how to say no,without offending people..

@fossesor (268)
May 29, 2008 6:28am CST
i have a co worker who was a jehova's witness.. i dopnt want to offend her. because she keeps on talking about her religion and i felt that she want me to try or attend in some of their seminars or teachings. And she's telling me that she might send some of her friends to go here at my house and talk to me for about 30 minutes or less.. how can i say "no" whit her, without offending her???
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17 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
29 May 08
How can you say no without offending her?? JUST SAY NO! and if she continues I wouldnt worry so much about you offending her since SHE'S OFFENDING YOU..and like someone mentioned, you REALLY have to be VERY FIRM and stand your ground cause if you dont you'll NEVER get it to stop...
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
29 May 08
I have tried that before but since the person who invited me witnessed how faithful I was in my religion, she stopped bugging me. After that experience maybe you have to be honest with her that as much as you enjoy those people sharing what they have learned but you are devoted to your religion. I know she will understand that as she is also devoted in her faith!
1 person likes this
• United States
29 May 08
..that would be my tactic too..
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
30 May 08
Well I agree with the people who said to tell her you are very devoted to your own religion and would not be interested. If that doesn't work then you could try getting the message through by saying you would like to arrange a meeting with her and your pastor or keep inviting her to your church.
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• India
30 May 08
This trend has been started by the christian missionaries. Now all other are catching up. So tell him straight about ur feelings.
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@jhaniz56 (41)
• Philippines
30 May 08
Hi Fossesor, Hatley is right.We all have our own beliefs and we want to stick with. We all just hope other people would give respect to each and eveyone of us. On a second thought, why dont you give it a try, anyway you will just listen to their seminars or teachings and its up to you if it will affect your belief and your religion. I am a Catholic and a choir in our parish. When i was a kid, our neighbor is Born Again, keep on coming into our house and insisting i come to attend their Bible Study. I gave it a try, i listen to their teachings. It doesnt affect my belief, until now Im still active in our parish, anyway you will lose nothing by giving a try but you will learn from them also... Goodluck and Godbless!
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@jhaniz56 (41)
• Philippines
30 May 08
Hi fossesor,Hatley is right. We all have our own beliefs and we want to stick with it. We just hope other people would give respect to each others belief. Be strong. As long as you dont want to hurt other people stick with your religion. Talk to her privately but before you do it, Pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide and bless you and your friend. Goodluck!
1 person likes this
• United States
30 May 08
hello there foss..I will tell you exactly what I did..i had Rosey come to my home for a few weeks..just to talk to her about our beliefs and such..and then she started the wanting others to come and talk to me and checking out there church blah blah and i said firmly..Thank YOU..But noooo..I love my religion and my beliefs and im not interested..but thanx anyways..and that was the last time we talked..soo try that.just tell her thanx..but i enjoy my religiona nd ways..and i repect urs so plz respect mine..lots of luck hun! April
@laura1167 (149)
• United States
30 May 08
Maybe you could tell her that meeting with her friends to talk about Jehovah's witnesses isn't something that you would be interested in and that you would feel bad at wasting their time.
@jimbomuso (950)
29 May 08
Hi Fossesor ! Ravenlady said it best, just say no! Take the leaflet and say 'excuse me, I'm really busy right now' and start to shut the door, if they try to get your attention again just say sorry and shut the door. Easy! Once I've had someone put their foot in between the door , which I took serious umbrage with! and just said 'if you don't remove your foot I'm going to break it ' hopefully you won't have to deal with someone like that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 May 08
tell her that although you are a friend you have your own religion and wish to stick with it, and she must respect your opinions and your religion. tell her that you do not want to convert so her time would be better spent with someone who might want to join the Jehovahs witnesses.also tell her you have your own church to go to and have no time for any other religion. be firm.
• United States
30 May 08
Very good.
• United States
29 May 08
I know how hard it is to say no w/ out the other feeling offended. I used to have a boss like this and one day she wanted to talk to me in the office for she saw some things w/ me that need to be brought to my attention. She talked about those things first then how and why I can't really remember how she got on the topic of talking about how she is a jehova's witness and had these papers on it and handed them to me telling me more about it how I could do this and be like that ect. I simply looked at her and said "Wendy it's nice that you have your religion and all and want others to hear about it but I am not interested for I don't like religion pushed on me like you are doing. I appreciate the nice things you have said but I would have to pass on the offer and say no. Everyone has their own beliefs and mine isn't in the jehova's witness area. You are a nice boss and I like you but please keep your religion stuff and what you believe in to your self." I know I shocked her just a bit but ya know I never heard another thing out of her about her and the jehova witness stuff again. Be polite and make it known that you are not interested and thank her for her trying to make you want to believe but your not into haveing relion pushed on you like she is doing. She will either except it or not and if she dosn't oh well you have the right to speak how you feel and not have to put up w/ this from her. Good luck and take care.
