Are WORRIES edible?

Are worries edible? - Picture of a girl feeling sad. Photo source:
May 23, 2008 10:45am CST
I was watching a show just now and several lines from the script were really electrifying. A young man was drowning his sorrows in alcohol while he confided in an old lady who had gone crazy. Young man: I am so stressed. I have so many worries! Crazy lady: What are worries? Are they edible? Young man: No, of course not. Crazy lady: Then why are you paying attention to them? Any comment? If no, read again. The Chinese have a saying that outsiders who are not involved in the situation can see things relatively clear. Conversely, when something happens to you, you are usually too blinded to extricate yourself from it. To the crazy old lady above, she took the young man's comment literally. The young man said that he had many worries so it seemed logically for her to ask if those "worries" were edible and food for the stomach. If they are not, why pay attention to them? Why even bother? Few of us can honestly claim that we are free from worries. When problems are pressing themselves on our consciousness, how do we deal with them? Do we keep thinking about them? Do we accept them and try to think of solutions? Do we ignore them? Do we push to others? Or... ? Do share how you deal with worries!
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50 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 May 08
lordwarwizard How do I handle worries, well take my health one I ignored it at first then kept thinking about it, then finally my best friend really pushed me and I made the darned doctors appointment. saw the doctor he diagnosed what he thought it was and next morning new fat scary p roblem broken out all over 'my tummy in thousands of little blisters.called thedoctor who said go to emergency room. so solving problem now went to er, where I signed one hundred papers, answered fifty questions, was diagnosed thus good news you dont have diverticulitis, bad news you have shingles. he drew the word out and laughed and I also laughed but wanted to cry, why Me? but the problem is solved, I am diagnosed and on medication, and takingtylenol and my lotting. but I did finally solve the pain problem I had been having along with two other doctors. I feel better mentally for having gotten off my butt and gone ahead and chased down my health problem.
• Singapore
24 May 08
Quite an experience, eh? But Patsie, that was because you are "lucky". Someone else might really have a big problem and all the worries might just come true in a bad way. But you are right that many times, it is nothing SERIOUS yet our worries cause more damage than the "real" thing.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
23 May 08
Where was the pain? I know about the itchiness but I cannot figure out where the pain is located! It should be temporary, just like most worries!
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
23 May 08
My mom-in-law, smart lady.. I remember her saying years ago about worries "can you do anything about it right this minute?" - "no? then why worry about it right now?" she'd say. Another good thing I heard and adopted is to put a time limit on it. Whether it's negative thoughts or worries.. to put a time limit on it as to how long you will worry or think negatively (not always easy!) My time limit is ten minutes.. ten minutes to moan and groan and maybe throw a tantrum (albeit an inner one!) And then I replace each negative thought with a positive one. I learned a while back that there's creative power in thoughts and words, so I actually mentally draw a big X through a negative thought, visualizing, and putting a positive thought, count yer blessings, all that, in place of it.. - As to solutions, if "ignore it and it will go away" doesn't work, I try to work out a solution, maybe make a list.. list goals, after all sometimes it takes a few steps to solve something.. - A wise person once told me that most of us humans make things much worse than they have to be by worrying about them! [Wish I woulda heard that sooner!]
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• United States
28 May 08
Hey, an award! Thanks!
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• Singapore
24 May 08
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Yes, yes, yes. I totally agree! That's what I try to do too!
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@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
23 May 08
It depends on the problem really. If it is something that I can or might be able to solve I think about possible solutions until I´ve found one. Ignoring them would make matters worse in my opinion. Now, if there is nothing I can do about the situation I accept the fact that worrying won´t help. This has not always been like this, I used to worry about everything under the sun. Over the past couple of years my life has been rather complicated and I worried myself sick about the situation. I´ve eventually learned to take things easier and avoid worrying. Mind you, it wasn´t easy.
• Singapore
24 May 08
Yea... some people say escaping is not a solution...
