single mom
By baleleng2008
@baleleng2008 (917)
United States
15 responses
@ettenaej (39)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
i am a single mom and im proud to say that i survive bringing her up alone since i carry her into my womb. it is a long story if i tell you why i dont have company during that time. she is 6yrs old now and she is my life. i really wanted to give her the best that i can give her. i work and support her alone and also taking good care of her. i always give her time if im at home..give her a bath, cook for her food, dress her up to school, help her with her assignments and brought/fetch her to school if im off from work. i always make sure that she know that i love her so much and even without her father we can live our life happily. i always make sure that she was loved and she felt how important she is in my life.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
28 Sep 08
awwwww...How great mom you are ettenaej and Im soooo proud of you to raise your lil one all by urself.
@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
27 May 08
I know its not easy. But in such a situation, you will be put into a test, if how strong you are and if how you would handle the situation.
I can see a lot of single mom who were able to survive, and became good mother at the same time a father to their child or children.
Though sometimes a mom should not worry about being a single mom forever, for chances or possibilities of having a good husband and partner in life is always there. Who knows?
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
27 May 08
ur right long that the possibilities of having goodpartner in life is always far im happy and contented with my life togther with my kids.i know its hard being mom and dad with them but rather than they live in unhappy family,isn't it?
@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
9 Jun 08
You are beautiful and I believe all single mom are beautiful because if not they wont become a mom right?
Do you agree with me?
So I wont be surprised if one day you will invite me on your wedding. and I promise you, I will be there, just shoulder my fare from Phils to US and back and forth

@little_momma (198)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Being a single parent is better than some of the alternatives. I left an abusive relationship and it was the most liberating thing I could have done. I had two daughters that I supported but in my situation I went from supporting 3 other people to just ex (who had a 9th grade education) wouldn't work a job that he thought was below him...holding out for mangement I guess, any way, he never had a job while we were together so I spent less money as a single mom. I took my new found freedom and also went to college for a year. It was nice having quality time with the kids without the stress of my ex. Even now that I'm married to a great guy and have a son added to the equation...I still miss being able to have the quality time with the kids....It might sound weird but for me, when i was the only parent in the house, I alway organized my time so that the kids got time with being married it seems half of my day disappeared and I struggle to keep up with the kids.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
6 Sep 08
awwwwwwww!sounds like you really miss all your attention with your kids littlemomma.But you know im so happy for you ,at least you finally found the right man in your life.Getting out from abusive relationship is one big step for you and your kids to move on and start a new life and thats where you are now....,living in a happy family.
• United States
1 Aug 08
you do what you have to do, you have no choice. you brought children into the world & it's your place to see hthey have what they need whether the father's want to be involed or not. how anyone can mistreat a sweet little baby is beyond my understandin. i raised two boys bymyself, they are grown now and have families of their own. i am so proud of them they are both such good dads.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
6 Sep 08
you're right antiquelady.I guess i have no choice,but really its not my choice to raised my kids..its my obligation as a mother wether the father of my kids didnt want to support them.Thanx for dropping by!
• United States
6 Sep 08
it's your privalege, they are lucky to have you & will be so better off w/out the crap from him. i was raised w/parents that fought & carried on all the time. it's no picnic. i swore my kids would not have to live like that & they didn't. it would have been easier to have had help but i didn't get any help from the father & they turned out pretty good & i'm proud of them. u will be to. good luck.
@maryrajam1962 (257)
• Malaysia
9 Aug 08
I am a singloe mum and have been surviving without a partner since my son's birth. It is very tough and the main problem is financial problem. I work full time but with the rising cost of living it is difficult to make ends meet. I cannot do much overtime as I need to take care of my son. I have no support from anyone and the only support I have is from God
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
3 Oct 08
oh,thats really very hard maryrajam,but we can do it!me i have 2 kids and I dont have any support too so i understand what you mean.thnx for dropping by!
@successlog (3172)
• China
1 Aug 08
hello friend, i think it is not easy to make living with kids for a single mom.I also have some friends who are single mom who told me the experience and feeling.Just for a share:
The first one said:
I am a single mom with three kids ages 14, 12, and 9.
