Seriously Atheist's? Whats wrong with you!
By AnimeMom
@AnimeMom (516)
United States
May 21, 2008 1:54pm CST
OK so this is me ranting but atheist's are starting to get on my nerve here at mylot. I dont care if you comment. I just want to let you know i have noticed a trend with you. Some of you post rude comments on other religious discussions. And some of you post discussions about how Christians keep trying to convert people and that annoys you. Well boo freaking who! Ignore it if it's so darn frustrating to you! That said it doesn't give you the right to berate others for whatever faith they do have. You know come to think of it I've not seen an atheist talking down to a wiccan? So is it just Christian's and others that believe in "the" higher power that annoys you? Why put someone down for believing something thats different than you? And when others do that to you. Isn't that what irritates you the most. We get it your intelligent and thus the need for a higher power, or some other type of religion is not for you. But that in no way shape or form ever, EVER, should give you the right to tell others they are wrong in their personal beliefs. So to all you atheist out there that get a kick out it, get a life and get one quick!
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32 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 May 08
I have seen this discussion so many times the other way round that it is rather refreshing to see us atheists getting a bashing. Well done you. I would never dream of gong to a religious discussion and doubting the poster's faith. But, if one comes to my post and introduces God, or more specifically, their Church's views, and wagging their finger at me, then I tend to feel just the same way that you do. Maybe we're not so different after all.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
29 May 08
Every group of humans on earth have some bad apples.. And no one likes to be lectured, etc.. now conversation, I think that's great!
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I make it a point to try and not to be one of those Christians that try to wag their fingers or say I will pray for your soul. I just go into the discussion and when asked about my views I give my views but not to make any feel uncomfortable or try to "convert" anyone. I think everyone is entitled to their viewpoints whether it be about Christianity or not.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 May 08
Well I'm not an atheist but wanted to comment anyway...
Ignore it if it's so darn frustrating to you!
What I PERSONALLY find frustrating is when SOME Christians DON'T RESPECT the repeated wishes of others and actually have the gall to stalk them in the forum...I could care less what a person believes, its not my biz BUT when a fanatic pesters me, gets blatantly rude, stalks and harrasses me continuously telling me I am "lost, wrong, going to hell, have no conscious" etcetc, I lose my patience REAL QUICK ya know...
So is it just Christian's and others that believe in "the" higher power that annoys you?
Of course not...its just the rude and disrespectful ones
and keep in mind for ME PERSONALLY that goes for ANY FAITH...I coudl care less what religion a person is, if they are going to hound me, I'm going to put them in their place.
Why put someone down for believing something thats different than you?
LOL thats a damn good that could be directed to a FEW fanatical Christians on here actually
(and other religous fanatics as well!)

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@agfarm (930)
• United States
22 May 08
Dear are One cool Chick. Remind me to never pick a fight w/ you. I would definately get my a$$ kicked!
I know what you mean too. My cousin gets all kinds of Creepy looks and Crap from people she doesn't even know.....Because she has her own way of doing things.
Some folks call her a Tree-Hugger , or " Nature-lover " or sissy ,the list is endless. But recently......she told me about her Teacher... in One of her studies and Her Teacher has Shown her things that she thought were Impossible. And Guess what???? It involved God! Yes...who knew that she loved God?
I mean she doesn't go to Church or anything!.....Some folks might be inclined to think that's a SIN! But you know what????I have Never seen such a transformation in her whole Demeanor. She's out going and Fun to Be around.
I remember when she used to go to Church ( a Long time ago ) She was really Hard to be Around with! She always acted as if she were in trouble for absolutely nothing. She behaved like she was Being tortured , if She didn't adhere to a Specific set of Rules. Should see her now. I love my Cousin!
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
22 May 08
BUT when a fanatic pesters me, gets blatantly rude, stalks and harrasses me...
Sounds familiar... I wonder who you could be talking about... hmmm
I love stalkers. I'll merrily head-butt that wall till it falls over. Maybe that's why I don't have any..?
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
23 May 08
" You know come to think of it I've not seen an atheist talking down to a wiccan?"
There's a reason for that. Wiccans don't tend to have Zealots intent on cramming their religion down someones throat. There are quite a few outspoken Christian fanatics who do just that & they have caused other religions to become defensive.
