Would this bother you?
By mommyboo
@mommyboo (13174)
United States
May 25, 2008 9:17am CST
I'm just curious as to whether this is a petty thing to get upset over or not. My daughter wanted to make some peanut butter cookies and we checked the pantry and found out we didn't have enough peanut butter. I went to the store that evening to pick up another jar. Fast forward about 2 days, I'm looking for the jar to make toast and what do I discover but BOTH jars in there, BOTH open, instead of the one that was almost empty used up for the cookies and the new one used partially for the cookies! What possesses people to not use up something before opening a new one? Isn't this common sense? This is the daughter who is about to graduate from HIGH SCHOOL too. Do people really not 'get' this until they are in their 20s or something?? By the way, it's not like this is a different expectation either. All of my kids know the rules of the kitchen of which this is one. I don't need multiple open boxes and containers of the same thing in my pantry, fridge, and freezer.
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21 responses
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
26 May 08
Yeah - and it's not just kids. I know adults who flat out refuse to use anything if something new is available. They'd rather throw it away. It's the disposable mindset in which they were raised. New is better - ALWAYS! Me? I'm cheap. I buy cheap peanut butter and Goodwill clothes or new clothes on major clearance. I don't own one piece of furniture that didn't belong to someone else first. The only thing I have that was mine first is my Chef's Collection cookware that I bought through QVC. Oh, and food, of course. Otherwise, if it's still usable and I need it, it's mine! But, I worked with a woman who would throw away a half-roll of toilet paper in the bathroom and put a new roll on because she simply couldn't bring herself to use something someone else had used first. It HAD to be new. Drove me bonkers because I'd take it out of the trash and finish it off. My mother still has clothes from the 60s! THAT'S the kind of environment I grew up in - a depression child mindset.

@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
28 May 08
I think if a piece of furniture is still in good condition after being used by a family, then it's a fairly sturdy piece. Of course, I'm not sure I'd want a fire engine red couch or a huge burnt orange floral pattern or anything, but you know what I mean. Plus, I don't have to worry as much about it since the price wasn't as much as new, so if something DOES happen, it's not as much of a loss to me.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 May 08
I don't think that I go overboard but I am more of the mindset that I want to get the most bang for my buck, so I am always after value AND quality, if that makes sense. Best value for quality? Something like that. I don't mind some used things either, sometimes in my opinion something a bit broken in is better than brand new, looks better, feels better, and in most cases isn't overpriced any longer. Depreciation is a big deal.

@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
26 May 08
You're not alone it bothers me as well. I hate when someone opens up a new milk and leaves a quarter of a gallon in the older jug. I have opened things by mistake (not being able to find the product because it is not where it is suppose to be!!) but I do understand mistakes happen. I have no idea why children/husbands can't look and use the older one up first!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
25 May 08
I try to make sure one is used up before I open another one. Otherwise I have to worry about one or the other going bad. Perhaps you could sit your daughter down and have a talk to her about the cost of food and being careful not to waste it.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 May 08
I had a foster kid that had the same idea about money growing on trees. I took her to the store, handed her $50.00 and told her she had to buy enough groceries for 3 days for 10 ppl(6 foster kids, Hubby, myself, my brother and his g/f lived in the house)...not an easy task. I also told her she was responsible for planning the meals for those 3 days (except lunches b/c the kids were all in school). It took her well over an hour to figure out the meals and shop for them. She just about stood guard over the fridge for the next three days and after that she had a much better concept of money and how to spend it.
