A question for anyone who interprets the bible literally
@lissavalerian (247)
United States
May 29, 2008 6:01pm CST
I've always wondered how it is possible that there are people out there who interpret the christian bible literally. It just seems impossible for it to be totally taken literally.
For example: Luke 24:36-51 (also Mark 16:14-19). This deals with the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. Now, my question here isn't about the resurrection.
My question is about the Ascension as it is reported in Mark and Luke. Is this to be interpretted literally that Jesus *ASCENDED* as in floated up into the air to go into heaven?
If Jesus floated into the sky, *where* exactly was he going? To a physical place in *this* universe? Or was this merely a "show stunt" to impress the disciples?
Seriously. My question is, of what practical and logical purpose does the "Ascension" serve?
Because it seems to me that if we are to interpret this scene literally, we can only come to one of two conclusions:
1) That Jesus was a "show off" doing some celestial magic show to impress the disciples - which puts into question why we would even want to follow such an entity.
2) That Jesus is still to this day continuing to "Ascend" and still not quite to heaven yet, as he hasn't even made it out of the universe yet, considering he had to have been going at a slow enough rate and speed for the disciples to see him ascending in the first place. (If he were to have "sped up" after leaving visual range of the disciples, well, see #1).
In either case, it really makes little sense to interpret the Ascension in any *literal* sense. And if we can't interpret the ascension in any *literal* sense, then what does that mean for the *rest* of the resurrection story?
So, that's my first question. I have more, but I'll save those for later discussion.
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8 responses
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
30 May 08
I believe that the reason Jesus ascended was it would have been hard for the disciples to have understood here their Messiah had gone. Sure Jesus could have just blinked and poof he would have been in heaven, but would his disciples have understood that. Just like God explaining creation to Moses. How would God explain evolution to Moses so he could understand it. Everything says that Earth as we know it, animals that are alive today and humans where not created in seven days. God used the story of creation as an easy way to explain it to Moses how God created the Earth.
@lissavalerian (247)
• United States
30 May 08
Yeah, the creation story is a good example to look at. Anyone who really looks at that closely (and loosely interpretted) will see that it really doesn't really contradict evolution at all. I think that's really my whole point is that a lot of this stuff in that book simply CAN'T be interpretted literally - and to do so can cause a great deal of grief for a lot of people.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
30 May 08
sweety i wish i had an answer for you. those who have a logical mind such as yourself, where thngs written dont quite make sense and contradicts other passages of the bible itself.. it cannot be taken literal. for those who say the reason you cannot understand it is because you are not worthy of nderstanding it, therefore it will confuse you due to the devils influence, and the only way itll be possible is for you to accept jesus because this somehow grants you some magical decoder ring that will actually change the words of the scriptures for you to be able to understand and itll suddenly all make perfect sense to you! dont lose heart.. youre not the only person to attempt to read the words and make sense of them and get a headache in the attempt. andit doesntmea youre a sinner not worthy of the understanding, it just simply means you have your ownmind, ar able to form coherant thoughts, and youre not a sheep following blindly what others tell you is so.
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@lissavalerian (247)
• United States
30 May 08
Thanks for your response! I liked the "magic decoder ring" analogy. Why is it that some people feel like THEY have the "magic decoder ring" and other people don't. That's just silly. At any rate, I really do appreciate your response. I've read through your posts and responses in other threads and I can tell that we think very much alike. I often consider myself a "cristo-pagan" or something along those lines, I don't even know. But at any rate, I just wanted to say that I really liked a lot of your writing and I felt like I really connected with a lot of the stuff that you posted even in other threads.
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@Palmerhusky (843)
• United States
30 May 08
the bible doesn't contradict itself. the bible states a 2 Timothy 3:16 that ALL scripture is inspired of god. i hardly think that the one who inspired its writing is also going to contradict himself. i do know that biblically there is true and false religion and 99% of it is false. now im going to say something thats not popular...i know what the true religion is and im in it. im not going to tell you who im with because thats not what im here for. in fact im not really here to talk about religion...it just happened that this subject caught my eye. but Jesus himself said that from certain people the truth is hidden, either by being blinded Satan, or not being reveled in the first place. interestingly Jesus himself said that the these things have been hidden from "wise and intellectual ones" so if your having a problem understanding the scriptures than you probably fall under that category. the bible is no secret, mystery or even hard to understand. a couple of things that need to be taken into account is that the old testimate lead up to the new testimate, and the new testimate was the application and fulfillment of the old testimate and that you have to understand both to get the truth. and your only going to do that if you accept Gods help in doing that otherwise you can have all the intelligent thought in the world but if your using your "own mind" forming your "own thoughts" in trying to understand the bible...you automatically wrong every time. its about getting gods thoughts on it, not your own.
and i found it funny that you said that "your not a sheep following blindly what others tell you is so" because Jesus referred to his disciples and followers as sheep....and that his sheep listen to his voice and they follow him." just food for thought.