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
24 May 08
I was aware that Wiccans believed in a higher power, i did not mean to come across sounding like they did not. But dont you think that a christian deserves the same respect as a Muslim, or Buddhist, or Wiccan, for that matter? They all do things by their own religious beliefs and some (like christian fanatical's) take it over the edge. However is does not mean they should get a lack or respect or dignity.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
24 May 08
I didn't say Christians shouldn't be shown respect. I was just pointing out why there seems to be a bit of a backlash against them. Lately it seems they have an inordinate number of fanatics. When the Fanatics come out of the other religions you'll also find them quickly being rebuffed & looked down upon. The fanatics actually hurt the religion as a whole because they give the religion a bad reputation & cause people to become defensive against it. If someone feels they have to defend themselves against something their probably not going to keep a civil tongue.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
22 May 08
I've not seen an atheist talking down to a wiccan
You've not met my partner... he practically growls at them.
It's the same way for vegetarians. For some bizarre reason every man and his dog seems to think they should tell veggies that their diet is unhealthy and they should eat more meat... not noticing the holes in their own diets. Goodness knows why they do it... fear that everyone will eventually become veggie and they'll have no farms and slaughter houses to do the business for them?
And I can only come to the conclusion of fear for atheists that preach their beliefs(Richard Dawkins, I'm talking to you!). They've been preached at all their lives and have created this reflexive defence mechanism to preach atheism whenever they read or hear some religious topic.
And yes, believing something to not exist if you cannot prove it is a belief nonetheless.
*shrug* people can tell me my religious views are wrong till they're blue in the face... as long as they do it in a reasoned and logical fashion, I honestly don't care. In fact I quite welcome questioning. Trolling though... that's a whole other level of fun.
And er... pot, kettle? I know you're a single drop in the ocean, but by creating this topic you're doing exactly what they are doing when they rant against preach-y Christians.
Anyway, this is either going to bring some excellent solidarity or some hilarious flaming... or a bit of both and something in between.
@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
22 May 08
Growls eh? That would be interesting to see... I know this discussion wont change anything. But it makes me feel better. Which sounds selfish now that I think about it. But who knows maybe some one out there will agree and right their wrongs...
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
22 May 08
Growls eh? That would be interesting to see...
Oh, it's hilarious.
But who knows maybe some one out there will agree and right their wrongs...
You never know, I doubt it, but you never know.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
22 May 08
for the record.. to say that christians are the only ones who beleive in a higher power.. is false. you specifically singled out wiccans as not being the focus of an atheist brunt beause they dont beleive in a higher power.. they DO beleive in a higher power.. just not the same one as christians do. maybe the reason atheist dont have a problem with the pagan community is because pagans arent running around screaming at people that they have to beleive what they beleive.. pagans arent required to go door to door and preach damnation to the masses.. but to assume that because they dont do this, that they dont beleive in a god, is complete ignorance.. the truth of the matter is.. pagans beleive in MANY, we just dont feel the need to scream it in everyones faces.
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
22 May 08
If you interpreted it that way I'm sorry. I did not want to come across saying that only christians believe in a higher power or powers. If I'm not mistaken i said others in there as well. And the fact that pagans aren't required to go door to door preaching your faith is totally cool. But christians are, well some any way. And on that note some take it WAY to far. So in theory your being intolerant of another's religious practices. That said I still say some take it to far, and i can understand how annoy and frustrating that is.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
22 May 08
I think you missed AnimeMom's point. She mentioned Wiccan's specifically because they believe in many gods, and not just one. Or at least, that was how I read it.
Do atheists only have a problem with monotheists, or is it theists of any kind? Because they don't seem to mind the polytheists, and many of them not even the Jews or the Muslims. Many seem to aim their hatred specifically at the Christians.
At least the Christians are more broad in their bigotry... lol
Seriously though, targeting a specific group, any group, for something they believe and you cannot disprove is wrong.