Sometimes kids need a first hand experience to understand how tough it can be. Saying we only have $100 and actually having to feed a family on $100 is two entirely different things.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 May 08
Especially these days! I don't know about my kids though, it's almost like they think money grows on trees and we have an orchard in the back yard. =( I get accused of being cheap or not caring about them when I express concern about not wanting to buy something they ask for. The point being for me is that often they don't even USE or appreciate what I buy after I buy it for them, and since I know this, it plays into how I feel every time I am asked to buy something else.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 May 08
Wow! I don't know if I could feed 10 people for 3 days on $50. I am actually feeling good if I can manage 3 dinners for an average of $40 or so... five people, not 10. This doesn't include breakfast or lunch, although breakfast stays pretty cheap, cereal or eggs, fruit, yogurt, etc.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 May 08
I'm sorry but You got me giggling here. I have 4 daughters and one in particular is so so spacy. I came home one night to the milk on the counter and the refrigerator door open. I immediatly called to her. " lets play sesame street. you look around the room and tell me what is wrong with this picture." she glances around and then slaps her forhead. "what is wrong with me?" she goes over puts the milk in the frig and walks off leaving the frig door open still!! I have found milk in the cupboard and cereal in the frig. I have found empty things of everything put back where it would belong if not for being empty. I have found dishes in the trash....the list goes on. This girl is almost 22 now and it is still going on so don't get your hopes up....find the humour.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 May 08
Ah but you say she is spacy! She doesn't do it to get you mad even though she knows she ought to not do those things, right? LOL! I wish my daughter was just spacy. I don't think that is it with her. I will try to laugh a little more about it though because it really IS funny.
One time I was baking a cake - and it was obvious from the color of the cake that it was chocolate. My husband comes into the kitchen and sticks his finger in the frosting which is also chocolate and tastes it, then goes 'what kind of cake is this?' Daughter snickers and goes 'der da der, DAD, what do YOU think?' which made ME laugh because earlier when I got out the cake mix, a bowl, and the mixer she goes 'what are you doin, making a cake?' LMAO! I told her that I was going to change the tires on my car.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 May 08
Yep, like I just posted above, this will be the last time I go buy her something she asks for. She'll see for herself what problems it causes her when she begins doing this when she lives on her own. Then it won't be my problem but I WILL say 'I told you so' when she complains of lack of space in her own kitchen or things spoiling and going bad due to too many being open at once. There is always rhyme and reason to why a parent has certain guidelines and expectations and it's just too bad that the kids never learn anything from them and then go and make the same mistakes that prompted the parents to CREATE those guidelines and expectations in the first place!
@34momma (13882)
• United States
25 May 08
i know what you mean, and it is annoying. but i have learned that there are so many more things in life to feel strongly about. my kids do that all the time, and when they do it the third time i don't get upset i just don't reply that thing. like having more then one juice open, I will not buy juice for a week. I don't allow such things to get me upset or angry any longer, i find another way to get my point across. and it works, you should try it!! LOL
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 May 08
Yes, I should but it almost feels like she is purposely doing things she knows rile me up. I suppose next time I will not be going to the store and buying her peanut butter to make cookies. If she wants the peanut butter that badly, she can use what we have and make a half batch of cookies or use her own money and walk to the store to buy herself another jar of peanut butter.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
25 May 08
hey that works, let her go and buy her own. i know trust me how annoying it can be, but get annoyed and then let it go. just let her know that she is now on her own when she was peanut butter. that will teach her,and now you don't have to worry about it
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
26 May 08
im with you! that drives me nuts! and it happens so often that when i buy the new item i stash it away until the old on is completly used up! unfortunatly its not just teens who do it. grown men in their 50's do it! (pulling hair out!)
even worse? my 84 year old grandmother who can be such a stickler for the smallest of things, does it too!
then when she discovers the old jar or whatever, she will get mad that someone has opened the new one! AND IT WAS HER!
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
26 May 08
Yeah this would bother me. However if I have two of the same product, but in different brands, I might open the newer brand if it's better than the old, almost empty one. I'll then store the older one at the back of the cupboard to use in emergencies when the better brand has run out.
This often happens to me with shampoo and conditioner and toothpaste. However if it was a product that had to be used first before it went off, I would use it all up to avoid making waste.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 May 08
Oddly enough I do this with shampoo and conditioner but when it comes to food items, unless it's something like several different cereals, crunchy and creamy peanut butter or all natural something vs a more kid friendly brand, I try really hard not to have multiple open containers of the same thing.
As far as I'm aware, shampoo and conditioner won't go bad so it doesn't matter if I swap those up a bit. Wasting doesn't seem to occur to the kids as much as being something to avoid. They don't cringe when they throw things away as they aren't looking at it as it were wadded up dollar bills being tossed in the trash. I wish I didn't see it that way sometimes but I can't help it. I'm not even particularly 'green' and it bothers me.
