True or not? Is education based only by books?

May 30, 2008 12:54pm CST
Well, I believe that education means more than what you get in school and that it is not only based by the books we used in school like mathematics, science, language and so on.. I believe that you do not have to be an architect, an engineer, a doctor or a nurse to be called an educated person. Knowledge is not only based on books that we read, but in every day life. What i mean is that experience can be knowledge. It can educate a person. Through experience we can be knowledgeable. Through experience we can learn, right? What do you think guys? I wanna hear your view, correct me if I'm wrong.. :)
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29 responses
@pree_6 (434)
• India
30 May 08
i completely agree with u..what books give is a theroetical knowledge and what world makes u learn through experience is gonna come all through your life and its gonna be practical and useful for based by books is not giving a practical knowledge at all..we dont even learn the updated things in schools or colleges ..all over the years same syllabus and books are followed by most of the institutions..the knowledge based on books may be of 10% help to us whereas the rest 90% is what experience makes us learn would show u how you gotta live , your work ,your ambition and what not...experience is the greatest lesson in everyones life..the best teacher for all of us is "experience"...nice discussion..cheers!...have a nice day..
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• Philippines
31 May 08
Thank you, have a nice day too! I thought of discussing this because i knew someone who believe that books is the best teacher at all :)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
30 May 08
On paper I have a complete grade 8 partial grade 9 education..HOWEVER..I am a VERY intelligent and educated woman..Why? I read, I experience, I think/see/feel for myself..I absorb information anyway I can get it..I've lived a very colourful life, met a wide variety of ppl and seen some rather interesting things....I'm naturally EXTREMELY curious and will get as much info and/or input on any subject thats piqued my interest until I'm satisfied... To me personally..Experience IS the best teacher and wisdom, knowledge etc etc can be seriously increased just by listening and paying attention to whats going on around you....books are just a side dish IMO The main course is LIFE..
1 person likes this
• Philippines
31 May 08
wow! you really are an intelligent person.. the way you respond is really amazing :) thank you
• Canada
30 May 08
I think that education is partly based on books, but partly based on experience, too. There's only so much that people can learn from studying. The rest has to be learned from good old fashioned life experience.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
30 May 08
thanks for the response.. I like your point of view.. :)
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@bdugas (3577)
• United States
31 May 08
You can have all the book smarts that you want, but if you have no street smarts, you can still be very ignorant. Yes learning from books is good, but you have to be smart enough to survive in this world, and you do learn through experience, each day is a learning experience, something new to learn each day, if it is only a new word. The world is so big and there is so much out there. I would rather be friends with someone that had good street smarts than someone who has read every book printed.
• Philippines
31 May 08
thank you, i knew someone who is a bookworm, he actually graduated college and now an MBA, but still have no job. :) maybe that's the reason why he's not successful with any of his relationship.. He's a geek, but has the look :)
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
31 May 08
It defintely is more than just reading books. Life is something you learn from everyday. Maybe it's not all about the basics, but you learn humanity, and common sense, things they do not teach in school. You can learn other things from nature like science. Don't get me wrong I love books, and I actually miss school now that I'm not there, I miss learning, but I'm still learning. About life, about other things. You learn whether you are in school or not. Not all people are book smart, but they usually make up for it in another area.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
8 Jun 08
lol, it's fine, I do things like that all the time. Although I agree with you about the tv, I was going to say something about it, but then I forgot, at least you did.
• Philippines
31 May 08
there's one thing you're missing! it's true that there's the learning on books part and experience but you forgot about knowledge from TV! how could you forget!!?? on TV they can explain at the same time show things that are said in books! and somehow you see other people's experience with tragedies and love lifes step by step cooking tips, dance routines, singing and everything... the things you can learn from TV are from books and the other part is life! who said TV sucks the brain out of you! oh yeah.. i forgot to mention internet! internet has everything. heheheh...
• Philippines
31 May 08
oh man! that was supposed to be a response! sorry i can be such a clutz....
