Have YOU Ever Been Cheated On?
By tessah
@tessah (6617)
United States
14 responses
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Jun 08
The time I remember best, and with fondness I might add, is back when I was single and living with my boyfriend. We used to live in a co-op - each with our own rooms and other room-mates with their own rooms, and decided to get our own place. I was working on a newspaper then and kept some pretty late hours. One night I came home after midnight and without turning on any lights, undressed and collapsed into bed. I turned to spoon with the bf and wrapped my right arm around his chest. It took a second to register that he had develped a lovely set of knockers! I ran my hand down 'his' torso and flank and the penny dropped that I was in bed with a very curvy woman. I slipped out of bed, grabbed a robe and turned on the light. And there was the bf with a girl who used to live across the hall from me in the co-op. They made such a cute pair - her blond and him dark haired. What to do? A couple of cognacs later I crawled back into bed BETWEEN them, took one of her boobs in one hand and his stupid LITTLE head in the other and squeezed! He yelled and jumped out of the bed, she moaned and turned and put her arm across me and so I squeezed harder. Finally the dumb twit woke up and started screaming herself. She got dressed faster than I've ever witnessed a woman get dressed before, and the two of them left. I went to sleep.
The next morning I changed the locks before I went to work.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
4 Jun 08
Oh, I knew you were brilliant! I love it! That was just perfect revenge. No long planning required and the desired result was instantaneous.
Sparks knows how to take care of business! That's my girl. I love ya!
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
3 Jun 08
It's happened to me and it's not the prettiest thing there is even if you say you're liberal and can accept that. It completely discombobolates you and turns your world upside down. What experiment, maybe you should say if it's happened to you too so I can have my own scientific experiment.Lol!
@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
26 Jun 08
My exwife cheated on me a lot, with a lot of different guys or so I'm told. I knew about one for sure and suspected others. I had various friends try to warn me. I was young and stupid then, and actually trusted her and women (okay people) then. I never once have been unfaithful, and I'm sure I never will be, I know how badly it hurts. I refuse to be the other guy as well, cuz it's just not right.
Looking back, I should have probably seen the signs, and I can guess pretty well at who else she probably slept with.
So yeah it happened to me.
@ellie333 (21016)
3 Jun 08
Hi Tessah, Yes I have been cheated on and I would like to add never again. Where do I start the night I actually went into labour instead of the planned ceasarian the following day or the time I discovered a B*TCH in the footwell of the car. They amount to the same at the end of the the day. Or the time the friend moves in with the ex-husband????????????? that amounts to the same really eh! Only in this instance it was her that was cheating. It is all wrong, but I have learned valuable lessons along the way so I guess in a weird sort of way they done me a favour in behaving in this way eh! Ellie:D
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@jensgeukens (373)
• Belgium
3 Jun 08
Hellow, I'm sorry to say but since my english is not so well I still gonna ask you: do you mean "to cheat" in the passive or in the active form?
Actually it doesn't really matter, because I've witnessed them both.
I've once cheated on a girlfriend. It was a hot summer night and me and some friends were on a party. My girlfriend of that time was also there. So while we were partying we saw a group of girls standing not so far from us. Finally we decided to walk over to them and so we breaked the ice and started talking. One of those girls was the most beautiful girl I had seen that particular night. Of course, because we were drinking pretty much, my bladder started to get full and I yelled into the group "Who wants to join me to the toilets?" Above all expectations, the beautiful girl answered "I'll join ya". So when we were walking to the toilets, all of a sudden she started to kiss me! I knew I had a girlfriend but I just could not resist such beautiness. So I cheated on my girlfriend.
Next morning I wasn't feeling guilty at all, I knew that what I had done was wrong, but the only thing I could think about was the girl I kissed. So I told my girlfriend I cheated on her and she broke up.
After the brake up, me and the beautiful girl started to date eachother. We had a relationship for 1 year and 6 months and then she cheated on me.. I never had felt this rotten before, my heart was broken, such emptyness.. but I guess this was the punishment I deserved for what I had done 1 year and 6 months ago..
This all happened 2 years and 5 months ago and however I'm in a new relationship now which is going perfect, I sometimes still miss and often think about the girl I kissed that night.
Strange story maybe, but it all happened for real. Good luck with your experiment!
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
6 Jun 08
I'm a twenty-six year old female, and it's never happened to me before in my life. If it did I would tell the little $hithead exatly what I thought of him, dump him, and then moe on. I don't have time for people who chea.
