Kids say the darndest things
By webeishere
@webeishere (36313)
United States
May 22, 2008 11:34am CST
In the Drs office yesterday, my dad in a wheelchair as he can't walk well, and there was a fmaily with a gilr about 5 years old eating Chicken Nuggets. She smiled and I said, those look good. She laughed then shoved the last one in her mouth. I laughed. She came to me pulling me down to her level by my sleeve then whispered, "Is he hurt Mr?" I said no he is old and can't walk well. So cute. Then her name was called she came to me saying, "Don't leave yet Mr." Then when she got done she came out saying, "Whew I thought you would leave Mr. Thank you for staying to see me." Too cute. Her dad sat with me as his wife now had an appt and we talked for 15 minutes about his little girls friendliness. Do you run into such cute kids in public that say things like this? Share any stories please. I love cute kids stories.
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19 responses
@twallace (2675)
• United States
22 May 08
Little people like that are what i call old souls they have been here before and they have come back with more character. That was actions of a little lady and she made sure that you knew what she was talking about. I know that her parents love her dearly and the friendliness that she has the know is a good thing. Little people like that always bring a smile to your face.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 May 08
Very good interpertaion of that. I really like it. Old souls. Thanks friend. I'll recall that each time I come across something like this now in the future.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
22 May 08
Every time I go to the grocery store, I run into cute kids! Who smile at me or say hi.. I love it! And I say hi too. Of course I almost always smile at kids when I see them. Some friends of ours have their first little grandkid and last time some of us got together, he was mimicking what they always say to them "whatz this?" But all night it sounded like he was saying (in the cutest little voice) "".. Yes, we're all just goofy enough to have gotten a kick out of it.. Actually, it was just cause he was so cute..
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
22 May 08
..don't worry Grandpa Bob, he'll get the knack of saying the old one again before ya know it..
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
22 May 08
I have a similar one - my youngest has a hard time saying S's and they often come out as H's
we were on a road trip and she had her little toy cell phone with her
we pulled to a rest stop and inside the convenience store she was talking to granny on her phone when she dropped it - and in a very excited voice she screams out "My HELL PHONE MY HELL PHONE, oh Grandma - I dropped my Hell phone!"
now that is one place I do not want a direct connection to! er, any connection for that matter.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
22 May 08
No, but I can see my son doing this, to me I think he is way too friendly, I am worried one day he will talk to the wrong person..But as long as I or someone we know is with him, I don't mind him speaking to strangers, I just don't want him off talking to just anyone without someone with him that we know..
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 May 08
If her parents were not around and watching this I would have said something to someone though. But her parents were right next to me & they saw this interaction and approved. Thanks bunches.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
22 May 08
Yeah I am sure you would..You would love my boy, he can talk your ear off..

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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 May 08
I've been known to talk a little bit here and there.

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@comfort55 (1574)
• India
23 May 08
It was long time time back when my elder son was 4-5 years old. I had gone to a book shop and took him along. There was another lady, a stranger whom I never saw before. She had a daughter of my son's age . As both the mothers were busy browsing books, these two kids got so friendly and talked endlessly. I was surprised that what all they had to talk and how they got so friendly. One more thing which surprised me was that they had some similarity in their face profile( I was joking with my hubby asking him that does he have a daughter ?)LOL!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 May 08
Awww! That is cute! What a sweetheart!
My favorite 6 year old, my neighbor 2 houses down, has said some cute things. He used to have a bit of a crush on me and when I colored my hair from my natural color of light blond to a really dark brown, I went over to talk to my neighbors who were outside that day that I changed my hair color. Well, my favorite 6 year old was running around...he is like a ball of pure energy inside human skin...started running circles around his mom and I. He said, as he passed us, "I like your hair". Then he ran around us about 10 more times before he said, "I like your shoes." Another several more runs around our invisible track and he said, "You smell good." LOL! So complimentary. He has also told his mom that if she and his dad go to Heaven, he wants to live with me and my hubby. LOL! Kids do say the darndest things! LOL!
My Nieces and Nephew have said some crazy things over the years but, none are coming to mind right now.
I guess one would be from my 13 year old Nephew. He is really confident and very popular at school. And, that isn't just me saying it as his proud Aunt. He really is just such a sweet kid that you can't help but like him.
So, he broke the heck out of his wrist during wrestling practice around 2 months ago and a couple of weeks ago the doctor took him out of his full arm cast which went from his arm pit to his fingers, and put him in a half cast. But, instead of giving him a white or blue cast, the doctor put him in a hot pink cast. Jerk! My sister started to sympathize with my nephew and she asked him if he wanted her to go to the craft store and by some paint or something to change the color of the cast but my nephew just shrugged his shoulders and told her it wasn't a problem because "cool guys where pink". Last year, while shopping for school clothes, he grabbed a pink t-shirt that said "Cool Guys Where Pink". So, the next morning, he came out ready for school wearing that shirt with confidence. My sister asked him if he was sure that he wasn't stepping into a hornets nest with the pink t-shirt and his hot pink cast and he said that he would be fine because the kids liked him and no one would pick on him. Sure enough, everyone got a kick out of it at school and his popularity probably grew even more that day! That kid can turn anything negative into a positive and he is truly and inspiration!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 May 08
Thanks a lot for those cute and endearing stories.