@leateagee (3667)
• China
31 May 08
Education is a guideline of what we want to master in life. Education is not just based on books that is why we have "practical" activities in which we have to use the basic knowledge from books and use our common sense on how to apply the theories we have read. Books are records of theories experimented by people ahead of us to give us a guide on how things would usually work. Of Without these books as guidelines we will all be lost and always at the dark. Brain memories fail and the things we created will not speak on how it was made...but books are there to keep a record. Yes, I do agree with you that experience is the best teacher because through experience we are able to manage our life and be more successful. We are able to do this because we were able to apply successfully the theories introduced to us. Experience is a trial and error basis. The books have recorded all these so that we won't have errors anymore when we experience this situation. Education is not based on books alone but also with experience. These two are very important for us to have a succesful life. Take care =)
@leateagee (3667)
• China
2 Jun 08
Thank you so much for voting this response as the "best". I appreciate recognitions such as this. It boosts my confidence to share more and to give good comments. Thank you again. Your post if worth answering. Take care =)
@limcyjain (3516)
• India
30 May 08
I believe that education is a mix of both books and practical experience. One needs to study the books to gain knowledge about doing and managing an activity and then one can begin to give practical shape to ones plans. During this actual process of doing the things one faces problems and then tries to find measures to overcome these problems. It is here that experience counts and one learns from mistakes and tries to adjust the knowledge gained in accordance to ground realities.
• Philippines
31 May 08
thanks you.. I'm really having a hard time to choose who's gonna be marked as best response :) hehehe.. have great day :)
@youless (112922)
• Guangzhou, China
31 May 08
I don't think so. Books are no doubt important for children's education, but it also needs other factors. Such as the practice, the outdoor activities etc. I love China
@klaudyou (501)
31 May 08
Education is imitation of the behaviours of our parents first. This is how we learn the language, the basic activities, the essential things. Education in school is ONE kind of education, the formalized one, in which everybody gets almost the same knowledge base, in order to get along in choosing something in particular for our lives. Well, even in school, not all the education is done by the book...there is a great deal of useful things we learn from our interactions, our relationships, our complimentary activities that we perform. We educate ourselves all our lives, and the value of what we learn by ourselves is not to be underestimated... Don't you have the feeling sometimes that something you learnt by yourself is very very valuable?
• Philippines
31 May 08
thank you :) I agree that it imitates parental's behaviour.. i like your point of view, thank you :)
• Canada
31 May 08
Agreed. Book just teach theories. I know some successful people who don't have much education and are self-taught. However, formal education is very useful because they teach a system of the knowledge. Both theory and practice are important.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
8 Jun 08
I have learned so much in so many manners. Experience, for me, is the best teacher. Also, having to teach someone else about something helps you learn it better. To teach is to learn twice!!!
@cukal6 (146)
• United States
30 May 08
I completely agree with you. While there is an emphasis on schoolwork in our house, we also want our boys to experience everything else that life has to offer. We want them to travel, play sports, anything that they want to do. I truly believe that life experiences are as important as anything you can learn from a book.
• Philippines
31 May 08
oh, thanks for the response.. now i'm having a hard time to look for the best response.. you guys are great! :)
• China
8 Jun 08
I think both knowledge on books and experiences educate people. We learn more knowledge on books when we were at school,while we experience more at work. Knowledge on books are only tools for people to handle something,but the exact dealing methord at work can never be found from books,but from experiences.
• India
2 Jun 08
Never...Education does not depend only on books . It depends on the matter that what we learn in our day to day life also. A person cannot be a learned by reading the books only . But he should be able to analyse the situatuion and how to act to the situation .
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
31 May 08
HI ryshawneo, Your are right of course, the educated person is one who thinks for himself/herself. There is an old term,'book learning', which was once used by some people before the word education was popularized. The whole idea of education if that learning is a life-long process. Blessings.
@ade4real (30)
• Nigeria
31 May 08
you are right education is certainly not limited to what you learn in school,most of the most successful people in this world are not professors or great scholars.there are so many things that will be learned in the practical field of life that will determine your success,things like faith,steadfastness,
@ruby222 (4847)
31 May 08
Our education comes from many different sources...well it does to my way of thinking !...we can study and read,and go to college and university...they are methods of learning..but there are the other ways..watching how others work is a great education,listening to others,and gathering your experiences from life in general.I dont think for one minute that its possible to jump out of college or university and just fall into a job naturally...its a slow process ...and by watching and listening to what happens around you ,you will learn a lot.
@koolkate (241)
• Bahrain
31 May 08
I think that to gain education we need books but experience is necessary too.
@nupats (3564)
• India
31 May 08
Education is not totally in books...being educated means to impliment it in ur life...lot of things abt our lives that we face r not there in the also learns a lot with experience, passing time, age and circumstances of is a never ending process through our lives..we keep learning abt new things that happen..Cheers to life
• Philippines
31 May 08
Well books play a big part to educate people. It is something we look forward to if we get lost about something. Now, we have the internet and people rather rely on the internet for reference and the sorts.. However, if we talk about education like learning from something about life and people, that is not something we don't actually wanna learn from books but based from the happenings and the experiences of our friends, people that we know, and of course ourselves, well at least for me. But books also guides us to what we we do and what steps we have to work on. I hope that helps.. =)