Money From Garbage!!!!!

May 21, 2008 4:55am CST
Global warming!! We can help in our own simple way..just by recycling..or sell some newspapers or un used bottles to a junkshop you help mother earth and you earn money from it also!! we have to be serious about this right?!
3 responses
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
21 May 08
I think this is an awesome idea you have about making extra money by selling items to recyclers! Have you heard of FreeCycle? Many cities have groups that will actually post things that they are looking to throw away and other people will come and get them! I actually got some really nice items that would otherwise would have gone in a land fill! The best things I got was a karoke machine (the mic doesn't work but it still play cassette tapes) and a picnic backpack that was just like new! I am sure there is a group near you or you can start one! I found mine through Yahoo groups! Good job posting this! If everyone did something everyday it would change things!
• Taiwan
21 May 08
yes!!thanks for ur opinion.. seriously here in our country we sell old newspapers and un used bottles plastic bags, paper bags, plastic thing to a junk shop.. this is really a good idea.. u earn money and at the same time u help the world!!
@karlag (61)
• United States
21 May 08
I think that if everyone did just one thing to save our environment, it would help a lot. Just turn off the lights when you are not in the room to save electricity, walk to places that are close by. Buy paper products that are made from recycled paper. Use your recycle bin for cardboard and newspaper. I think that if everybody did just one of these things, it would greatly help the enviroment.
@ayrin03 (318)
• Philippines
21 May 08
Yes we can help mother earth to save our planet..we can turn off lights when not in use so that it will lessen the heat..just have concern guys! it's alarming!