Muslims are not Terrorists.
By humaaaa
@humaaaa (1386)
13 responses
@SteelRain (18)
18 May 08
Yeah-it is called George Bush, John McCain, and a large chunk of the american people
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@karmendra (1123)
• India
18 May 08
i am not Muslim but i respect all religions including Islam. i suppose that all the world have same problem, it is called Terrorism. Because, most of the worlds biggest Terrorist groups are of Muslim ( actually i don't think they are not a real Muslim)so that most of the people think that Muslims are big supporter of Terrorism.
in the any Religion, you can't find this type of thought. Real Muslim have mussalsal eemaan.
finally, in my opinion, Terrorists are not even Human, isn't it? They all playing with all innocent Muslims heart and feelings. and i want to tell you one thing there are so many non Muslim agents are working for big terrorist group, like al_kayada and so many other group. so you can think.
last of all i just want to say that, we have to create a awareness against terrorism. there is no matter they are Muslim or other, they are not even human, they like evil..
Khuda hafiz

@karmendra (1123)
• India
18 May 08
yes you can say, and i am agree. but there is a big Question, that people who not a terrorist they also don't want to understand their religions actual meaning. i think all the religions are very polite, but the people don't want to be polite. most of the people hate others and large quantity of this hate generates extremist...
@mark17779 (667)
18 May 08
Terrorism has to stem from somewhere, and that place is religion. Religion is the route of all evil and is the reason why there is soooooooooo much suffering in this world today from extremist's.
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@samimkardar (828)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I am a Muslim, Pakistani.We do not need to give the justification, We know well we are peaceful Nation, We should keep our moral high, Actually the Western Media portrait the terrorist face of Muslim, if the Western community have good analytical mind than they will not believe on their media Propaganda, otherwise we can do conveyence them, therefore we do not need to give any justification, Western people are well awared about the propaganda war spread by their Media.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
19 May 08
I didn't know that Osama Bin Laden was not realy a muslem, Is he a Jew then? Or maybe he is a German! And Atah was a Sweed!
@freethinkingagent (2501)
19 May 08
You know I beleive that not all Muslems are terorest, But if Muslems would get rid of these people calling themselves Muslems and useing your religion to blow up women and children in the name of Allah, then maybe the world would beleive you were not terorest.
@akonangato (83)
• Philippines
18 May 08
If you start thinking that religion is actually a business than this attack on branding muslims as terrorists is nothing more than dirty business tactics. Islam is on the growth in all parts of the world and when you really think of it a lot of money is being lost when other religions lose followers to Islam.
@mark17779 (667)
18 May 08
How do you loose money to religion ? it costs nothing to beleive in your particular god.
Islam may be on the growth in some place's but I would say that religion as a whole is in decline all over the world.
@akonangato (83)
• Philippines
18 May 08
Religions make money from their members. Tythes, donations etc. etc. Some religions even have a fixed amount you need to give to the church. So if members started moving to Islam, the money would follow. Not only that, religion is power. The more followers you have the more powerful you get.
How I would like to see the day when people just believed in God and not have a particular religion.
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@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
19 May 08
oh ok.. so whats with the infidel thing.. and for the men who's faith that if they kill an infidel they will go to heaven and there waiting a bunch of women?
@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
19 May 08
im not saying that they are the terrorist.. im just questioning the infidel thing.. are this faith is really taught in Muslim? which page in Qu'ran? is it a Word of God?
@lyloo14 (128)
• France
18 May 08
It's very difficult to answer your post in just some sentences or words...
Believe me, I'm very far from being racist, and I live in a country with many muslims, many of my relatives and good friends are muslims also, and so is my brother in law.
Even ifthe majority of them is very good people, some of them, and usually the youngest behave as bad as they can, and they also harm that good majority.
It's true that they face some "identity problem", not really from here, but not really from their ancestor country anymore...but that's not an excuse to bad behavior.
Also, I was faced to insults, name calling, my garage was forced, so was my car...even my 2 and half years old son was insulted once.
