Do you have a cell phone law where you live?
By firecracker
@sacmom (14192)
United States
May 23, 2008 1:00am CST
Starting July 1, 2008 there will be a new cell phone law in effect in California. The following is from paperwork from the DMV that my husband received from work a few months ago:
"Minors will be prohibited from driving a motor vehicle while using a wireless phone, including a hands-free device, and/or a mobile service device (pagers, texting devices, laptops, etc). Drivers 18 years of age and older will be prohibited from driving a motor vehicle while using a wireless phone [b]unless[/] a hands-free device is used."
To learn more you can go to this link:
I personally think this new cell phone law is a good idea. So what do you think of this new law? And do you have a cell phone law where you live?
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57 responses
@above31rubies (1863)
• United States
23 May 08
No, we don't but the city is planning one so it will be in effect within city limits only. Hands free devices must be used...not sure if they have something different for teens.
What do I think? I think it's a great idea for new drivers/teens. Personally I am way more distracted by the kids in the backseat screaming or fighting or whatever than I've ever been on the phone. Maybe next we can work on a law that I can't drive with my kids in the car? HA. I also am more distracted when someone is in the car with me...I tend to look at them and use my hands alot. And hands free or not I rarely have both hands on the wheel...and if something unexpected occurs I drop the phone- the phone call will wait...not everyone sees it that way. Thankfully I haven't had any situation like that...but I am not easily panicked or whatever when in the car. I am pretty laid back and go with the flow. For example, I am not one turn turn sharply in front of other cars because I am about to miss my turn, you know, no big deal, I go up to the next drive and turn around. I really don't talk on the phone while driving too fact right now I don't do it at all- I don't even have a cell phone, lol. (And my kids are much better in the car now that they are a little older...but let me tell ya, they have had their moments!)
But, that all said...I don't much care if they have a law or not. I will abide by whatever- if they say I can't use a phone while driving, I won't. (yes, even if I actually have one again...haha). Not a big deal either way to me.
I am not entirely sure I agree with the idea that it's necessary though...I have seen people do all sorts of things while driving. In some cities there are already laws that you can't drive while if you are driving poorly and doing anything other than simply driving you can be ticketed so what's the point of targeting cell phone users...why not just make a generalized law regarding distracted driving. Or, if there already is one, enforce it.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 May 08
LOL! I like that idea! No kids in the car while driving. Boy would it be strangely quiet while I drove anywhere!
I am the same way when it comes to driving. If I miss my turn I just go up to the next available turn and go back the way I came.
Boy a law where someone can't drive while distracted? If that law was enforced everywhere no one would be allowed to drive. Or at least a lot more drivers would be getting tickets left and right. Though it does make more sense to just make that a law instead of targeting out one thing here, one thing there.

@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
23 May 08
in my country there is no rule to regulate about mobile phone and depend on your clarify in here i think this mobile phone law is good thing to do since i also aware that so many accidents happened cause of using mobile phone while driving or riding

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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
23 May 08
The law on base here is that you have to use a hands free device if you use a cell while you are driving. It went into effect some time last year I believe. I don't know if it's Air Force wide, or just here.
As far as the town we live in, there isn't a law that we know of. But because of the law on base, we are both in the habit of automatically using the blue tooth any time we talk on the phone when we are driving anyway.
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@anonymili (3138)
23 May 08
Using a mobile phone whilst driving was banned here in the UK a few years back. You can use a bluetooth headset or a proper fitted handsfree kit and I think some other handsfree devices are acceptable - if you get caught you get a fine and 3 points on your license. You know what? I see idiots still doing it day in day out! Driving whilst on their mobile phone one hand on the phone and the other hand trying to steer and change gear. Only the other day, I watched a woman on the street trying to park her car whilst holding the phone in one hand - she had to reverse in and out of the space 7 or 8 times - the space was big enough to get an estate car (or station wagon as I think you guys call them) and she had a small hatchback car. Sometimes friends calls me from their mobiles whilst driving and if I get an idea that they're driving (from background noise) I say to them "Why not call me once you're home and we can talk more easily?"
Personally I don't use my mobile whilst driving. I managed the first 30 years of my life without a mobile phone, so I've had one for 10 years now. If it's urgent, they'll call back or leave a message. I'm not risking having an accident, having to pay a fine or getting points on my license just so someone can ask me "what time are you coming out on Saturday evening?" or something inane like that...
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
31 May 08
Wow, 3 points? Apparently where I live no points will be given. And the first offense is only $20.
I have no doubt I'll be seeing lots of people breaking this law. 

