Are all men like this?

May 26, 2008 10:45pm CST
I just wanna know if all men feel the need to know every detail their spouses do all the time? My husband questions everything I do, I can't have a conversation with someone else or go anywhere without 50 questions about my conversation or what I did when I was out. So tell me if your spouse is like this. I just wanna know if this is a typical guy trait?
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24 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 May 08
Well it's jealousy, I think. No not all men are like this, but some are.... Have you talked to him and let him know that it's getting out of hand and a little overboard?
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• Canada
27 May 08
Yes I have told him it bothers me, I don't feel the need to know every aspect of his life so he doesn't need to know mine. It's ok to ask you know what in a day but somethings he asks are just ridiculous.
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• Canada
28 May 08
Ya I have thought about playing 20 questions with him just to get his reaction but I just can't do it because I just don't care what he does when he is not around or who he's talking to and what he's talking about. I trust him for the most part, oh well we'll see what the close future brings after 8 yrs being together he should trust me by now. I never gave him any reason not too. Maybe he's just losing it in his old age (of 38) who knows. lol :)
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 May 08
Well that's just wrong of him, I wish I could be more of more help and give you better advice but my fiance does not do this to me.... Have you thought of asking him what he's doing all the time??? It may seem childish but it may very well get your point across.
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@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
27 May 08
well not really were all not like that , your problem is that he's just wayy too concerned and kinda stalker-ish , and then at the same time its kinda disrespecting you cause he lacks trust in you , by asking all these questions of your outtings ..that shouldnt be the case ,
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• Canada
27 May 08
That's how I feel like he doesn't trust me. We have been separated for a few months and he's moving back home this week and if this behavior don't stop he'll be packing his bags again!
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@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
27 May 08
thats great seems you have this under control , i do agree tho if he does tend to stick in his ways with these mysterious phone sessions , drop him cause im sure he has something up his sleeve he's not telling you
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
27 May 08
are you sure about that? i mean, i dont think all men asks like that.. there are many of those who dont seem to care who you talk with and what you do when you are out of sight. can you talk to your husband about that.. im sure you will be so irritated when time comes. with him asking you too many questions like that seems like an interrogation to me... he does not trust you.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
27 May 08
No, all men are not like that. Actually, my husband barely asks me anything! I would tend to think that a man that asks to many question is very controlling and possibly abusive. Not saying that your man is like that but I know that a lot of guys that are like that. Just be careful! And as well (not trying to fill your head with negative thoughts) sometimes when someone is guilty or hiding something, they will be suspicious of their mate.
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• Canada
27 May 08
He says he's only trying to make conversation with me. I think though we have been separated for a few months he feels like he's missing out or something. We are gonna try to make our marriage work but I feel like i'm being interrogated everytime we talk. He was not like this before we separated we barely even talked.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 May 08
no that is not a typical guy trait. a man who asks a myraid of questions could be on verge of being very controlling, and jealous. If he has these traits he is well on the way to becoming a spouse abuser.My husband cared about where I had been but did not ever Question me like that. He trusted me and I trusted him.
@naseeha (1382)
• India
27 May 08
A BIG NO. It is not like that. it is definitely not a guy trait too. there are many more of nosy women than men, who call up the workplace and check what their husbands do. But it is a trait of the individual. A person, man or woman does this when he or she feels insecure. Many men are tight lipped and do not even listen to their wives when they come back from work. They dont have the patience to do that. But not all fingers in a hand are the same. Similarly not all men are alike.
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• India
28 May 08
no not really. guess he feels insecure and does not teust you completely. make him feel comfortable and feel that he can trust you completely or the other reson could just be that he wants to know everything about you. he is just the possessive kind thats all guys are not this way.
@Insung001 (740)
• Philippines
28 May 08
I am a man. And the fact that I'm not that kind of man, answers your question if ALL men are like that. Obviously not. No offense to all my fellow men out there but I got to say this kind of thinking is a sign of insecurity. This is just my own opinion though. First of all I don't find it practical to guard every move my partner does. Second, if women like to cheat, they will and will surely find a way. So there's no point guarding them, besides, you can't be with them all the time. That's what i thought.
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• Canada
28 May 08
I have to agree that I think it's a sign of insecurity, thanks for the response. And I agree that if someone is gonna cheat there gonna do it regardless.
@ashly1979 (1376)
• United States
27 May 08
i have a boyfriend i not married but all time my guy get mad is about bed time he wants to stay up and get on this lap top LOL but i hope things go good for you take care
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• Philippines
28 May 08
I don't think that's a typical guy. What I know is most men are not really that interrogative. As far as I know women are the ones do the talking. In my case I usually tell my husband what happened to me in a certain occasion or what had gone out of a certain conversation but he just listens and don't talk too much. Sometimes I even get mad because it seems to me he's not listening while I'm telling the whole story. He doesn't look like he's interested but ofcourse he is listening very well. Actually I don't want to make any comment that might offend you but base on what you posted it seems like you have a possessive husband or he doesn't trust you. I'm sorry, can't help but to think that way.