@leeloo (1492)
• Portugal
25 May 08
I have to admit that on occasion opened two products of the same type either because I didn't know another was open or there being differences eg chunky vs smooth peanut butter. Everyone does that I think, I really try to finish off everything before starting a new batch, but when I bake I will admit to prefer new packages eg of margarine as sometimes different batches taste slightly different and when mixed may alter the flavour. That being said when that happens it does bug me.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 May 08
Maybe she was in a hurry and couldn't be bothered to find the other one. It will be different when she's got her own place and she has to take care of it!
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
25 May 08
NO, it wouldnt bother me. In fact I have done that myself. I'll open the new one because I cant find the already open one. Then later on I do find it. But it's not the end of the world. I think every house hold has this problem at least a few times weather children OR adults know the "rules" of the kitchen. It WILL happen.
Life goes on, theres worse things to worry about in a house.

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@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
26 May 08
Oh, I know.I always make sure I have an open one first before I open the new jar. I dont encourage laziness in my household either. I wont tolerate it one bit, even with my children all being toddlers. My oldest knows better and when I start to raise my voice she starts talking. But yeah, with it being right on the counter, it really cant be anymore "in the open" either.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 May 08
Heh. When I honored her request to go to the store to get more peanut butter because she REALLY wanted to make these cookies, I left the other jar on the counter with her other cookie ingredients. I reminded her to use up the old one first too. It's not like I put it back in the pantry and walked away and didn't give it a second thought. I wasn't demeaning about it either - until I discovered it and grumbled to myself about nobody in my house having half a brain.
At least you bothered to look for the already open one, in my case it was on the counter in front of her face. You can't get much more 'right there' than that! I am not a fan of laziness and i will not encourage or okay it with my kids.

@aplaza (630)
• Netherlands
25 May 08
Considering the fact that we are talking about a teenager here I feel that you are right to be bothered by it. I'm willing to bet that she just didn't even "think" about it at all and was just focused on making the cookies.
Although I also just thought of something. Was the new jar at the front of the cupboard? Maybe it's a good idea to try to keep the stuff thats opened at the front so it gets used first? Hope this helps!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 May 08
When I agreed to go buy more peanut butter, I left the already open jar on the counter with her other assembled cookie ingredients. I put the new jar next to it with the offhand comment that she needed to remember to use up the old jar before opening the new one. She always says she'll do things - and then she doesn't, and her excuse is either that she 'forgot' or somehow it was my fault because I didn't remind her, didn't make her, or because I bugged her about it. Can't have it both ways. Sooner or later you just need to listen to what someone asks you to do and then do it without forgetting, being snippy, or expecting someone else to fix it for you down the line.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
26 May 08
oh yes... i also hate it when my hubby open another container or jar of anything when we still have left over from the old one... my kitchen principle also the same... finish up the old one first before using the new one... it is common sense and how hard is it to do that??? i think it is not a petty think at all... it is simple things which does not have to be explained... take care and have a nice day...
@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
26 May 08
My daughter is usually pretty good about keeping to this rule too but if she is being lazy and doesn't want to look for a certain item or she put the item in some obscure weird place the last time she used it she will open a new one and then I will have two opened ones. We are in to stockpiling so it is vital that not all packages be opened at the same time. Eat one cereal before opening another kind.
@simplysue (631)
• United States
26 May 08
This happens all the time at my house too. LOL I used to get upset about it but now I just put the old peanutbutter on top of the new or else bake something to use it up.When it happens with cereal I'll make cereal treats using the rice crispy treat recipe. Funny how the "old" cereal goes really quick when I do that!It does get on my last nerve some days but I still try to use the food up in creative ways so it doesn't go to waste.
@daveisdavid (878)
• Singapore
26 May 08
I understand your problem. Fortunately for my case, we do not waste food so we would empty the peanut butter first before opening the new jar.
@kilani123 (864)
• United Arab Emirates
25 May 08
yeah i hate it too , and sometimes it feels disgusting coz when u open another container , and start using both the food in this two containers will get old due of lack of consuming which give a sense of throwing both of the containers in the garbage
want my advice :
keep ur look a like food containers in a safe place and set a lock on them
best wishes
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
26 May 08
generally yes but I would ask the reason behind it. I mean maybe the almost empty was misplaced and your daughter is in the hurry of making a sandwich for school, it can happen you know. We passed that stage and you can tell them time and again about the house rules and I bet that time and again it would not be followed but we forgive them because we love them just like our parents treated us.