@drannhh (15219)
• United States
23 May 08
I think it is a good idea too. It is hard to fathom why anyone would want to drive a car and talk on the phone in the first place, but doing it with only one hand is absurd. Fast moving cars are weapons. People need to take personal responsibility not to harm others. In my view there are no "accidents" just negligence.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
23 May 08
No, but it is a good idea and even better if even the over 18 wouldn't be allowed with the hands-free version..It isn't just holding the phone that causes accidents, it is the driver is not concentrating on their driving, so whether hands-free or not, all should be banned..
Maybe what they should do, though it would take taxpayers money, but it would be safer is to designate a place to pull over every few miles to make a phone call if necessary..
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@jewel76 (2305)
• Canada
23 May 08
Yes, the law here started May's for everybody though, not only minor drivers. No more cell phones are allowed, unless you're using a blue tooth type hands free device. I totally agree with this law, cuz some people are just driving in traffic, yapping away on their cell phones and causing accidents.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
23 May 08
I do have a cell phone but rarely use it while driving. I also have a headset but again, I would prefer not to use it while driving so I can focus only on my driving. I believe the new cell phone law is great. I've seen plenty of people older than teens using the phone while driving and they are just as dangerous. No law in our area yet but eventually I think texting while driving is going to be banned.
On the other hand, we do have a daughter who is on call all the time. Her job consists of taking to her clients/patients when necessary and these patients only have her cell phone number. I would prefer to see her pull off the highway into a parking lot and take the call but sometimes she can't do this because of the area where she is driving. It wouldn't be safe. Our daughter does use a headset which keeps both hands free.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
31 May 08
My husband's job is kind of the same way. As he builds houses for a living sometimes the house isn't ready that day. His boss might call him while my husband's on the road to let him know that the day's plan changed and to go elsewhere, sometimes in the opposite direction. No way is my husband going to drive all the way to a job (which could be three hours away one way) just to find out he wasn't supposed to go there, after all. I would also prefer my husband to pull over, but sometimes that just isn't possible.
@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
28 May 08
I think its a good law. here in Alaska I think its against the law to use your cellphone while driving. but if its true everyone here does it anyway. I just hear its a law but not sure if it is. I think all 50 states should have this law and the police truely enforce it. So many car accidents could be avoided in perfect weather.
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
23 May 08
i havent heard of any law like that in my area of arizona. but it certainly is a great idea! i dont like using the phone when im driving, and ive seen some ppl do some truly stupid things on the road all the while that phone is glued to their ear!
and with teens it is already a risky thing just being behind the wheel without any true experience to back it up, add a dumb phone and CRASH! just a matter of time in most cases.
i would welcome a law like that in my area lol!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
31 May 08
I agree, teens definitely don't need this extra distraction while driving. 

@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
29 May 08
The mayor of my town never made it clear or not about the cell phone law that was being proposed so I have no clue if it is in effect or not. lol I talk and drive alot but being my mind/eyes are always on the road, the hapless sap I'm talking to never really gets thru to me what they are saying unless I'm stopped on a backroad and talking. Therefore, I usually won't even answer my cell phone until I'm off the main highway and can stop somewhere.
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@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
23 May 08
yeah its suppose to be that your not suppose to drive with your cell phone in hand while driving , but ive seen plenty of people ignore this law , i think its kinda good alot of people cant drive period without the cellphone , or with it ...and i think you cant have the bluetooths either
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@athinapie (1150)
• Philippines
23 May 08
The only cellphone rule I know that is popular is that one shouldn't answer or make a cellphone call while driving. Even a hands free device is not allowed - although there are still others who get away with it. There are motorists who get caught when this rule is violated and they have to pay a big fine. I think that it is a good idea so that accidents on the road will be avoided.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
31 May 08
Do you know how much the fine is in your area? The one in California is only $20 for the first offense. 

@angelicfied (928)
• United States
11 Dec 08
A while back where I live in Tenneessee did have a law that they came out with. They made it illegal for anyone of any age to be driving while using their cellphones. Some people thought it was stupid, but I kind of understand why they would do it. I mean so many wrecks now days is because people, especially teenagers sometiems can be wreckless and lose their focus on some important things, when focuses on other things.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 May 08
I live in Manitoba and so far we do not have a law banning driving while using a cell phone, laptop, etc. I hope they come up with that law. I have a friend of a friend and a few years ago I was doing some secretarial work for her in return for my Hammond Organ. She owned a business and she would often talk on her cellphone while driving. This made me very nervous and who knows what would have happened if a car suddenly shot in front of us going the other way? Even if one uses a bluetooth headset and is hands free, you cannot concentrate on your driving and on your talking at the same time.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 May 08
We don't here in Ohio but I think it should be illegal to use a cell phone, hands-free or not, in a car. What the heck is the hurry? Are you so darned important that you'll take a chance with every elses' lives just so you can talk to a client or discuss shopping or golf with a friend?!
Our priorities have really become twisted. Driving is no time to talk on the phone and statistics show increases in "accidents" since the increase in cell phone usage while driving.
I also think we should slow down. Driving should provide us with some quiet time.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
16 Dec 08
Hi there Sac Mom. The law is present in my country as well, but it is not so extensive. The only part present here is this: "Drivers 18 years of age and older will be prohibited from driving a motor vehicle while using a wireless phone unless[/] a hands-free device is used." Although this law exists there are still enough people who don't respect it and as a results some accidents still happen because of this.
@Rustinas1 (438)
• United States
16 Dec 08
I'm not sure if the law ever passed here or not regarding driving and cell phones. I know at one time they were talking about it, so many unnecessary accidents happening from this, but I have'nt heard anything more about it. Maybe it's in the works, or something. I noticed that happens alot, you hear about things in the news and then you wait for the outcome, which never comes and then makes you forget, until something jogs your memory. I think that's one awesome law to be passed and I sure do hope that's exactly how they do that here in Maine. I'm sorry for those whom don't agree, but teenagers are just new driving and there's already to many distractions that they don't need this or any others added. I'm for this law, and I'm for it being passes country wide.
@vanonas (949)
• United States
13 Dec 08
There is a cell phone law in Virginia that was enforced a year or so ago. It was that you were not allowed to be driving and talking on your cell phone if you are younger than 18 years of age. I don't understand why the age part mattered because anyone driving while talking on the phone is still as likely to injure their selves or someone else whether they're 50 or they're 16.
@Rustinas1 (438)
• United States
16 Dec 08
I think it's because most people are into the "text" world now. I'm sorry, but there's no way in "he**- double hockey sticks" (as my son would say) that one can pay 100% attention to the roads, traffic, signs, etc. while they are texting. One has to look at thos little tiny keys here and there and the screen to see what they are typing no matter what. I don't care how much of a text expert someone thinks they are, it's a habit, before a message gets sent, and I've seen this many times and almost been rear-ended from a high schooler, one has to make sure there are no typos and everything is included before they sent it.