By the way, I have been preached at by some pagans, I think they were wiccans. Honestly. I'm a wicked, hating, bigoted monster because er... I'm not a pagan (I'm currently a Liberal Christian Henotheist, if you want a label, but I so rarely admit my religion, it only causes trouble when I can;t be bothered with it). Apparently I should believe in and worship all the gods (that'd be a feat and a half!). So hate comes from all sorts, and no excuse is good enough for it.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
22 May 08
shard.. i went back and re-read, and i did miss the quotes around the word "the" in refference to a higher power.. so you were right to point out my mistake. i do agree with you that NO ONE should be hateful or cruel to others for any reason, and when it is done sposedly because it is what yer religion requires you to do.. it makes it that much more of a crime, at least in my eyes.
anime.. my appologies for mis-reading the line in regards to pagans not beleiving in a higher power. thanx to shard my mistake was pointed out to me. as far as my intolerance for others practices.. i have intolerance when they feel the right to invade my own space and intrude upon my life, my property, my home, and accost my children because it is what their religion command they do. that behavior is simply unacceptable to me.
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@Jeffrey_Wong (37)
• Canada
22 Jun 08
Im an atheist and a gamer, i dont need a life, i have many. Religions restrict you from things. and dont say they dont, because everyone knows there are restrictions

@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Ok, good opinion. However I was speaking to those atheist that purposely go around telling others they are wrong for believing in god. I understand it's a persons right to believe or not to but it's rude to tell someone they are wrong or stupid for doing so. As yes many religions do have restrictions.
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@sparkster (181)
22 Jun 08
They also cause war and bloodshed all over the world.
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@randomosity_prevails (1110)
22 May 08
I would never specifically say that someone is wrong in their personal beliefs. I may disagree with them, and I may provide scientific proof to show there is another side to the arguement, but I don't really care what people believe, as long as they don't try to enforce it on others.
For the record, I'm not an atheist, I'm a pagan. I very rarely mention my beliefs, because they are personal to me, and I'm not particularly interested in what others think of them.
I do take a very strong objection when religious groups (and yes, they are usually Catholic) try to 'convert' people, or tell them they are going to 'Hell' if they don't believe what they believe. I have a lot of Christian friends who have never tried to force their beliefs onto me. I resent when people try to use a religious arguement to sway government, not least because not everyone in the country is of that religion.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
27 May 08
I have been into a few debates with some athiest on here that always try to use a subject that has no backing as fact. When you call them on it and ask for specific information that never can pull their so caleld proofs out and get irrate. I honostly believe they arent mad at the religion so much as maybe they are mad at a speciific person they identify to that religion.
A few of them constantly whine about how they were forced to be raised into a christian religion when it wasnt what they wanted to believe. My honost opinion is get over it thank God you had a parent that gave a crap about you stop crying like a baby and put your childish hate aside.
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
27 May 08
That's very insightful! Never thought about it that way. You know, I was forced into being a Catholic by my father. When I was old enough I decided against Catholicism and decided christianity was more my style. No hateful feelings towards anyone, i just moved on.
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
28 May 08
Though I am not Christian, Atheist, or Wiccan, LOL I agree with the first post. Whatever view you have is your right to have. I always tell my children that in order for people to respect their believes they must also do that for others. Even though we have had people "hate us" for our faith, we also have met wonderful people who are not our faith and do respect us as much as we respect them. There are people who act mean and people who act kind from all faiths. We can't label a faith for the few that use their faith to spread hate.
I also go by the thought that when you point a finger at someone, three are pointing back at yourself.
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@sparkster (181)
22 Jun 08
Anyway, by having Christianity taught in schools and relied upon by society (court & law) we are constantly having the religion unwillfully pumped into our subconscious and forced upon us, therefore deep-rooting a belief in it. That is unfair, but it is a result of government. If I go to court and I am made to swear on oath on the bible, ie a book I don't believe in, then how can they justify that I'm telling the truth when I swore on something I don't even believe in. Even society as a whole tries to 'push' christianity upon us.
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Christianity is not taught in schools, that's unlawful. And our country was founded on the basis of christianity, it's not some new fad that the courts decided to throw at atheist to piss ya'll off. I can understand the frustration of having to swear on a book you don't believe in. I personally dont think the bible is anything more than good stories, because it was written by man, it is flawed. But swearing on a book shouldn't bother you much more than swearing on a stack of magazines.
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@sparkster (181)
22 Jun 08
Religion IS taught in schools in the UK and 99% of those schools are Christian. They make no effort whatsoever to even offer a preference of religion to learn. I believe that if I go to court then (obviously) I should be made to swear on a book of my religion or which I believe in. Seeing as though I am atheist, then there is no book to believe in and they cannot therefore determine whether or not I am lying by making me swear on oath on the bible.
