Exeter City Centre Evacuated After Bomb Explosion!

@ellie333 (21016)
May 22, 2008 8:52am CST
Why do people do this, a man walks into the Giraffe cafe in the very busy shopping centre with an alledged nail bomb.(News is still coming in) The first thing I done was to phone my 17 year old daughter as I knew she was in Exeter today which is only nine miles from where I live she is fine. Reports so far are saying that only one person has been injured, thank God. I am very much a fatalist but do these things worry you? Why are there so many sick people in the world? This is an extremely busy shopping centre and many hundreds could have been killed and maimed. What do you think makes people do this? Can we do anything to stop? More information can be seen on www.thisisplymouth.co.uk Ellie :D
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19 responses
22 May 08
Whoa, this hasn't hit the radio yet. The news is on in five so I wonder what they'll say. Why do people do these things? Goodness only knows? They have their reasons... and that's the scary things; people can justify anything if they try hard enough. I'll reserve my full opinion until I know more. I hope no more injuries, and certainly no deaths, emerge.
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22 May 08
Well, that was unenlightening. They know nothing about the bomber, one person has been slightly injured. What kind of pansy bombers do we have in this country? "slightly injured" indeed.
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
If you refesh the link the news is changing and it appears that it is the bomber himself who has been the injured person as it obviously failed in some way. There has been suggestion it was an animals rights activist and they have now evacuated a larger area and have also put Drakes shopping centre on alert in Plymouth. Ellie :D
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22 May 08
He blew himself up? Idiot. Why do people think it might have been an animal rights activist? Surely blowing up a McDonalds or a lab is more fitting.
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@Gollywog (1092)
22 May 08
What next? Its so unsafe to go to the big towns and citys now adays! I worry about my lads when the go off for a weekend to London or Liverpool Im pleased they dont go to often now! Its awful to fell unsafe in this country, Trouble was always in other countries now they have brought it here! There are plenty of sick people in this world, they cant live in peace?
@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
Hi, Well the only person injured was the bomber himself so thankfully innocents weren't hurt on this occasion, but even with no injuries the cost to all the businesses and services affected and the cost of the extra policing and bomb disposal experts are all going to have to be paid somehow by us so innocents are being affected. I have no sympathy for him and I hope they throw the book at him but these days he will probably get off on diminshed responsibilty because he must have been a little crazy to do in the first place eh! Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
There are just deterrents anymore are their. Crazy and I totally agree with you on this one. Ellie :D
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
22 May 08
We have to have more early intervention, like from the time people are babies! There are children getting messed up from the time they are born and then they can become antisocial, to say the least! It takes a lot of work to change the world, one day at a time!
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
22 May 08
It is my understanding that at times, even those people who are raised in a gentle, loving way end up as criminals or such, but if the children are roughed up and treated harshly, even verbally and emotionally, it hurts them and they end up committing crimes!
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
It certainly does Olivemai, one day at a time I agree. Anti-social and some eh! I am really pleased that in this instance it was the guy with the device that was the only one hurt not innocents. Ellie :D
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@littleowl (7157)
22 May 08
Hi Ellie-that is so hard to beleive that such a sick person can do that-it could of been fatal thankfully it hasn't beenso far..personally I think a person likr that is doing that to show how he can empower and frighten people but another way of getting everyone's attention-there must be some sort of reason for him to of done it-yet that is me trying to psychoanalize the situation-thankfully your daughter is safe-the worst thing is that you really don't live that far from me and its devasting to know it happened so near to you-hugs littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
Hi Littleowl, yes luckily the only person injured was the guy with the device and I have no sympathy there. It could have been a major situation with many people hurt or even killed. I don't know what goes through peoples heads when then do this type of thing I really don't. Ellie :D
• United States
22 May 08
Me, neither. I cannot even believe that we see couple disasters going on at once. Now, lots of people are dying. We need to do something to help stop all that horrible event. We will certainly pray for all the victims definitely. All that horrible stuff really touched my heart big time.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 May 08
I was so pleased to read that your daughter is safe. These events always worry we poor parents like mad if we think that there is a chance that our child might be in the vicinity of an explosion or shooting. It is very difficult to say why this sort of thing happens Ellie. It could be everything from terrorism to someone with a grudge against the restaurant or even a lovers tiff. No doubt we will hear in time. Thankfully there was only one person hurt. I saw the police statement and they didn't mention anyone else. The World is indeed a very troubled place and all that I know is that these sorts of incident often succeed. Not in terms of killing or maiming, but in publicity that a cause receives because of it. It also serves to unsettle the public which adds to the fear and concern, and frankly hysteria, when another bomb goes off somewhere else.
