Abortion, Religion, and Philosophy.
By II2aTee
@II2aTee (2559)
United States
May 29, 2008 11:06am CST
Most religious people I know will say that abortion is a sin.
I will make no argument to that. Since I am not a religious person it would not be my place to argue Christianity with someone who lives the Christian lifestyle. I have my own opinions on it but since I am not living their life for them, I keep those opinions to myself.
However, I had a thought while contemplating abortion and sin. I wonder what my Christian peers would have to say about this.
I am not completely versed in the concept of original sin, so please feel free to fill in any blanks I may omit.
Here we go:
If all humans are sinners from the time they are born, then (to me) it would stand to reason that religious people should be PRO abortion. Why? Because the aborted fetus would have a guaranteed ticket to heaven.
If life starts at conception, then the unborn child has a soul.
However, if it is never born, then it does not have a chance to sin. Therefore, if an unborn child dies before birth, it would be exempt from the rules of sin and be sent straight to heaven.
As for as the sin of the mother is concerned, I know anti-abortion advocates would say she has murdered, and murder is a sin. I dont want to discuss that. I want to discuss the child.
If a child has a golden ticket, with a promise to go to heaven - why are so many people crying out against it?
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12 responses
@tessah (6617)
• United States
29 May 08
from a religious standpoint.. biblically speaking.. that child has no free ticket to heaven because they suffer the sins of the mother. which is why it is stated that if a child is born out of wedlock, not only is THAT child doomed to hell regardless of the life they lead.. but so are their children, and grandchildren,.. to the tenth generation.. all banned from ever entering heaven. im not sure exactly how many generations suffer due to "murder" tho.. but pretty much everyone on the planet is doomed for hell regardless.. biblically speaking as it were.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
29 May 08
This is exactly what I was wondering. It seems odd that an all forgiving God would condem an unborn child to hell because of the sin of the mother. That dosent seem right to me. If anyone goes to hell it should be for their own sins... expecially in the case of an unborn child who does not even have a basic concept of right and wrong.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
29 May 08
what i personally beleive is irrelevant.. the question was if whether or not an unborn child, or a newly born child, would have a free ticket into heaven, or if they would suffer the misdeeds of their parents. from a biblical standpoint, regardless of the "reasoning" it very simply states that the unborn DO suffer for the sins of the parents. period.

@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 May 08
So, a little background...I am Christian. Protestant to be exact. But, to be even more exact, I am a non practicing Protestant. I sinfully don't go to church. But, I do believe in the existence of God and try to live my life in a way that will at least get me close to Heaven, if not through the gates.
That being said, I am Pro-Choice. I don't think it is anyone's right to say what others should do with their bodies. And, what you have suggested, gives me even more of a good reason to continue to think the way I do. I like how you laid that out. It makes sense to me. So, I will not be arguing this point. I am afraid that I don't really have much more to add though either. Sorry! LOL!
I just wanted to let you know that you gave me some more food for thought. And, I am appreciative of that.
I also appreciate that you don't really insert your opinion into as you feel that you don't really have any room to speak given that you aren't religious. It basically tells me that you are fairly open-minded. A favorable quality and one I always seek out in my friends! LOL!
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
30 May 08
It really is amazing the things you come up with while laying in bed at night and allow your mind to follow its own course. Furthermore thank goodness for Mylot so I have a place to bounce these crazy ideas around with other people!
Friends it is, but I must warn you, I am not -always- this well behaved. I am a work in progress :)
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I know its a big debate on unborn and children having done no wrong so they should have a free ticket, but they havent exactly had a chance to do much right either. There is also the age of accountability. But religion or philosophy aside. I am glad that my mother never had an abortion and I am sure everyone who reads this feels the same. That being said I am sure anyone who decides against it that their kids will probly be glad also.
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
30 May 08
Okay in everything you say is true. BUT a baby is a gift from god, If god is giving you a gift why would you wanna disrespect him and do that to it?.
I dont think that will make him happy. As for me that is some of my reasoning to be aginst abortion. I wanna do my best to do whats pleasing to the lord.
I just cant get passed the thought is why abort it. and not give it up for adoption? You dont even have to see the baby. just say i dont want it. the hospital will take it. and he /she will have a good home.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
30 May 08
I certainly understand where you are coming from. However, what is right for you may not be right for the next person. We cant begin to imagine the circumstances some woman are in, and it would be unfair to assume that woman go into abortion lightly.
It is a hard choice, and a painfull one. I do not see any purpose in making the woman feel terrible about the decision. She will have to fight her own inner battle... I would not want to compound that struggle by treating her like less of a person.
We all have different paths in life. It is not my place to tell others what direction to take. I know I hate it when people tell me how I should live my life.
