Child Abuse Help...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
June 2, 2008 10:00am CST
Child abuse is becoming a regular occurrence in today’s world unfortunately. Most agencies are overwhelmed by not only the number of cases but the extremes that ppl will go in inflicting harm on innocent kids. Sometimes even kids will abuse other kids. There are lots of 1-800 hotlines to report it, which is a great thing.
I even came across a MySpace profile that helped kids to get help. I thought the idea was great considering how many kids are on MySpace and I still do. There was only one drawback to the profile that puzzled me. About halfway down the page the images started. Graphic, extremely graphic, images of the results of child abuse. Babies that were burnt, bloodied children, young girls in the tattered remains of their underclothes…as soon as I realized what the pics were I had to leave. I couldn’t stand to see it. I know the person is trying to reach out to the kids that need help but why have images like that. I thought of reporting it but at the same may need the help.
When I was in high school I took a lot of child development classes including a full semester covering child abuse. An image that was burned in my mind was of a 2-year-old that was sat on a hot radiator (the kind they used to heat houses with) for wetting their pants. The reference book actually gave a pic of the babies burned bare bottom. That image haunted me for years.
Do you think it helps abused kids to see graphic images of other abuse victims? Would you post graphic pics to get your point across? What do you think is the most affective way to reach kids that are being abused? Would you have reported it or left it for the kids that need it?
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20 responses
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
11 Jun 08
i do think child abuse is terrible... but what can be done to PREVENT it is just as essential!!!! People never notice the parents until they do something terrible to the kids. in this world stay at home moms are ingnored and treated very badly. Jobs wont hire if you cant set your schedule just to their likeing. And counseling is so expensive. Many mothers reach out before "loosing it" and no one comes to help them and no one seems to care because "they got themselves pregnant" or "you got pregnant so u deal with the consequences" "tough luck" ect... I know because i have been through this. I never abused my children but i would hurt myself instead. but I know how it feels to be shut out from the world because of the children then you start to hate the kids. Not that it's the kids fault but that the world has shut you out. I think there needs to be more help for the parents.
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
11 Jun 08
i am not condoning child abuse i swear!!! i am jsut saying there is a glitch in the system and this is why there are so many cases of it.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
2 Jun 08
Remember that saying that says something about a 'picture is worth more than one thousand words?' And the other reminder says 'actions speak louder than words.' Both apply in this instance.
The post sounds valid and helpful for children up to a point. The moment you explained the content of the pictures, red lights flashed in my head.
Because of your experience with one picture, there is a valid argument for displaying these images.
One or two less graphic pictures are sufficient visual aids to encourage children to seek help. The violent nature of the other photos shocked me. My first instinct was "Oh no, a child molester posted these pictures."
I don't think that's the truth, but it was worth mentioning my thoughts, just in case.
If it was me, I would report, depending on the guidelines for that website. Those pictures are so graphic they add more trauma to the trauma those kidsa already carry.
Or, what if the kids are not abused to that violent degree depicted and dismiss their own lesser situations as acceptable behaviour when they should be telling someone.
I have personal experience with this issue and I'm compelled to state my opinions as it feels like a moral obligation to prevent child molestaton.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
2 Jun 08
Maybe a picture of a happy child with his family would reinforce a positive image, rather than shock with a negative image. What if they posted both types of photos_ Abuse pictures and pictures demonstrating a normal family interaction with people smiling. Someone could post a dad or mom holding a child and smiling or hugging them?
Then, the abused child would compare the feelings she carries inside to the feelings the picture captures.
It will help her understand that her family situation is not normal because she wants to feel the emotions of the happy family, not the terror inside of her she experiences
within her family.
Sorry to go on and on. I have to. It's my responsibility.
@KKKBsmom (1092)
• United States
8 Jun 08
I dont know if it really helps those that are abused... but It is to get those that are living in denial to see with their eyes... that it is really happening!!! I just can't imagine someone doing this to a child... but I think it happens daily..
Abuse tho isn't just seen...that is the hardest part to deal with!
@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I would be very weary of someone on myspace "reaching out" to young people. There are so many predators on myspace, and this person could just be using those kinds of photos to make the kids think he/she is legit. Yes I would report this, not to cause trouble but to possibly avoid some missing kids. You know let myspace investigate what is going on, they have the resources to handle it, where as you and I couldn't. They are reporting now that these predators are luring young kids with all kinds of gimmicks, then selling them over seas to work in brothels, that feature children. What sickos we have in this world, but they say, rich men come from all over the world to use these brothels, Dr's, Lawyers, priest etc. Because they can go there and do whatever they want to these innocent kids with no fear of repercussions. SICK!
@jasmine0728 (677)
• United States
8 Jun 08
No I do not think the graphic pictures are right.I also think to an abused child it may frighten them more to report their own abuse if they think their injuries may end up on the internet,it is not fair to the children that this has happened to for them to post their pictures.I think the abuse is enough why further damage them by putting their pictures in books or on the internet how insensitive is that?
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I don't think it's necessary.. If I was in control of the website, I would be expressing help, but also comfort and safety, things like that.. pleasant pictures!