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
Yes in this instance the only person hurt was the guy with the bomb himself rather than any innocents so I have no sympathy there at all. All will be revealed but yes it certainly has unnerved a lot of people but the police and the Royal Navy and other emergency services have done an excellent job and with reports of one in W.H. Smiths and Nandos too, which were thankfully false everyone was a bit jittery as you can imagine, but they are also checking Drakes Circus in Plymouth and people coming off trains at Paddington but this is probably a precautionary measure. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 May 08
I have just heard about the additional devices on the radio news. I suspect we will now have a few days of copy cat incidents, or rather press speculation that there may be something else in the offing.
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@welshdai (77)
22 May 08
i got to said this worry me,as because exeter only an hour away from me,i moved to plymouth for uni,glad your daughter is okay,i have no idea why there so many sick people in the world,i wish i did,it make me think people do because some problem their have or just have some inbalance in their head,we can do thing to stop it,but it take the government and people working togther to help stop it.
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
Hi Welshdai, It appears that it was the bomber himself that was the injured person and they have now put Drakes shopping centre in Plymouth on alert and also that it may be something to do with animal rights activists. I would avoid shopping today anyway as news is still coming in. I am just so pleased that this device failed otherwise hundreds could have been hurt or killed. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
At least it was the bomber himself that was hurt and not hundreds of innocent people eh! They are doing a good thorough search of Drakes Circus and I'm sure all will be fine. Ellie :D
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22 May 08
yeah,and i think i be staying away from drake circus today,it down the bottom of my road as well,so i think i put off any shopping till the weekend and it weird to think people would do something like that for animal rights
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 May 08
I saw the News on it to Yes it worries me My Ex Husband was in the Army and it became normal in our Lifes to check Cars before getting into them just in case My Children where taught by me never to go near the Car till I had checked it if they where out Playing they knew never to go near any car at all it was tough I do not know why they do this and I wish they would stop I really do I am glad that your Daughter was ok I know how scary that can be
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Jun 08
Thank you Ellie for BR Hugs
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@ellie333 (21016)
25 May 08
Thanks Gabs, I work at a marine camp myself so know exactly where you are coming from on this. At least they now how 3 people arrested and have stopped more attempts by others but it is the unseen enemy, anytime, anywhere. I think that is why I am a fatalist really otherwise I probably wouldn't go out the door with all the stories we here. Ellie :D
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@AmbiePam (96666)
• United States
24 May 08
I am constantly amazed by the amount of hate in the world. I think we can all do our part. The change has to come from the heart. Rearing children to be respectful and and filled with hope that they can make a difference, is one way of stopping the hate, stopping the continuance of the tragedies that unnecessarily plague our world. Prayer does wonders, and although everyone will not change, one person by one person adds up to a whole lot of difference making.
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@ellie333 (21016)
25 May 08
The Power of Prayer yes I agree is a wonderful thing. In fact as part of my daily routine I will always pray for protection for my family in addition to any prayer requests etc. and I realised I hadn't at 12.45pm as I was dropping my son to school so said a prayer in my head really quickly and the device went off at 12.50 near to where my daughter was. They have since found more and arrested two others as well as the injured man whose attempt to cause harm failed. Little by little eh! Thank you for your input into this discussion. Ellie :D
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23 May 08
I sasw this on the news last night and shuddered. Here is Birmingham we have had bombs go off in the past and it is terrifying to think that the perfectly normal person stood next to you in the street could be carrying a devise that could kill. I can only think back to that awful day in London and think one word WHY?