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@sparkster (181)
22 Jun 08
And I also wouldn't be breaking an oath if I was lying, therefore I am legally entitled to lie in court!
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
22 May 08
"some of you post discussions about how Christians keep trying to convert people and that annoys you. Well boo freaking who! Ignore it if it's so darn frustrating to you!"
The Inquisition taught atheists what happens if they just ignore those kinds of people. No thank you.
"That said it doesn't give you the right to berate others for whatever faith they do have."
They started it by declaring that atheists are going to suffer eternally just for not adhering to the same superstitions as them. Once in a while an atheist pushes back and now s/he is the bad guy? Give me a break. An atheist has NEVER threatened a theist with anything even REMOTELY as bad as hellfire. Don't be a hypocrite.
"You know come to think of it I've not seen an atheist talking down to a wiccan?"
That's because Wiccans don't go around trying to convert everyone, nor do they threaten non-believers with Hell or something similar.
"So is it just Christian's and others that believe in "the" higher power that annoys you?"
It's whoever goes around acting like they're absolutely right and everyone else is going to burn for not agreeing with them.
"But that in no way shape or form ever, EVER, should give you the right to tell others they are wrong in their personal beliefs."
If someone says something that makes no sense, I reserve the right to say so. I treat evangelicals the same way I treat people who believe in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, and alient abductions. Stop playing the persecution card.
"So to all you atheist out there that get a kick out it, get a life and get one quick!"
This coming from the person who goes on this whole rant against atheists but never once considers how offensive it can be for an atheist to be told they're going to Hell by a Christian.
You've got it backwards, sorry to say.
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
24 May 08
"They started it by declaring that atheists are going to suffer eternally just for not adhering to the same superstitions as them"
You sound like a kindergartner. They started it first? You know it's funny for some one claiming to be an atheist you sure do profess a lot about being witnessed too. Methinks you might actually believe in the "hellfire" I mean if such a place does not exist then why be bothered by it? It's like me saying believe in my god Fragle, or else a thousand zebras will dance on your face. You know thats not going to happen so your not bothered by it or scared. But it sounds to me like hell actually scares you, an atheists.
"If someone says something that makes no sense, I reserve the right to say so."
It may make no sense to you but to others, of whatever religion they may have, it does. And i dont know who gave YOU the absolute right to tell others that they are wrong in their respective beliefs. I dont remember you being god...
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
23 May 08
But to assume that all Christians are evangelical and thus attack all Christians indiscriminately is as bad as being an evangelical Christian.
It's funny how two identical discussions were started within hours of each other, one by a Christian railing against atheists and one by a pagan railing against Christians. I wonder if it was a coincidence or if they were linked in some way. Considering the OPs, I doubt it was done on purpose.
That's because Wiccans don't go around trying to convert everyone
There are many wonders in this world, many things we have yet to understand... and one of them is evangelical Wiccans. Believe me; they exist, and possibly in the same proportions as evangelical to non evangelical Christians... but there are so few Wiccans that the evangelist ones are few and far between. I happen to live in an area that attracts those of an unorthodox spiritual persuasion, and as my partner is an occultist I get to meet and befriend many people of many paths... so I'm bound to run into the funny ones once in a while.
This coming from the person who goes on this whole rant against atheists but never once considers how offensive it can be for an atheist to be told they're going to Hell by a Christian. You've got it backwards, sorry to say.
It happens on all sides though. As I say, I've been attacked by Wiccans as well Christians, Muslims and atheists... seriously. I can't win! Which is why I rarely state what religious persuasion I am... though it has to be said now and then. It just gets in the way of a good, honest conversation by throwing up false assumptions in the minds of the people I'm talking too.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
24 May 08
""They started it by declaring that atheists are going to suffer eternally just for not adhering to the same superstitions as them" You sound like a kindergartner. They started it first?"
Just making the point that it's ridiculous to give atheists a hard time for pushing BACK once in a while, emphasis on "back".
"You know it's funny for some one claiming to be an atheist you sure do profess a lot about being witnessed too. Methinks you might actually believe in the "hellfire" I mean if such a place does not exist then why be bothered by it?"
