing the right thing. me, and others like me, are told that if we do not do things their way, do as they do, run around harming others under the guise of gods will.. face eternal punishments, endless torture for the disobedience. where is the common sense that these actions are inherantly evil? nother concept for you.. what if the bible was set down as a test..of honor.. of ethics.. to see who would risk their own mortality and defy the almighty power in order to do whats right and good in this world.. and theyre all failing miserably..?
@gabrifvg (167)
• Italy
11 Jun 08
they are obviously accountable, but the hole concept of such resposibility is a consequence of legal codes of the time not having any definition for such a crime, it not even being coceivable before WWII. the whole reflection on these topics, especially thanks to Hannah Arendt were started by the chock of a problem nobody had ever imagined before. so, with a little cynism, it could be argued that a law regarding a crime(genocyde)codified after the crime was performed, having no retroactive power could not punish the first people who committed it, but only those who did after it was codified... but as i said it would be a position needing a certain amount of cynism, so i0d say things went the right way afte all
@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
17 May 08
I would not. The golden rule applies to everybody: do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you... To hurt, to give pain and to kill does not compensate a material thing.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
17 May 08
very good answer
@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
1 Jun 08
By protecting your loved ones indicates that you are a good person, however when you hurt to protect I think you are just like the other people who kills. Somehow people when they kill they always have reasons why they do it, however no valid reason can justify when you take other peoples lives.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
11 Jun 08
if im in a kill or be killed situation.. you can be damned sure, i will be the one standing at the end.
@wasim989 (2298)
• India
17 May 08
If every one applies the theory "Live and let live" then the whole world would be a different place. But it is not possible people hurt others not only through violence but also thru words and speech they hurt their feelings. Hurting someones feeling is also like hurting someone with a weapon.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
17 May 08
i completely agree.. which is why i included the actions of some of the people around the Lot into this mix. the hatred and cruel words that are written here.. with the reasoning it being "what god wants" "i speak for god" "i will get my rewards in heaven" make me ill. they say these things to others about gays.. about non-christians.. about pretty much anything and everything they deem as a sin, and pay no heed to the other person theyre hurting by saying it, and think it is the RIGHT thing because god has promised to reward them for their cruelties. does the phrase ill-gotten gains mean anything to them at all??
• Philippines
17 May 08
we should love one another--that is the best thing to do to achieve harmony
• United States
17 May 08
I seem to stumble through life occaisionally hurting someone else's feelings without intending to. To intentially cause hurt feelings for personal gain, especially for "trinkets" is inconcievable. To cause bodily harm for something you wanted seems to me to be a definition of evil. We all seem to cause pain, either physical or psycological, for various reasons. Yes, we all would be shaking our heads. So, why all the hate and cruelties? Human nature to try to ascend the hierachy. Most groups of animals follow an alpha male and alpha female. So it was when human civilization started. An alpha male was declared king, a leader. "Lesser" people produced the food, and other items needed for the survival of the 'tribe'. This was actually a continuation of the pre-civilization, nomadic family-tribes. Today, we've been conditioned this way for about 2 million years. Won't be undone in just a generation or two. The difference between a hired assassin and myself? A belief in killing for money or advancement, or power is wrong. A belief that goes to the core of my being.
• Philippines
17 May 08
if someone told you to hurt someone so they will give you stuff in return.. it just means those people are using you! and would you be happy if you stepped or tried hurting someone to get your own happiness? in the end the feeling of guilt will overcome you. and there is karma you know..
@tessah (6617)
• United States
1 Jun 08
i think you missed the subtleties of this particular discussion.. yes.. im well aware that anyone thatd ask or demand such things would be using me and not someone i should listen to, or even have anything to do with.. im also quite aware of Karma. i wasnt referring to people.. i was refferring to whats asked in the bible sposedly by god to be done by humans in order to recieve the rewards of heaven.
@BeckyAnn (265)
• United States
30 Jun 08
The things I do are the result of my own motives, not bribes. If I had a reason to hurt someone that was upheld by my morals, I'd do it, damn skippy. I'm different from an assassin because I do things MY way! I don't do things other people ask me to. It's just boring to do that. ^_^ G'day! \m/ Becky Ann