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@ellie333 (21016)
23 May 08
Yes WHY? Thankfully the only person injured was the guy with the device himself and they evacuated and made the secon one they found safe. If he had suceeded it just does not bear thinking about eh! Ellie :D
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
22 May 08
I also don't understand why there are people who love to kill others in this way! I do not know how can we stop them and I know the government has been trying to find a more effective ways to tell and to detect these type of people. They seems to be heartless and no family and never feel for all the innocent people! Good thing, not many people were killed ellie, I hope the police will be more alert and more vigilant to save lives of people!
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• United States
22 May 08
ohh..I will say good for him and that injury is not even enough for him to pay off the trouble he caused there! I wish the officers will get some lead from him, as to who else and where are these group, so they can monitor them!
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
Well it appears the only person hurt was the bomber himself so I have no sympathy for him I am afraid. I am usually a compassionate person but not in this instance. I am just thankful it went wrong and no innocents were hurt or killed. Ellie :D
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
22 May 08
Wow, you scared me...I mean a bomb anywhere is scary but there is an Exeter roughly an hour from here so that was my first thought. Anyway the world has definitely changed and things that we wouldn't have thought twice about 10 years ago cause mild to major panic now...a low flying plane, a loud noise in the mall, sick birds. I think a certain percentage of the population has always been disturbed, it's just that as the population increases so do the numbers of sick individuals, plus technology has allowed us to hear about these events more often and increased the abilities of these individuals. Think of it this way...had a man set off a barrel of black powder 200 years ago in your Exeter's market place we doubtfully would have known about it over here...and I think it would be hard to inconspicuously tote around a large enough barrel to cause significant damage. The weird thing is, I think these people just have a psychological quirk. Some people are naturally drawn to puppies, others to explosives. Maybe someday the medical world will figure it out and be able to come up with a way to fix these people.
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22 May 08
Anyway the world has definitely changed and things that we wouldn't have thought twice about 10 years ago cause mild to major panic now The thing is, we've been putting up with terrorists in Britain for decades. My primary school (5-11 years) had three bomb scares, and we were in a quiet little suburb. So, most of us, that have a memory longer than a goldfish's, are pretty blasé about it. When the tube and buses were hit last year you could see people behind the reporters just going about their business. Some people are naturally drawn to puppies, others to explosives. lol, too true.
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
Sorry I should have said Exeter UK didn't mean to scare you. In this intance it was the bomber himself who got hurt and nobody else. Police are still searching the area but they now have him in custody and I hope they throw the book at him. I agree some people are drawn to explosives. Good point. I am just thankful that in this instance the innocent members of the public weren't hurt as was the intention. Ellie :D
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23 May 08
This worries me too ,I live in London so the threat of a terrorist attack is always inthe back of your mind - I try not to think about it. Listening to the radio it seems that this young man has had mental health problems and that he has been used by extremists because of his problems. Apparently he recently converted to Islam. This is what worries me - how many more vunerable people would do the same? Kathy.
@ellie333 (21016)
23 May 08
Hi Kathy, Thankfully they made safe the second device and in this instance it was just the guy himself who was injured but it could have been a lot worse. It worries me too but we still have to get on each day and try not to think about it really eh! There do seem to be alot of people converting to Islam now like the guy in Bristol recently where they uncovered all sorts in his property. Yes he was vunerable because of mental health problems but I feel he still should be accountable for his actions. He wasn't that ill that he couldn't travel to his location with this device etc. eh! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one, appreciated. Ellie :D
@gemini_rose (16264)
22 May 08
Thank goodness your daughter was OK, in fact thank goodness no one was hurt. I am really surprised that I have not heard this on the news, unless it is on the main news. These sorts of things worry me all the time when I am out in a big Town, you just never know who is around you. It is a hard and tragic world we live in now and I do not know why people would want to do this, do not know what they feel they would gain by it. I do not know how it can be stopped, in fact I am not sure it can and it worries me for my childrens and their childrens futures.
