Stupid people who think THEY own the road. (RANT)
By saundyl
@saundyl (9783)
May 27, 2008 9:55am CST
I HATE people who act like they always the ones in the right when they're know the ones who dont bother to signal, the ones who act like the person who DID signal should know that they were turning too.
This morning i was driving to work. Not speeding and going straight down a highway...Speed limit 100 kmph. I was about a car length behind a white truck and there was a truck and trailer in front of that truck.
The first truck (with the trailer) pulled over at the check stop so the 2nd one kept going. About half a mile AFTER the check stop theres a turn off to the golf course and theres a silver stuck slowing down ...not signaling. The white truck goes by and this truck decides he can MAKE it from a stop to turn between this other truck and i.
I slammed on my breaks and swerved towards the ditch, nearly hit him because I was going the speed limit not expecting the guy to just pull out in front of me like that. I didnt get completely stopped he DID stop in the middle of my lane and i had swerved around him.
I didn't beep my horn i was too surprised and HE had the aducaity to honk at me and give me the finger. HELLO straight road speed limit 100kmph YOU were turning NOT me. DID YOU NOT LOOK???? He was just darn lucky i didn't hit him.
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3 responses
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
27 May 08
Well I can see why a lot of people do get road rage now days.. It seems so many vechicles are not equipted with turn signnals any longer or the people do not know how to use them!! I am very sorry about what happened to you today. Seems everytime I go somewhere I too have a near miss.We have to always watch the other drivers.Oh, he may have been on his cel phone!!
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 May 08
Cell phone's shouldn't be an excuse for lack of attention. I wish they had a law about them here too like other places do. What really gets me is a half mile or so down the road was a check stop with 3 police cars checking the semi trucks and you HAVE to slow down going by those or get a $500 ticket and most people didn't bother to slow down.
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@shileshia (4)
• United States
27 May 08
i know exactly what you mean. here in alabama there are people who don't signal, or they signal that they are going to turn and pass 20 turn ins before they actually turn in somewhere. or the ones that really irritate me are the ones that speed up to pass you and then get in front of you and slow down. some people should have their licenses revoked.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 May 08
I also hate the people who drive real slow when you cant pass them but speed up to excessive speeds when you can just so you cant get infront of them.
some days I wish i had signs in my car reading "nice signal" "nice stop" "Werent you going to bother to look?" to wave at people when they dont follow the rules.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Jun 08
I think the best part is, drivers (namely in the US and to lesser extent Canada) always cry out for higher speed limits and looser driving rules...
/temple rub...
Its great people want to go faster even though almost no one can drive worth a damn. And you think driving with bad drivers is bad, try being a pedestrian. I've almost been turned into a windshield ornament more than a dozen times in recent years (and also add that other larger vehicles I'm too short to become a windshield ornament for them... and thats another dozen or so near misses there).
Long story short, drivers are just people that have the thought "me me me" running through their heads while driving. If not that, then whatever conversation they are carrying on the cellphone, thats in their head instead. But overall its the "me me me", "duh duh duh" type thinking. I'm convinced this thinking includes the delusion that a driver should be able to go as fast, drive however they want and expect everyone else to either adapt or make way (or be destroyed... -_-)
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