Grow the hell up.
It bothers me because those people are going around teaching their kids to hate atheists for no good reason, and to convince themselves that we atheists DESERVE punishment just for being atheists. And then atheists will have to deal with another generation of discrimination thanks to the bigots. Frankly, that bothers us, as it should. Why do you fault atheists for defending themselves?
"It's like me saying believe in my god Fragle, or else a thousand zebras will dance on your face. You know thats not going to happen so your not bothered by it or scared."
Except there aren't "Fraglists" indoctrinating children and trying to push their beliefs into public schools. Big difference. Use your head.
"But it sounds to me like hell actually scares you, an atheists."
That's because you're not paying attention. Are you really SO arrogant that you truly believe that I MUST somehow SECRETLY believe in that nonsense, just because I want it to stop being shoved in my face?
Yeah, it's easy for you, you're the majority. You don't understand. Atheists are the only demographic that it's still socially acceptable to hate in the USA. Polls show that people consider atheists the least American, and they also show that most people would never vote for an atheist for President REGARDLESS of his/her qualifications.
Sounds to me like you need to see the board in your own eye.
"It may make no sense to you but to others, of whatever religion they may have, it does."
And they have the right to say it makes sense if they think so, just like I have the right to say the opposite. That's part of what makes the US so great. Unlike most evangelicals, atheists understand religious freedom and would never advocate BANNING religion. On the other hand, I have heard countless times cries for the deportation or even execution of atheists in this country, through legal (wanting to change the Constitution etc.) OR illegal means.
"And i dont know who gave YOU the absolute right to tell others that they are wrong in their respective beliefs."
Not who, but what. The Constitution gave me the right to tell you what I think, and you're just going to have to deal with it, or move to a country where there is no freedom of speech. It's nothing short of unamerican to imply that someone doesn't have the right to express him or herself in that way.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 May 08
animemom you have brought up a very good point. we
should all respect each others religious beliefs and
not be rude at all. If I respect you then I deserve for'
you to respect my religious beliefs.We none of us have
the right to tell others that their beliefs are wrong.
so we should all quit making rude sarcastic and even
flaming comments on each others religions. it is not'
right or moral or even keeping the mylot rules.
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@fluffnflowers (1594)
• United States
27 May 08
I'm an atheist and don't really care about what someone's faith is and rarely get drawn into discussion about it.
However, this post is a lot like atheists whining about religious people getting on their nerves. :) Whatever happened to everyone just getting along and ignoring what bothers them and realizing it really has no impact on the way the world turns?
@christymac (150)
• United States
22 May 08
My husband is an Atheists. I knew this when we got married. It bothers me but I know I can not force him to believe. We both are evaluating our beliefs right now. Sometimes I ask myself why I believe what I believe.
I mean what if I was raised by Atheists, well then I'd probably be one too. Or what if I was raised by Mormons, well you get the point.
I think all religions are right and all are wrong. None of them are completely the same, but the Bible believing ones are all different yet they are teaching out of the same book. They all interpret it differently I guess.
Religion is confusing if you ask me and you just have to decided what basics your heart tells you are true. I was raised by a big time Bible Preaching Mother who to this day would preach to me about dirt if I'd let her. I guess that's why I question my beliefs, I wonder if I only believe because I was given no other choice. But now as an adult I have the ability to research religions if I choose.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
22 May 08
I've not seen an atheist talking down to a wiccan? So is it just Christian's and others that believe in "the" higher power that annoys you?
You want to know why they dont knock us Pagans and Wiccans down? Becuase we dont push our beliefs on them and tell them that they are going to go to "HELL" because they believe in something diffrent. We are about education NOT conversion. We dont push someone to change there beliefs we prefer to educate those who are WILLING to learn. If someone dosnt want to learn ot know anything about it then we back off and let them be we dont keep pushing and tellingthem they are going to "HELL" IF they dont believe in God. We know better than that.
Besides Mylot is a place for freedom to speak your mind so IF you have ap problem with other peoples beliefs then you need to learn to tollerate other religins and beliefs just as much as they need to learn to tollerate yours.
The biggest with some NOT all Christians is that they dont ever take NO for an answer and it is THOSE Christians who give the entire religion a bad name.