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
23 May 08
When i was younger i worried about everything...Now when things happen i just look at it as part of life,if i can fix it i will,if not i let it go...I refuse to worry myself over things i cannot fix...Why worry if it cannot be fixed,so my solution is just deal with it or forget it...I refuse to use all my time worrying about something that i cannot do anything about...Some worries people have is an unpaid bill,so what i do is offer them an amount that i can easily afford to pay on a monthly note,if they accept it fine,if not ,i just make a note of what the amount is and pay it as i can each month,not to me that is a me they will take whatever you offer....If its sickness,see a doctor and get sister in law came down with cancer,so all we could do was treat it,that is what she is doing,this is unfixable so we just deal...there all all kinds of worries...we all have them.I have learned to deal with problems and not to worry myself sick over it...Some problems i can fix,
• Singapore
24 May 08
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Oh yea, I always knew you were awesome.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
24 May 08
First....if I have a problem I figure it's better behind me then ahead of me so I deal with it right away. There are other stresses and sometimes I blow them out of preportion just thinking about them so it's better for me to share it with someone who loves me like my sister..after I talk to her and bounce it off her brain I usually can see the stress clearer and let it go...just hearing myself sharing it sometimes is enough to figure out what I need to do about it....or to forget it.
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• Singapore
24 May 08
COOL. Deal with it decisively and be gone with it.
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• Philippines
23 May 08
i love just this topic...just when stress is coming up on me i just don't know how to handle it so i seek advice to whom i know will help me resolve it..i never had freed myself from worries as to every day of my life i've got them with me and i do not believe that no people got no worries at all..even the smallest it they have it..there are just some people who knows how to manage it and there are just some who don't..i always catch myself thinking about it every chance i get even if i don't intend to..sometimes i just like to ignore them but it keeps on reminding me and stop for a while and think about it..
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• Singapore
24 May 08
Yup yup, I think everyone has worries... it is just HOW they are managed.
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@weemam (13372)
23 May 08
Hello stranger , how are you getting on ? I used to worry about every little thing but since hubby had his bypass ( all is well ) and Mam and Dad the Alzheimers , I have re-evaluated what is important , I I just try not too think too far into the future and enjoy the day :) :) xx
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@weemam (13372)
23 May 08
Thanks pal xx
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• Singapore
24 May 08
So stop calling me a stranger please!
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• Singapore
23 May 08
Hello FRIEND, please don't be a stranger. Best wishes!
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@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
24 May 08
i think the old woman is right, for what we have worries, but i think our worries is belong to our feelings & mind,also it not easy just to ignore specially for our family & friend.
• Kuwait
24 May 08
your right my friend , it is not easy to ignore those worries:)
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• Singapore
24 May 08
Real tough lol.
• Singapore
24 May 08
Indeed, they are typically hard to ignore.
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
23 May 08
I try to go by what my dear departed old grandmother told me. "If you can do something about the situation then do it and don't worry about it. Then again If there is nothing you can do about the situation then you are wasting energy and your good health worrying about it. Find the solution, use it and stop with the worrying." I guess I have reached the age where those words ring with more truth than they did when I was younger. I don't have time to worry about most things so I just let worry flow off my back like rain off a duck.
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• Singapore
24 May 08
You are right. Your grandmother is so very wise.
@rb200406 (1824)
• India
30 May 08
I would say honestly i try to find solution.I don't think too much about that.If it is not a big issue i try to ignore also.But i do try to solve it first rather than to sit & think.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
You are more action-oriented, I guess.
@olivemai (4738)
• United States
23 May 08
I say the serenity prayer, to help me accept that which I cannot change, and to have the courage to change what I can!
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• Singapore
24 May 08
Serenity prayer? This "God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other."? You find it helps?
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Well, it is pretty neat to find a mantra that suits you to live your day by.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
25 May 08
Yes, that is the one! I do find that it helps! If I cannot change other people or certain situations, it helps me decide which one is which and to do something about it if I can! Otherwise, I may well waste my time and energy trying to change something that cannot be changed!
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
23 May 08
i agree with that old woman who looked at woprrying and asked if they were edible,truly a lot of times we tend to concentrate too much on our troubles rather than looking for ways to solve them ,worrying leads to dejection most times and this is not the best for us as we end up getting frustrated ,it is better to look for solution rather than dwelling too much on our problems worrying never solved a problem if you ask me.