• Canada
28 May 08
He never tells me I can't go anywhere or do anything. I come and go as I please but the questions are nuts. I would agree that women are more like. In the beginning of our relationship I was like that but only because I wanted to spend time with him not to control him or anything. Maybe now it's his turn lol!
• United States
28 May 08
No, they all aren't like that. He might have a control issue.
• Canada
28 May 08
That's what I try and tell him he never tells me I can't go anywhere. He just asks me when, where and how long. And asks questions about what I did when I was out. I feel like i'm in a interrogation room.
@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
27 May 08
i think some men are really like that (me included). I am like that when i am somewhat suspicious of my girl, that is i don't trust people around her so much. It happens mostly when my girl is going to a new place with new people. And especially with people who I don't trust. But after a while and having thought that the place is ok and the people are good, I tend to ask less questions.
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• United States
27 May 08
No, all are not. My husband never asks me an questions like that. He loves and trusts me fully.
@draelman (12)
• Canada
28 May 08
Speaking as a married man I like to have a general idea of what my wife is up to just as my wife likes to know what I'm doing; but I don't pry every single detail about every single thing she does. I simply trust her for the most part and that alone is worth more than all the money in the world to me. Admitedly I was little like that myself for the first year of our relationship but so was she towards me! We're over 3 years and still going strong and at this point I trust her completely. It's not her I worry about, it's the occasional idiot that tries to pull something but they've always gone away when I politely informed them of my 'prescense'. My wife and I both had to finally just take a chance and trust each other and it was worth it because it made us closer and our relationship stronger. It helps alleviate some of the anxiety if you tell your spouse straight out face to face, eye to eye your true intentions that (example) 'you're faithful, there's never been anyone else or is there going to be, and that you only love him and noone else and as long as he is faithful to you and true he has nothing to worry about' or somehting like that. Anyways trust is a hard thing to build but when it happens it benefits everyone all the way around. Good luck. draelman
• Canada
28 May 08
Maybe that is all he wants is a general idea of what i'm doing. We've been together 8 yrs now so if he doesn't trust me by now than there is something wrong. But this is great advice maybe he needs some reassurance.
@snowy22315 (186509)
• United States
28 May 08
Mine doesn't your guy sounds pretty controlling. Have you noticed this in other areas as well. It would concern me if my guy acted like that. Plus I would tell him to mind his own business. or Why do you wnat to know?
• United States
28 May 08
I think some men can be overly controlling and obsessive, it sounds like your spouse mught be insecure, have you changed your hair style or maybe lost weight and appear to be more confident? or taken up a new interst that doesn't include him? doe's he feel left out of anything new you are involved in? very often it's just a guy thing to be inquestive about his sweethearts every move and overly protective of her. it might be a good idea to just talk it out, let him know how you feel about it. I wish you the best and much happiness :)
• Philippines
28 May 08
Hi momathome, I maybe wrong but I think your spouse is a control freak and I hope is not an abusive type. Does he hurt you physically? I think you should go to a marriage consellor. Dicussing your problem with a third party can help a lot.
@gloreymay (882)
• Philippines
28 May 08
My boyfriend is like that too. Even clothes i wear when we're not together he's asking for it. I like guys nature is like that.
@agihcam (1914)
• Philippines
28 May 08
I am familiar with that because my wife friend always got a phone call from her husband just to make sure that she's there.Even in their house,knock the restroom and ask what she's doing.So I would say it is really happening and your relationships is not unique, they have plenty of case.
• Australia
28 May 08
I cant say yes all men are like that, but I can say that my last relationship was 8yrs solid an at first it was fine but as I grew up I got the 50 questions too I would also be having a conversation on the phone I would get asked 'who was that''what did they have to say' so I'd explain what was said then I'd be asked..'is that all, you were on there for a while' its sort of irritating having to repeat yourself, but now I'm in another relationship an I swear its worser, I'll get up from the lounge I'd be asked 'where are you going' or 'what are you doing' I'd be like umm I'm using the bathroom is that ok, seems I cant even get up from where I'm sitting without being asked what I'm doing its crazy LoL, I'm unemployed looking for work at the momment but my partner works full time, he rings me on his lunch breaks everyday without fail talking to me till his breaks over, several times each call he would ask me 'so what have you been doing''what else have you been doing'what do you think you'll do till I call next' this has been going on 3 times a day-everyday for three months its really getting on my nerves LoL