Back to square 1.
By coffeeshot
@coffeeshot (3783)
May 27, 2008 9:34pm CST
Have you ever felt like you were making progress in your life then all of a sudden your circumstances change and your plans are ruined and you're back where you started from? What caused this, was it a breakup, a divorce, did you lose your job, lose a friend? How did this make you feel and more importantly, how did you get back on your feet again?
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19 responses
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
28 May 08
Right now... i consider myself as back to square 1 financially... when i came back from working abroad... i was able to save a lot of money... but sad to say... i was not able to use what i save in a productive way... so now everything is gone... and i don't have any savings at all... i am in the process of getting back on my feet again... and i hope i can do that very soon...
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
28 May 08
I don't spend mymoney very productively either...good luck.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
28 May 08
A couple of times, lol. What is the phrase? The best laid plans of mice and men...and women, lol. Without going into particular, let me just say that I never let it do me in and in every case I was back on my feet eventually, and usually in better circumstances as a result of it. Sometimes things that seem very bad happen but it is also true that we have to get rid of some old things in order to make room for newer and better things.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
29 May 08
coffeeshot_ Everyday feels like square one. It's not a bad thing. I'm trying to leave yesterday in the past.
A boyfriend break-up nearly tore me apart, but I finally recovered with the help of mylotters.
I know all the mumbo-jumbo about living one moment at a time is correct, but sometimes it feels too correct.
I understand the sentiment, but it's not always helpful or realistic. If that sounds backwards it is. I'm stumbling around trying to figure out which way to turn and in the middle of making decisions today for what I have to accomplish shortly, I can't live in the moment.
I need to find a new apartment and take care of countless other details while I start my life over again. You can't do that one moment at a time.
However, every moment when I want to give up, I'll think of your morphing avatar and the name coffeeshot. Then, I'll be back to this conversation enjoying my time pretending that you're here talking to me.
anawar at square one out.
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@jannijanni (866)
28 May 08
i had one! it was a bad break up...the worst in fact. we were bound to get married the following year it happened. but i found out that he has someone on the side.
i'm not good with forgiving so i had to dump him. that time, i had to reformat my way of living and relearn how it is being single again.
i'm ok now but that instant sucked big time...
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@fluffnflowers (1594)
• United States
29 May 08
Oh yeah. I was doing well in school, working on developing a really tasty resume, and was interviewing for an AWESOME job...when I suddenly got really, really ill. My GPA dropped because of all of my withdrawals and it felt like my life completely fell apart.
I was 18, at the time, and am only 20 now, so I'm sure things have a lot more impact on me. I'm not back on my feet, but I've started fighting again and have the most excellent guy who's been helping me all along.
We'll see where I am in another year, but I think I'll be up and getting back to the position I was in before all of this happened. Hope is a good thing, right? :)
@sjlg01 (46)
• United States
29 May 08
That happens in everyones life. Well I can say that it has happen to me a few times. Losing my job, losing my best friend (this hurt the worst and it still does), breaking up from a bad relationship. But I tell you that God is good because he kept me together somehow. And I try to continue with my life the best way I can. I try to see what God wants me to learn from each event.
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
28 May 08
Hi coffeeshot,
While the idea of universal education for all the kiddies is a nice first step, I really don't believe that the established education system teaches people what they need to know about life, the universe & everything.
For starters, the universe is alive, and it's intelligent. And Mr. Universe can be quite incorrigible when he chooses.
Secondly, nothing is random. Sure, it's all set up to seem that way, but in reality everything happens according to a purpose. Without going into a detailed monologue, one only has to pause for a moment and consider those people who have won Lotto twice or even more - according to statistical principles, that should be so unlikely as to make The Restaurant at the End of the Universe more plausible.
And thirdly, if one chooses a path that doesn't suit Mr. Universe' agenda, it becomes a bit like banging one's head against brick walls that magically congeal out of thin air to obstruct your every move.
Take the energy problems of the world. There are heaps of viable solutions that can provide boundless energy to satisfy all of mankind's needs. But we're not being permitted to enjoy those, for some peculiar reason. Even more than vested corporate oil interests striving to maintain the status quo, something seems determined to drive humanity to mayhem. And I suspect that "something" has a name starting with "U".
So when one falls down, the only solution is to pick oneself up, assess the lay of the land, decide where you want to go, and choose the best path available to get there. Basic principles which just don't change - except that those damn brick walls keep on cropping up.
The solution - climb over them.
I've watched a single tangible decision, coupled with respondent action, transform a person's life from desperation to abundance in a short space of time. And the circumstances that effected change seemed completely unrelated to whatever action the person had taken. The decision, with the determination to act, seemed to be sufficient to precipitate the desired reality.
And I've been privileged to observe with bemusement the consistent success of a family friend each week at the pokies. Success equal to a full-time income for any normal person, month after month, year after year. The only distinguishing characteristic is attitude. I think she's a witch - she regularly rises up out of the lawn in a puff of smoke.