@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
Luckily the only person hurt was the bomber himself but had it gone off properly who knows how many would have been killed and injured. It just not bear thinking about. I am just thankful that no innocents were hurt at all and I have no sympathy for this man. I hope they throw the book at him but in this country he will only have to claim not of sound mind and he'll get off with diminshed responsibilty but I think anyone who does something like this cannot be of sound mind but it shouldn't excuse them from being punsihed eh! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one. It has been the major story here in the West Country but I suppose it could be classed as Regional News but I have seen on BBC World News earlier too. Ellie :D
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@asr999 (236)
• China
24 May 08
I am sorry to hear that.I cant understand why these guys always doing such disgusting things.Is he a terrorist?What is his aim ? I am glad that your daughter is ok,and no other people was injured except this bad egg.I think the guys like him would come to no good,and they will regret for what they do sooner or later. Nip it in the bud! Although it is hard... WISH you a nice day.
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@ellie333 (21016)
25 May 08
I can't understand why people do these things either! Crazy eh! He has been linked to a terrorist group now yes and also two others have been arrested as others were found. I am pleased no one else was injured too. Ellie :D
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 May 08
Well, in todays day and age all you can do is Pray for peace and safety/ Especially when going back and forth to work, etc. as you never know what will happen. For me, I would be a little scared if I thought family would be involved in this as well. Glad to hear that no one was really killed with this as it could have been a lot worse.
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@ellie333 (21016)
23 May 08
Thankfully the only person injured was the guy with the device and I'm afraid I have no sympathy there, they also made safe a second one so if these had gone off properly many people could have been hurt or killed. I pray daily for protection for myself and my family and also for peace. Ellie :D
• New Zealand
23 May 08
Ah these people care all from disfunctional families.Parents have no time and kids have all the time in this world.They have so much energy in reserve and they dont know how to use it.It is entirtely the fault of their parents. When such people around our lives are in deep stress and danger.People should be more alert all times.But this wont help much as long as the root cause does not die. take care
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@ellie333 (21016)
23 May 08
Thankfully the only person injured on this occasion was the guy with the device. If it had worked properly many hundreds could have been killed and injured. I hope the police throw the book at him but apparently he has mental health problems so will get off somehow on a technicality. Yes root cause does need to be dealt with but even people from very good families become terrorists. The hidden enemy eh! Ellie :D
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 May 08
It is totally beyond my way of thinking to try to understand all the nut cases that are out there determinded to hurt others. If they are so h*ll bent on hurting someone they should go jump off a bridge instead of hurting innocent people! And I am sooooo glad your daughter is okay!
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
Absolutely crazy isn't it. At least in this instance it was the person with the device themselves that was hurt and not hundreds of innocent shoppers. I hope they throw the book at him I really do but he will probably get away with diminished responsibility instead but who in their right mind would do something like this anyway? They should still be held accountable. Crazy crazy world we live in at times eh! Ellie :D
• United States
22 May 08
This is a terrible disaster, well compared to disasters in China and Myanmar. In the Exeter City disaster, I see that there was just one killed. This is still horrible. I will definitely pray for all the victims. And think of the one that got killed that his/her life rests in God. Those things in life still worry me a lot. All that horrible stuff really touch my heart. We all need to provide all the help as we can. Right?
@ellie333 (21016)
22 May 08
No it is not even comparable with the vast loss of life through these natural disasters but the only person hurt here was the guy with the device himself and even though I believe in God I have no sympathy here. I am just thankful that no mor were harmed. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
23 May 08
Ellie..i'm so glad to hear your daughter is fine and safe..yes this is terrible and alot of sicko's out there and maybe thats why i avoid mall's cause of this reason. people that do this are trying to make people suffer like they are...so i always make sure i'm as kind to people as i can be, cause you never know what might trigger them to do something like this. Huggles
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@ellie333 (21016)
23 May 08
Luckily in this instance it was the guy with the device that was the only one injured and I have no sympathy there but if it had worked properly and also if they hadn't found the second device many more people could have been injured or killed. Crazy world with live in at times eh! Ellie :D