How Rude!

@dizzblnd (3073)
United States
June 3, 2008 11:57am CST
I just came from the lobby inside the bank. Because it's the beginning of the month, everyone's checks are in and the banks is VERY busy. I was standing in line behind a teenaged boy maybe 16-17 tops. He had a hat on and was listening to his Walkman VERY loudly. I could hear that it was the speed metal type crap. He was shaking his head violently to the music. I thought he was convulsing. Turns out he was just really into whatever noise was deafening him. Anyway, it was SO loud, one of the bank representatives had to tell him to turn it down because it was a distraction. She also told him to remove his hat before he gets to the teller. (The sign on the door that has been there for over a year asks to reomove hats, sunglasses helmets etc.) He says "since when can't I wear my hat in here. . The rep politely pointed out the sign and told him its been over a year that its been there. He turned down the music, but continued his convulsion. When he got up to the teller, he only removed one of the ear pieces and continued to bang his head while answering her questions. She asked to remove his hat. He said "what?" She asked to to remove his hat and the ear piece so they can communicate without any misunderstanding. He took his hat off of his sweaty head, and yanked his ear piece out. I couldn't believe it. When he was done, he tugged his hat back on, pt his ear piece back in.. stoiped to his truck, and peeled out of the parking lot. We were all baffled How you ever seen such rudeness in a bank or anywhere like this?
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23 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I avoid the bank as much as possible, because it is always so slow. I have however had rude people at the drive "thru" and these people will put up with the car radio so loud I don't know how the person taking the order can hear them. They don't turn it down. I have also been at the carry out and the person in front of me is talking on the cell and trying to buy a hundred different lottery tickets, then upset because the clerk didn't get the numbers correct. I am not that old but now I am going to sound old, what is happening to people now a days? I don't ever remember such rude people when I was a kid. I don't remember being so disrespectful as a teen.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Unfortunately, times have changed. Society has changed. This generation of teens is the ME generation. They think they are entitled to it all. We couldn't get away with half the crap because our parents cared. It is very sad.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
11 Jun 08
So very true!
@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun 08
It's the new generation. Manners have all gone out the window.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
3 Jun 08
It is such a shame too. My teens aren't perfect by any means, but I know they know how to act in public and be respectfuls to others around them. I have taught them that.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun 08
I know. It's sad to see kids (good kids) trying to act like the bad ones. By this I mean dressing sloppy, playing loud music to get attention, etc. Peer pressure has come to an all time high. And for what? I just don't understand what some of these kids are thinking!
• India
4 Jun 08
The teller can thank her lucky stars that he didn’t lecture her on his ‘freedom to do this & this’ and his ‘rights’ whatever they are! Teenagers these days are really a baffling lot. I just cant understand what there problem is. Their body language, their clothes, their swagger, their vocabulary, the nonchalant shrug of the shoulder…I just feel like giving them one tight slap but I dare not! I think even their own parents dare not. And I really fail to understand what exactly does the term ‘cool’ mean! I see such types everyday everywhere…shabby clothes, torn jeans, midriff baring tops, lopsided hats, dangling sidebags, cheap sunglasses and watch, dirty sneakers, one ear perpetually on the mobile, the other to the walkman…yet they want acceptance from the world around them. And when they don’t (as is natural) the don’t hesitate to use the filthiest language and the rudest attitude. They are just not bothered about whom they are talking to and what they are talking about. My own son is 8 and soon would join the teenage brigade…I shudder from now on to think what I would do with him!
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I know... they look like idiots don't they? I don't get it either. I look back on myself at that age and can remember how cool I 'thought' I was.. now I am ashamed. I guess we all go through it. I just hope they grow up better adults than they are teenagers.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jun 08
much too often as teenagers these days do not 'seem to have been taught any manners at all. One was driving and had to stop because I was crossing on the pedistrian green light. he had all the rock paraphenila plus his car radio was blastin, he leaned his head out and yelled, old lady cant you walk any faster, now mind you I still had the green light and he could not go. I yelled back, cant you be patient any faster young idiot? he did shutup. after I got across he peeled rubber and turned the same direction I was walking.' the idiot sped past the police station and zoom he was stopped by a very irate police officer. I stopped and watched the whole thing. the officer said, I heard you at that cross walk, you were being a rude insolent brat and now you sir are getting a ticket for speeding and endangering pedistrians lives. I wanted to yell hurray for you. but didnt of course.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I would have gone over and hugged that police officer. I am glad he was there to witness the crap you had to deal with. Kudos to the police officer! I am sorry you had that experience though. That sVcks!
