What is the hardest thing that you have to deal with as being a mom?
By cream97
@cream97 (29085)
United States
May 27, 2008 10:36am CST
Mines is school.. Helping my son get to the level where he needs to be, can be quite difficult for me. The school system desires for a child to be at a certain level, to meet the state's qualifications.. This gets very rough for me as a mom. I can only teach him all that I know.. What is your trial as a mom?
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15 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 May 08
The hardest things I've done is move away from my grown children and not rescue them from all their financial mistakes! I want so much to just pull out as much money as they need (if I had it!) and get them out of the jam but then they'd never learn.
It was also hard to see them leave on the first day of kindergarten. I cried both their first days!
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
28 May 08
My trials were the worries when they went somewhere that they could get hurt. Like climbing mountians or rafting. I alwys worried about them/ When my oldest son went into the army I was worried sick he would be killed in war. That is the hardest for me
@kaysue4 (951)
• United States
27 May 08
I have had SO SO many trials as a mom, more than my share.
I have two sons that are bipolar and one of them also has a rare disorder and the other one also has a touch of Asperger's.
Now the third one is ADD and Conduct Disorder and the forth is just ADD.
Now my oldest is 18, soon to be 19, and got mixed up with a bad girlfriend who talked him and a couple others in robbing her aunt and now will be doing two years in prison. I know it was his choose, but it still tears my heart apart.
I had done everything to help him through the years, counceling, juvy jail, crug rehab, but you can only do what you can as a parent.
Now my one son is a daily trial. He tells me how much he hates me and I have placed him on probation also because he never tells me where he is at and never comes home on time either. He has sneaked out of the house at all hours of the night and the list goes on and on. He even went through a faze were he either wanted to kill himself and tried several times and had plans on how to kill us.
Right now he is on the right meds and they are working to take those feelings and thoughts away.
So, that are a few of my trials as a mom.
@sisterjinx (1135)
• United States
27 May 08
My most difficult thing I have had to handle as a mom was not unique but fortunately not many moms have to go through it. When our daughter was 8 years old she was hit and killed by a car in our neighborhood. My 7 year old son, well 7 at the time, witnessed it. So we had our own grief as parents, the grief of our two boys who were 7 and 9 at the time, and the guilt my 7 year old felt to deal with. Our lives have never quite been the same. But after you have experienced the loss of a child nothing else ever seems quite so bad again. My boys are now 15 and 17. We all still miss our little angel terribly but we have learned to live our lives and move forward. I pray that nobody here ever has to go through this.
@vicneedscoffee (1259)
• United States
5 Jun 08
School can be frustrating for all parents. My daughter is a good student, but I still have issues with them, but the hardest thing for me is having a perfectionist for a child. She gets very frustrated when she can't master something immediately. I am trying to teach her patience, but it's a slow road that tests my own patience...lol.. I can handle the rest of the stuff, but it is so heartbreaking to see her frustrated and not be able to do anything to help her.
@kittenmc (464)
• United States
27 May 08
I have found several different things hard to deal with as a mom. With 3 children and all completely different from each other, I am unable to pick out just one.
With my oldest child I have to say now that he has gotten older it is the difference between being his mom and his best friend. I like to keep a very open door with my kids. I want them to feel safe to come to me with whatever problem they have, no matter how big or small. My oldest has a real level head and I tend to put myself in the place of a friend more than I should. There needs to be a balance there and I need to find that for my oldest and my self.
With my middle child, he is very influenced by other children. I try to teach my kids good morals, manners, respect and other things like that. I want him to fit in, but sometimes I can not allow him do the things he wants, because it goes against the things I believe in. He thinks I'm being mean or too strict. I keep telling him when he gets older, he will understand. Sometimes that works, sometimes it don't.
With my little girl, it's her Drama attitude!
I have a problem with school issues also. I fought so hard with the school system over my youngest 2, till I pulled them out. I enjoy homeschooling, but sometimes I worry if they are learning enough. I guess I'm going to find out. My middle child wants to go back to public school next year to play football. He has dyslexia and our school system doesn't have the resources to help children like this. Because of money issues, I have not been able to get them the tutoring they need. Through trail and error, I have finally found what works with him. I really need one more year at home with him, but I'm going to go ahead and allow him to go back. I will just have to sit down everyday and help him to make sure he keeps up and if there is something he don't understand, then I'll have to find what would be the best way to help him learn it.