• Singapore
23 May 08
Indeed! Often, we drown in our problems and forget that we need to take a step back and look for solutions instead!
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
23 May 08
you are right but worrying is an excess luggage to our list of problems i will rather seek solutions than worry though i agree that sometimes it becomes difficult not to worry but just a little of it is enough,looking for solution is better
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• Singapore
23 May 08
Well, yes. But more often that not, it is easy enough to say but hard to accomplish!
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@redkey65 (221)
• China
24 May 08
I do have worries, especialy, when i was doing something new, challengeing and alone. many times i would choice first have a good sleep before work, and then do my best to have a try no matter what will come out.
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• Singapore
24 May 08
Sounds like "healthy" stress.
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@16031981 (449)
• Jamaica
24 May 08
i agree with that lady there is this song " why worry when you can when you can pray trust Jesus he will lead the way. when you worry too much it start showing and it makes you look old. i do worry sometimes but when realize that i jus take a relaxing seat look up to the sky and say thank you Jesus.
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• Singapore
24 May 08
Good that you have a strong religious belief.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
24 May 08
when i have problem i usually open/tell it to my husband and we try as a couple to find ways to solve it..but if we cant then we let the time passed and before we know it it was gone...
• Singapore
24 May 08
POOF! Cool!
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
23 May 08
I guess this is why there are so many self help books and therapists. We as humans want to feel needed,loved, and respected. If we are ignored by those we think are on our side and ready to defend us, we look to other people or things. When we are alone we start to think about our situations and substitute other things to take the place of what we think we need. Most of us need support to make us feel that we are doing the right thing. If we have no help we replace it with whatever we can find at the time. Sometimes what we find to "help" takes over and ends up being our demon.I guess that some people have never been given the chance to be strong, independent people. I guess that is why some of us talk to ourselves. I have done that. Don't get a great response that way, but just trying to think clearly can help if noone is available.
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• Singapore
23 May 08
Oh yes, a whole economy has sprung up there lol. Indeed, support amidst adversity would be very much helpful...
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• Philippines
24 May 08
I agree that worries are not supposed to be bothering anyone.They should all be put behind.Easy to say right?Haha!Well,I admit that my worries sometimes consume part of me.But in time,I forget about them with the help of prayer and the presence of good friends.
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• Singapore
24 May 08
Easy to say, hard to accomplish!
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• United States
24 May 08
To me worries are not something that should rule your time and emotions. Allowing that to happen just leaves you open to ulcers and other health problems. If I have a problem I think on it for a while and decide on a plan of action and then shelve the issue. I take the action at the first opportunity and hope for the best. Chronic worrying has never been my thing and I am very glad of that. I don't think that making a career of worrying will solve any problems, rather it may create further problems. Keeping an open mind and an eye on the main chance will help solve more problems than anything else.
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• Singapore
24 May 08
You sound like the sumofallhopes.
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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
24 May 08
yes i totally agree with the crazy lady. sometimes crazy people can see things so clearly it's amazing. it's like they are totally free of worldly worries and they can see the point straight. why are we paying attention to things that we can't solve? sometimes i do try very hard to ignore my worries. if worrying means i am trying to resolve the issue, then i don't mind spending a sleepless night worrying. but if worrying doesn't help the matter at hand, it's rather pointless to be worrying. i'd like to say i have few worries. if there's something i can do about it, i'd jump straight to doing it. if there's nothing i can do about it, i'd just brush it aside and leave it to fate.
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• Singapore
24 May 08
Yup, if we can deal with the worries decisively, that would be for the best.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 May 08
I don't really worry that much. If I have a problem, I find a solution and put it into practice. If there is no solution, I brainstorm with my mom or sister. If they have no suggestions, I pray about it then forget it for awhile. The solution usually comes soon after. Worry is stressful. A lady I used to know said that "worryin' is borrowing trouble" and she's right. Wish I'd listened more to her.
• Singapore
23 May 08
Cool. It is nice to hear you can rely on your family for support.
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