I love the things kids say.
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@jenleestan (68)
• United States
23 May 08
Where do I start!! I have so many greAt kid stories. I am a mother of three and my son is an"old soul." I have also taught preschool for ten years and I currently work in an autistic classroom, so I have a lot of stories to share. Let me see if I can choose some of my favorites.
My son was potty training and we were shopping one day when he had to go. His father ran to the bathroom with him and he was successful! Afterwards it was his fathers turn to go and as he was handeling his business my son heard the man in the next stall grunting his way through his bathroom duties, being a concerned young man, my son stuck his head up under the stall and said, "excuse me mister, are you ok?" I never laughed so hard!!
We try to teach the autistic children in my classroom to be independent so we try to linger in the background when they do things. One of our little guys was getting his hot lunch in the cafeteria, the lunch lady placed a hamburger on his tray and walked away, the child just stood there for a few minutes before he said, "excuse me, i'd like a toy with that!"
Ok, last one, this is one of my favorites...
My son had bunkbeds in his room and always slept on the bottom bunk as the top one was covered in stuffed animals. He was about three when this happened. He had been kissed and tucked in already but I walked by his room and peeked in before I went to bed. He was taking all of the stuffed animals off of the top bunk and putting them on the bottom. I asked him what he was doing. he said, " Can I sleep in the top bunk tonight?" I said, "sure, but why?" He said" God doesn't seem to hear my prayers from down there, I have been praying for a puppy for a long time, I just thought that maybe if I was closer......" All I could do was give him a hug and help him move the stuffed animals.
I love sharing these stories and my kids love hearing these stories about themselves too!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 May 08
All treasures to say the least.
Especially wanting that toy with the happy meal.

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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 May 08
Anf answer that one?
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 May 08
well, i have had many cute kids coming up to me and asking me questions like, "what is my name?", "what am i doing?" and so on... i work in a services department of a large retail company... so i meet lots of children everyday and i really love them... they are so cute and innocent... take care and have a nice day grandpa...
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 May 08
So cute both of these. Thanks also.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
24 May 08
I remember several years ago this boy coming into the eye doctor's office that I worked and he talked nonstop the whole time. I think he started with "Do you really think your hair looks good that way?" and then asked if I had any kids to which I replied "No I'm not married yet". Then he said "wont your boyfriend marry you?" I then told him I had plenty of time to which he replied "No you don't, not really". Aw kids, you gotta love 'em.
@joybelle (25)
• Australia
23 May 08
Cooee! Years ago I was sitting on a train with my daughter. Opposite us was an elderly gentleman who had only one arm. We travelled for quite some time and my daughter couldn't keep her eyes off the poor bloke. I said to her "Stop staring at the man, bub" and her reply to this was "But mum, someone took that man's arm - and in a whisper she added - and he's not crying."
He did tell her that he lost his arm in the war.
She wanted to know how his mum felt about that.
Then after some time - we were travelling from Geelong to Melbourne - the big question.
"What is a war?"
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 May 08
I always like the way kids look at diabilities like the one you described. they have no worries and are so cute.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
22 May 08
that is so sweet. I find this little girl's antics most endearing. Some people are just naturally gregarious I guess. I can not think of any charming stories to tell off hand.
my 6 year old just came up to me while I was typing my response - I had given her a package that came for her brother and asked her to please put it in his room on his chair - she always catches me off guard by the words she uses.... she just exclaimed... there! I took the liberty to clean off his desk while I was at it.
