Friends or Money?

@Hanz08 (47)
May 30, 2008 6:28am CST
Which comes first? Friends or Money??
7 responses
@Insung001 (740)
• Philippines
30 May 08
You could lose some friends because of money. You can also lose money because of friends. So, I don't know. Choose your true friends and spend money wisely, and you can have both. That's what I think.
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@Hanz08 (47)
• Malaysia
30 May 08
I think we better have both.....
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
30 May 08
I don't know tough question. Friends come and go but you always need money. I guess I would have to pick money.
@Hanz08 (47)
• Malaysia
30 May 08
pick money first and then find friends.. friends can comes and go ..
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Ask yourself this, how many of your "friends" are truly your friends now? Which ones would be there to pick you up when you fall? Your true friends would not care if you had one dollar or a million dollars.
• Brunei Darussalam
6 Jun 08
But then, when you pick money first, once you have money,for sure you will get many friends, but then how many of them are really your true friends??..
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
30 May 08
Hi Hanz08, If you make money your very very best friend, then the question is solved, and you can live happily ever after. Just look - Donald Trump did it, and see how happy he is! And with a lot of money being friendly in your wallet, you can go down to Walmart any time, and buy as many extra friends as you need. If you find you have too many, take some back to Walmart and get your money back. Either way, you've still got your REAL friends - in your wallet!
@Hanz08 (47)
• Malaysia
30 May 08
good pyhlosoper.... :P...its damn true..
@Mike_yy (28)
• China
30 May 08
friends always my first concern. because mu friends always lend me money. LOL...
@Hanz08 (47)
• Malaysia
30 May 08
LOL... do you always lend your me to tour friends?
• Brunei Darussalam
6 Jun 08
Hahahaha mike, dont treat me as your friend, i dont have any money to lend to you..joking..
• Mauritius
30 May 08
Both friends and money are important in life. If we dont have money we can never make progress in life and friends help them to give us moral support that money cant give.
• Brunei Darussalam
30 May 08
From my past experience,i do think that friends come first..but then money is also important,i mean i rarely hangout with my friends when im broke..hahaha
@Hanz08 (47)
• Malaysia
30 May 08
hahaha.. very complicated....
• Philippines
30 May 08
Friends usually comes first and easily. Then you'll lose some friends because of money. LOL! they say money can also be a measure you can use to see if your friends are really your friends. As the saying goes, "friends in need, friends in deed" Goodluck in finding true friends buddy!
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
30 May 08
This is about sincerety, honesty, faithfulness, truthfulness, appreciation ! To be good friends, one has to be sincere, honest, faithful, truthful, and must appreciate the value of friendship ! To me , friends always come first. Money is something I think about later. But, generally speaking, friendship and money should not tie together at all !