@ShardAerliss (1488)
29 May 08
Interesting question. If one believes in original sin and ensoulment at conception then it stands to reason an aborted foetus goes straight to Heaven (if you believe clean souls go straight to Heaven).
However; does original sin come with the soul at conception? If so, you've just condemned that soul to Hell (or... whatever), unless you read it it's last rights before abortion...
I'm mostly posting here to keep track of the thread.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
29 May 08
That is the reason I left the discussion so open. I am curious as to when a human soul is capable of sin. If life begins at conception, then it would stand to reason that... a fetus could sin....?
Very curious. I really look forward to peoples thoughts on this.
@ShardAerliss (1488)
29 May 08
A thought...
In some branches of Buddhism abortion** has no effect on the soul in the foetus, it is simply put back into the cycle. However in some branches it is bad for the soul being aborted because it has not been given the chance to lose any bad karma/gain any good karma/lose any karma/gain any new insight/knowledge (Buddhism is complicated).
Perhaps it is a similar thing for an unborn foetus with a soul. How can it experience the delights of Heaven if it has never experienced the pain of Earth? If it has not grown enough to understand either of these things?
**okay, that was creepy, I wrote "abortion" and someone on the radio said it!
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
30 May 08
While I do think the unborn child will be welcomed in Heaven, I don't think that because of that Christians - or anyone - shoud embrace abortions.
This thinking is flawed, in my opinion, because a toddler is also without sin. Should we, therefore, then allow for the murder of one or two year olds?
To God, every life is prescious, and if we're trying to be like Him, it should be prescious to us as well.
You know...we'll never know what purpose the Lord had for that unborn child. He or she may have been created to help change the world for the better.
@ShardAerliss (1488)
31 May 08
we'll never know what purpose the Lord had for that unborn child. He or she may have been created to help change the world for the better.
God has pretty shoddy omniscience in your opinion then? I mean, He can see all that is going to happen yet managed to choose a foetus destined for abortion to be a saviour of some sorts.
If we ever hear an almighty "D'oh!" Boom through the sky I guess we can assume someone just aborted an important foetus.
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
6 Jun 08
People are against it because of the murder issue. It's true that the baby would have a golden ticket into heaven, but then again so does every child under the age of twelve. I don't think abortion is right except under certian conditions. BUT I don't criticise anyone for their choice either. But as far as why everyone would be against it even though the baby has a golden ticket is because of the murder issue. At least that is my opinion.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
30 May 08
Excellant discussion!
I'm not a christian and can't speak for christians or what it says in the Bible.
But by my personal religious beliefs, all children go to heaven. A child who is born does no sin until it gets the sense of right and wrong...and sin. So, in my book no child can commit a sin that makes sure it doesn't get a ticket to heaven.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
2 Jun 08
Great post! Happily I am not Christian so I can't answer it for you.I hope you get the comments you want.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
31 May 08
This is the million dollar answer, my friend. This is just one of the problems I have with Christianity. Those who say that a child is not born innocent but born with sin. How can an innocent beautiful little baby have sin. What did they do? Who have they crossed? I would think that most Christians would believe that a child has that golden ticket. If they do not believe that, they are going against everything that Christianity supposedly stands for. There is much hypocrisy in it for me which is why I avoid it. But to each their own I guess.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
29 May 08
Great discussion Tee. I can only add my personal view, which is inspired by the Bible and my personal faith, but not controled by any religion.
I view abortion as murder, therefore it does enter the realm of sin. Therefore wrong in any way, unless saving the life of the mother.
Now onto the child...I believe we are all given the gift of life to learn and grow. To develope a faith, then have that faith tested through fire, such as a blacksmith tests and shapes his works in a fire. If I deny my child the right and opportunity of life, I am denying him/her this blessing. I am denying that child the blessing and opportunity to learn of humanity first hand. To experience the ups and downs this life has to offer. Sure the child would go straight to heaven. I can't think of the verses to back this up, but I believe all children who die before the age of accountability (between 7 and 9) will enter heaven should their lives end. But that wouldn't make it right to steal the child's life before it has had the chance to begin.
Bottom line, life is a gift not a curse. I am against abortion because it is robbing the unborn child of this gift.
@Lambchoper (538)
• United States
29 May 08
Well said. I think you may have found the loophole.
How much sin can a living child get into? Why are children at risk for a trip to hell?
If the act of being born is a sin why is procreation smiled upon by God?
Is it a joke or a trap?
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
29 May 08
It would seem that way wouldnt it? That is why I am so eager to hear from other mylotters on this issue.
If a child has is promised a trip to heaven, I would think more Christians would be in favor.
I'm trying my best to keep my personal feeling out of all this. I really am interested to see what people have to say.
Thanks for speaking up!