need to keep from your Husband !!!!
By SangsTurks
@SangsTurks (1444)
May 19, 2008 6:33am CST
Do u think,u should keep secrets from your husband?? What if keeping secrets helps you lead a peaceful married life? OR do you think you should have transperency in married life and your partner has the right to know your secrets ?? Is keeping secrets from your partner cheating him/her??
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11 responses
@melissacody (88)
• United States
19 May 08
I dont feel the need to hide of keep any secrets from my husband.
We are living a life together, raising 2 children. We both need to be on the same page in order to live our lives and raise our girls the way we want.
I feel like if you have to keep something from your spouse to have a peaceful marriage then, your marriage is damned anyway.
Honesty, openness and communication is key and without those, your great marriage isnt really worth anything. Not to mention, your children are watching and they see how their parents interact with one another. The take in much more than we think they do.
If someone can sleep at night knowing that their marriage is a lie then more power too them. But I prefer to have a life with absolutley no drama.
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@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
19 May 08
I feel that I have more secrets that I keep from my husband because he works out of town and it's difficult to be always telling him what I do and where I go. Things are different now because with two grown up kids living with me (22 and 25), they serve to 'police' my activities, like whether I eat the right kind of foods, take my meds religiously, etc. I am ok with this arrangement ( I mean my husband working out of town) because we have no choice. Anyway, he is now rounding up his business there and talks about moving back home for which I greatly approve of. If that happens, there will be no more secrets, except one much I receive from my paycheck...I mean he does not have to know about mine. It's his paycheck that I'd like to know and that's only fair....
@melissacody (88)
• United States
19 May 08
It makes me happy to know that you are able to carry out your life the way you want and it works for you. Whichever way you are able to make your marriage and home life run smoothly thats what matters most. I know what you mean about older kids.. 4 years ago I was living at my parents house and kids in there 20's lol well... i was there not that long ago and most think they know everything.
One thing I will say, is keep up on the medications ;) Thats the nurse in me coming out!
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@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
20 May 08
Hi Melissa,
Just yesterday i read your question about changing the avtar and thru those answers i uploaded my pic!
Great to know that there are people who think the same way i do. If there is no trust and faith in a marriage is no marriage!
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@crusaders (36)
• Philippines
21 May 08
there are a thousand and one ways to tell. tell a secret or a lie.... however, in a married life it is the greatest challenge to accept the best and worst of your pal. IF your husband seem to be so secretive, that will definitely tell you to do the same. If you open up things to him, he will learn to see himself you trust him. If he comes to know there are things you have been or hiding from him, he may ask you directly or keep it to himself then hide things form you. by then you will both be equal in his mind. YOu can't ask faithfulness and trust if you withhold things he needs to know particularly things that matters with the family and your relationship. You just have to find the right time and means to tell. - but not hide it ... one day they will always find a way out .. just like smoke you know. there are no secrets in this world. just like what you are asking now... find that strength and courage to tell. your r/nship will be much better.
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@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 May 08
i dont think one should even wait for the right time, coz the more you delay in telling the truth....the less likely you are to tell it! You are right the truth is always out there at all times. Yes it is very important to open in a relationship as one can come to know the secret from a third party which will be all the more disheartening.
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@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
20 May 08
Some husbands prefer to skip the details rather than to float it up to the surface. But some will tightly bind his wife must not keep any secret. Each type has its own benefit, but different in the treatment. A wife should notice how great his husband willingly bears the emotional-burden it will bring before the secret is out.
A good approaching in the right time and right timing, is the way to detect the readiness of your husband. Not every situation may include for the slot to tell out your secrets, even though you feel safe about it.
My advice is, no matter when you want to tell it out, you'll need to accept the pain-side it will bring. Along we must prepare for plan B should if the fire cannot be extinguished. Even more if it's a secret that is not favoring for our side.
Don't worry, my friend. Everyone does left a small portion of the destructive-secret that's suggested to be left alone. It's the greatest wound they have, it's a black-sheet in their heart's journals. Because mostly, telling them out doesn't add a benefit to your relationship, yet it may add an emotional fracture in your relationship.
Lastly, the perfection is a lame, because the more perfect a matter, the more imperfections we may see on the peak, furthermore not everyone can fetch that, once it's fallen. As long as your relationship greased in a normal and lovely situation, don't damage the hinges, some secrets has no value-adding to the relationship. Filter them wisely. Good luck.