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
3 Jun 08
I don't see how showing kids pictures of other abused children would help them. Maybe showing pictures of kids who are in a better place after being abuse. To me that would be better as it would show them that there is a better life out there.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Could you PM me the link to that..I'm very curious to see what all is on it and what sort of reception this its getting..
As for graphic pics and the necessity or lack of to help ppl...Well I dont think shock value is ALWAYS the way to go ya know...I think that the idea of a page for kids to go to for help, support etc is a great idea BUT from what you've said about this page (I'll have a better feel after I see it though) I think that whomever put it up is goin about it the wrong way...
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 Jun 08
SOme of it might be form the kids themselves of what was done to them nd that might help other kids to get help! what would concern me more is kids that use this to get their parents in trouble that havent done a thig to the kid they are just mad at the parent
@dragonfly242 (1060)
• Bahamas
2 Jun 08
Hi twoey, great post.
I have not seen the profile you are refering to,so i could not judge it.
But i know in some cases a picture is worth a thousand words.
It has been my experience that some people react differently to hearing and seeing, i know i sometimes do.
Child abuse of any kind is horrendous in my opinion, and people should be made aware, by whatever means possible.
While it's difficult to reach kids that are themselves beind abused, we should make ourselves available whenever we have a suspicion, they may just need that person they can talk to or someone to show them that they believe them and care about them. I dont think that i would have reported it, if the person had good intentions. Who knows maybe it reached someone, if it has then that's a good thing.. but like i said i can't judge because i haven't seen it.
@2dogs2cats1fish (9)
2 Jun 08
I think it's very important to use graphics (or at least pictures). Most kids that are being abused (I was one of them) don't use words. To know that someone else out there could possibly be going through the same thing (though heartbreaking) does help. We live in a visual society and sometimes the only way to express yourself is through a picture, because sometimes there are no words to describe how we feel. Being a child of abuse I can normally tell (from one victim to another), but sometimes these kids don't know what's happening to them or that what's happening to them is wrong.
@mommyathome (98)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Wow! That is a tough one. I wouldn't be able to look at those pictures either, but at the same time children react differently to situations. Maybe those pictures will help at least one child seek the help they need and that will be well worth the effort!
@lanyoublue2008 (882)
• China
2 Jun 08
I think we should do some working to tell the parent who abuse the child needing get big published money
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I don't think graphic pics would be helpful to anyone to be honest. I think just keeping out there, getting in the schools, getting to counselors and teachers, etc. that are in contact with the kids and offering free child rearing classes are a few ways to get out there and make a difference. As you said, the agencies created to make a difference are often understaffed, underfunded and overwhelmed.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I don't believe in abusing anyone exspecially children. They are so helpless and rely on us for their needs, emotional and otherwise.
I report abuse when I see it. I don't believe in posting such graphic pictures. I know the person is trying to either prove what they have been dealing with and they are ligit or just trying to get peoples attention or both.
If a child is abused in a certain way and knows someone else has been it might help, also children have in their minds that no one knows what they are dealing with or going through. Posting the pictures lets them know that someone will understand.
I know it's hard to see these things. I'm just glad that no one I know has to go through any of this type of abuse.
There are other types and I know children that are dealing with it. Actually I do know a couple of children that deal with physical abuse and if the DCS and other state agency I and another called would have done something the children would be safe.
Unfortunately they moved, again and I can not report them again. I just hope someone else will know what's going on with these babies and they report it.
So in answer to your question as to whether to report the site. I think it would be okay to do this and the police can find out if they are a ligit place for the children. I'd hate for them to turn to someone for help and in turn have to endure more abuse.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I am with you twoey, I can't stand watching those and will not even appreciaTE people who are posting it just to motivate people to report such incident if ever they know someone or post those pictures to gather people who woll help those kids in any way. If I know someone, I will report it right away to save the kids from a very traumatic and sad treatement. I guess one of the most affective way to reach out those kids is to make the public aware that it will happen anywhere and be sensitive in the neighborhood and report right away!
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I understand that these graphic pictures can be very disturbing ,but sometimes is the only way for people to fight for these kids and for the abusers to get what they deserve.
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I would not be able to look at those pictures myself. I am not sure if that is the way to try to get to kids, there are other forms of abuse than just physical and in their state of mind they might just think it is for physical abuse and not call and get the help they need. With that said though I am not sure how would be the best way to try to get through to the kids.
@vicneedscoffee (1259)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I don't think graphic images would help. Abused children need to know there is help out there and be taught to seek help. Perhaps the authors of the page are trying to show what it can escalate to in an effort to get others to report abuse. I don't know, but if I was being abused I don't think showing me pictures of that would be all that helpful. I would think showing a list of resources available and how to reach them would be more helpful.
The difficulty in reaching kids who are abused is that each child is different. There is no cookie cutter approach that works with every child. They really have to find someone they trust in order to tell them what happened.
As for reporting it or not, it would depend on what else was listed on the page. If there were resources listed that would be helpful. I might even email the page owner and ask what their motive was in posting those pictures.