But then what ARE witches & warlocks? IMO there IS no "white magic", only the black variety. But there's quite a difference between invoking spirits and employing a deeper understanding of the nature of this material world to accomplish our goals.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - the world is not what it seems.
We have everything we need already at our fingertips - but are too blind to see it (and that includes me, white man).
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
29 May 08
honestly havent experience that and hoping it will not...but im thinking if all my children got married and have their own houses then i guess i can say that we are back to square one when we were newlyweds
what about you? or have you known anyone? how did he cope with it?

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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
31 May 08
Yes it happened to me when i was divorced after 38 years..i felt that my whole life was down the drain and all i had worked for was for took me 4 years to rise above that..It was very hard getting back on track..The first 4 years were horrible..Finally when our house was sold and i got some money and bought a piece of land and a nice mobile home ,i began to work and feel has been 12 years and i am remarried and my home is paid for and finally now i feel i have finally got back on track...
@Samanthavv (1380)
• United States
28 May 08
Life is really good at throwing you curveballs once you get things going on the right track. It kind of sucks, but I guess it helps us to learn and to grow. Can't mature if you don't have obstacles to overcome.
@GreenMoo (11833)
28 May 08
I won't bore you and go into all the details, but I've been feeling like I've not got off square one for the last couple of years! Every time I think I'm making progress and moving forward, something else goes awry and back we go.
I don't think you should look upon setbacks as ruined plans, just changes to them. I've got to the stage now where my plans are pretty fluid things!
Maybe soon I'll be able to post a really cheerful, upbeat discussion saying that everything I've been waiting for and hoping for has finally come acbout, You never know!!
@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
30 May 08
I have seen this happen most often in the area of finances. Seems like just about the time money starts getting built up in savings, a vehicle will tear up, or I will get sick and have to miss work. something will happen it seems to take care of that money saved up. It always make me feel as though all my hard work is for nothing. I know thats not the case, but it seems that way sometimes. Well, like always, overtime and hard work brings us out of it.
@figjam00 (1445)
• India
28 May 08
This kind of thing happens all the time. You plan something and make some progress and then suddenly everything goes back to where it was started. I always plan to get up early in the morning and for some days I do get up. But I find myself in the samem habit every month.
@Velina (11)
• United States
29 May 08
I lost a job when I was working with a temp agency. I was placed in a call center and it was a high volume center. I was absent with the permission of the company I was placed to work for when the agency called me and fired me. I was so happy to be fired. Temp agencies are easy to come by and I determined being in a call center was not the place I wanted to be in. I went to another temp agency and marked NO on call center.....then moved on to the next assignment.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
28 May 08
well, i don't think i ever experience that in my life so far... i thank God that so far He makes my path smooth and i am quite stable in my life... nothing interesting ever happened in my life... it is just ordinary... but i am happy... take care and have a nice day...
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 May 08
I feel like this all of the time. Just when I think that things are going right in my life, all heck breaks loose and I am back to square one again. It never fails. It drives me nuts because I try so hard to make my life better. Ours is mostly financial. I also have alot of problems with gaining weight and my self esteem also. Just when I think I am feeling better about myself, low and behold, someone comes along to bring me right back down to nothing. I just keep trying to make it all better. that is all that I can do but I know my life is wasting away and it will never change.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
28 May 08
Hi coffeeshot! To be honest with you, I have been back and again in square 1 in my life. I never stopped dreaming and hoping that my circumstances will change and that lady luck will come smile at me this time. But whenever, I get to at least climb a few steps, something will come up and all of a sudden find myself being back to where I started. I work hard and try to play it smart but there are unexplainable events such as deals gone bad, clients changed his mind and clients cheated us with payments, etc.. that keep on ruining just everything that I am working hard for. Too bad but I will still persevere maybe in another way but I know somehow I will get there. I just hope a window of opportunity will open for me soon.
Take Care and God Bless! 

@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
29 May 08
I sure did...a break up forced me to start over with my kids and I. I learned how much strength and power, I actually do have and it has made me a better person. One obstacle at a time.
@Insung001 (740)
• Philippines
28 May 08
I had it once. There was once a time in my life that everything is going smoothly and everything seems perfect. Nice job, happy family, great friends.. Then suddenly (well not really suddenly but eventually) everything changed. It's a long story to go to the details, but I could say, I really went back to square one. All of the causes you mentioned above and a few more. It was bad at the first glance, but now I realized it was a good thing. Twists in life sometimes makes you stop for a while and analyze what have you been doing. And I have proven that it was right when I heard someone said: in every bad things that's happening in your life, you can always find a good thing behind it, which we often call blessing in disguise. Well what can I say, change is inevitable and it is. They say experience is a good teacher, but I would say it's even the worse. Normal teachers in school usually gives lesson, then trials(examination), but in life, you get to have the trials(exam) first before you learn the lesson.