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
good day, I think it is not the place at all but the person. I don't know where most of the younger generation's respect for others is going to..maybe down the sink. With this kind of attitude I don't know if the world gonna change for the better. I mean how many youngster now would offer their seat to older people, woman in the bus? How many of them would offer their help to people in the street carrying heavy bags? I don't our national hero said that the future of our country would be in the hands of the younger generations. But with this kind of generations I don't think so. I do hope we can change that, that school can revitalize their behaviour towards respect and honor.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I don't know how its gonna change for the better either. With the self-entitled youth, it is very scary to think of our future. I have seen my teenage son when he didn't know I was around. He was very respectful and helpful. It made me feel good knowing that at least SOME of what I have taught him he remembers and displays properly even when he doesn't have to
@aplaza (630)
• Netherlands
4 Jun 08
Well I am sad to say that I have. It is probably something that is going on all over the world. What I do think is a bit scary is that these people will one day - in the not so far future - become deaf. I don't know about everybody else but I suspect that being deaf is not cool. Even with hearing aids becoming smaller and even available in bright colours it still won't be cool. Too bad that these people who are in their own world of noise don't realise that and the consequences of it too.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Yeah.. being deaf doesn't really appeal to me at all either. As teens of all generations, they are sure these things just can't happen to them. It's a shame we are forced to put up with it
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
3 Jun 08
It is rude and his parents would probably fall over if they saw their son acting that way. I never have seen anything like that in a place like that, but have seen some weird behaviors coming from our teens. It is scary that these kids will be leading us one day.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
3 Jun 08
OMG Bob... I completely forgot that fact. It IS a scary thought that these kids are our future. I just hope they straighten up and fly right before it is too late. I guarantee you, if I knew his parents, they would have gotten an earful... it still takes a village.....
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• Canada
8 Jun 08
Oh, I hate people like that!!! We don't have "remove your hat" policies at our banks here in my part of Canada, but the fact that you had a SIGN that had been there for a while, says a lot. If the sign was there, tere would be no problem. I agree with that. You described the kid so well, I almost forgot where I was, and looked around for a teenager to smack. LOL I would have made him turn down the music, too.
@twallace (2675)
• United States
4 Jun 08
It sounds like this young person was not there. The music took over all of the senses of the youngster and that was the problem. I have been out of it listening to music to the point that i was disconnected from what was going on around me. I know this was annoying but that happens now a days. YOu will see that more often now that music is so portable.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I get into my music as well... but I have, as I am sure must of us have, the ability and common sense to figure out when/where it is acceptable and when to turn it down. Common sense is lot in most teenagers I think
@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I actually work in a bank. Most people that come in are fairly pleasant. We have signs all over asking them to remove hats, sunglasses, etc as you mentioned and we also have signs requesting customers not to talk on cell phones while in the bank. Nonetheless, I constantly get customers on their phone. I am trying toask them a question three or four times politely before I start to get a more forceful tone. We are supposed to be extremely nice to all our customers, but sometimes it's hard. Especially when they are rude. I usually get the manager. I have worked in bars and restuarants as well as grocery stores and in retail, adn some people are just rude. I've seen MANY rude people. I can't even remember half the stories and would be typing forever if I chose to share them! It's sad and frustrating, but it's life I guess.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
10 Jun 08
The teller also commented that cell phones were a no-no. I was guilty of that one last week. I try NOT to be on the phone in public when I have to deal with people or with others around me. Who wants to hear my crap. I don't have an excuse for that, but I did keep my voice very low so as not to disturb anyone (I hope), and when it was my turn, I made sure I hung up the phone. I am a phone Customer Service rep. I deal with construction workers all day long who talk to others, on the radio or cell phones.. all the while while I am trying to info from them about where they are digging so they don't electrocute their stupid selves when the begin digging. It is VERY annoying, I will tell them (If you would like to call me back later when you are finished with your other conversations, I will be glad to put your ticket on hold" Usually, that stops it, but not always. It is just a matter of respect to deall with the one person YOU initiated the conversation with. Drives me CRAZY
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
3 Jun 08
Wow, that was rude. I can't blame them for wanting hats removed. I'm sure that having a hat can conceal features from the cameras in banks, plus could hide the color and styling of hair. They want to be able to identify someone if something goes badly wrong - like a bank robbery. Boy... When I was a kid, all men took off their hats when they entered any building. Without being asked.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
10 Jun 08
That's what she told him. I guess at that age common sense and courtesy is not yet ingrained. Times certainly have changed. All we can do is try to raise our kids right.