Now, that is no where near the charm that you shared with us - but I do get a kick out of it.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 May 08
Kids seem attracted to me for chatting with it seems. Cute story. How she learned such big words at only 6 is great as well.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
23 May 08
I had started college when my oldest daughter was 3, she normally went to pre-school on days I had classes, however I took her with me to one of my speech classes, that day we had to do an impromptu speech in front of the class. My professor asked her if she wanted to give a speech, and being the big ham that she was (is) she said yes. He put her up on a chair, and said, 'ok, give your speech, about anything you want too' She did, 'I pledge alliegence to the flag........' She got a standing ovation! lol and all I got was a B+ lol
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 May 08
Now this is a great story as well. sweet and patriotic.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 May 08
hi Grandpa bob I was just thinking of the little girl in
the library one day a few years back.I was emptying the
inside bookdrop and she was watching me like a little
'hawk. she was a cutie pie for sure and as I straightened
up she must have suddenly realized I was older than the
other clerks there. she pipes up in a really loud little
voice, "Oh my you are old=d=d=d" I had to laugh even as her
poor mom was trying to apologize to me. I had to say well
seeing as I a m seventy nine yes honey I guess I am old.It did
not really hurt my feelings as she did not say it that way'
more like a surprised saying. another little boy came running up
to me while I was shelving books in the kids side and said,
"You look like my grandma. I luv you" and buried his little
face in my skirt. His mom showed me a snapshot of his grandma'
and we could have been sisters. same bone structure, same glasses, same tubby build and same smile. really interesting.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 May 08
I've had small ones ask how old I am as I am a grandpa and they say, "you're not olf enough to be a grandpa." Well you know that makes me feel great. So cute. Thanks for sharing this here.
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@christymac (150)
• United States
23 May 08
I have so many stories about my 7 year old son. He is so determined to learn and be right all the time. Sometimes when he gets something wrong I almost want to just let him keep on thinking the wrong thing because its too cute to let go of.
Several months ago my son was headed up stairs and I asked him what he was doing. He said, "I'm going to write in my diarrhea." My mouth dropped and I asked, "You are going to do what?????" I guess he picked up on the disgusted look I had on my face and he rolled his eyes saying, "Not that kind of diarrhea, geeze...there are too kinds of diarrhea!!" Apparently he was talking about a Diary.
Just a couple of days ago he told me he slept on his FRUIT-ON at his grandmas house. And I figured out he meant futon.
After my daughter was born we started putting her in her swing at about two months old. My son announced one day that he was going to evaporate Isabella. When we asked him what he was talking about he pointed to the vibrating button on her chair. We let this one slide, so now my daughter is five months and my son still goes around saying he evaporates his sister.
Oh I have so many great stories like this!!!! I could go on forever!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 May 08
Thanks for sharing these here. I really loved
the diary one. Too cute and funny. Thanks again.
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@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
23 May 08
Oh that was sooo cute..Nice kid.. I love kids as well not only the cute ones haven't encountered meeting one but my niece once saw my husband smoking..she is 5..She said to my husband smoking is bad Uncle Archie they said on tv that its bad ..My husband said you should tell that to your dad..then she said I did and he said he won't do it my husband need a kick in the had to wait for a kid to tell him..Anyways, he told me this..I think he was affected.

@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
23 May 08
I had a little boy I met in Publix ask me if I was a grandma, when I said "Yes" he then asked "do you bake real cookies" I then said "when my grandchildren visit I do sometimes". He tilted his head and asked with a small voice "Can I be one of your grandchildren? I have never had a real cookie, my Mom don't cook cookies and my grandma is in another state. The only cookie I have ever had was from a store.
You can come to my house and we can cook them together like I see you do with your grandchildren on TV." When I said "Honey i've never been on TV." He put his hands on his hips and said "then why did you lie about cooking cookies?" and ran back to his Mom. Reminded me of that old TV show "Kids say the darndest things with Art Linkletter.
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@Annmac (949)
24 May 08
I remember being in the supermarket and a young girl asking my dis-abled Mum very politely 'if she didn't think she was a bit old to be in a push-chair?' She was in her wheelchair and as it was cold out, she had her legs in what really does look like a 'cosy toes' cover for a baby!
My mum started laughing and agreed with the child! When she told her she couldn't walk as she only had one leg, the child thought about it a while and said, Can you still give grandma cuddles? She then started asking a lot of practical questions and when her Mum finally managed to entice her away, she left with a 'Thank you for being as nice as you look!' How cute is that! Every time she caught sight of us in the aisles, she waved!
It really made my Mum's day out! I told her Mum she should be proud of her! It's so nice to meet a well-behaved child!
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
24 May 08
I was babysitting a good friend's uberintelligent 4 year old boy, & the subject of safety arose. I asked him what he would do in case of a fire -- what would he save?
His answer wasn't what I'd expected. I'd assumed he'd say "Lambie," his loveworn stuffed toy lamb that he dragged EVERYWHERE, but instead he said, "Boohockey," the family's sweet & enormous Maine C0on cat.
Pleased that he valued life, but in aq Puckish mood, I felt like teasing him just a little, so I said, "Aren't you sure you'd also like to take Lambie? I mean, he couldn't get out on his own."
He looked at me with a singularly adult expression on his face, & reminded silly ME, "(Magpie), Lambie's just a TOY."
Sigh...they grow up so FAST, y'know? LOL!
@sturner03 (326)
• United States
23 May 08
My daughter is still learning to talk but she will come out with sentances out of no were and its cute as can be. I mean usually its gibberish and all the sudden one day seh looked at me and says I peed on potty momma. lol. There priceless.
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