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@marchgale (260)
• United States
29 May 08
Well now I'm a Baptist.But I have had friends who were Jehova's witnesses and I used to enjoy talking with them about the bible,althought I did not convert to their beliefs, we were still good friends. Since then I have had thenm show up at my door from time to time,and also the Mormons. I am very polite but very firm.I tell that if I we interesed in their teachings I would seek them out.How ever I am not good day. You need to get this person in private.And make it plain that you are not interested in hearing these things from her anymore.I think this will solve your problem.
• Philippines
30 May 08
Just say no, thanks.. God does not force anyone... but believe in the Bible coz its the Word of God.. ^_^
• United States
30 May 08
It can be difficult, especially when someone is so pushy and doesn't appear to respect your views. My aunt and uncle are jehovahs witnesses, so I've had a bit of experience in dealing with this stuff. It's really important to impress upon her that she is not being respectful of you by continuing to push her religion on you. You could ask her how she would feel if you were to suddenly start trying to push another religion on her. Here is a really goo article on discussing some specific issues as they relate to Jehovah's witnesses. Of course, this requires that you're willing to enter into a discussion with them: Some particular questions from this site are really good to ask them: 1) Do you think a person should examine not only the teachings but also the history of any religious organization before deciding it is the truth? (they have a rocky history) 2) What if I joined a religious group and later discovered fraud at the top of the organization, or that they have altered their teachings or prophecies - should I stay in the organization? (The Jehovah's Witnesses have done this). 3) What would you think if members of a particular religion were forbidden from reading other religious literature? (JW's are not allowed to read other religious literature) 4) If I were examining the Mormon's, do you think it would be a good idea to read books by ex-members? if they say no - wouldn't it be easy to get sucked into a cult if you aren't fully informed? if they say yes - ask them if they have read books by ex-members of their group (and if they say yes to that, ask them which ones). The thing is - isn't she offending you by not respecting your beliefs? I mean, you can ask her how she would feel if you were trying to convert her to a different faith. I have plenty of friends of differing faiths, and while we discuss on occasion, we at least "agree to disagree" and don't try to convert each other. Good luck.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
29 May 08
I would just tell her nicely that you appreciate her kindness but you are just not interested right now. Tell her you have alot of other things going on at the moment and now is not a good time. Tell her you will let her know when you are ready or if you change your mind but you really appreciate her thinking of you. she will understand and be thankful for your honesty.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
29 May 08
Oh, boy, you will have to be firm. Jehova's witnesses are all trained in 'selling' their religion. It's a requirement to go from door-to-door to seek out new members. They don't take 'no' for an answer, either. They are at our door at least once a year. When we moved in my husband made the mistake of opening the door and being polite in accepting a pamphlet. They came back each month for a year wanting to discuss it with us. He finally yelled at them to leave us alone, lol. Now they are sending even kids to our house. I guess the missionary training starts early, lol. Anyhow, tell here "Thanks, but no thanks. I appreciate your concern but I'm happy with the way I am and the religion I believe in. I have a busy live outside of work and really don't have time to waste on a thirty minute discussion about a religion I don't want to and WILL NOT change to. We have talked about it at length here at work and quite frankly nothing you have said has persuaded me that your religion is the right one for me. It is not and NEVER WILL BE the right religion for me." You will have to be frank and firm with her or she won't get the message. As I said before, it's hammered into them to spread the word continously. That's why she brings it up at work. She may be offended, but you have to risk it. And se won't stop because she has your soul to save. After you gave her the frank talk, if she keeps bringing up religion change the topic. If that doesn't work, you may have to approach your boss to have a talk with her. Her religion talks seem to annoy you and you are probably not the only one. Therefore, this woman is poisoning the work environment. Let's hope you get her to shut up with just a frank talk;)
@kittenmc (464)
• United States
29 May 08
Jonesy said it pretty well. Just let her know that you respect her and her choice, but you have your own belief. Let her know you don't want to offend her, but her pushing the issue is making you feel uncomfortable. Just be honest and up front! You can be that way with out being mean. Good luck~