• United States
4 Jun 08
Yes I have and they think it's cool to be this way when it's not. I don't find anything cool about it and they personally need to grow up for they are acting immature. At this age they think they rule and noone else matters that they can do what ever it is they want to do when they can't we all must follow the rules no matter how young such as himself being 16-17 yrs. old. One day reality will catch up w/ him and he will see that he can't be like this in public for he will see what a fool he really made himself out to be.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Don't get me wrong.. I can remember being a teenager, thinking I ruled the world, walking in the middle of the street, making cars go around us. But we lived in such a small town (still live here, but its MUCH bigger) I couldn't get away with anything. I still believe it takes a village to raise a child, however, because a lot of people don't think that way, we have a kids acting in a way that we would have been smacked for when we were being raised
• India
3 Jun 08
Oh..That was really a disgust I ve nvr seen any such thing tho but m sure the world's full of such spoilt brats They really need one hell of a teaching..Somethin not physically harsh but still somethin that they wont forget
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
3 Jun 08
It is a sad sign that there are more and more of these kids that think the world owes them everything. It is a shame their parents aren't around to teach them the proper way to act in public
@tuyetmai (30)
• United States
3 Jun 08
I don't have any experience in the bank but I have a bad experience with the movie rental place. This is a Vietnamese rental, when I arrive the place for renting. I try to get the movie I like and getting outta there because I was in a hurry. I give the lady who work their my number of file so she can record the movie, she said to me that "wait" while she don't do anything. I then stand 15 minutes while stand starred at her. After that there was another costumer walk in, as long she saw them she jump toward that person and asking for help? I was so mad and tell her I was there first. She then go to me and give me my movie and then I walked out. I don't really know that I do that wrong or not but she do lost my temper.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
3 Jun 08
What a horrible experience! It is too bad people don't understand that is is ALL customers that bring in money, and not just ones they select. I don't thing you reacted in a wrong or bad way. I may have made a bigger scene, or just walked out.
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I think rudeness like that goes back to the home. If his parents had taught him better surely he wouldn't have acted that way. Some people really have a lot of nerve don't they??
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
4 Jun 08 is everywhere. it used to be considered simple manners for a man to remove his hat when entering a building but not anymore. I work in the public and I can't tell you how many come in and have ipods or cell phones to their ears. It is rude and distracting.
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
opppsss i didnt know my brother was looking at my computer! im so sorry about the way he replied!
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
nope acctually.. if that guy is here i think we might have kidked his a s s for doing such!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
4 Jun 08
People are rude everywhere. That is just a fact of life. I can't stand people sometimes and I usually always work around them. So I encounter some kind of rudeness daily- and to make it worse- drunken rudeness.
• United States
4 Jun 08
Honestly, the lack of time to be home while juggling work and the social lives of the children mixed with parents fighting battles around the world, the young people have had a huge lack of stability, much less manners instilled in them. "Baby Boomers" were disciplined and now, a spanking is child abus and reportable. This puts the patients in a tough spot. We should take a lesson from the whipping in China.