I work full time and still am able to run my household. How do I do it?? With much planning.
My kids are at the age when they can now stay home alone. I start my day off at 5am by getting my self up and getting into the shower. When I get out I wake up my teenage daughter so she can start getting ready. At that same time I wake up my 12 year old son so he can start getting ready. I go downstairs get myself ready iron my youngest daughters clothes and mine. I get dressed go back upstairs wake up my youngest daughter so she can start getting ready. By this time it's about 6:45 and I need to get my son off to the bus stop. I take him. Come back home. Get my daughters hair combed, make my lunch and my boyfriends lunch. When that is done I make sure my youngest is sitting down eating breakfast. Now it's about 7:05 I get my boyfriend up so he can get ready for his day I take off to take my oldest daughter to school and my boyfriend takes my youngest to school.
I'm at work by 7:30. I get off of work at 4:30pm, go pick up my oldest from cheer leading practice go home do some excersice downstairs while the kids work on their homework. Start dinner around 6pm. Get the kids all fed by 7:30. Have them take their showers and the two older kids get their clothes ready for the next day. Do the dishes pick up the house and get a load in the washer. Get the kids to bed by 8:30 (yes even the teenager). Put the load in the washer in the dryer.
By that time my boyfriend has come home from work. I make his plate and warm it in the microwave. He eats in the frontroom and we watch the 9 o'clock news. Put the clothes from the dryer away and I'm in bed by 10:30.
Start my day over again. Whew... I'm tired thinking about it!
LOL But it's not bad because I've been doing this for 7 years now
the second one said:
Proudly, yes I am a single working mom. I have an amazing 6 year old daughter and a wonderful 4 year old son. I've come to realize that laundry will always be there tomorrow (although it may be a larger load ), the dishes only truely take 2 seconds to throw in the dishwasher, and there is ntohign wrong with scrambled eggs and waffles for dinner. My children are my top priority, sometimes my house is not "company clean" but if it comes down to vacuuming or reading to my son better believe I'm grabbing the book! I'm self sufficient, I work hard both as a mommy and as an employee, but my children do NOT go without. The hardest part is balancing the time I'm at work with the time I'm with them. There are 2 main things I keep in mind. A: My children will never feel the blunt end of being in a single family household they will be loved triple :) and B: Reward myself... because I'm doing a hell of a job...
I think even though they are single mom, i think they are worth to honor.They are really wonderful mom with a strong willpower.
best wishes
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
6 Sep 08
oh WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!i was speechless successlog when I read your comment esp the story of a 2 single momthat you shared to me!WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!really i was amazed with them the way they handle there kids!But what make me smile about it is when you told me the story very!Anyway i learned a lesson from your comment succeslog and these two mom you described here they are my inspiration and all mom around here.Thank you for the encouraging stories ,guys!and cheers to all single mom out there!!!

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Jun 08
You just do it....I was a single mom of two, kept house, worked full time, went to school part time, didnt drive, never got support on time and I managed...How? Because there is no other option...I brought those kids into this world and it was never their fault that their father was a moron slacker so the ONLY path to take was to just pull up my big girl panties and do it....yes it was hard at times but ya know what, it was worth it...I have a VERY strong bond with both my kids and always have. I'm very involved in their lives and I use the fact that we DID struggle so hard to my advantage when preparing them to be a part of the adult world etc ya know...
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Wow!Your amzing mom raven and I am so proud of you about that.I bit your two chicldren are very close to you.Me I still have long way to go bcoz my kids still lil,but if you can do it I am pretty sure I can do it too.Thanx for your wonderful comment raven.
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
27 May 08
My mother is technically a single mom since she supports us all the way by herself. It was a difficult responsibility having two kids to rear, being in the hospital for the other child while the other stays at home with the grandparents. I am glad, my grandparents are here to help and rear us when mom is not around. We have survived for more than twenty years and I know we can survive for 20 or 40 years more without my dad's help.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
27 May 08
wow thats amazing chryz!ur mom really a strong woman!thanx a lot chryz for ur gives me a view that if others can why can't i?