I have never cheated on anyone, either.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Since its you and its for science I can't say no LOL
I am female (as you know) and yes I've been cheated on...but it wasnt really a major serious relationship and it was long ago and I was more the one to be the woman men were cheating with than the one they were cheating on if that makes sense...In fact come to think of it I've been the mistress many times in my life 

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 Jun 08
My partner often worked away from home. The team of men would stay at a motel for however long the job took, then come home. My partner would ring me every night at 7pm and we would talk about our days happenings and wish each other goodnight.
Late one Saturday night I received a phone call...it was after 11pm and I was a bit unnerved as I answered the phone. There was a woman on the other end, demanding to speak to my partner. She sounded agitated. I was thrown, and just said he wasn't there, could I give him a message and she said no, she'd call back.
I was shocked...she didn't say who she was and I didn't think to ask her. I immediately rang the motel where my partner was staying. The guy on the desk, the motellier, I guess said the phone in his room wasn't answering so he went down and knocked on the door. Still no answer. He said he believed the "boys" were out for the night.
I left a message for my partner to ring me immediately he arrived back at the motel. No matter what the time. He didn't ring me till 10am the next morning.
I was so angry. He had said nothing to me about going out when we had spoken earlier. I wondered how often he did this...ring me at 7 the go out with "the boys". He knew where I was all the time. I realised I didn't have that satifaction. He said we would talk about it when he came home but I had to wait till Friday. I was in shock. Suddenly I was very unsure of myself and my relationship.
She rang again before he came home and this time I asked what she wanted. She said they had met in Wollongong when he was working there and that he had borrowed a book from her. Silly me, I accepted this. I went downstairs where he kept some of his gear and sure enough there was a christian booklet in amongst some other stuff. He came home and told me he had met up with her when they were staying at a pub in Wollongong and he'd been bored and gone to her room to borrow something to read. It didn't occur to me till later that it was NOT the sort of book he would read as he didn't have a religious bone in his body. It also became apparent a bit later that he had contacted her before coming home so he could get his story straight. I think the second phone call from her about the book was thought up to put me off the scent.
He explained his meeting this woman by saying that they met in passing and struck up a conversation because they came from the same city in another state. They were both a long way from home. He said she was a bit of a weirdo.
I accepted everything he said as I had always trusted him and believed in him there was never any reason not to. We had a great life together.
A few weeks later I picked up my diary to check something...we had identical diaries and I had inadvertently picked his up. It FELL open at a page that had a name, address and phone number of a woman who lived about 20 minutes away from us...by the address, I didn't recognise the name. All of a sudden, it hit me. It was the same woman who had been ringing him. It would be very easy for him to call in and see her any time on the way to or from work.
I tried to talk to him. I tried to get him to talk to me. He simply ignored me. He wouldn't admit to anything. I tried to tell him how I was feeling about us; I wrote him long letters. he just made out it was nothing. But he was changing. He was becoming more assertive and was more abrupt with me. He wasn't as loving or as friendly. He still did all the routine things but he was no longer happy to do them. Nothing was said to me directly but he was colder and so I put up the walls. If I left the room, he wanted to know where I was going. Or he would follow me when I left the room. I would either be going to the bathroom, the office or my bedroom. He would offer me a coffee, and get an attitude if I said no. If I later got myself a coffee and offered him one he would make a nasty comment about me being independent.
Things came to a head when his works Christmas party came round. No-one would talk to me and he left me on my own all night while he sat with and had a lot of fun with "the boys". Shortly after, there was a work party organised as a night at the race track and he said he didn't think we would go. At the last minute he said he was going so I made hasty arragements to go visit a girlfriend. This gave him a bit of a shock because usually we did everything together.
I went to my friends and we had a movie fest, falling asleep on her couch. I got home after 2am and he was waiting for me saying he's only gone out for an hour. LOL. He was fuming that I'd gone out and he didn't know where I was...he was always secure in the knowledge that he knew exactly where I was at any given time.
12 months after I received that first phone call, with things getting worse between us, I told him I was leaving. He was furious. I felt much happier to have reached the decision finally.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
4 Jun 08
i have been cheated on. the guy i was dating in high school cheated on me. i still don't know the full details. all i know is he came back from a weekend with his cousin with hickeys all over his neck. his story didn't quite make sense so i'm not sure what happened. he claims he drank too much and passed out and woke up with them on him, but then he kept changing the story of how much he drank and i didn't think it was enough for him to passout. it was enough to destroy my trust in him and after me screwing around on him a few times we finally broke up. my trust is still affected and i've never cheated on anyone else and never will because i know the pain it causes.