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@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 May 08
Wow! that was amazing, you have put every thing point to point that everybody had written. you will make a perfect advisor!!! Jokes apart, you are very right. My husband and i dated each other for 11years and then got married,we were school sweethearts. Would have had 11 children by now if we got married then,lol!!!!! he and i are like second skin to eachother, best part is he always reads my mind. So i dont have to get angry ever.
Secrets kill open and enjoy the company of your loved ones.
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@bluemars (952)
• Australia
19 May 08
Some people feel like they are keeping things from their partner if they do not tell them everything but there is sometimes not enough time in a person's day to go through every single thing that went on in your day and that is why it is only reasonable that somethings are not mentioned especially if they are not worth mentioning. Anyway it is not really matter especially if you are not really hiding anything major or doing things that will hurt them if they found out.
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@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 May 08
by secrets i meant not day to day activities but things in life which when come out in the open hurt a lot. Well,but what you say is also right,to most people it might be important to tell their life partner their whole days activities. this is the other side which i have never thought of though. Time constraint is a major factor but not that you dont ever get the time to explain things. trust ,faith and belief are the key to a happy married life!!
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
19 May 08
I do not think there is to be secrets in a relationship whether you are marry or not. Sometimes these secrets hurt the marriage/relationship. Even if you have done something years before you meet him/her. If you know that it will affect your relationship it is best you let the person know about. There are mischievous person out there and if they know that you happy they will use it against you. I am total against secrets
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@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 May 08
Yes its always good for us to let the truth out than wait for others to bring it out in front of our family, which is usually very painful.The trust is broken very badly when someone else comes and tells your secret to ur family. It is always better not to keep secrets.
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@RitualSlaughter (21)
• Belgium
19 May 08
Well, i guess that depends. If its nothing that matters it's okay, like you've had a nose correction but your husband doesn't know it. But if it's something big like cheating on him... It's a different story!
But, i'm someone who thinks honesty is very important in a relationship, secrets are out of the option with me!
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@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 May 08
Ah,small things like that are fine, if you are open you anyway would let your partner know about it...untill and unless you want to come across as Natural Beauty,lol! Secrets which would hurt his/her feelings...when in a relationship secrets should actually not be an option like you said. When one keeps secrets ,he/she is constantly living in the fear of the secret comming out.....So why not tell it and relax!
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@tarams98020 (170)
• United States
19 May 08
I don't keep any secrets from him and he doesnt keep anything from me. We are very open. See we were friend for 5 years before we started dating so we know everything about each other.
If you have to keep secrets then either you dont trust spouse to be able to handle it or you are just to embarrased. I will say that secrets always come out at one time or another.
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@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 May 08
Same here, i have known my husband for the past 11 years before we got married!!!! so he's like second skin to me. We both know each other so much that we often know what what one of us is thinking at that point in time! We can read others its an advantage he always knows when i am about to get things are sorted out befor that anger comes out!lol. We absolutely dont need to keep secrets since we were in school when we fell in love and till today that love exists.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 May 08
I am a very open person so TO ME if one needs to keep secrets in a marriage or long time relationship they need to re-evaluate that relationship....I dont have any secrets from neither my bf or my husband...Of course there are things they may not know but only because its not come up..if or when it does I'd share openly and honestly..I have no reason not to...
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@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 May 08
very true,there are certain things which don't ever come up,i had never thought of it that way! one should be very open in a marriage to make it work. The truth always it is no point hidding them.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 May 08
I never kept any secrets from my husband
when he was alive nor him from me. We
trusted each other explicitly. We were
each others best friends, and confidantes
and lovers too . there was never any
need to lie about anything at all.
@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
22 May 08
I guess that was the best thing to do,atleast now you dont have the guilt that you had hidden something from your husband. When two people ar in love the way you were then, and i do believe that you are now also, there is no place for lies. Its just Love,faith,Belief.
@ryshawneo (405)
• Philippines
19 May 08
Some people believe that you should tell everything to your partner for him/her to understand. But, sometimes, keeping secret is a good thing to keep the marriage alive and harmonious! But, I believe that there is no secret that are kept forever! Time will come that secret will be revealed! Some, do believe that keeping it is cheating! why not be honest? There is a saying Honesty is the best Policy! hehehe :)
@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 May 08
i think it is always better to tell everything to your you said time will come secrets will be revealed. That is the best way to keep a marriage alive!
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@lady11eve (311)
• Philippines
22 May 08
uhhm i used to have a live in partner...and ofcors treated hima s my husband...i never hide anything from so open coz i know im not guilty on to sumthing...and i think i dont want him to hide sumthing from me too...its just that i want us to be bestfrenz too,that we can talk anything under the sun...