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
22 May 08
Wow talk about being a hypocrite.... Dude not to burst your bubble but thats what christianity is about Witnessing to other people. Yeah it's annoying so ignore it. I was talking about those certain atheist out there that deliberately put down other people for believe in god. Like they are stupid for believe in a higher power. And freedom of speech does not include, or should not include berating others for those beliefs. And for the record i have no problem what-so-ever with other people's beliefs. Live and let live.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
22 May 08
I disagree that Christianity is about witnessing to other people. Christians, from my interpretation, are to show their light and lead by example. Jesus spoke and then walked away. Those so inclined followed. He didn't follow people around the "desert mylot" telling them how wrong they were for not following.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
22 May 08
See, this is why I so rarely tell people I'm a Christian (see above). It makes people assume that, just because I happen to believe in Christ and follow His teachings (well, I try...) that I'm an evangelist and I get yelled at, from all over the place.
I've never been specifically targeted by atheists, though they have posted on threads I've been involved in, for no reason except to be a troll. But I have been preached at (IRL) by the odd pagan (possibly wiccan). Of course I mostly get preached at by the Christians because I don't conform to their dogma! I can't win.
*hides under a rock*
Oh, and the odd Muslim has had a go online. *thinks* No, that's about it for me.
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@Bd200789 (2994)
• United States
23 Jun 08
This doesn't just happen on religious discussions. It happens in the political ones, and a lot of the others. I hate when someone tells me I'm wrong, especially if they can't support their opinion. I never do that to people. I don't mind debating a subject, but I will never say someone is wrong. They have their opinion and I have mine. I've been told this a lot, so maybe that is the problem.
@DallasFAN99 (210)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I couldn't agree more! That is why I defend this thread, it is incredibly frustrating to state your belief only to be told you're wrong for believing! Moreover, not just wrong, but flat out stupid/ignorant for believing, as well!
I welcome all polite discussion where two or more parties trade their views. The problem with something like this, however, is that it's such a touchy subject...
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@sparkster (181)
20 Jun 08
Religions like Christianity have caused war and bloodshed all over the world - would God really do that if he was so might and great?
Obviously, it's up to you what you choose to believe and I respect that. However, with christianity questioning the belief always leads to circular answers with no evidence to back them up.
Religion is pushed upon people within society when it shouldn't be - for example in court you are made to swear on the bible - why should I be 'forced' into doing this when I don't even believe in the bible and how can they can justify that I'm telling the truth because I swore under oath on a book I don't believe in!!???
ALL people that try to push beliefs onto others are religious preachers, not atheists!
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
21 Jun 08
I'm sorry I think you just contradicted yourself. When you said "ALL people that try to push beliefs onto others are religious preachers, not atheists!" Well SOME atheists do try and "push" their beliefs on others. Look through some christian or Muslim threads and I'm sure you'll find many examples. I've met one in particular on mylot that seems to relish the chance to put a christian down. What would you call that?
@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Sure you can! I've seen it done quite a few times. For example...
Bob: "I believe in god!"
Frank: " That's a stupid belief, god does not exist."
It's been said a lot around here... And all I was trying to say is that it's wrong to put others down for what they believe.
@sparkster (181)
21 Jun 08
You can't push your beliefs onto somebody else if you choose to believe in nothing.

@sparkster (181)
22 Jun 08
You also state in your initial comment that if christians trying to push their religion and beliefs on you bothers you then to ignore it - that is admitting that christians do in fact try to push their religion on people. You then go on to accuse atheists of doing it and chastise them for doing so, when you've already assumed that it's ok for you to do it!
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@sparkster (181)
22 Jun 08
No, you didn't state that it's acceptable - you presupposed it to be acceptable. As I have already stated, what you choose to believe is entirely up to you, I respect that. You have also stated here that you respect other beliefs - I admire that! However, NOBODY should be trying to push beliefs or take away beliefs from anybody. YOU clearly do not know what you are talking about as you are constantly contradicting yourself and digging a deeper hole for yourself here.