@ellie333 (21016)
9 Jun 08
Hi Tessa I have been cheated on twice that I am aware of, once by my husband and once by a longterm partner who was a longdistance lorry driver but the times he was supposed to be away were in fact spent with a woman living in the next road, what annoyed me more was everyone was aware except for her and me, he was that stupid we both had keys to his home and on a night when he thought I was stuck in with the kids I got a sitter and caught him out, myself and the woman ended up getting a cab home together with him having bolted the door so neither of us could get in to give him a grilling, what a wuss. I'm well rid believe me and so is she. Ellie :D
@gemini_rose (16264)
25 Jun 08
Well this is a straight to the point question, if you are wondering why it has taken me four weeks to get around to it, it is because I am still working through my emails from when I went on holiday.
So not sure what experiment for science you were doing, or if it is still going but in answer to your question I have been cheated on, by my hubby and it started in January 06, I found out about it in september 06, day after I had been sterilised to be precise and then it ended christmas eve 06! So there you go!
@lissavalerian (247)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I cheated on someone one time and Karma came back at me royally.
First off, I had this major thing for this particular girl (S). I saw her at the clubs quite a bit. We danced together on occasion, she gave me a ride home once when one of my dates turned out to be a real jerk. She behaved herself quite well in that situation (much to my chagrin) But, she never seemed to return the interest I hinted at toward her. However, one of her friends (W) was interested in me. I blame my next actions on the naivete of youth. I accepted her attentions and we dated for the next few months. It was an okay experience, and it offered me the opportunity to be close to the person that I was truly interested in. It was completely wrong of me to do this and it is not something that I would ever do to someone ever again. We would all often go out and I would find myself flirting with the real object of my affections and then having to refrain. It was completely innappropriate.
One evening when I was supposed to go out with my girlfriend (W) and her friends, she was sick and cancelled, except she had no way to contact me, so ... she sent her friend (S) over to tell me. Probably not a good idea. So, this friend came over to break the news to me. So here I was all dressed up, ready to go out, and no where to go. This person stayed, we chatted ... and well ... one thing led to another. Long story short, for the next month I juggled a relationship between the two of them. It was intense, risque, fun, exciting, all of the things you'd imagine a "secret" affair to be.
But, I felt incredibly guilty and could not bear knowing that I was misleading/mistreating this girl (W), so I did eventually confront her and confess what was happening. There was a bit of drama, crying, etc. I continued to date the one girl (S) for a few weeks or so, and then the other girl came back around (W)... I'm not really sure that I understand what happened next, except to say that somehow, I had them both convinced that *they* were the "other woman" so as to not say anything to each other ... it was quite a dramatic month for me, until everything came crashing down. The first girl (S), who was the one I truly and really liked, took me to a gathering, at which she started flirting pretty heavily with someone else in a thoroughly public setting and by the end of the night they drove me home, while THEY went off somewhere else. Full public humiliation for me. Ahhhh, the irony. I was the fool.
I was the idiot who tried to have it both ways, when this girl was really the person that I wanted in my life (or so I thought).
I had hurt W by cheating, and S hurt and humiliated me in a very public way by cheating. It was complete karmic retribution. In some bizarre turn of events, S was cheated on by her new flame, and months months later, we ended up reconnecting, and started everything out on new footing. That created a new relationship that lasted about 3 years, passionate in the beginning, until we drifted apart and eventually went our separate ways.
Thats probably the most dramatic example of cheating that I can think of to share. I can tell you though that nearly every single relationship that I had been involved in, prior to my current one had started out with some kind of cheating on the part of the other person, an issue that we had to deal with, that I tried to work through and accept and move past. (Tho in retrospect, I realize that I should not have been so blindly accepting and forgiving)
In my current relationship, my partner was cheated on by her prior girlfriend - and it was a pretty ugly scene. My wonderful partner is probably one of the most incredible people I have ever known - and one of the most sincere and genuinely honest people I have ever known. We have talked at length about the issues of cheating, and we are both on the same page. I have learned my lessons and will never cause anyone that kind of grief ever again - I truly believe in karma and I got a full helping of that in my own experience. My partner is the kind of person who believes in complete honesty and doesn't even know HOW to lie if she tried. I think that was one of the things that drew me to her in the first place, that pure honesty that seems so rare.
I couldn't dare cause her the kind of grief I caused (W) way back when, or the kind of grief I saw her go through as she was dealing with the cheating that was happening with her prior girlfriend. I love her way too much.
How is that for long winded? There are more examples from other relationships and such, but I'll save those for another post. Whew.