@roi452 (232)
• Philippines
8 Jul 08
My sister is a single mom at an early age and i admire her courage and strength for raising her son. I saw from her experience that it was not easy being a single mom, she was devastated when the father left her but she still was able to finish her studies in college despite these problems.
My nephew is now 2 yrs old and my sister just graduated from college. She will begin another stage in her life of providing for her son, and i admire how she is handling this.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
6 Sep 08
oh wowwww!ur sister rio is really amazing woman!no wonder why u admire her that much!she's strong yet survivor!!reagrds to her rio and thanx for dropping by!
@teka44 (3420)
• Brazil
7 Jul 08
Hi baleleng. It is not a easy thing surely. Being a single mom you need to work out and in your home too, and pay the bills and the food and all the needs from your children. Some times you feel your self so tired but you look at your kids and you know that you cannot stop to do everything because of them. Our children worth all sacrifices exactily because we are mothers. In my like I have had bad times but I ever could take care about my daughter. Right now I'm in a bad moment but I do my best to give to my daughter what she need. Have a partner would be good, but it isn't a guarantee and you know that. You never know what kind of man come in your life. Support our sons and daughters, being mother and father at the same time is a hard work. But motherhood make us strongs so we can and we do.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Thank you teka for your wonderful comment.yOUR're right that our kids worth for all our sacrifices.Im thinking having a partner but im worried too at the same time.Anyway thanx a lot for stopping by!
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
28 May 08
I raised my 2 daughters by myself from ages 6 & 8. Now they are both happily married with their own children. Sometimes it wasn't easy, but we are all very close and they are wonderful women. It is definitely doable.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
28 May 08
wow!i really admire u for that mcat by raising ur 2 kids all by urself.
Now i can say to myself that...I can do it too:-)
thanx mcat!
@DudaYLen (219)
• Philippines
6 Jun 08
Learn that being a single mom does not diminish your beautiful God-given qualities. I think time management is a skill that single moms must learn and learn well. With the dual role you have , being able to allocate time , prioritize , and accomplish your tasks are important for you.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Thanx a lot dudaylen.I think your right that single mom must learn and learn well:-)
@ljforte1024 (150)
• Canada
8 Jul 08
I have survived without a partner for years. My daughter is 12 and having a man around is nice but it is not the end-all. Being a single mom is extremely hard but not impossible. It's made me stronger and it makes me pay attention more to life and my surroundings.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I salute you for that ljforte.I think having a partner isnt that solution,isnt it?
I bit you are stornger now than bfore!goodluck!

@funtasticsakura (133)
• Philippines
7 Jul 08
I am a single mom,my daughter is turning 7 this september.Ever since her father left us i never think that i would not survive this.But the first day i've become a single mom,i'm a little shocked about what happened.locking the door,with my baby inside thinking how will it be because we've been left.But that only lasted for 3 months,after the crying i've done?Now i'm standing with my own feet and i am proud being a single mom.We've got a beautiful life to live,why waste it?Now when they see me with my daughter you wont eben think were moms,were like sisters.The past has been ended and let's make our life the most out of it.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Thank you very very much funtasticsakura for sharing your story.Really it inspire me and two thumbs up from me to you bcoz you handle it well.You're a brave mom!!!

@miller23231 (873)
• United States
27 May 08
Being a single mom isn't easy, but sometimes it's better! I can definitely survive without a partner, but since I met my boyfriend, I have to admit, things are a little easier. Honestly, before I met him, I did just fine on my own. It didn't seem much different, really and I had all kinds of time to spend with my kids. A lot of people say it's really hard and kids from single parent homes turn out to be bad kids, but I think my kids and I are closer because of it.
@baleleng2008 (917)
• United States
27 May 08
wowwwwww!that's amzing miller!u really a good mom to them bcoz as u said u become more closer to each other.i am single mom too.i did not look partner right now bcoz im afraid that maybe the partner I found is the same with my im xtra crefull bcoz i don't wanna hurt my kids feeling again.
thanx for sharing miller.