BUT I do not mix bad behavior of certain people with their religion, and I'm convinced that real good Muslims wouldn't act like this. However each time you try to have a conversation with these teens, they immediatly tell you're racist and anti-muslim, orienting the debate on religion whatever the original subject of the conversation was, once you're in "opposition" with them, racism is the argument. This upsets many people, including me, and this can explain the feelings of many people in my country.
Also, they "attack" people in the street, and once you ask them why, their answer is "because of what's happening in middle east or in Irak, or whereever else. They mix everything...but hey, is what's happening there my fault, or the fault of the people in the street???Here, was misses the most is some great muslim voices raising against those behaviours.
I know it's not really the purpose of your post, as you were talking more "globally", but also, even on "global" events, such as real terrorism, not many muslim voices raised to condamn them. Most of the Muslims I know were as shocked as I was, but why did they all keep quiet, this leads to confusion and ambiguity...
There's afamous saying here: "the one who doesn't say a word, agrees"Now I do agree with you on one point: it's too easy to put everything on Muslim's back, as well as calling everything terrorism...
I do "judge" (that's not the right word, because in fact I try not to judge) people on what they really are, how they behave, and what they feel, not on their religion, race or anything discriminative. A bad person will remain bad, whatever his origins and religion are, a good person will remain good, regardless to his religion...
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Not all Muslims are terrorists but almost all terrorists are Muslim. They make the name bad for themselves. Why don't any of the rick Arab countries go after terrorist groups? Because they support them. They have plenty of money, they could put an end to terrorism but their faith tells them that it's ok for terrorists to kill for Allah.
I have to wonder why Muslims worship a man who married a 6 year old little girl when he was in his 50s when he already had 11 wives?
@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
18 May 08
Hello there,
Well i agree with totally. I have muslim friends and one of them is the kindest person i know here in the world. He is the first perosn to helpo the needy and i have seen him helping so many people in front of me.
Well people say a lot of things about muslims and not all r incorrect. When we c any terrorist attacke we usually find all muslims behind it. But that doesnt mean all muslims are terrorists. The common muslims hate terrorrism as much as we do.
Unfortunately they r targetted so much and being looked suspiciously in public places.
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
19 May 08
It is a sad sad world we are and have been in for
a very long time. Elitists who are out to push their
own agenda as well as amass great fortunes have
always looked for a group of people to demonize.
It has been and still is Jewish people. Christians
were the Roman's favorite targets. American Indians
were viewed as animals by the Spanish. Blacks were
thought to be sub-human. The Asian people living in
the U.S. during W.W. II were separated from the
rest of the population. The list goes on and on.
Now a days it's the "whole" Muslim population. They
are portrayed as all religious extremists. All are
"potential" terrorists. There will always be at
least one ethnic group of people that have to stand
the blame for those who are really behind the power
that truly corrupts the world.
Greed and the hatred that it breeds will never
allow people to be equal. The more those who
have what they want want, the more they want
what they don't have. Thusly, that means taking
from the rest of us.
The reality is that those wielding power don't
believe for an instant that Muslims are evil.
What it means is they use them as an example to
manipulate others into believing so. The result
is that the wealthy and powerful are now free to
act as they wish to acquire what they want.
@husi_007 (304)
• India
26 May 08
I agree with you...
Most of Arabs and Muslims have publicly condemned Bin laden for his atrocities all the time. And those who did not either doesn't feel like that they should do because they have nothing to do with, a small minority show support to Bin Laden and similar terrorists under the name of Islam.But does this mean that the world then should hold Arabs and Muslims responsible?
One of the many short comings which have arisen in the West is judging Arab and Islam by the conduct of a minority of its people.By doing this,segments of Western society have deliberately played off the desperate actions of many Arab and Muslims and have given it the name of Islam.
The very name Islam comes from the Arabic root word 'salama' which means peace. Islam is region based on peace through the submission to the will of Allah.Thus, by this simple linguistic definition one can ascertain as to what the nature of this religion is.If such a religion is based on the notion of peace then how is that so many acts done by its adherents are contrary to the peace ? The answer is very simple.Such actions,if not sanctioned by the religion have no place with it.They are not Islamic and should not be thought of as Islamic.
@mark17779 (667)
18 May 08
So I suppose all the videos being released by extremists claiming responsability for bombing innoncent people are all actors and its all just one big conspiracy ?