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
30 May 08
It's possible for people to interpret the Bible literally just because they want to. I suppose it's all about choice. They chose to accept all that the Bible says as fact. Now don't get me wrong the Bible is a wonderful book. But I personally believe that most everything in it is just stories to help us live better lives. Now I can't say for sure exactly I'm not the one who wrote it. But since it was written my man one can assume their are falsehoods and discrepancies because of that. As for the Ascension, again I suppose thats just not possible to know. I think it's written for you (or whoever reads it) to interpret it for your self and take from it what you can. I personally think it was just Jesus's way of showing his disciples that he was going on to heaven and some day they would to, in sort of the same manner or fashion. Now whether he really did just start floating up is beyond me. But it's still a very good story.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
30 May 08
These are very good questions. I know of some people wo claim they take the Bible literally, but when I approach them with questions such as the one that you have just asked, they try to explained them away by saying I need to "have more faith" and then it will make sense. So I guess they can't explain it either! ROFLMAO
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@Palmerhusky (843)
• United States
30 May 08
see in that case they don't really know what they are talking about. if a person really knows the truth from the bible they should be able to explain it, and if they cant right then and there, they would tell you that they would like to research the question first so they can give you an answer. "you need more faith" is not an acceptable answer. they should be able to explain it, whether it takes extra research to do so or not
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@lissavalerian (247)
• United States
30 May 08
I have to say that I'm a sucker for those people who come knock on your door to proselytize. I love to invite them in. As they start talking to me, I will start asking them questions about whatever it is they're telling me. Usually, within 30 minutes, they're backing out the door, going "uh uh uh, I'll have to get back to you." Because honestly, most people DONT know their faith well enough. They know the things that they've been taught, those few quotes that they're taught to repeat to other people, but in terms of what the real foundation of their faith is - a lot of people really don't understand the basis of their faith.
@Palmerhusky (843)
• United States
30 May 08
its not that they don't know their faith, but they are still human and perhaps the need to refresh their minds on certain subjects before they can make a answer. even the bible says that a wise person considers their steps and doesn't make an answer before hearing a matter. and sometimes a question you have they don't know off hand the answer too and have to look it up. its happened to me a few times and i wasn't even discussing the bible at the time. i know if im asked a question on the bible i want to give them a truthful answer and not give cop out replies trying to wing it.
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
30 May 08
well, the bible and other scriptures is not a historical works. it tends to be like fiction, or novels based on the real event, or a movie "based on a true story". it's written for a certain purpose: to strengthen their disciples' faith to the religions. so, by nature it will never be written realistically, according to the real event. it will sometimes be dramatized in this parts and that parts. you can always find some metaphorical stories in the scriptures.
anyway, in spirituality, there are three kinds of useful question which help you gain spiritual progression. they are "what to do", "how to do", and "why to do". in religion we avoid the last question. we will be asked to "just do it". it's called dogmas. of course an open-minded person won't feel comfortable with this dogmas.
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@lissavalerian (247)
• United States
30 May 08
I like your response! Very practical:
1. "What to do"
2. "How to do"
3. "Why to do"
and the more fundamentalist or dogmatic:
4. "Just Do it"
You've summed this up very very well. Thanks for this enlightened response. :)
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@Palmerhusky (843)
• United States
30 May 08
well if you re read that account notice that it was his disciples that witnessed this..not just anyone. him showing his return to heaven in that way was for their benefit. they needed to see that to strengthen their faith that he was indeed going to heaven where he was going to do the most good and that their hope was secure as well. he could have just simply disappeared in to the spirit world without a word. Jesus didn't show off as you suggested. what many dont realize is that heaven is in the spirit world and is not universes away. its a different realm which we cant see, nor will we ever see. so that ascension was more of an illustration than anything else. hes there now...he was there when the bible verse said that "a cloud caught him away* or something to that effect. as for what it means for the "resurrection" that is literal. the reason i say that is, well, quite frankly the bible teaches that it is. there are nine instances of an actual resurrection recorded in the bible, three of them preformed by Jesus himself. all were brought back to life, to a physical life here on earth, which means that the resurrection is going to be a physical resurrection, not like the one that most churches teach. now im sure that there is a lot of thinking about that reply that you want to do...but i look forward to more conversations from you. yours is certainly one of the more interesting conversations ive replied to lately. thanks for letting me exercise my brain there.
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@systems (459)
• India
31 May 08
some say that old testament reveals the thing that another prophet will be sent by god..
according to old testament Mosses says that a prophet like him will be sent by god.. assume that this prophet is jesus as every christian claims..
In new testament jesus claims he is god or he is the son of god and also claim that he is the only son of god..
So this means either of these:
1) mosses statement is false.. because mosses said just prophet like him will be sent by god.. he didnt say god would come as prophet or son of god would be sent as prophet..
2) claiming of jesus as the god or the son of god is false.. because mosses didnt say that the prophet is god or the son of god..
3) claiming of jesus as he is the only son of god is false.. because mosses said that god would send a prophet like him.. this means mosses is also the son of god.. but new testament says god has no sons other than jesus..
@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
30 May 08
the question should be.. why is their other prophets who claim that they are the one? Did the Holy Bible said that? and regarding the Bible.. their are so many enemies who wants to get rid of it but still now it is here... and why anyone doubt the Bible? we all know that all who read the Bible in the past are persecuted, if it is false why? and the followers of Christ in the Bible are all hunt down and persecuted but still they preach the Gospel, if it is false why?
:) first of all let us see what is the nature of Jesus Christ.. is He a God? and His purpose..
If He is God then He will go back in Heaven right?
Let us see in the Bible if He is God:
Philippians 2:5-6:
"...Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature God,..."
see He is God.. then what is His purpose then..?
because sin separate us from God the Father, Romans 3:23 said for all have sin and fall short in the glory of God. Since God love us so much... He send His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).. see it is clear... :)
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