I guess you can honestly say that as your child grows older, what use to be hard, is easy. But then you have another log to jump over.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
28 May 08
well, i think being a mum is a very tough job... from being pregnant and have to carry the child inside our tummy for 9 months, we already experince a lot... then the labor and many sleepless nights after the baby is born... after that educating them like what you mention in your post... it is really hard work... but there is satisfactions in doing all those tasks and the reward is very fulfilling when we see our children success and strive in life... take care and have a nice day...
@daniellegldn (255)
• Australia
28 May 08
Gee ,I must say I try very hard for my son to be a lot of things,i want him to be polite,well liked,well mannered,well dressed,well spoken,well educated but this doesnt just happen,I am a strict mum and I find it very trying my son is 10 and struggles in all of these area's but being well educated is a must I dont want him to stay down or fall behind other kids his age so I try really hard in that area,i was just advised that he doesnt pay attention he loses focus really easy so I was told to try a multi vitamin for kids because he may be lacking in some important vitamins and minerals wich is why he is so 'vague'sometimes so I have just started him today,besides that i am strict with reading times and homework and all the rest but yopu can only do so much....best of luck it is very hard and I think we are very critical of ourselves but like our parents and their parents they did what they could and we all turned out alright....Best of luck.
@kuting (885)
• Philippines
28 May 08
i had a really bad first trimester for my son. add to that is that i had to deal with a reluctant father who finally left us on my 6th month. experienced weightloss and throwing up every now and then, being really thrifty and sacrificing a lot of luxuries so i can save up for my delivery and baby things. i passed through that and now its really hard being a long distance mom. im working here in the city and my son is miles away in the care of my parents. i need to work and sacrifice the time i could be with my son so i can provide for his needs and save up for his future.
@youless (112920)
• Guangzhou, China
28 May 08
I think that is my spare time. I already don't have many spare time since I have to work. And therefore I pay attention the time when I don't have to work. I spend most of my free time to play with my child. I believe it is very important for us to get a closer relationship.
I love China

@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
28 May 08
Hello again cream.
Honestly, as a mom to an almost 5 year old boy, the hardest thing for me, and always have been, is trying to hold on to my temper. There are days that he just tries my patience. It's so easy to give in to my anger but I try to control it. As his mom, I pray everyday for longer patience and understanding because I truly need it.
My son can be a lot to handle when he's in a very bad mood. And there are times that I just want to scream. There were only a few times that I raised my voice at him. That was when I was in a bad mood myself and the timing wasn't just right. But most of the time, when he's being difficult, I try to calm myself and not give in to my feelings. And boy, trying to control one's anger is so hard.
I'm not a perfect mom. But as all the other moms in this world, I always try to give all that I can give to my son.

@Ravenstorm3 (45)
• United States
2 Jun 08
My daughter is 22 and has a newborn who is not quite a month old. A little girl I love with all my heart. The hardest thing I have to deal with is my daughter manipulating me with the baby....her daily calls that start at 6am and end around 1or2pm and being told what a blanking piece of blank I am if I don't totally agree with everything she says or wants me to do. What a no good mother I have always been....calling me every possible vulgarity known....and being horrified at the outcome of this beautiful child's life. I have moved heaven and earth to accomodate my daughter's ever changing plans from week to week day to day but it is never enough. That is the hardest part for me and I don't have a clue how to stay in my grandchild's life and ignore the abuse my daughter dishes out daily. Anyone out there who can teach me how to stop sticking my hand in the fire and as my doctor says leave her be?
@leeleeblue (22)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Pffft, everything.
From disciplining to feeding them, to spending money to school to just living!!!
It's especially hard to be a parent now. I remember when we were kids (the 70's) life seemed so easy going for our parents. We didn't live in the lap of luxury (not too many luxurious things back then, do you remember the clothes!?!?) but I don't remember my mother worrying about bills and gas and the price of food.
The world we live in today is making parenthood harder but what else can we do but march forward and do our best?
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
27 May 08
from the time our child is just inside our tummy there are a lot a mom has to deal. from the nausea feeling when we are conceiving, the pains of labor, the staying awake late nights up to ewarly mornings, to attend to their every need. then when they go to school you have to guide them and really be angry if someone bullies them. my children are all teens now and my first born will be starting college this june. i am a single mom for 7 years now because we left their dad. i think there are more to come but i can not choose what is the hardest.