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
22 Jun 08
OK lets sit down and re-read my original post. I did say that you should be the bigger person and ignore those christian fanatics who do try to push their beliefs on you. I never once said that it was OK or acceptable for them to do so. My ONLY problem with atheists is when SOME of them decide to tell Christians or people of other religions that they are WRONG for believing the way they do. In my opinion, it is wrong to put others down and even tell some people that there is no god and believing in him is wrong or stupid. I would never have the gall to tell an atheist they are wrong for what they believe, it's a personal choice and they have every right to believe thusly. I think your trying to put words into my mouth and pick a fight that need not be started. It's becoming quite clear to me that you don't really know what your talking about.
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@iZoran (111)
• Serbia And Montenegro
22 May 08
I've not been with mylot very long, I'm afraid I've been wasting time on yahoo answers, but the same is true on there. It's fine to have no belief in a deity or afterlife, but why the need to put believers down?
I was raised as a catholic, but became a non-believer, then a scientologist and finally a 'just me' and believe me, I have studied both science and religion.
There is not a lot of intelligent thought behind Atheiesm, in fact a study of science can only demonstrate that the disbelief in a creator is dumb.

@ShardAerliss (1488)
22 May 08
lol, that's one heck of a path...
Catholic through to Scientologist? How'd you make that jump?
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@iZoran (111)
• Serbia And Montenegro
22 May 08
Hi shardaerliss, it'is quite a jump eh! I loved catholicism when I was a child, I guess it was what I was used to but I was still very young when I realised that Adam and Eve and the Apple were probably figuratively speaking. A closer look at Genesis inspired the imagination and I started thinking maybe there were some aliens around in those days! Later, I came across Erich Von Daaniken and his chariots of the Gods and I was convinced of the alien theory! But we all mature!
My reserches into beliefs were more centred around what makes a person a believer, rather than the belief itself.
I came across scientiology in my early twenties as a challenge set to me by (oddly enough) a non-scientologist who had read their book 'Dianetics, the modern science of mental health' I thought it would have nothing new to tell me. How wrong I was. It IS the way the mind the works.
Scientology became a fascination for me more in the sense of trying to disprove it at first, only to find (after 20 years of passive research) It's the only religion I have encountered which proves true everytime.
Unfortunately in my early years, scientology had a much worse reputation than it does today, and mere association with it made others wary of me or eager to save me from a brainwashing cult or a host of other negative vibes, so I did'nt get seriousy involved.
Mores the pity! This next part is also addressed to
AnimeMOM: Just me!!! I do not follow any religion, just the personal ethics I have developed or was 'inborn' with.
I follow my own view of life and the universe and respect everyone elses view, which is why I do get upset when others criticise or try to impose their beliefs on me.
As for scientology, well I know this is quite a controversial statement, but since it's begining in 1950, there has NEVER been any criticism of it's phillosophy. Only of it's adherents, it's founder, and it's enrolment techniques. I even read a book written by a Psychiatrist,
Cults of unreason, expecting a valid argument against it's mental health views, only to find him mocking scientology instead. Scientology is not a belief system, it's more the mechanics of thought and life and living, and everything follows laws. It's fundamentally a guide to those laws, although it does go much deeper than that.
I have my own views based on tenets discovered through scientology, catholicism and science.
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@DallasFAN99 (210)
• United States
29 May 08
A very interesting topic, to be sure! At first when I read your post, I thought "nah - couldn't be like that..." But, within this post alone there are accounts of the very thing you "ranted" about! Strange. Anyway, usually I try to stear clear of any subject this controversial - it can be a rather sticky situation to find yourself in.
After reading through the majority of folks responses, I have to say I see your logic more so than others. I also agree that, for the most part, the debate that insued has strayed a tad. I would have to commend you, EvanHunter, ShardAerliss, and Santuccie. Although everyone included has offered ideas one could agree and/or disagree with, I think those listed above have exercised fairness moreso.
Regarding the origional topic: I wasn't conviced by simply reading your post but, after "further investigation," like I said previously, I have noticed what you were refferring to.
My thoughts on rude comments: they belong somewhere else. This IS a free place for the exchange of ideas, opinions, etc (like you said somewhere in the mess above) but, berating someone for what they believe is childish and ignorant!
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@DallasFAN99 (210)
• United States
30 May 08
Obviously I'm new here, and seeing your avatar is what made me want to change mine! I LOVE House!!
Anyway, I like this post for what it is. Folks need to leave the rude comments elsewhere...I'm sure everyone is quite capable of expressing their opinions without belittling someone else!
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